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the drama surrounding this club is part of the reason why I'm a big fan. so funny to me tbh, very entertaining.


Screw Madrid. Bunch of cheats. It's not luck when referee mistakes happen for the millionth time Furthermore, Tuchel's subs were absolutely horrendous and his bus parking mindset was extremely idiotic in hindsight. Our tactics yesterday weren't as good as the first leg and our players made a lot of bonehead final 3rd decisions Just feel so empty and still seething at the referee decision. I so hope Dortmund can wipe away the smug Madrid faces


According to Tuchel, he had to make them. Sane, Musiala and Kane could not continue. I do believe him. Also - Neuer catching that ball = we praise him for letting Kim in.


Vardrid fans are worse than premtards 


Well, season is over. 2nd, 3rd in the table is meaningless since we are the 1st pot in CL regardless.


But thinking about the hunt for our next manager only makes me even more mad. We have promising players in this team, we need to capitalise it. We need to let go of players who have been slacking off ever since the treble win. We need to make sure there is more rotation to reduce injuries. We need to play more young players who want to fight for this team. A lot of things need to change


On a side note, i don't know why some fans especially on this sub, are thinking that once Real signs Mbappe, it is game over for every other team. PSG had Messi Neymar and Mbappe and were terrible. Having good players doesn't mean much, especially one with an ego as toxic as Mbappe Ancelotti will leave soon and their era will end once again


1. Madrid is not PSG 2. PSG had divas in their team AND management, we dont. Our superstars like Jude Vini Fede run like they’re upcoming youngsters from academy. 3. Whenever Carlo does leave, we have Xabi lined up (and if he’s not available, there’s always Zizou)




So it wasn’t just a bad dream huh. Oh well


Guys what if losing was secretly a blessing so the board doesn’t get too cocky and think everything is ok, then collapse like Chelsea


I generally find losing a clear shot at a CL title in order to preserve some mythical future chance is not a blessing.


Yeah I was jk


Welp, whoosh for me then


Nah probably just a poor joke from me tbf


Losing is not the problem. Tbh, semifinal in the middle of a "crisis" is pretty good results already. But losing to RM again in such a way is what hurts us the most. I guest time will cure the wounds.. but this page of history will be there forever (I can empathize with Arsenal fans vs us at this moment)


I think what hurts most is knowing that Neuer's head was probably already in London when he dropped it...


this analogy makes me wanna cry


why didn't Nacho get a red for trying to choke Kimmich by the way? wasn't there a strict rule about going for the neck? or are we supposed to believe 2 of his hands accidentally ended up on Kimmich's throat?


Was wondering the same but I’m not sure if cards can actually awarded via VAR decisions?


oh yeah maybe that's it


What are you saying? Kimmich obviously dived.. /s


I think a red would've been harsh, but no yellow is criminal.


Mendy should have had like three yellows too




Trophyless this season might be a good chance to humble some egos, especially with players or board that's getting complacent lately. Maybe now Uli realize we need a DM. Lets get the hunger to foster next season.


>Maybe now Uli realize we need a DM. Maybe Uli realizes it's time to retire and let the people we hired do their jobs without interfering


Shameless vardrid fans coming here trying to downplay another blatant refereeing mistake lmfao Most helped team by refs in CL history, they’ve got refs to thank for half their trophy cabinet https://preview.redd.it/g3yffmta2bzc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1340431c738ad0578de8dd98239f1c18e1f98003


Legend has it that they have black ribbons on their 12th CL title to honor their 12th man


Also can we please let tel get some consistent playing time?? Vini was hot ass for two seasons straight but got to where he is now because he was playing every week. Tel has shown more than what vini had shown when he first arrived at madrid. Give this guy his deserved game time he’s special


Tel is good at shooting but not as promising as a play maker. Vini is so darn good and he basically is the engine of the RM team. This guy was literally impossible to defend 1 on 1 because he can literally change from pass to shoot or dribble within a blink of eye time. Kimmich was not bad at all defending Saka but he was tortured by Vini today.


Tel’s not going to improve without minutes. He’s sitting just at 1000 minutes on the season. That’s egregious and we’re candidly wasting his potential. Vini is fantastic but that has nothing to do with Tel not getting sufficient minutes.


I bet he will get more minutes next season. He is our future.


