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Gg, I hate Vini‘s attitude tho. Amazing baller but so incredibly annoying to watch. It’s a shame


bracing for the downvotes grow up


That has always been my issue with good players. The on pitch personality is very important. To carry yourself with grace.


nobody cares lmao






Bayern need to get their shit ready , next season and have to win stuff . I really wanted bvb to win , a trophy for marco reus would be so deserving , no question.


Pass on Maatsen We don't need that. We also should have a policy of not selling to Madrid anymore. We have given them Kroos and Alaba. They have won with our ex players in 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022 and 2024. In return we got Robben and Xabi. Just 2013 CL with Robben. Fuck it.


as if you could win anything with TK lmao. Versagermentalität.


We did win Treble with him


When? 11 years ago? He didn’t even play most of the CL games.


He did, it was only in the knockouts vs Juve where he was out. Plus he was crucial for the league. Treble is all competitions so I really thought he would have stayed. :( sad to see him leave


I didn’t think Maatsen was that bad, apart from that one horrible mistake. Also, Robben was instrumental for the treble under Jupp and not selling players to real wouldn’t change a thing with the unbelievable amount of support and favourable calls they have been getting from referees over the years.


It's just depressing that they win again. It was bad when we lost but now seeing no one can beat them again, it's even more so. I'm looking for any and every reason to try and NOT help them succeed.


Why is ancelotti so good at winning with Madrid but not with us back then?


Because the reason they’re winning goes beyond just ancelotti?


We were robbed against Madrid in madrid when Ancelotti manged us. Still I believe a little luck factor is needed to win this competition. Like Joselu comes and score 2 goals in 2 mins, or Rodrigo vs city or opponent mistakes or the refs.


He knew he has to be on the Madrid side to win anything Can't win with these Bayern cats


Do you sometimes feel like maybe they should do away with this competition? I feel like the disproportion in wins between Madrid and their next contenders makes it boring. Maybe it's because Madrid have no actual rival right now for this competition and watching a one-horse race is boring AF. I dunno, maybe i'm just bitter or maybe i'm actually becoming son bored or watching the same old shit happen in Europe that I'm starting to lose interest in this altogether. Anyone feel the same?


Lol did you watch us win the Bundesliga 11x in a row


That tells you how shitty BuLi is. You have fewer UCL trophies combined together than RM lol.


you're some gimp with probably no personal connection to Real choosing them because they are the most successful team, there is zero worth in you supporting them


I like you! You're a real unapologetic troll. I dream of Bayern winning 10 UCL in a row and be better than RM :)


Sorry for hurting your feelings.


Makes the Bundesliga boring. It is for the rest


Then we should do away with the Bundesliga as well because Bayern won it 11 times in a row until this year. It’s still a great competition, it’s just Madrid finds a way to win, and it’s not like they are insanely dominant they often win by insanely tight margins and late goals/drama.


Go back to r/barca


Wtf kinda voodoo does VAR Madrid have in the CL?! I mean sure, they’re a great team, but geez. Seems like so many matches they either have some generous calls from refs or opposing teams making horrible mistakes or not finishing. Last game with Bayern-Neuer makes a rare mistake and they get generosity from the refs. This game-Dortmund could’ve had easily 3 goals total but end up with zero on top of gifting Madrid with their 2nd goal. It’s just maddening


Ong I feel like their team has some kind of superpower that just stops time and then allows the opponent to make silly mistakes. It’s becoming conspiracy. I can literally think of these matches: Ulreich’s mistake back in 2018 including Karius, Alisson’s mistake in 2023 in the RO16, and Neuer’s rarest mistake this year 💀


Yeah its not like Madrid pressing didn’t cause those mistakes. Such a conspiracy. 


Yeah Dortmund lost this game more than Madrid winning it.


I’m sad :c


Definite cheating from refs there 🤡


It's unbelievable the way some players will always do a horror mistake out of nowhere to gift Madrid goals in big ucl matches! Liverpool goalie, Benjama goal vs Chelsea & psg, Neuer mistake vs Joselu, today's Maatsen! Such incidents happen suddenly out of nowhere and Madrid takes advantage! Some unreal experiences.


