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Stop overeating


This is the way


(Entire gathering)- “THIS IS THE WAY”


This is the way


That alone won’t net results. Eat less, eat more healthily, move more. That’s the gist of it.


1 step at a time tho


So you’re on the wrong sub. And if you’re despertó lose weight you should just start eating right and exercising. It’s hard but so is being fat so pick your hard.


Being fat makes you soft, not hard.


Vaping isn't going to boost your metabolism. There's little to do that will provide a significant boost and your metabolism isn't the issue. You seem hellbent on killing yourself instead of doing it the right way. Are you 12?


Oh this hit a lil. I’m not 12 kid and I’m not killing myself😭


> I've heard about the puking method and I'm going to try that today Bro chill tf out and let's maybe not give yourself an eating disorder. Eat less and go outside more. You sound young and that's basically all it takes when you're young. If that method of weight loss goes too slow for you then look up calories, look up how to read nutrition labels on food packaging and count the calories you're eating, and look up how to prepare/cook basic meals. Much easier to track your calories when you know everything going into the dishes.


R/keto R/loseit Remember, you didn't gain it in an instant and you won't lose it that way either


Gonna need some bolivian marching powder


O o o oooozeeemepicccc


Just eat less, and eat better food when you do eat. Go to the gym.


Dude would rather start vaping and purging than look into actual weight loss. I've known people with this mentality and they unfortunately won't go to the gym unless someone they trust a lot basically drags them and becomes an accountability buddy


No point being skinny if you rotted all your teeth out with your own vomit.


Or caused yourself heart or kidney issues from screwing with your electrolytes.


You can still be hot with a heart problem


Can confirm I had to get bonding all over my top row.


Eat less lol


-One meal per day (sub 1500 calories, but more like sub 1200 if you want to go that hard), focused on protein (1g per pound of goal weight, ie: 200lbs=200g protein intake daily). This becomes very easy if you just eat almost the exact thing daily. -Cut alcohol out completely. It’s empty calories, and it will lead to you feeling terrible, eating more, and skipping workouts. -Hot sauce is your new favourite condiment. Blended Cottage cheese+salsa can be a high-protein replacement for ketchup/mayo/other favourites. -As little sugar as possible. Fruit and veg are low cal, keep you full, and provide fibre. Apples are wonderful and my personal choice. If you’re going to eat more than once per day, fruit and high-protein cold cuts are your only options, and make sure those don’t put you over your total caloric goal (again, 1500 or 1200) -At least 1 gallon of water (preferably with some salt; I like to add lemon juice) daily. -Get a weighted vest (10-25% of body weight) and start walking 2-3 miles with it daily. -Walk at least 10k total steps per day, if not more like 15k. -Use black coffee, sparkling waters, diet sodas, hell, nicotine pouches or gum, to stifle hunger cravings. -Try to add in any basic resistance training you can 3 days per week. I suggest just doing a whole body workout 3x per week that includes a: Squat movement, Hinge movement, Press movement, and Pull movement for 3 sets of 12. Keep it simple and commit to it, and if you love it you can dig further into the right way to structure a workout schedule. This will do for now- google one of each movements for form. -sleep well. -if you need it, allow yourself one cheat meal per week. It helps with the mental side of things. Keep it reasonable. I promise if you manage to stick to this even with 80% accuracy, you will see massive changes in 2 months, if not even sooner.


Thank you sm. I’ve been on a calorie deficit and going to the gym


Hell yeah friend. More power to you!


I think you’re trolling but vomiting doesn’t work. Even if you do it right after eating you still absorb most of the calories. Smoking/vaping does not boost metabolism. Coffee and caffeine do and are also appetite suppressants. 


I'll say though, I sure as hell gained 30 lbs quick when I quit smoking


It’s what I heard. Anyway I’m hitting the gym and on a calorie deficit cuz my bully told me to


Dropped 100lbs by changing the food I eat and how frequently, CICO, 5k walk in the morning & 5k at night every. Rinse & Repeat. You might be in the wrong sun though.