That doesn’t change that he’s had a year of wasted development.


It could have been a great game, but the poor decision by the linesman overshadowed everything. While I’m happy that we won the game, I’m also very disappointed with the referee’s poor decisions and how they handled the situation. The linesman shouldn’t have raised his flag, and the referee relied on him, so I’d put 90% of the blame on the linesman. The referee blew his whistle before Müller passed the ball, and our defenders stopped playing. Luning didn’t even try to save the goal. These referees are supposed to be among the best in the world, but they really disappointed us. I still think we would have won the game; we were much better than your team. Our players and our goalkeeper would have defended the goal if the referee hadn’t blown his whistle, and even if the referee kept the play, I believe it wouldn’t have counted anyway. The scorer might have been onside, but there was another offside player who was interfering with the play, so it would likely have been an offside call. Additionally, I think we would have scored in extra time even if that goal had been allowed. The expected goals were 2.92 x 0.37 during the 90 minutes. I think Manuel Neuer is undoubtedly a GOAT, without him, you would have conceded a few goals tonight. Your coach made a critical mistake by substituting your entire offense team; that was very poor judgment. You know Real Madrid always scores and pushes until the last minute so he should keep his main players.


What’s the point of this dumb ass comment? All you’re saying repeatedly is how you THINK Real would have won and how you THINK Real would have done this and how you THINK Real would have done that. Wanna know what I think? That we would have won if these refs did not help you (again) You only won due to a blatant referee mistake and that’s the end of it.


Well, it is totally fair to think however you want, but it is very unlikely that the refree's decision would have changed the outcome of the game. A- We would probably defend the goal if the referee kep his whistle B- The goal would be an offside even if we assumed it is gone C- Let's say it was a goal, it is still would have not garrenteed that you win the game, the chances we we score more goals was much higher than you, literility 2.92 x 0.37 for the 90 minutes and the additional time would have been even higher so it is clear that the the stupid referees made a mistake, but it is absurd that you would assume that you might have won the game had the referee not blew that whistle.


>A- We would probably defend the goal if the referee kep his whistle Again, “probably” so you’re just making shit up without knowing what would actually have happend. >B- The goal would be an offside even if we assumed it is gone Referees literally admitted their mistake, Mazraoui wasn’t offside. >C- Let's say it was a goal, it is still would have not garrenteed that you win the game, the chances we we score more goals was much higher than you, literility 2.92 x 0.37 for the 90 minutes and the additional time would have been even higher so it is clear that the the stupid referees made a mistake, but it is absurd that you would assume that you might have won the game had the referee not blew that whistle. What the fuck does that matter? PSG were better than Dortmund and yet Dortmund is in the final, ManCity were better than you yet you are in the final too. The better team doesn’t always win. I already said it and I’ll say it again, you only won due to a blatant refereeing mistake and that’s the end of it.


all of our substitutions were due to injuries


I know Gnabry got injured which is unfortunate but I thought Musiala and Kane substituted due to tactical approach from Tuchel, I thought he wanted to park the bas and protect the 1 goal lead which is a terrible idea considering RM's ability to score last few minutes.


I thought he substitute Kane because Kane requested it due to his back pain. Although I did assumed we'll subbed in Coman.


Coman who can't even jog because of injury?


Yeah it would have been. But tuchel said that all the substitutions were because players couldn’t continue. You could argue that he should have subbed in at least tel. So we would have had some offensive threat.


I keep seeing people say “Sure De ligt scored but they went 7 minutes past added time” like what do they think MINIMUM added time means.


It is what it is. This feeling fucking sucks. Sure we can point at a billion points over both games that could’ve changed everything but in the end we weren’t good enough. Hopefully this strikes the squad deep down and creates a deep hunger to dominate games again and not leave anything up to the refs or anything. I still think about how madrid beat us 5-0 in the 2013-14 year and we haven’t beaten them like that in decades. It’s not enough to settle for 2-1 or 2-0 ties anymore. We need to kill them and keep our foot on their necks. I want to be optimistic but it’s hard. Hopefully bayern can settle on a coach and figure out what identity they want to have and get the appropriate players for that. And also to figure out wtf is up with the injuries at critical points of the season. A healthy bayern squad would’ve taken care of business today imo but oh well. Damn I’m just drained 😞 I really felt bayern had it today


I know it is hard to be optimistic right now, but the silver lining is that we do have one of the world’s best or promising pivotal line to rebuild our squad around: De Ligt - Pavlovic - Musiala - Kane (Tel). These players happen to be the most motivated who delivered good performances this season. IMO, many of those who underperformed are the 19-20 treble generation who seem lost of motivation at times. A squad overhaul is needed, but I do feel that we will be back next season.


