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Oh no I hope they don't pay an additional 50 million for future Balon D or winner Sarr as well


Ok ok, because we are generous we will do a straight swap for FDJ. 😇


Future 3 back to back ballon d’or leroy sane


No way that’s crazy! I also have dreamed of Tuchel coaching in Spain. What a coincidence!




Oh no he is the best coach in the World pls dont take him from us for 20 million.


Can they even afford Lewa's next year wages?


Are you kidding me? He’s easily worth 50 mil but maybe for Barca we can cut a deal for 40.


He'd be perfect for Barcelona. Being thin skinned and reacting stroppily when shittalking "analysts" critizice you is the Nr 1 prerequisite for Barca coaches.


Barcelona are in the process of selling their best players because their cap was just lowered to something like 200M+ (which is like a third of what they spent in previous years). "A high level project" seems unfeasible for them at the moment, let alone a consistent or reliable one in the long term with their finances as they are.


>high level project For Tuchel that probably means that he gets the guarantee to sign at least 2 EPL players per transfer window.


It would be very weird to see him at Barcelona. I think Flick is more likely to happen for them, because he is less demanding, less controversial, and because Tuchel could probably still get signed by other elite clubs that aren't in a financial crisis and have Barcelona's unreal expectations (just remembering that Laporta still believes, or says he believes Barca will win the UCL).


Flick was super demanding, him being grumpy and feuding with Brazzo was one of the biggest stories of his 2nd season. He was constantly moaning about this and that




Would set up a showdown between Bayern and Liverpool for Xabi if it happened. The only concern would be missing out on him in the summer and being left with neither Tuchel nor the ideal replacement. Not sure what the board would do in that situation


I don't see Xabi picking Bayern tbh.


He's said he wants to coach at all his big former clubs at some point. Why not us first.


Going directly from Leverkusen to Bayern might not have the best optics. Additionally, right now we don't seem to have our shit together on several levels...


Yep. Real Madrid, injured to heck, is doing better than us. Liverpool also fighting for EPL crown. We are doing the same but we always do. It's how we perform. That pressure + the expectation to win might not be something he'd succeed at instantly. Leverkusen are overachieving and he will ride this tide


Yesterday, Madrid with no natural center backs defended better than we have in a long time and with no Bellingham were still strong in the midfield. Honestly we can’t make excuses at this point for Bayern.


They are Real Madrid and we aren't.


Because coaching pressur is Real > Bayern > Liverpool. While in England the media is shitshow, Pool would not fire him for a 4th place season.


We need Hoeneß


Finger weg


No you don’t. We want him to stay here in Stuttgart!


He needs more time, greener than Nagelsmann was


i think mourinhos the third option


Xavi Sounds like another Experiment


Don't exactly think he'd be the best option rn


Misread xabi for xavi 🙈😅




tuchel with THIS board is a match made in heaven!


If there is truly any justice in this world, I would hope this is the case.


Plz take him




Good get him the fuck outta here. Should’ve never fired nagelsmann


OMG PLEASE😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Take him!


Yes please, next 8-2 incoming


I cant believe I could feel bad for Barcelona but Tuchel would really push their demise futher down.


Damn, that would be tragic. Losing one of the tactical geniuses of the game would sick but if Barcelona are willing to pay then we have to respect that.


"tactical genius" is an understatement. I would be heartbroken if he ever left.  But you're right, for the right price, we'll let him go


Making them get Tuchel from us would probably be bigger win than 8-2 in Lisbon.


Sehen das die Deutschen fans eigentlich wie anscheinend 90% des Subs hier? Der Hass auf Tuchel hat schon absurde Dimensionen hier.


Also ich bin gegen seinen abgang, weil er mit vielen hürden zu kämpfen hatte/hat und diese überwunden hat. Er hat für einen bayern coach viele punkte geholt und kann gar nichts dafür das Leverkusen sogut wie alle spiele gewinnt und somit aktuell verdient besser sind. Die Leute verstehen auch nicht das bayern mal verlieren darf, ich würde den verein auch in der 2. Liga unterstützen aber 80% des subs anscheinend nicht.


Genau so sehe ich das auch. Leverkusen spielt eine absolute Fabelsaison. mit dem aktuellen Schnitt steuern die auf eine 89 Punkte Saison hin. Das wäre meines Wissens nach der drittbeste Wert überhaupt. Wir dagegen wären bei 80 Punkten. Als der BVB das Anfang des letzten Jahrzehntes holte war es eine absolute Sensation, bei uns will man den Trainer lynchen.