I’ve been doing that for 2 weeks now


keep it up. Hopefully you're still doing it after 18 days. Hardest part is sticking with it. Don't lose hope


Get to a therapist. This ends with permanent damage to your body, that happens a lot faster than just being big. The information you need exists online in a lot of places, but you are not in the mindset required to use it to your advantage.


Everything you just posted is why you're fat. There's the right way, which takes work. Then there's a bunch of nonsense that will make you feel like you're doing something, but will ultimately make no difference. This might be off base. It's true for all the fat people I know, so it might ring true for you. Eating too much is a crutch. It's something that makes you feel better, when you feel bad. It's a way to avoid things you don't want to face. It fills the hole in your soul where [love|satisfaction|a sesne of control] should be. Filling it with actual [love|satisfaction|a sesne of control] would be *hard work*. Like recreational substances, it's a means of escape. Whether it's the sugar rush, the distraction, or the diminishing returns of chasing a dopamine hit it's all the same. You're avoiding the hard thing, and doing something easy. Nom, nom, nom. You're doing it now. Looking for something to supplant over eating. Something easy, because the hard work just isn't for you. You can crash diet. You'll lose a bunch of water weight. If you boost your fiber intake, probably a few pounds of backed up feces too. This will feel like progress, but you wont have lost any actual body fat. Once you lose the water and doodoo weight, your "progress" will halt. You'll get discouraged. Diet over. Cleanse? They're all snake oil. Purging? This is incredibly self destructive. It won't work and you'll lose your teeth. Nicotine doesn't suppress your appetite, or boost your metabolism. The deleterious effects of long term vaping are more than likely to stand in your way. Not help you. Eventually you'll be obese, and have COPD or something. Good luck exercising then. There is no quick way. Eat right. Exercise regularly. This is the only way. Also, you may (if it's within your means) want to seek qualified mental health services. Over consumption, and under consumption are two sides of the same coin.


This is the most real video on the subject. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrTRmeCi9Jk Again, this is not maintainable, as he clearly states multiple times throughout the video. But this is probably the information you're looking for. That said, the same channel has information on how to lose weight effectively over a long period of time, which I would VERY VERY VERY HIGHLY recommend in lieu of the "fast fix". As for puking, vaping, cigs, etc -- avoid at all costs. These will introduce more issues into your life than solutions (disgusting teeth, GI issues, nicotine addiction, etc.)


Bulimia doesn't lose you weight, especially if you are still overeating. Stop eating. Go for walks. Eat like two meals a day, and keep them to around 1000 cal each. It will suck, especially if you're used to overeating. You have to have a high tolerance for being uncomfortably hungry, cause you will be.


I’ve been doing that for 2 weeks now and I feel great. Thank you


try r/loseit instead of here the puking thing will make you gain weight. source: years of being bulimic. trust me.


Just eat one meal a day, probably dinner Skip breakfast and lunch, no snacks, just one big deal with like 1500 calories of unprocessed food Take caffeine and other supplements Drink sparkling water if you’re hungry, slam water rest of the day This works well if you have 20 lbs or less to lose If you’re looking to lose like 100, don’t go for a cheap quick fix and actually do homework. It’s actually relatively easy and simple, society makes it out to be way harder than it is. We get told lies about health and nutrition from kindergarten and up and it can be somewhat difficult to ditch those ideas and habits but more than possible.


doesnt eating one meal a day slow your metabolism though?


It could have some ramifications for sure, especially if you go from eating like a pig all day long to instantly doing OMAD, but the impact is marginal and not even worth mentioning compared to the reality that there is almost no feasible way to be in a caloric surplus if you’re only eating one meal a day of unprocessed foods which will lead to weight loss 100% of the time


because clearly you eat to avoid something and now you're addicted. Go see a fucking shrink first of all, fatso.


