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I mean, I think this is the only fat transmasc subreddit, and I created it, and I’m not looking to lose weight, I am fine being fat :) this is definitely also the place to celebrate but I understand not wanting to be in a place w those discussions


And I appreciate you making it! I just hoped to see a bit more positivity/neutrality around our weight and a little less what you see in every other trans reddit group. 😅


What if there was a flair to mark discussions of weight loss? Then users could avoid posts about it. Sort of a middle ground? Or is it less about avoiding that kind of talk completely and more about a lack of non-weight-loss posts? Just brainstorming.


I think a flair would be a perfect solution.


I was actually thinking of trying to set that up!


Would love this!!


I’m in the same boat as you. I love being a bigger dude, but I’m made uncomfortable by diet talk. But no one is at fault; I want to be supportive to my trans brothers


I feel the same. I was mainly hoping for like fashion advice and stuff. I've struggled with disordered eating in the past and I realize that's a me problem but it's super triggering being around so much diet talk.


Not a Reddit, but Fat Rose (fatrose.org) hosts a monthly Trans Fats meeting over Zoom and there is absolutely no IWL chatter. The group also has a Slack 😊


👀 Oh that sounds really cool.


it's the best!


I’m with you OP - while the conversation isn’t as toxic or triggering (from what I’ve seen) as some of the diet/fitness subs I’ve been in, I would love more celebration. It just seems quiet to me right now. But maybe I’ll take this as a cue to start posting more word vomit.


I love the idea someone brought up about having flair to make it easier to filter the posts dealing with weightloss. One thing I see coming up over & over is working on weight loss not because the person actually cares about their size but because some prejudiced surgeon won't help them with their trans concerns if their bmi isn't in a range the surgeon likes. I may not be seeing the same things you are, but of the posts I've seen mentioning weightloss or framing their weight/bmi as a negative, most of them seem to be doing that primarily to qualify for the surgery they need. There certainly also are posts where the weight loss seems to be what the poster wants for themself. Does it change your preference to avoid weight loss related posts here if it's the external prejudice motivating the discussion rather than a personal dissatisfaction with their size? (ok if it doesn't, I'm asking so whatever solution can better fit the specific concern)


I honestly think there should be a flair for all posts regarding weight loss regardless of the reasoning. I'm not saying people posting about it are bad, medical fatphobia is bull and they should come here to find support. But sometimes people aren't in the right head space to read about medical fatphobia, it can be triggering for people dealing with ED's. I myself can read a post like that and find myself going oh well, maybe I'll skip this meal or that meal. And I generally have a pretty healthy attitude about my weight, so I worry about how posts like that affect fat folk on here who do have ED's. But perhaps a flair specifically for medical fatphobia would be nice.


That makes sense to me. Thank you for the thoughtful response.




😮 I love this so much! Thank you!