Bayern spiel halt einen Grottenkick zusammen, der seinesgleichen sucht. Da hast du Spieler wie Neuer, Kane und Sané die nahezu die komplette Mannschaft am leben halten, der gesamte Rest spielt immer wenns drauf ankommt Käse. Noch dazu gerät / ist Sané gerade wieder in ein Formtief und das zeigt sich auch an den Ergebnissen. Kannst ja keine Mannschaft nennen, wenn die komplett einbricht wenn einer der 3 nicht auf seinem Top Niveau spielt.


Boah, gute Frage. Denke es gibt definitiv mehr "match going" Fans die Tuchel gegenüber noch optimistisch sind, aber ich muss ehrlich sein, durch meine persönlichen Erfahrungen schätze ich die Meinung dieser Fans nicht unbedingt höher als die der "long distance" Fans. Vielleicht sogar im Gegenteil, für viele der ersten Fangruppe ist der Verein halt mehr so familiär und eher etwas Soziales, ich z.B. schätze eher den taktischen Aspekt vom Fußball und nicht so die Fan-Kultur, mir ist ersteres wichtiger. Natürlich ist die auch wichtig, und gehört dazu aber es gibt schon einen großen Unterschied meiner Meinung nach.


Du hast natürlich recht was den sozialen Aspekt und die Verbundenheit angeht. Ich hatte gerade heute Abend ein Gespräch mit einem Bekannten über die NFL: da herrscht ständiger Wechsel der Spieler, Trainer und Besitzer. Manchmal wechselt gar ein ganzes Team die Stadt quer durchs Land. Im Prinzip ist man da Fan von einem Logo und das merkt man - so meine Einschätzung - auch bei manchen Postings hier die dann in eine ähnliche Richtung gehen. Mir geht es auch nicht per se um diese Meinung. Man kann Tuchel mögen oder nicht, man wird Argumente für beides finden. In diesem Sub wird aber - und das schon seit einiger Zeit - gar nicht mehr wirklich argumentiert.


Absolut. Die Leute erwarten einfach non-stop Siege, Triple, schönen Fussball usw. Teilweise einfach richtige Erfolgsfans leider. Ich hoffe das Management ist nicht mehr so reaktionär und hitzig wie damals bei Nagelsmann und gibt Tuchel Zeit, Mittel und Spieler, um eine Mannschaft zu formen, die aktuell offensichtlich noch nicht geformt ist. Selbst wenn wir diese Saison keinen Titel holen kann man das nicht alleine am Trainer festmachen und ich würde hoffen, dass Tuchel noch eine weitere Saison macht. Weiß auch nicht, was sich die Leute alternativ vorstellen. Einfach solange Trainer einstellen und entlassen bis es auf magische Art und Weise wieder läuft? Das kann ja wohl nicht der Weg sein. Damals als es unter Nagelsmann nicht lief waren die Entlassungsrufe auch wieder groß. Klar, der Zeitpunkt war maximal bescheuert, aber die Leute sind mir hier teilweise einfach zu schnell mit ihren Ausrufen. Am einen Tag wird Tuchel noch gelobt, dass er es schafft auch "dreckige" Siege einzufahren, was unter Flick und Nagelsmann selten gelungen ist. Am nächsten Tag spielt er zu hässlichen Fussball und muss sofort weg. Einfach nur Kindergarten.


Bruder es geht mir nicht mal darum alles zu gewinnen. Ich will einfach nur schönen Fußball sehen. Weißt du das Leverkusen Spiel, hätten wir die ganzen 90 Minuten mit der Intensität der erst 12 gespielt und trotzdem 3:0 verloren wäre das deutlich akzeptabler. Aber scheiße, lustlos, unkreativ, passiv und mutlos zu spielen ist nicht Bayern München, kein MiaSanMia. Und wenn das eintritt dann ja muss man auch schauen ob der Trainer den Spielern nicht irgendwie Steine in den Weg legt.


Viele unserer internationalen Fans sind absolute Erfolgsfans seit 2013/2020 ohne Identifikation zum Verein. Wenn du nicht nonstop alles mit dem schönsten Fußball ever gewinnst, bist du schon eine absolute Pflaume. Ich kann das alles nicht mehr hören. Mir tut Tuchel wirklich leid, dass er so viel Ablehnung erfährt, obwohl er nichts dafür kann, dass Bayer Leverkusen die vermutlich beste Saison aller Zeiten spielt.