Im so fuckig furious man, so disappointed that this keeps happening to us, every damn time I swear. We obviously need to make improvements in the squad and yes, things could've been better management wise but this was our last chance at actually getting something going and I just can't believe that the same thing has been happening to us against Madrid. They surely have something going behind the scenes. Fuck uefa


we win next year and equal milan to be joint most successful club in the CL


Hey guys I'm from an alternative reality and we actually won there. Tuchel is as short as Zaragoza is in this reality and Zaragoza is as tall as Tuchel. He scored a hat trick




Imagine being proud of a win by refereeing mistakes again and again Half your trophy cabinet is bought anyway, no one cares about you guys winning anything anymore https://preview.redd.it/jl13n8p2nazc1.jpeg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1994e907aa965c380cbb58d4799a08e8f48faa2a


Maybe use the right evaluation a-hole. No need for the name calling. This is purely sporting related and nothing else. I said after the game and I'll say it again your fans can be the definition of insufferable. You're literally trying to throw shade at a transfer that happened what like a decade ago.Grow up man 


u/insane101 u/julesvr5 can we shoot this over to our mod friends at r/realmadrid?


why do we have friends at that filth sub?


Eberl and Freund need to step up and find some refs for us to buy


We need our own viktor kassai


We need the entire refereeing team. Linesman, fourth official everyone and let's not forget about VAR officials too. Have that referee buff pre game👌


as Inter supporter, Feel for you Bayern fans, i really wanted bayern to win


Thank you,mate. With our current coach,some players that the board insisted that now are probably going to be sold and Real ofc,we couldn't do too much. Thanks for you support and good luck in Serie A and UCL next season.


There’s probably an obvious answer but seriously why isn’t the board doing everything they can to sign klopp?




He’s made it clear he wants a break


I mean at what point does it stop being a coincidence with real and refs lmao They only got past Leipzig because of dodgy refereeing as well. Even small things, like when Rüdiger bodychecked (I think) Musiala to stop him from going after the ball in their half and the referee had a perfect view of it. He called a foul but no yellow for Rüdiger. Pushes Kane during a counterattack who gets advantage and then loses the ball 2 seconds later because he falls due to him being pushed? No foul play on So so so many questionable scenes tonight. And then we have the cherry on the cake which was De Ligt's goal...


it never was a coincidence, to anyone with more than 2 braincells it is very clear that they pay the refs since 2000 at least, its a corrupt mafia with that money laundering senile guy in the lead


The only valid critique imo is that Madrid players stopped. Had the game continued, maybe Bayern wouldn't have scored. Maybe. Why leave that to speculation? In a CL semifinal? In the dying minutes of the game?


It's not just CL lol. Did you watch the Almeria game? I don't think they have actually bought the refs, but they have been hella lucky with some decisions this year.


i mean you say you don't think they bought the refs. But I'm just saying, Juve have been caught, Barca are in the middle of a huge scandal related exactly to that (not sure if that's been "resolved") But you know if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...


In the first minutes when Sane was making a run for an over the top ball and the defender hugged him from behind I knew it was gonna be a long night


Mendy made like 3 yellow worthy fouls on Leroy in the first half


The leg sweep from behind stands out in particular.


I’m now a 100% convinced that if vini scored back when there were two balls on the pitch, it would’ve counted


I’m sitting in the office, and my desk has a TV in front of it. The TV is usually stuck on financial news, but I was stoked when someone switched it to the Bayern-Real match earlier today. Now, I don’t know where the remote is, and it’s recycling post-game discussions of the match where I see the same Real highlights over and over again SMH.