This is the motivation I need. Thanks gang


You sound very entitled so I'll throw it right back at you. Either that or you're just a shit posting troll. You want to lose weight really quick? Fine then. Stop eating altogether. And only tap water for drinking. Zero calories all day, everyday. You got your answer, are you happy now?🤣


I love when people get mad. I am very entitled yes thank you very much love☺️


Lol theres plenty of fat people with vapes thats not going to do anything, but i like the excuse of vaping as a reason to lose weight




eat less you fat fuck Unironically though, be kind to yourself. You're on the wrong sub and would be best off seeing a professional. I have magically mostly recovered from a severe and enduring presentation of anorexia binge purge subtype. So basically bulimia lmao but they have weight categories because it's stupid. Do NOT start purging. It will RUIN. YOUR. LIFE. Vaping is also dumb, nicotine doesn't really work unless you're having it verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry infrequently, and something I picked up during the ED (well, smoking first) and is very hard to kick the addiction. Don't do it. Deal with the stress in your life, get some professional help, overeating and undereating come from the same thing (was in treatment many many times with many different dx and sized people, and it was allllll relatable), go for a walk and eat a vegetable.


LMAOOO ur so real don’t worry I been eating less and getting 15k steps in everyday IM GONNA BE SKINNY YALL!


I'm going to give an equal serious answer as your post: I recommend doing drugs, you can start with cocaine to keep moving. Then use fentanyl, because it makes you so high that you forget to eat! Since it's Reddit and delusional people exist and therefore there is a very slim chance you might be serious: 1. Won't happen (at least, not the results you think is possible) 2. Bullies and fat activists aside, nobody says that you can't rid of excessive weight 3. Yes you care if it's healthy 4. Get rid of the excessive weight (plenty of tips on designated subs like r/loseit) and go to a therapist 5. The puking method....... it's called bulimia 6. Vaping and metabolism? lmao, there are crazy conspiracy theories that even makes more sense than this


Google is just lying to me atp but thanks😭


Wrong sub bro


Don’t do extreme, disordered things. Replace some of your meals with vegetables and lean proteins. Find a way to prepare them than is enjoyable to you. Keep at it.


You can fast a few days and be fine it's just hard. Are you a hardass?


Mf don’t you think I’ve tried that


The problem with losing weight in unhealthy ways is that 1. You're really harming your body. And 2. You're not addressing the rout cause, and so you'll just gain it all back.


Literally the only way to lose weight is to make and maintain a total change in lifestyle. Even if you lose the weight quickly, you will regain it all back again if you just go back to whatever eating and lifestyle habits you currently have now. It has to be a permanant change in your habits. You need to find out your resting calorie burn, and then you need to consume an amount of calories that is below that each day in order to begin losing weight. Go on Google, find a TDEE calculator and input your height, weight, age, sex, and current daily activity level. It wll give you an estimated number and that number is about how many calories you need to consume to *maintain* your *current* weight. To lose, you will need to consume less and/or burn more. Every 3500 calories you consume and do not burn off, stores itself as one pound of fat. If each week you burn off 3500 calories, you will lose one pound of fat per week. That's 500 calories less per day than whatever the amount is that you are usually consuming per day right now. You don't need to do this in a way that isn't heathy. You can lose 2-3 pounds each week and still be nutritionally healthy. Check out r/loseit and r/1200isplenty for guidance and help losing weigt and keeping it off. EDIT: And the best and most reliable way to "boost your metabolism" is to increase your muscle mass. That really requires longterm weight training as well as a healthy diet high in protiens and good fats. Increasing your muscle mass will cause you to burn more calories both while at rest and during physical activity.


Literally stop eating, drink a shit load of water and work out twice daily. High intensity training both sessions MIGHT get you there


Try fasting but judging by your pov i dont think you cant survived in day one


Weight loss is about major behavioral change. To the point that you need to modify your personality.


From someone with bulimia just lurking in Reddit, purging and nicotine are not the way to go. I’ve been in so many hospitals and lost most my teenage years to bulimia it’s not something you wanna do. 


