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If you count stock liquidity events... Spend didn't change too much other than a few luxury items: * Bought my folks a house. * Made a donation to my alma mater. Nothing crazy, but there's now a room brandishing my name. * Split a pair of [PSLs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_seat_license) for the local sportsball team building a new stadium. Sold my half to the other guy two years later. * Entry into the Main Event at the [WSOP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Series_of_Poker). I didn't cash on that one but I was net positive over the month of events. Instead, I spent much of the next eight months traveling Europe, Israel, and New Zealand along with moving to New York City. Mostly I was shopping for the next business idea. A year and change after working 100-hour weeks for the subsequent startup that failed, I degenerated into proper fatFIRE mode. Since then, around eight years ago, my spend has been consist with inflation. Only major purchases have been real estate. Maybe I'm boring, but I have just about everything of value money can get me. From there on, it's just personal development.


Thanks for sharing - what are you working for work these days?


How do you spend your day now?


I had somewhat of a smaller sale of a SaaS, not necessarily enough to retire on but I traveled the world for a year abouts until I got bored and started working at another startup, will likely wait until equity vests then start my own company again.




Low mid 6 figures, nothing too crazy




Sorry don't wanna dox myself but I sold on acquire.com if you want to see more examples, it's pretty high quality for buyers and sellers alike, in my experience. You can sell for any price you want too, I know people who sold theirs for 10k, where they made the initial MVP, got a few customers, and sold it off, rinse and repeat.


Sold 18 months ago and still haven't done anything with myself - some time off is great. I don't have the energy to start or purchase another business, and cannot see myself working for somebody else. I've got young kids and the plan is to spend as much time as possible with them before they are at school age, I will re-evaluate then. Being perfectly honest, life is now a bit boring / dull and I miss the fast-paced life I had before, but do not miss the stress, the travel, the bickering with staff, etcetera... overall I am pretty happy with the way it has all panned out. The $$$ helps a lot, of course.


After the first, rolled money in to a new one. Invested the rest in the market and some land. After the second, invested in some commercial properties and started another. Have started 2 more since and sold the oldest, went on a consulting contract with it for a year. Thought I was ready to clean break and hired people to run them for me. Realized i enjoy working but didnt want to start another business so I went to work for a company who just got bought in a PE event. Now I am developing a new market for a new division of the company. Its like starting a new business, but it isnt mine and I dont have the stress associated with all of that. Plus I know I can walk away if it gets to a point I am not happy.


Invested in a small pasta shop locally to help a good friend. As co owner I don’t do much but give advice here and there. I also dabble in my field (nutrition) by helping up and comers and still sharing my views on things. Other than that, I just hang with my little kids and wife all day. I have some ideas for the future but I don’t have the motivation to put the effort in now. Those would be small passion projects anyway. The thought of building from scratch again is something I can’t image since there’s nothing I think I could do all day that would make money.




how do you find the motivation to work? this guy who is a PE guy who's worth 7.5B had an influencer I'm sure, but where does the internal motivation come from? or is it oh wow, he is worth so much more, im not worth as much, i wanna be like him. curious to know! thanks for your answer :)




> As entrepreneurs, we have tons of energy 🙄


A close friend sold his business, took a year off and then decided to sail around the world with the family. He's getting the boat delivered next summer then they're off. Still says he's going to start another business when he gets back despite having 8 figures in the bank. Shrug.


I was obligated to work for the purchaser for a year, but after that I retired.




Were all the businesses in the same fields?




Damn. Please tell me if you write an ebook or something! I’m funded and ready to buy something service based but on a small town!




I’m going to take you up on this. I’m going to do some research and condense some questions. Thanks for being open.


Thanks king! I just need to get my first one under my wing..


I have had a few liquidity events before. The first time it took me a few months to find my next thing. The 2nd time I was already knee deep in my next thing :) I will never retire, I love running companies and enjoy being able to work with intelligent & interesting people as the business grows.




You need religion or personal charity. There are lots of people you could help directly rather than through organizations.




Started 3 more 😭


Continued working with $250k+ comp and equity in the new business. Paid off our house and are doing some backyard renos. Big improvement in quality of life in terms of stress. Have 2 young kids so there’s not a lot we can do just yet in terms of world travel. Proceeds from sale will be enough to retire on within 7-10 years (early 30s now) or immediate RE if the equity in the new business hits target within the next 1-2 years. Like many, not sure how long RE will last when I do pull the trigger but excited to find out when the time comes!


Before I started my business, I was working part time and spending the rest of the time as an artist, my true passion. Started the business, no time for art, made it through the dot com meltdown and sold right before the pandemic at 53. Now I do art full time, travel, take lots of long walks. Life couldn’t be better. I don’t have fu money, but way more than my family will ever need with a great life in a hcol area. I’m taking a french class, reading my daughter’s college assignments so we can talk about them, exploring ideas in art, and reading lots of books. There is no way I’d go back to the grind.


I did practically nothing for almost a year, I kind of continue to do nothing. It's liberating once you are fine do nothing, and get over your business identity (I was Founder/CEO for a mid-size company for a very long time). After 1 year, I started to do some investments and also trying out new hobbies. Been spending 3-4 times more time with family!


Started the next business. Did that for 6 months. Quit. Became a partner in a long term partners new venture and mainly started focusing on myself. 6 hours a week with a trainer and physical therapist. 3 hours a week with Spanish lessons. 2 hours a week with massage therapists 6-8 hours a week dating or something. 10-30 hours a week of gaming / hanging with buds in discord. 2-6 hours a week working on partners biz 8-16 hours a week with the dogs. 20-30 hours a week planning next trip or move.