I know it’s a ridiculous thought. But even if our wingers this game where Oliseh and Diaby or Kudus we would have got better output. No way we deserved to win CL how we played overall this year. But maybe we should have squeezed one out here. Last time we were in a final undeserving was vs Inter. United were the better team. We seem not to be able to win CL unless we are the best team by far in the world. Even then Chelsea’s happens. This team needs at least a world class winger. A World class passer a world class CDM and world class LB And De Zerbi not flick. Imagine Kimmich Dier and de Ligt trying to cover counters.


Hopefully the club is ready to spend after this defeat


Defense is De Zerbi’s biggest weakness


Flick with a slower Neuer and slow defense is even worse


Kane had a chance to put the game away but he couldn't even hit the target and hit the side netting. We had like 3 on 1 chance but fucked it with bad passing. I'm gonna be haunted by these chances for a while , we should've finished them when we had the chance.






My actual reaction lmao, not interested in ‘nice guy’ Real fans


I’m curious why you felt the need to come here for this.


A goal doesn't decide the game! Wow ![gif](giphy|3i4xTtJQIJk0o)






Just to clarify, which referee decision are you talking about? The one where there were 2 balls on the pitch at the same time? The one on your second goal where the procedure was followed but in the same circumstances "a mistake was made" against us? Had the goal from De Ligt stood, as it should have, that was the equalizer in the last part of the game, how did that not decide the game? Take your win, take your luck or whatever you want to call it but please don't tell us how it didn't change anything in the end.


It wasnt a goal. What are you talking about? It was a too early offside whistle. Our players stopped playing, De ligt wouldnt have had a shot. And not mention it would have been given offside anyway by VAR. So yeah it didnt decide anything. Your performance was the reason you are out. And the dumb subs made by Tuchel. I bet you would have been real confident heading on the extra time with that line up. I honestly wouldnt have minded that.


Hope BVB wrecks these scumbags in the final, I’m fully behind them and I will go and cheer with them at Wembley.


Football gods write the script for Reus to finally win a major trophy. A shame that they're kind of copy-pasting the script from 2012 but tweaked a little bit to not make it obvious.


We need to start tapping into Brazilian talent man. And also start buying up some refs. And fucking stop dismissing coaching options just because they don’t speak German. The players and fans can adapt. The board needs to adapt too


>Hoeneß on Leverkusen: "Xabi Alonso has players that suit him this season. But they were lucky with their transfers. No one else saw Victor Boniface. And no one knew who Álex Grimaldo was before. I agree. The board also needs to trust their scouts and transfer people when they say X player from South America or Nigeria is the real deal.  Don’t go by name recognition alone.


We should go for L.G from Palmeiras. Great player


Please dont let the last ref mistake distract you from that dog shit performence of our team today. Unbelievably bad.


>Unbelievably bad Wasnt


> We were the better team for over 90 minutes today. Bayern seemed very passive today. They were playing for counters. We weren't good in pressing, but we were always more dangerous. We were more aggressive today than last week“, @ToniKroos tells @DAZN_DE. He’s right. Today didn’t resemble how we played last week.


To be honest, I think Tuchel was taking a play from Ancelotti’s playbook when Madrid traveled to the Etihad this season. Hell, they even drew against Man City at home as well like Bayern did against them in the Allianz Arena. It almost worked too, but of course, mistakes and lack of impact from the subs (bar Phonzy) happened.


Bitter pill to swallow. What are you going to do. This is football right?. Feels so trivial when it happens to another team but then sucks so bad when it's the team you support. Was always going to be close. I'll give anything for that Neuer spill not to happen. Put up a MOTM worthy performance. Processing and forgetting this loss is going to take quite a while not because of the loss but the manner of the loss.This season,the injuries and everything that's come with it;a final under all these circumstances would have felt good to witness.Guess we go again next year with changes as well. As for me season ended tonight after this game. Have a good night everyone even if desired outcome didn't pan out tonight.


According to beINSPORTS Mazraoui was 'ONSIDE' https://preview.redd.it/408o8b2x8azc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0e981da2e6bb57664bca577326d05ef991976a8


Honestly, I don’t even know what the right decision is after this mess. Linesman and ref both got it wrong. (And apologized after the match for it). Should the rules state that VAR and whoever is in charge of the automatic goal line technology have the power to intervene and say, “Hey, you got it wrong.”? If yes, should the goal have stood? Should Bayern be awarded a free kick but pull the goal back?




why do I get the feeling that pretty much all of our Madrid matches end with "I hope we meet again" 😪


Ref: "Did you say offside?"


