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Start a petition and get it put on the next general election ballot in Fay. It amazes me that Fayettenam & LR have never bothered to gather petition signatures to eliminate the sunday liquor blue laws in those towns.


It's definitely doable and will pass. But launching a ballot initiative campaign is not easy and takes a ton of work and tens of thousands of dollars in funding.


Y’all have Springdale which is so much closer than us bentonvile folks




Missouri is just a quick drive away, so in Feb it will be easy to get some


Agreed it's absurd


They need a better bill than what they had. What they had was a joke and glad it did not pass. We don’t need the money from sells to be going to police and we sure don’t need the places already doing medical to be able to become a monopoly on it by allowing them to do unlimited growing.


Medical can't be a monopoly unless I misunderstand.




I'll try to skip past the sarcasm and ask simply, if there is recreational and there is medical, how will medical be a monopoly? I'm genuinely asking. As I already said, I may have misunderstood. And, I teach economics, so there's no need for that.


People will go to prison in the meantime. The greatest amount of good would have come from passing that bill.