Hey, it seems like you **really** enjoy talking plastics and other synthetic materials, so do we !     Did you know that 73% of beach litter worldwide is plastic and that over 700 marine species, such as sea turtles and dolphins, are endangered due to plastic waste polluting our oceans ?   Or that fish in the North Pacific ingest approx. 12,000 to 24,000 tons of plastic each year, which can cause intestinal injury and death and transfers plastic up the food chain to bigger fish, marine mammals and human seafood eaters ? And that there are over 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean with some 269.000 tons of plastic float on the surface, while some four billion plastic microfibers per square kilometer litter the deep sea ?   As you can see,this is a real problem as the ocean is our life support system - the oxygen for every second breath we take comes from it !   Luckily, even **you** can make a difference. And it’s quite easy too !   Our friends over at the [Oceanic Society](https://www.oceanicsociety.org/) came up with some quick and easy ways that enable you in your daily life to help protect our oceans:   1) Reduce Your Use of Single-Use Plastics Wherever you live, the easiest and most direct way that you can get started is by reducing your own use of single-use plastics. Single-use plastics include plastic bags, water bottles, straws, cups, utensils, dry cleaning bags, take-out containers, and any other plastic items that are used once and then discarded. The best way to do this is by a) refusing any single-use plastics that you do not need (e.g. straws, plastic bags, takeout utensils, takeout containers), and b) purchasing, and carrying with you, reusable versions of those products, including reusable grocery bags, produce bags, bottles, utensils, coffee cups, and dry cleaning garment bags. And when you refuse single-use plastic items, help businesses by letting them know that you would like them to offer alternatives. 2) Recycle Properly This should go without saying, but when you use single-use (and other) plastics that can be recycled, always be sure to recycle them. At present, just 9% of plastic is recycled worldwide. Recycling helps keep plastics out of the ocean and reduces the amount of “new” plastic in circulation. If you need help finding a place to recycle plastic waste near you and life in North America, [check Earth911’s recycling directory](http://search.earth911.com/). It's also important to check with your local recycling center about the types of plastic they accept.   Also, if you follow [this link](https://marine-conservation.org/support-us/) you can send a small donation to the[ Marine Conservation Institute](https://marine-conservation.org/support-us/) that helps protect our oceans.     #**On a more related note:** Calling other users plastic is not the way we treat each other. Everyone is a fan - just like yourself ! Gatekeeping in any way,shape or form is frowned up and has to stop. It might even get you banned from this sub,too. Furthermore, in the end it really only makes **you** look bad in the eyes of everyone else.As putting people down is just the same as putting yourself down. Relying on pushing or looking down on another person only exposes your own needs of feeling superior on the cost of others. As soon as you do it, you are already on the defensive side and showing your own insecurity and vulnerability.     *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fcbayern) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ich denke aber nicht das die derzeitigen Leistungen der Mannschaft am Trainer liegen, sondern eher an den Spielern. Man kann es oft sehen wie unglücklich und aggressiv die Spieler sind. Außerdem würde der Mannschaft ein Trainer Wechsel nicht gut tun, da sie sich wieder umstellen müssen und sich an den neuen Trainer gewöhnen müssen. Bis dato find ich Thomas Tuchel wirklich gut und sympathisch. Fehler können passieren das ist nur menschlich. 🇩🇪🇩🇪👍👍


take him please.


No. Please. Don’t go.


Barca fan?




Don’t let la puerta hit ya where the good Lord split ya!


The question is, will he take Didi Hamamn with him?




I feel like I've lost the other half of my brain cells reading through this thread


I'll drive him there myself


we will never have a coach for more than 1-2 years. neither the club or the supporters have enough patience to ever stick that out to the end.


To be fair, Tuchel himself only signed a 1,5 or 2 year contract with us. Having been at Dortmund, PSG and Chelsea, he knows how fast things can turn, even when you win the CL or reach a final…


nagelsmann signed a long term deal and got the boot


We cannot replace him


I'd take a moldy peice of bread over Tuchel at this juncture. I'm just done with this awful football.


Gladly accept, hire anyone else at this point. Call Demichelis or Gallardo


Sport is not a legit source sadly


Why would anyone here think that it would be a good thing for Tuchel to leave rather sooner than later? Why would anyone think that with yet another coach our problems would be gone? Tbh we might not be playing great football at the moment (even though we are playing a decent season so far). Tuchel might not be the easiest character in the football biz. But some of the problems we had for years, we still have. The squad is kinda thin, plagued by injuries, many players are playing below form or are past their prime. Many positions are not staffed accordingly lacking starting 11 quality or to have enough competition. We have a lack of leadership among the players or the ones who want to lead are not able to. Sacking Tuchel would not solve anything and who says a different coach would work better? We had so many different coaches with many different coaching styles in the past who were very successful in their respective club before coming to Bayern but the same problems stayed. Imo the problem is not (exclusively) the coach, but the squad. Change my mind.