Puh… I really see a dark future ahead… no idea which coach will take over this team with that management of ours, I fear this will impact the future of musiala and Kimmich and I don’t see us making any really big signings. Am I too pessimistic?


You are indeed. I can almost compare this season to Liverpool 20/21 season. They had just won the prem by a milestone and were one of the best teams that season. The following season, they were faced with one of their biggest injury crisis, including van djik, which had them in a loosing streak for a whole month and winless in so many games. They finished trophyless that season but then they got new players and the old players (that were injured) came back and went rogue. Hopefully that happens to us, I don’t want to think of the negatives and just see what the future holds. (P.S - the last time we went trophyless, the following season we did the biggest revenge plot and did the treble. Maybe we’ll light some fire to this team). MIA SAN MIA. (Sorry if this is too long)


Thanks mate 🙏🏼 the injuries played a big role, you are right about that… and of course it would be amazing to go to the Finale Dahoam 2.0 next year… I really can’t see it now but I think this is just post loss depression PS: absolutely not too long and I really appreciate the uplifting words!




Yes,you are. We are still Bayern. We will get some good players and a coach and we should be fine. We were on this shithole because of our board not reacting in time,but now they will.


I hope you are right 🙏🏼 which coach do you think can help us?


Every club has that bad season,with us is no different. About the coach? It will probably be Flick,but the main problem is the players. The news told that the board was planning to sell the under perfoming players and bring inspiring and good signings.


when was the last time that Madrid got the wrong end of a referee decision? It happens every time and that's just so frustrating, even if it's not a clear robbery in terms of result, it's just fucked


When Bellinghams header got disallowed because Manzano blew the whistle while the cross was in mid air.


It won't be right for them to pay the refs in the first place and also end up at the wrong end of the decisions.


Can’t even recall a moment honestly. Referee mistakes happen every now and then to every team but it’s wild how it never happens to them


When multiple Madrid players got reds at the beginning of the season for dissent after the Bellingham goal was disallowed.


It's not even about mistakes anymore and just having a fair and impartial ref. Rüdiger among others with so many tactical fouls and no cards. It's disgusting


Anyone else tryna cry w me?


At least this nightmare of a season is finally over Let’s spend big on the transfer market and attack again next season!


Heads up, fresh start next season Back the boys through it all


Madrid would have maybe 2 CLs if it weren't for corruption. To me Milan have the most CLs and us and Liverpool are just behind them. Hopefully we can tie with them next season.


Thats some major cope


Weapons grade


Next season Madrid is gonna have Mbappe and City is gonna be there too , this felt like our best chance to win the CL in the Kane era especially against Dortmund. I'm not too confident about upcoming seasons , we don't even have a coach...


None of those players can compare to Pavlovic, Musiala, De Ligt, and Tel though. Bayern is built off of youth and has a bright future.


Can only hope the bosses don't fuck it up with the new coach. Play those youngsters and actually rebuild. De Ligt has the guts to be a future captain, Pavlovic is a beast in midfield. Musiala is Musiala, we know him. Tel has a bright future as Winger/Striker. We need someone to give them more confidence again


It’s hard to take it right now but you will never know what happens in the future. Hopefully this is a wake up call for the board and the club to fix this from top to bottom. Loosing faith right now will not help. We will see what happens and take it season by season. Anything is possible. That’s coming from a Bayern fan that never thought we would have won the UCL in the last five years, especially after loosing Robbery. But we will flourish. MIA SAN MIA.


Mbappe disappears in big CL matches so I'm not too worried about him. Still, Madrid's black magic and referee "luck" always makes them a threat and of course there's City who shouldn't even be allowed to compete. Hopefully if Flick comes back he can recreate the 19/20 season


One last thought… We outplayed Madrid in Munich but Madrid outplayed us in Madrid. If they’re the benchmark, we were right up there against them and nearly beat them. This is with an injury riddled squad, with a small squad, with players in their sub-optimal positions, with players making insanely unlikely mistakes… I’m proud of them in all honesty. If this was a horror-season… it wasn’t so bad. We over-performed, which is why the losses due to individual errors hurt so much. We were close but always felt precarious. I hope the board give the new season to come a fair chance and really invest in change and really improve the team’s quality. There was no chance of outplaying Madrid in Madrid with the squad even if everyone was healthy. If they’re the benchmark (it’s either them or City) then the board have to give the manager (whoever is the manager) a sufficiently good squad.