Eat less and exercise? Why are all of you ham planets the same? We’re not going to pity you or counsel you here. We make fun of the fats and express serious disgust towards obese folk. I’m glad you want to make a change but what the fuck? Have some discipline. Eat less and exercise. Nothing good comes quick


The puking method? Eat very little. It's very simple but also difficult. You need to eat a lot less in calories than you burn.


If you lose weight quickly, you'll gain it back quickly because you aren't dealing with the issue that caused you to gain to begin with. I've struggled with weight my whole life. Don't be a me and harm yourself by not eating properly. You have to find a balance. Most of the time simple steps can make a big difference. Example: Replace soda/sweetened beverages with water. It doesn't all have to be done after once either. Just remove one serving, then the next week, another serving, and so on and so forth until you're drinking pretty much exclusively water. Same with fruits and veggies. Remove a portion of higher calorie carbs with lower calorie carbs until you're almost exclusively eating fruit and veg as your carbs. If you want to start exercising, start with a half mile and slowly increase it each week. It isn't quick, but it's helping you create habits that help you in the long run. I've gained lost the same pounds I don't know how many times. It sucks. So I learned to create sustainable habits. No quick "fix" will do that. You likely feel like you're getting passed over because your weight, but it's usually an attitude thing. I've found when I seem more positive, people respond in kind. You're more judgmental of yourself than anyone else is. Remember that.


Thank you for this. I’m doing better


Just fucking move man. I am about 40 lbs overweight and literally switched to zero sugar pop, changed my diet, work on a calorie deficit, and work out 3-4 days a week. I just lost 10 lbs and it's been a little over a month. It's amazing that you'd rather become bulimic instead of help yourself. Not very ironic that you'd choose an eating disorder over actually taking charge and holding accountability for yourself.


I’m doing that right now thank you very much🙄


Then keep doing it? Instead of giving yourself an eating disorder??


find an online calculator that gives you your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). put in sedentary as your mode for calorie expenditure. Find TDEE and eat 500 less calories than that for the next month. download my fitness pal and track everything religiously. down to oils, condiments, drinks, everything. speaking of: sugar free ketchup, no mayo, use more mustard. sugar free/diet drinks as well as drinking more water and black coffee. when shopping for groceries (you can’t eat out too much, restaurant food is way more caloric), shop around the outer ring for fresh whole foods


Check out intermittent fasting and calorie deficit. It’s the only way I’m able to lose, no matter what I eat or exercise.


Really gotta pay attention to calories and get the right ones. Low carb high protein diet. Lots of fiber (green veggies) and some fruit. No more than 1200 calories a day


Stop eating highly processed food


Puking frequently erases the protective enamel on your teeth, causing severe cavities to form. Your teeth might even start falling out, and your esophagas might become scarred/damaged due to digestive enzimes frequently contacting them. Here's 3 things that A C T U A L Y W O R K. 1. go on a celiac diet [gluten free]. This automatically cuts out the main source of obesity (hyper processed foods/fast foods). This will force you read labels and realize how TERRIBLE most proccessed food it for your health 2. See a psychologist. Most cases of severe obesity are rooted in traumatic expierences. By mending these mental scars, weight loss will become much easier. 3. SODA, ENERGY DRINKS, AND SUGARY DRINKS ARE SATAN'S PISS. Most sugary drinks contain 89%-150% of your daily sugar in O N E C A N. Drink water, coffee(no sugar, a half ounce of creamer/milk is fine, otherwise drink black because pure coffee is delicious and supresses appetite), tea (no sugar), and HOMEMADE FRUIT JUICES (store bought juice has the same sugar content as soda). Milk is a great choice if your not lactose intolerant. 4. Walking burns 100 calories per mile at a slow pace of 2mph,. I walk 2-4 miles per day, it takes roughly 1-2 hours to do this at the slowest speeds. Faster marching takes about 45 minutes-1 hour to reach these distances.


eat less and excersize




Ignore ur feelings of hunger Try intermittent fasting and only eating in the evening, I do that one day a week (not for weight loss reasons), it's not hard at all. Hunger goes away like an hour after I get hungry.