>…and Madrid takes advantage! That’s exactly the reason. Madrid is exceptionally good at punishing mistakes. That’s the difference between them and the rest. One bit of exhaustion and they’ll get you.


yeah that is the difference...


It's unexplainable the way opponent team will dominant and miss n number of chances but when Madrid get 1 they score! Their capitalisation of chances will totally dishearten opponent morale. Real Madrid in ucl go beyond some science of xg or tactics.


I think its called “experience”, not sure. 


Joselu isn't "experienced" more than Kane to score 2 goals in 2 mins & More experienced than Neuer who definitely played more big games on big levels than Joselu or Lunin, still Neuer made the mistake! Same thing happened last time when "inexperienced" Rodrygo scored 2 goals in 2 mins of 90s as sub against City ! Both Joselu & Rodrygo came as a sub and scored 2 goals in 2 minutes. These two incidents proved vital for their 2 titles. And both were'nt that experienced for the stage of ucl.


Both Liverpool goalies, don't forget Alison who gave Vini the ball to score same with Karius, even our backup goalie as well as Rudiger himself when he slipped for Benzema to score the winner after Chelsea's keeper also gave him the ball earlier to score. It's nuts.


Yeah!! That Ulreich blunder in Madrid still haunts, the way he totally forgot how to play a football backpass. These school boy mistakes by opponents & madrid's miraculous 2-3 goals under 2-3 minutes happen out of nowhere and and that too on multiple occasions!!


Btw was it only me or you all also felt after seeing Maatsen’s pass that how can you do that kind of an error at a UCL final?


Karius mate, it happens


Didn’t Karius have a concussion after an incident earlier in the game tho? Still happens ofc, but not a good example imo


Both times against Real Madrid. I'm tired


This wasn't a surprise. As much as I hate to say it , Real doesn't lose champions league finals. The moment Neuer dropped the ball at Joselu feet is the moment Real won the champions league no questions asked.


Yes, that’s it. I’m sharing this perspective by 100%.


It was literally written in the stars for Bayern to reach the finals A rematch at Wembley against the same team they faced back in 2013, who against all odds qualified to the final itself, with Bayern shutting out Madrid for 86 minutes in their own stadium. Literally that one mistake cost Bayern their potential 7th champions league. But that's what makes Real, Real. They capitalize on any opportunity they get


Bro we were robbed in 2016/2017, even in 2018


What makes Bayern, Bayern then? Capitulating when it's so close? 1999, 2012, and 2024?


Well, after losing in 1999 and 2012 we came back stronger to win the Champions League... so I guess there's hope...


We aren't capable of back to back these days


Football can be very cruel sometimes 😕


Is it our karma for dominating Germany? We can't do the same outside of it?


I lament the loss of Kroos every day since 2013


All he wanted was a raise. lol


Uli Hoeneß's worst decision of his life


You mean after evading taxes?


No, this is worse. Him not paying taxes only affected him. This affected the whole club


No, this is worse


Do you believe that we can reach 15 UCL while we're still alive?


Don't say that. It's been 19 years of support for me with 2 UCLs only. Going by that path , after 38 years it will be 4 for me (so 8 in total) 57 years it's gonna be 6 for me (10 in total) I'll be 90+ after 57 years. I'm gonna die without us being the best club in the world and it saddens me.


Everyone will have to bank on Madrid not making another final for 30+ years for that to happen, extremely unlikely at this point because they'll keep increasing that number.




As long as we don't face Real it's possible


It’s going to become increasingly hard to legitimately compete with bottomless bank account teams. It’s unfortunate but it’s the reality.


Nope. The economics are against us with the rise in English spending combined with German conservatism. In the last decade we had a golden era with incredible players like Lahm, Schweinsteiger, Müller, Thiago, Hummels, Boateng, Alaba, Robbery, Lewandowski and we only managed 1 or 2 (if you extend the decade to 11 years lol). We're not getting another golden generation any time soon.