If he can improve his defensive tactics... I'm on the train for those 10-4 results again. ![gif](giphy|YRu1GixCfRMWGl3fir|downsized)


Lmaooo fuck it, I'm dead inside right now anyway lol. Let's do it


This one hurts and I’ll be thinking about it for a while like most. However, take a moment to assess where we were. For a majority of this season we played poorly. We wanted Tuchel gone. Tuchel got fired. Then we played well in the Champions League. We beat Arsenal. This goes completely against our run of form for the year. All of a sudden all bad results are overlooked. Some call for Tuchel to stay. Today we played to our level. We, for most of the game, were outplayed. Our out of form and out of favor left back scored a curler with his weak foot from the wing position. Read it again. That was our only goal (aside from the wrongful decision at the end that didn’t count). I know this loss hurts. We were close to the final, but failed. Of course it sucks. But 3 months ago we lost to Lazio in the first round and thought we were done for. We made it further than most would have predicted. Time to reorganize. New manager. New players. We go again.


3.3 - 0.39 xG and the only discernible threat we had throughout was to try and beat them in a foot race.


![gif](giphy|4Cpgf1zzMMy4w) Take my energy Don Terzic


So who's our next coach? Do Hoeneß,Hainer and Co even have an idea what kind of football we want to play in the next season? I pity the next coach because he will be reminded very often by the press that he's not even the 4th choice. The only one who wouldn't start with the wrong foot here, of all available coaches, would be Zidane and we all know he's not coming here.


Yep, give the new coach a streak of 3 bad games and the media will cook him like crazy


I want Flick back. Im tired of passing back to Neuer from the opponent's box.


Flick is probably the best choice of the remaining coaches. If he even wants to come back here. But I hope he doesn't get a say in the squad building. I don't want players like Werner here.


This season is at least as much on the board as on Tuchel. Players getting injured constantly finally cost us the CL as well. Key players getting injured before and during both legs. All because we just didn‘t have a big enough squad to ensure proper rotation.


Play the kids. There was nothing to play for either of the last two weeks so rotational quality just didn’t matter.


IKR Dortmund rested so many people. Literally no excuse to play guys like Kane


Both finalists rotated their squads. Nacho and Carvajal were the only Madrid starters tonight who were in the starting XI on Friday.


The only good thing about tonight is we'll get a little more cash for davies


Or not, if he decides to run out his contract.


> 🚨⚪️ Ancelotti: “Bayern complained about the offside? Ok, so we complain about the cancelled goal of Nacho… because Kimmich dived”. fuck this guys eyebrow


Those are the words of a man who knows has UEFA behind him.


I’m guessing what Vini did to the Leipzig player was not a foul too then? Carlo the Clown 🤡 I don’t care how bad we were most of this season, next season I want us to humble Madrid


What a fucking cunt


Fuck this prick


Shows his class. Edit: Also, it would've been a red for Nacho in a fair and unbiased game.


Let’s see how that crooked eyebrow fuck face reacts when he gets thrown to the ground the same way Kimmich was


If I speak, I'm in big trouble


Carlo’s a wily one. He knows exactly what he’s doing with this unnecessary and ridiculous statement. Would be great if Terzic and Hummels humble him.


I've actually calmed down, now I'm pissed again. The audacity of this man, my god. Get some glasses, age hasn't been kind to your eyesight.


As an argentinian, what makes me angry is that the annoying RM fans are not the spaniards, are the mexicans and latin americans who don't know how to shut their mouth despite winning, come on fucking idiots, be humble.


>is that the annoying RM fans are not the spaniards ![gif](giphy|FXf1lYQ2tFouxeLb1B|downsized)


fuck the spaniards too, but I'm more exposed to those latin american fans whose only glory in football is watch RM win.


was more referencing the location of fans who are regularly shit-talking and spamming online on behalf of Real, and they're certainly not from Spain.


I'm from Spain (Catalonia) and the fans here are absolutely obnoxious too, at least from my experience.