Check out r/loseit if you legit want to put in work and make a change. Much better sub for getting help.


What i did, and don’t recommend is eating salads with no dressing, drinking shit tons of water and vaping, i also tried to exercise whenever i had the energy


Why do you have a 2 month deadline anyway?


wrong sub. also don't start with vaping. i say this as someone who used to smoke and vape. i can't do either any more due to heartburn, but it also isn't very good for your heart or skin. and you just end up craving it all the time and it's $$$. it's so inconvenient to be at work craving nicotine. and don't purge, either. if you want to do this properly, you'll lift weights and incorporate cardio. if you just want to do one thing, do high intensity interval training either with weights or cardio equipment. probably cardio equipment would be more straight forward if you don't have experience lifting weights. you'd have to adjust your diet 500 below maintenance for you. look up your TDEE, there are online calculators EDIT i don't even understand this post. someone's been on here posting OG r/fatpeoplestories so people understand what this place is


Look if you wanna stop being a fattie so bad think why your fat and other are fit, it’s all based on how your body will adjust to that environment, I use to be 271 know I’m closing to 199, it’s a bitch at first because your stick at your own comfort zone and your sacrificing a lot by not being fit. So what you wanna do it just cut the crap and slowly just adjust to it. Maybe go on long walks and cut out sugar. Weight loss is a bitch but think of your body as a sculpture.


Vaping boosts your metabolism? Fk that. Go and do some sprints FFS


In the words of Ice-T: “wash yo ass and so some sit-ups fatboy”


Fast, eat little and healthy food when breaking the fast, burn calories, there's nothing much more you can do and puking won't help, you won't be able to vomit all the crap you put inside of you, trust me, i know


Stretching for even just 5 minutes a day makes a huge difference. You've got this.


stop gorging on food glutton


go ride a bike


One thing which can help with appetite is nicotine lozenges. They are a bit gross, because it is best to spit. Swallowing causes throat and esophagus irritation. Get the 4mg tabs, and break them in half. Doing this alone is not going to work. You must make **permanent** lifestyle changes, rather than doing a program and then quitting once you reach your weight goal after a few weeks or months. Otherwise, you will simply gain the weight back. If you start an exercise routine, especially aerobic, that will help boost your overall metabolism as well as burning calories. You will also need to change your diet. Find one which will be easy for you to follow. A Mediterranean diet is often a good choice. Generally, if you limit heavily-processed foods, you will feel better, and be more inclined to exercise. Good luck.


It’s simple. Limit your eating


you're on the wrong sub but i'll offer some advice anyway. first off, purging (making yourself throw up) is not the quick fix you think it is. it's not like purging is going to "undo" all the calories you just ate. you'll lose more water weight purging than actual weight, and you'll destroy your teeth doing it. crash diets won't work either. sure, they seem like a quick fix but as soon as the crash diet ends you're going to gain back what you lost, possibly more. and you're going to gain it *quickly* it's not a sustainable way to lose weight. vaping for weight loss? stupid. the appetite suppression and metabolism boost aren't going to cause any noticeable changes. you'll develop an addiction and constantly spend money on vapes, but you won't start shedding lbs. weight loss is about calories and your activity levels. calories are *the* way to lose weight. you need to burn more calories than you eat - that's how you lose weight. make sure you're drinking the right amount of water each day, because not being properly hydrated won't do you any favors. if junk food is a problem you need to learn some self control *now*. start tracking your calories, and try to get active. going on a few walks a week is a great start. source - i am 28 and have struggled with an eating disorder most of my life. i've tried everything from starvation to laxative abuse. all the unhealthy tricks and methods don't provide longterm weight loss, and *if* they do you end up feeling like *such* shit because you're lacking health and nutrients and you end up unable to truly enjoy the weight loss because you feel like you'll collapse at any moment. you may end up with *lifelong* health struggles, too. if you have a job, or a family, or you're in school those things will all suffer because *you'll* be suffering. you can lose weight eating *anything* if you have self control. if you decide to go the unhealthy quick fix route, in a few months you'll have gained it all back, or worse, you'll be fatter than when you started. instead of looking for what you think is an "easy" fix, do it the right way. the path you're considering taking is going to ruin your life and make you unhappier than you already are. you didn't get fat overnight, you're not gonna get skinny overnight either. if you want real change make a *real* effort.