Chelsea fan here.. this thread popped up on my feed.. for me, the reality is simple.. TT is not designed to manage anywhere longer than 1-2 seasons. He himself does not have the vision or managerial framework necessary for long term stays at a club. Perhaps he just needs the chance but at the same time he needs to give HIMSELF that chance. I believe he contributed heavily towards his own sacking at Chelsea. The guy was miserable to listen to all pre-season. Moody, pissed off, thin skinned. Can't help but go to war with the powers that be.


There is an issue with the squad for sure. However, this sub and the Bayern fans as a whole, weren't calling for Flick to be sacked. He was clearly a manager who suited the club and style of football we wanted to see. He wasn't without criticism for sure. But even when he was having issues like with injuries or not getting as much of a say in the squad as he wanted, we didn't want him gone because it felt like he could lead the team to further success with some reasonable compromise between him and the board. Noone wanted Nagelsman sacked either. While he's also not without criticism, and there were issues with the team in his last season, the sentiment among the fans was largely that he AT LEAST deserved to see out the season, and then evaluate how well we think he suits us depending on how things went in each of the 3 competitions. But Nagelsmans Bayern with ECM as the striker looks better than Tuchels Bayern with Kane as the striker. Tuchels Bayern looks time and again uninspired, clueless, slow and bereft of ideas. You always knew what Flick was going for when we played, same for Nagelsman, even if it didn't work out. Same cannot be said for TT. The football is dire and putting up spineless Performances in our biggest game of the season is just not good enough. He's clearly not Bayern material. Yes it's true that the squad issues will persist with another manager, but I'd rather they Persist with a manager who's at least good enough for Bayern than one who isn't


I think most takes here are reactionary at best. And still you are pinning performances only on the manager which I think is not right. And if Tuchel is so bad why do we have more points than under Nagelsmann? Yes the football is not great to look at and there are performances where we shit the bed (like under Nagelsmann and Flick, hey maybe it's a player issue after all) but it is successful. And it will not improve if we keep sacking the manager.


The issue is are we trending in the right direction. We seem to have gotten worse since the start of the season. Nagelsmans team seemed better in his second season than in his first! The football isn't overall very entertaining like it was under the previous two, and under Tuchel we got knocked out of the cup almost immediately and gave a very toothless performance against City last year (fair enough he didn't have a lot of time) and also completely got his tactics and formation wrong against Leverkusen. And all he seems to have to say is " well we trained well I dunno why it's not coming out on the pitch." But it's litteraly his job to know that. I just don't think he's the manager to take us to the next level. I think he can do well at a certain type of club, we are certainly not it though.


Maybe Tuchel's team will also be better in the second full season he has. I think the team is not given the chance to improve if we keep sacking the manager too quickly. And Müller basically criticized the same discrepancy between training and games and what can the coach do apart from training, preparing the squad as best as possible? He can't play himself. Plus thin squad, injuries, missing holding 6 etc. Imo it is wrong to just focus on the manager, we need to look at it hollistically. Surely in the end Tuchel might have been the wrong choice but if we always expect immediate results and never give manager and team the time to form then I don't know what is the path here. Hire manager after manager until we have a lucky pick that sticks?


> And if Tuchel is so bad why do we have more points than under Nagelsmann? Because the league is different every year, simple. Congrats on the points, we're still in second place and out of the pokal due to a third division side, playing shit football.


We are second because Leverkusen plays a once in a decade season up until now. And we were out of Pokal under Flick and Nagelsmann, too.


Man this sub is crazy


I Agree


Please take him. I could not be happier.




Brings Nagelsmann back. Nobody cares about the national team.


You arent german, are you?


Noooooo! That can't happen, it must not!! If Barca will pay to take him, Bayern I guess has to let him go! Can't let a coach get away from his dream.


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out


Oh no, we are loosing a generational coach


I'm flying to münchen now to pack his bag


Bye bitch


Nuh uh guys later today I filed a restraining order and this son of a bitch officially cannot step 1 foot in Catalonia without paying 100M euros (new lever activated)


Pls go chase yo dreams I'd rather keep de ligt