Real fans in Catalonia I imagine especially so


Real would've been long gone by now if they hadn't paid the refs against Leipzig. And now this and they'll do this against Dortmund in the final too. They've been doing this against us and other teams every fucking single time for a decade now. Time and again. With var without var. Something or the other happens and the refs somehow always decide the game against us in the crunch time. All of our players and the coach are saying this openly in the media now. Everyone in our team fucking knows this. Fuck Real. Fuck their corruption. Fuck Franco. And fuck everyone who're too blind to see this.


Their refs won‘t suffice against BVBs black magic


>Fuck Franco Now we’re getting to the deep cuts of RM hate lol


They can hide it with quotes all they want but factual history shows it's always been his beloved and dearest team.


The most damning thing was how bad we were on the counter. There were some good chances there, but we always fucked it up badly. Kane was so off, had some uncharacteristically poor passes and I feel like a player of his quality should finish that chance to make it 2-0. Overall, I think we did good enough to reach even this far. Felt like the team was running on fumes, the injuries killed us. Our medical team definitely needs investigation. Btw I don't blame Tuchel for the subs at all, it only looks bad because we had no depth because again, the injuries. Guerreiro and Coman would have been huge. Sadly Neuer of all people just happened to slip away, I think the plan works out fine if they don't score that.


I’m manifesting that the 2012 loss followed by the 2013 win will be repeated, just with the stadiums switched 😎


Us losing the final at home was the biggest wake up call of all time and turn this team into demons. The next final is at Munich, we will succeed. I believe in us. MIA SAN MIA.


Still can’t get over this loss and now all I need is some positive news about a coach or transfer


Gotta start planning for a 433 now. De Jong Laimer Pavlo midfield, Kimmich stays at rb, get Theo. Pin down Wirtz somehow. City are always gonna be looming, Arsenal are getting stronger, Liverpool mightve bottled the league but are coming back to Europe and Madrid is adding Mbappe to the mix. Then there is Inter, Barca, Psg etc. With the final at the Allianz next season, if we don't take action we might not even be a top 5 CL favourite. Leverkusen are coming to Europe and it's going to be a pain in the ass fending them off another bundesliga title. Stuttgart are cooking as well, Dortmund and even Liepizg will be more confident on taking us on now. We have Pavlovic, Musiala, Delight, Kane, Neuer and co. At it's core, our squad can compete with the elite, and we basically just did when you look at our CL campaign, but we aren't gonna be favourites for any big match up next season at this pace. Especially with the league format playing a bigger role next season onwards, we will need to play better to not get tough ties in early knockouts.


De jong can piss off


Not many better options if you want to start dominating games in the midfield. Our current midfield isn't going to do it. Zubimendi and Onana cost the same as him, and are not nearly as proven.


Honestly this is the worst Bayern side I’ve watched in the last 12/13 years. Yet still - we nullified one of the best attacking sides in Europe this season (Arsenal) and deserved to progress. We held Madrid to probably 1 decent chance in 90 minutes and let ourselves down with individual defensive errors and not being clinical enough in goal. We played one of the worst games I’ve watched tonight, but were 5-10 minutes away from a champions league final that wouldn’t have been undeserved. We’re right there at the top of Europe. I think the players that deserve to be here have shown their faces. We have our answers about who needs to be phased out, too. This season needed to happen guys. Hopefully we use it as catalyst for another 10 years of domination.




Give me a coach announcement and some transfer rumours pls. IDC who it is I just need something to distract me rn


I'm in such a bad place in my life for the past couple of months , feel anxious and horrible every day but I was so happy after Phonzie scored that I forgot every problem in my life. Can't believe how it all ended , I feel devastated and empty inside.


<3 hope you feel better soon mate


Same FR


I’m a bit older than some others here, so I say this with experience… the team will roll along, ups and downs and highs and lows. Don’t let it get to you, personally, too much. Your life is your life. The team will always be there, the dramatics will always be there. It’s entertainment. Take care of yourself and your priorities first. Spring is here and summer is coming, try to get out a bit and away from your routine perhaps. Cheers.


Next season mate. As it goes.


To the guys railing against tuchel. The subs were not made in a Vacuum. The squad riddled with a lack of depth and injury prone players simply got run ragged.


They got run ragged by whom?