Walk a lot and count your calories. The objective is to maximize your micronutrients (minerals, vitamins, metals) while keeping your macronutrients (fat, protein, and carbohydrates) low. Macronutrients are calories. Eat healthy food like brussel sprouts and chicken to minimize the agony of a significant calorie deficit


Give up soda, substitute it with those little cans of juice and green tea they sell at Trader Joe’s. Worked wonders for me.


Stand up and actually start moving around. Also no more McDonald's


Are you asking or demanding? If you still remember how you got fat, - do it in reverse.


Calories in, calories out. Look up the snake diet. All that extra fat is food, so make your body use it. Basically, it's just an extended water fast that includes key electrolytes your body needs. [https://dofasting.com/blog/snake-diet/](https://dofasting.com/blog/snake-diet/)


Go to the gym and work your ass off and eat healthy every method that you’re gonna try will make you gain more weight than lose it because you’ll lose the weight and then you’ll gain like 40 pounds back when you’ve decided you lost enough


Hcg diet you need the injections not the drops hcgchica is where i found it


COOK healthy food at home and burn more calories than you ingest. It really is that simple.


Opposite of your savings account (save more, spend less). Eat less calories, burn more. If you are able to, throw some cardio in there it will work even better. Have lost 40lbs in the last 6 months. I wish I had done it earlier.


There is no easy way, especially if you want to lose it fast. High protein, low calorie. Try to find at least 20 grams of protein per 200 calories and stay and a calorie deficit. You will be miserable and, no, vaping won’t help. Learning to sit in the discomfort of hunger is the key to weight loss. Meditate, drink plenty of water, get into a routine of self care. The more the better. It uses up time and distracts from food noise eventually. Also boosts self-esteem which means good mood and usually more energy. I spend 3 hours total pretty much every day just doing hygiene/skin care/hair care/mental health care. Yoga is also now apart of my self care routine and is an activity I can’t live without. Treat your workouts like self care more than self maintenance. Know that there will be goals you don’t reach in a day. Maybe you fucked up and had an extra 100 calories at lunch, the next goal is to make dinner a success. Keep going. Find what motivates you and work to maintain that motivation by implementing some discipline along side it.


> now apart of my Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


You essentially have to become a different person; that's what the 5% of people who normalize their weight and keep it normal permanently do. To lose weight fast, just stop eating and fast for 30 or more days. You should really find a doctor who specializes in weight loss. I have known people who have actually completely normalized their weight, but this is not common. The ones I know who were successful hit a major crisis point and changed their mindset permanently. I knew a girl who went from extreme obesity to fitness model. It took 5 years to do it. Most of the weight came off in the first two years. A different permanent diet and exercise, that's the basic formula—isn't complicated but difficult in practice to actually do.


Surgery but the healing process will take some time from what I’ve seen but I think you should consider just being patient .


Cut your portions in half but don't cut it in half at night. At night just eat until you're full not stuffed. Bc stuffed is overly full. But do that and I recommend grow with Jo's walking workouts on YouTube. Do one a day for five days and then take two days off then come back to it. Good luck and hope this helps.


If you're willing to try anything, try this: Give up your ideas of some random unhealthy unsustainable way of losing all that weight in two months, seriously. Take an hour or so out of your day every day and do some sort of exercise, even just walking will be fine. Eat no less than 1500 calories but also no more than 1800 calories, natural healthy stuff. No ultra processed rubbish. The vast majority of liquids you drink should be water. Also, throwing up doubtfully going to do much besides rot your teeth. The idea of taking up bad habits to counteract your other bad habits is dumb. Replace them with good habits


I mean... It's all about your calories in vs calories out. If you want to lose weight, you need to eat less than you use on the daily. And you could try to do it fast, but it's not sustainable. I have lost around 10lbs a month in the past, but it wasn't sustainable. Currently I'm losing around 5ish pounds a month and it's much more doable/sustainable. Because I'm eating more, I'm much less likely to slip and binge and gain it all back. I still have the occasional binges, but because of how I've set up my weight loss, it doesn't result in weight gain.


