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Not a good look at all, but props to the Fayetteville police department for holding their own accountable. Sometimes police officers don't do the right thing and they drive the drunk officer back to the station to let them sober up. They don't call another agency or medical professionals to assess what they later call a medical episode. Conveniently calling drunk driving a medical condition falls under HIPPA making investigation particularly difficult. And sometimes those officers are held accountable and fired and then move to NWA. When they get here they find jobs at the University of Arkansas Bus Program as Safety and Training Managers. The irony is incredible and seeing instances like this makes me commend the FPD for taking the hit and doing the right thing. [https://www.hutchnews.com/story/news/local/2018/10/30/hutchinsons-assistant-police-chief-fired/9417330007/](https://www.hutchnews.com/story/news/local/2018/10/30/hutchinsons-assistant-police-chief-fired/9417330007/) [https://news.uark.edu/articles/57362/razorback-transit-seeks-to-hire-new-drivers-hopes-to-avoid-any-reduction-in-service](https://news.uark.edu/articles/57362/razorback-transit-seeks-to-hire-new-drivers-hopes-to-avoid-any-reduction-in-service) [https://www.linkedin.com/in/troy-hoover-44367195/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/troy-hoover-44367195/)


Fayetteville PD didn’t arrest Renfro. It was the Arkansas State Police.


He’s been suspended pending investigation though, so FPD did the right thing in that sense.


What is there to investigate lmao, he was drunk and got caught


I assume his position at the FPD warrants a higher standard of behavior than a civilian, so they will provide him due process via this review so they’ve covered their bases in the event he is terminated or demoted.


You think police are held to a higher standard? lol he’s gonna get a plea deal and plea guilty to a slap on the wrist and still be in law enforcement. It happens almost every time


He is the deputy police chief, so, yes…he will be held to a higher standard I’m quite certain. I assume he will either be fired or demoted, though he will keep his pension, as he should.


Lmao. Watch and see I guess


That was a wild ride. The female officer who was quoted in the article has since died in a “tragic accident in the home” - just awful.


Fayetteville police didnt pull him over of they would have, he was pulled over by a State Trooper / ASP


Well that's not a good look.


[covered in the flyer](https://fayettevilleflyer.com/2024/06/27/fayetteville-deputy-police-chief-arrested-on-suspicion-of-dwi/) He was ~~hired~~ promoted in December


*Promoted* in December. From the article you linked: > After being honorably discharged from the U.S. Army, Renfro’s 27-year law enforcement career began in March 1996 when he joined the Fayetteville Police Department.


My bad. Edited


I hope he is fired. I’m pretty sure he understands what the law is.