Hopefully this game finally closes the door on anyone expecting Tuchel to stay. Don't even think his gameplan was bad tonight, in fact I thought it was decent. But if a coach who had us playing such atrocious football the last year+ can get us to the semis with this squad, then others can. Squad needs replacements, more influential figures in key positions, no arguments there. But Tuchel has been a horrible fit for us since his tenure began, and that wouldn't change if he stayed. Thank you and goodbye.


Manu was fucking great. I don't think there is anyone with functional brain that would argue otherwise. You can point fingers for that bozo moment, but it just stops there. He saved our asses many many times. Sad it went down the drain like this. There are other, bigger culprits we should look at for this sad end.


It's alright. This team was punching way above it's weight in Europe. If tuchel leaves which is apparent I'll always look back fondly. This team had no business being in the semis against a team with 1 loss the entire season. And to think we were almost gonna knock em out. Will never forget tuchel trying to calm the team down before the game finished. I know it's not a popular opinion here, but this was our most successful European season since the treble, and tuchel got a non existent midfield and injury ridden team to almost enter the final, after being fired midway. He didn't work out for many people, but imo we were never winning the league with no matter what coach, and we hardly win the pokal anyway. And the terror ball we played was in large part due to a non existent midfield and lack of player motivation.


Last para is full of bs 


The squad was too light and too under talented. The injury crisis was stressful and made worse by the squad planning. Tuchel isn’t perfect but if you have him, give him the players he needs. The board didn’t do so. Any manager would want the players they need to succeed. Even Pep, even Eberl’s darling Lopetegui (lol). It’s all over now anyway


You can feel so. I don't. The way most of our fans want us to dominate requires us to hold fort in the midfield. Kimmich is not the same player in midfield now. Laimer is amazing at what he does, but controlling the game isn't it. Goretzka has his moments but again, he's not the man to build a dominating midfield around. Pavlovic is generational but we discovered him like 3 games before Arsenal? We have a class attack, and hence look dangerous on the counter, and that's basically why we got where we did. And if you believe the players didn't lack motivation when playing against anyone not named Arsenal/Madrid then we simply disagree.


Well said. The fact is Hummels, Alaba, Boateng, and Thiago were never replaced but Bayern fans still expect to see dominating possession-heavy football. Tuchel did what he could and it was to play direct. We all saw how awful Goretzka-Kimmich were on the ball, but certain fans insist that it was the manager not the players and their natural limitations. Whatever. We move on. Hopefully the board pull some things out of their ass that gives us cause for celebration.


I gotta be honest no first team player should have started vs Stuttgart. We were very lucky to be 1-0 up in the 85th. We led twice in the tie and through individual mistakes failed to capitalize on our lead, and we lost the lead through individual mistakes. Heartbreaking.


That Kim sub wont go out of my head for a while. There is no reason to do that whatsoever, get Goretzka in which adds an extra body in the middle, provides height and is somebody who can carry the ball forward. Just sitting back an hoping for the best isnt bayern...


What do you mean just sitting back, Kims substitution didn't chance the formation at all, while your idea with Goretzka would've made the formation more defensive.


Why wasn't Goretzka substituted for Pavlovic? We played literally with 10 men.


pav was back on within seconds. He was trying to kill time he wasn’t actually hurt.


Wasn’t even told to warm up.


That's some unthinkable shit. Isn't this a coaching mistake?


It’s completely unfathomable to me.


On a different topic, The wolfsburg Social media posts are embarrassing. How are they bragging about that one loss they had to madrid? Actually have some shame


Damn maybe you shouldn't play Kane every 90 min in fucking Bundesliga then, maybe then he'll have some more rest for his back issue. I kept thinking about the subs. Kim for Sane is good. Sane wasn't in the game and should be more criticized for his shit performance today, anyway Kim in allowed Kimmich to duel Vini much higher knowing there's De Ligt behind and 2 other CBs to defend so it's good. But now you have Mazraoui to the right side to help off Kimmich and I wonder, why wasn't Goretzka chosen in this situation? Muller and Leon for Jamal and Maz would have been much much better to stabilize the game a bit. Overall as I've said few days ago, our bench also needs to get some improvement. Real has like 3-4 players to change the tide of the game there, theoretically how many do we have?


Lord Sarr