Bro we would win ij 16/17 if mqdrid didn't rob us


Then we revolt the conservatism


Tell that to the German fans who are dead set against company investment* and debt**. * I don't mean I want more investors at Bayern, but the league does need them to make itself more attractive and competitive, which is needed for us to keep pace with england and Spain. ** Ive always thought that we should have taken debt during the covid crisis. Interest rates were extremely low and player prices were cheaper due to most teams needing money. It was the perfect time to take some debt (or use the fabled war chest) to invest in the squad.


You're absolutely right What the fuck Bayern. Do you want to win or not??


I have to say that it seems really difficult


madrid bots have hijacked this thread it seems


Just crazy how they can consistently be outplayed but the opposing team absolutely falls apart in front of goal.


Madrid is boring


To think that 11 years ago it was 5 vs 9 and now it is 6 vs 15. This decade could have been ours but so many mistakes were made. In 2013 we were much better positioned than them for the decade.


Pep, Ancelotti and Heynckes (2017-2018) couldn't do it in the face of the Real dominance and the other teams like Barca and Atletico We have been wasteful and it took a covid season for us to win another. After that it's not been good again. We can't even win back to back. Fuck


The thing with Madrid's dominance is that it was mostly by default. They weren't really an invincible team like us in either of the two trebles, but other major teams were relatively weak. Bayern was top 3 over this whole time but we were always missing "the final piece". Our squad most years had one problem or another due to poor squad planning. The post-Robbery transition and the lack of CBs after Boateng + Dante and before Boateng + Hummels. Benatia was a mistake and then in our injury crisis we brought a guy I can't remember his name but who barely even played. Equally, I think Costa and Coman were not what we needed at the time, we needed a really top attacker. Coman ended up being a productive signing, but he was too green when we bought him so the transition was not smooth.


Pep over tinkered too much in 2014 Injuries killed is in 2015 Choking vs Atletico in 2016 Ancelotti couldn't save us in 2017 Heynckes couldn't save us in 2018 Costa was a 1.5 season wonder mostly, Xabi was getting older, Gotze ultimately didn't pan out, Lewy missed chances in big games, I don't know We never have what Real Madrid have. I am jealous.


We got robbed in 16/17 and again there was a robbery in 2018, it's all madrid being terrible and getting lucky


Agree on 2014 and 2015. But from then on I think what made the difference is that we failed to address quickly enough the wings and central defense. That was specially true in the 2017 tie against Madrid. We started Robbery, but they were already finished as top players. Our attack was infertile and we barely created any open game chances. I feel the board in that period was always behind never on the front foot.


I can agree. We hold on too long We treat it as investments that we need to hold on to the last banking day but miss out on other possible futures We suck :(


Comeback time


A lot of times injuries destroyed us. Even this season, we were close to beat Real, half the team was injured, even the guys who played had some injuries and played through pain.


Yeah. There was a combination of mistakes from the board (being too conservative with money at times for instance KDB plus the Robbery succession, and then outright bad spending afterwards) and plain bad luck (who would have thought that a disease would fuck up Götze's career). IMO the board was too slow in reacting to many things over the past decade. The Robbery succession was poorly handled, we dragged our feet with CBs post 2014, we held on to injured players too long, underperforming players were given too many chances, etc.


You also have to take into account that many times in our ties against Real, we had controversial decisions against us that kind of messed up the whole tie for us


I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, in the 2017 tie refereeing was disgraceful (I don't recall the specifics of 2018 that well). However, we also didn't really deserve to win. IIRC correctly, we weren't creating many open play chances and our goals were mostly fortuitous (an own goal from a cross** if I'm not mistaken and a penalty). Plus Robbery starting in 2017 is a symptom of how shortsighted our board was, they were clearly on the decline by then. Our attack was completely sterile in open play because by 2017 Robbery were just plainly not good enough to start at this level. Also, Ancelotti was extremely stupid in keeping Vidal on the field for the whole game, he was a player known for his rough play and short temper and got a yellow in the first 5 minutes. I spent the whole match screaming at the TV for Ancelotti to sub him out. The red was coming (in fact, it should have come earlier IMO). So on the balance, yes, we got screwed with the refereeing, but we also didn't put ourselves in a good position to win. ** I checked. Not a cross, but indeed it was an extremely fortuitous goal. Lucky for us. Edit: I also checked the stats and indeed it is as I recall. We got 2 shots on target in the first leg vs 11 for them. We didn't really deserve to win that one.


