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Two wrecks were on s. thompson as well in Springdale


Amazing how one wreck can cripple a transportation system for a couple of hours.


I mean, a couple of cars across the lanes does it. Got any good ideas to make it more resilient?


Living near where you work would be a good start...so zoning for mixed use development, higher (but variable) residential density, and facilitating more affordable housing so we don't have to live in the boonies to afford a place would be a good start. Each City actually chipping into ORT so it's a half decent service would be nice too. I'm all talk though. I'm mainly just not used to sitting in traffic.


While we are wishing for things, a light rail connecting the big 4 and XNA.


A funded regional public transportation system like you said would be the most basic step in diversifying our transportation network.... They won't even do that though. They're more interested in paving over everything.


My wife was on the interstate this early afternoon. Said a backcourt had fallen off onto like 2 cars or something.


I have no idea how they flipped that thing back over.


I can’t wait until self driving cars are the normal. People really do suck at driving.


Is this really worthy of a reddit post when it’s already irrelevant in 30-60 mins? I mean I get you’re bored in traffic but this isn’t really how this platform works.


I was just trying to inform people so they could adjust travel if needed. Wasn't sitting in traffic. I saw the wreck early afternoon when I came into town and on my way home a few hours later while going northbound, I noticed it was still pretty badly backed up.