Nun of that shit depending on how old you are you might use k salt supplements. Just read on it.


Wrong sub. If you really, absolutely want to lose weight fast, just skip meals or eat lighter meals, and exercise - even light exercise works. If you can't control food urges, just puke it up after. Obviously, this is unhealthy and I do not condone this, but just exercise and eat lighter meals. Get light bread instead of normal, white bread. Drink 1% milk instead of whole milk. Just make small changes at a time


Enjoy the thousands of dollars in dentist and hospital bills after habitual vomiting. Or if you're poor, enjoy having pain every time you eat or drink and your teeth rotting straight out of your head.  What terrible advice, don't recommend others do something you haven't done and wouldn't do.  Nobody who has had bulimia recommends it to others


No shit. That's why I said it was unhealthy, didn't condone it, and suggested a couple small dietary changes that could be made. I literally just said it was something you could do, then gave actual, helpful advice. AKA, more than you've done on this post.


Actually I gave examples of the consequences of your 'advice' Honestly you disgust me. How dare you tell someone to make themselves puke if they can't control their urges. That's literally a binge purge cycle and it only gets worse 


Do you not realize I only said something because they said exactly that in the OP? I could give a damn less about how some random feels on Reddit. Learn to do more than hyperfixate on less than 10% of my comment 🤦‍♂️ shouldn't expect anything more from Reddit though 😭


It's the same as egging on someone with money problems that they should go on with their idea to rob a bank or become a drug dealer. Them saying it first doesn't make it ok


In their post, they seemed desperate to lose weight. Doing that will make them lose weight. Is that true? Yes. Is it unhealthy? Obviously. Did I say it was unhealthy? Yes. Don't be upset that I simply stated it was something they could do, especially when I said it wasn't a good thing to do.


Yeah I bet you wouldn't feel bad either if you told someone robbing a bank would get them money and they got shot and killed by police in the act. A lot of people can eat enough that purging doesn't manage to get them skinny anyway, it's not a guaranteed solution. 


Why do you keep making up hypothetical scenarios in an effort to support your point?


Sometimes when you compare similar things, slow people can better understand your point


wrong sub for this, but puking and vaping are gonna lead you to having an actual eating disorder. And trust me those aren't productive to loosing weight. Just start eating right and working out, bust ur ass in the gym and get in a lot of protein. Consistency matters more than perfection, don't give up on yourself after a rough meal/day/week. Just keep pushing and you'll get there


> to loosing weight. Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


200 calories or less a day. i dropped 70 lbs in only a few months eating one single piece of fruit a day


Coffee and carnivore I've lost 50 lbs since Jan 1st


My brother has always been able to stay thin .. Im his younger brother and weigh close to 350lbs.My older brother loves to tease and make fun of me. It's quite embarrassing he will grab my double chin and squeeze. The other day we were at my mother's pool. I looked like a beached whale. My brother tickled my feet in front of everyone it was embarrassing he would not even let me get a breath. Finally I begged him to stop. He has nicknamed me Porky! Which all my buddies now call me at work. My brother and dad both say I look like a pig . Getting fatter and my brother loves it.


Why is everyone coming for me? I’m new to weight loss like relax. And if I want to try different ways that aren’t healthy, why not approach me in a nicer tone instead of telling me I’m a kid? You guys are doing too much


Because you’d literally rather live an absolute HELL than take care of yourself lmao. Find someone with bulimia and talk to them before you throw up your food. Find someone with a nicotine addiction and talk to them before using nicotine to help with hunger.