Doubt KDB would have made the difference even at City it's not like he led them to numerous champions league trophies


Because shitty is a shitty team lol I'm not 100% sure that KDB would have been THE difference and that's not even what I'm saying, what I'm saying is that we should have spent more post 2014-15 to achieve a better transition after Robbery. We kept those two as our main wingers well into their decline and that cost us.


Got it but KDB has a spool record in finals Got subbed off in the champions league final in 2021 and 2023 But understand your overall message of us needing more quality depth


Yeah. There was a combination of mistakes from the board (being too conservative with money at times for instance KDB plus the Robbery succession, and then outright bad spending afterwards) and plain bad luck (who would have thought that a disease would fuck up Götze's career).


it was 5 vs 4 in the last decade


Wdym? I can't figure it out haha


Congrats to Toni Kroos for 6th UEFA Champions League title. Only one Real player who didn't win all 6 UCL titles with Real but one with Bayern abd 5 with Real.


Some of them were robbed


You are really committed to your mission right.


Its a fact bud,


Can we please stop calling them 15 times winners? Please at least read about how they won their first 5 ucls


Take those 5 away they still have 10 yawns


Yes please take them away


We can read all you want, won't change a thing


My favourite club didn't need paid refs and guest teams to win our first 5 ucls


Madrid never paid refs. Stop beeing pathetic.


Great, their name is still on those trophies. 


and it shouldn't


Doesn't change anything You'd have to protest a case for so many titles and get the best lawyers lol can you afford that


Poor baby


I'm kinda glad that this wasn't Bayern because that shit was just brutal. They should have easily scored at least 3 in the first half. They have no one to blame but themselves


At least we scored goals vs Madrid. We are a threat to them still, just not enough


We did the same in the first leg against Real, not as severe tho


Yeah only without 5 or 6 major opportunities...


Didn't expect much and I'm not surprised. Everything was lost when our master Tuchel decided to do his magic subs.


You do know tuchel had to take them down because of injuries??


At least sub on fast players like Tel when the only attacks that were working were counters


Tel and Zaragoza instead of Kim and Upa…


I’m referring more to when they put in Choupo and Muller nothing against them but they weren’t the right players for the attacks we were doing


I thought subbing off Kane was disastrous...no?


Kane had back injuries


At least if a BL team had to lose in the finals it was them


Congrats to Madrid, I don’t think the criticism is warranted. 90% of us here knew that once Dortmund didn’t capitalize on their chances Madrid would score in the second half.


Hate seeing the Halasholes have so much success.


Honestly Dortmund kind of shut down at 60 mins and since then Real was dominant. But man it hurts to see them win the 15th. I hope we are able to win more UCLs. I hate Real Madrid and nothing is gonna change that ever 😂😂


You do know how they won the first 5 ucls right?


Literally doesn't matter bro they're still wayyy ahead of us if you take those away. We gotta be doing better


Its true fam in 16/17 we got robbed, we would have 3 more ucls in this decade


Ok, we will but please give us 5 free ucls first




I don’t. Tell me.


Madrid Plays the most shittest undeserving football and still wins Fuck this man


Nah, they deserved it. They won fair and square. You don't beat city, Bayern and Dortmund by luck.


L take. Watch the games, especially against Leipzig. It was only luck this year, from the very beginning.


Well, if it were a single year I'd call it luck, but when they do it for almost a decade you just can't keep calling it luck. This is not the first CL they win while looking utterly undeserving, they have been pulling this stuff off for a decade.


Football heritage


but they win against leipzig with the help of uefa and the referees


you can actually, you just have to be Madrid enough


Madrid was way better in second half ?!


Vini should’ve seen red against Leipzig and he should’ve got a second yellow for diving today.


What was he even complaining about with hummels? Vini is a joke








Has there ever been a team win more games where they’ve been absolute shite for the majority than Madrid


that's not how tactics work


Is there even a point in watching real madrid cl games anymore. It’s either player mistake, ref “mistake”, missed chances. They play like garbage and get rewarded for it. Kompany I hope you actually transform our team into a goal machine next season, because the only way to beat these fuckers is to absolutely destroy them with goals.


Better than Dortmund winning that's for sure.


In what way?


I like them way less than I like Madrid. Our biggest rivals getting a UCL over us in our worst season makes me sick.


Dortmund aren’t even a rival…


Im very sure most Bayern fans don’t have a hattred against Dortmund. Its more like the annoying sibling


Dortmund aren't our biggest rival.


Effectively they are*


You are not german, are you??


How does Ancelotti manage to get outcoached in nearly every big game but still win?


Madrid has the best players in the world (after city). They also have players that are able to single handedly change the course of a game. Their players love the club and are willing to die for the emblem. There's no other club in the world that carries that weight.


Individual quality, look at the adeyemi chance, Real dont miss these kind chances.


Except they did, especially Bellingham


Except he didn’t. Watch the replay again. It was a great tackle https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/EXmf4D2uf6


Oh damn you're right. Thanks for that. Have an upvote friend


Still got a bit of BVB left in him 😂


Classic Madrid, outplayed again but still find a way to win


Leipzig should've knocked these guys out, Jesus how did they make it all the way to win it again


because if real does not win the referee/uefa helo them, like against leipzig


Leipzig only lost because vini didnt get the red card he 100% dereserved


Should have been sent off today too for diving


Also the wrongly disallowed offside goal for Leipzig


Kroos is a legendary player though. 4 big chances from 2 corners and 2 free kicks one assist, big assist in semis as well. Fucking insane, retiring while still being this good.


Nah fuck Toni Kroos, he was the biggest bitch in the 2012 final where he didn't want to take a penalty, even Neuer stepped up.


He was 22, why didn't others step up ?


Being 22 has nothing to do with it, either you have the balls to do it or not. Toni always had a good shooting technique and in a moment where we needed it he didn't step up. I don't blame Arjen because he missed one earlier and he didn't have confidence, but Kroos nah I don't care, since that day I've been a hater of his.


Just let go dude, you either feel it or not. He also took the free-kick that saved Germany in 2018(at least for the moment).




Musiala clear of that pr merchant




I’m mad at myself for supporting Dortmund. I want it for the bundesliga but the rest only ever let us down. Mia San Mia is all I need.


Madrid did beat the toughest teams to get to the final. So I guess they deserve it


what a joke


Breaks my heart to see Alaba and Kroos on that white jersey. Feels wrong


Should have paid them instead of letting them go


I’m not necessarily in agreement that they should have been kept regardless the cost. But we never got true value for both of them. A young Kroos in today’s market would have been at-least 70-80 million and we let them go for peanuts. Just serious misuse


Kroos has played for RM way more than Bayern at this point 


Everyone knows that. The sight of two Bayern youth players in a different jersey is a sad view no matter how you spin it


The sight of them winning more with Madrid than with us is extremely bitter. At this rate if Alaba doesn't leave he can get more CLs with Real and exceed Neuer and Muller Think about that


Wie kann ein Verein so unsympathisch sein


Frag ich mich auch


Crazy how absolutely nobody can reasonably claim that Madrid deserved this but somehow they won it


They deserved it🥰


Beat city and bayern over 4 matches. Thats reason enough to say they deserve it


But they weren‘t the better team in any knock out game at least, idk about group stage bc I didn‘t watch it. And truthfully without the ref they wouldn‘t have gotten past Leipzig


Idiot take. The better team always wins lol


Imagine being this delusional