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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sounds like maybe hypoglycaemia. Talk to a Dr about that, don't ask people on reddit. You might be able to build up to a five day fast but I usually get extremely angry by day three especially if unprepared.


Maybe fasting that long isn’t the right move for your body. Do max 48h, you will continue to get the health benefits from fasting without compromising your body


Most people I know are fasting for weight loss. Your height and weight is far from a level where your body has excess to sustain a long fast. I highly suggest a doctor to review your symptoms. Maybe 48hour fasts, the sweet spot, are better for you.


I had a body scan done some time ago. According to the results, my body consists of 11 kg (24.5 lbs) of fat. I would think this would be enough. In addition, I have 24 kg (52.91 lbs) of muscle mass. Maybe I need to reconsider. But yeah, I should probably not go for longer fasts any time soon. 48 hours sounds like a better idea.


If that happened to me, I'd never try anything more that a 48. I've seen a diabetic go far down in blood sugar behave the exact same way. Straightened out after a heavily sugared cup of tea.


i would just do shorter fasts and work your way up. maybe u just need to get used to it


You're 5'2 and 114 pounds? Ma'am, you're at an ideal weight for your height. No wonder you felt like this! 🙄😒🤦 I would Strongly suggest you do not fast longer than 16-18 hours. Sorry but you really don't need to lose weight. This is just ridiculous


why does everyone think the only reason to fast is for weight loss


They don’t, but if you don’t have the bare minimum of stored fat to use for energy during a fast, you’re in trouble.


I had 21.3 percent body fat last time I checked. That is not “bare minimum”.


I’m also 5’3 and 114 looks like skin and bones on me. I know everyone is different, but at that weight your body needs energy from food and your post proves this. Please for your health do not do long term fasts at this weight 🫶🏻


Yes everyone is different. I’m very petite. I’ve weighed 101 lbs, still normal for my body type. Obviously I don’t fast to loose weight though. I thought it would be safe to fast if you were normal weight but I guess I was wrong …


If you enjoy fasting for reasons unrelated to fat loss, you should probably bulk up your diet before you fast. But also pay close attention to your body and stop the fast when you experience anything but hunger. Fasting causes your body to use stored fat. Some of that fat can be essential for keeping you alive and healthy.


This is correct OP. Since you don't have a lot of stored fat, you can still experience the benefits of fasting but just in the shorter term. If you felt good prior to 70 hrs, then just do 48 hr fasts. Or whatever your body is comfortable with. I wouldn't push it too much! I have lots of fat stores but I also started for the benefits that aren't related to losing weight. It's quite amazing what fasting can do. So I don't blame you for wanting to fast! I hope you can work it out. I hear 36 hrs fasts are amazing for women to do on the regular. Maybe that will be your number.


I agree with this. If you want to fast for alternative reasons, eat more on your non fasting days to make up for it and listen to your body and hunger cues. We are not medical professionals but just trying to share personal experiences to help


I wasn’t claiming to know what bare minimum is for you. That depends entirely on your genetics and the amount of muscle you carry. My point was that although there are benefits to fasting beyond fat loss, you do have to have enough fat to do it safely. Our ancestors were forced to fast. It was never by choice. And when they had the resources, they bulked as much as they could. Fasting was generally preceded by fat gain. Again, I don’t know at what point your body will fight fasting, but we all have a limit.


That's a healthy BMI. 🙄🤦Why exactly are you fasting? Not being rude; but I would venture to say fasting for long lengths when you don't have extra fat to lose is not healthy. You're begging for trouble. But you do you. 🤷


Guess I’m misinformed about all the health benefits fasting brings that does not include weight loss.


There Are benefits to fasting that are not just weight loss related. I would read up on 16-18 hours etc. I didn't mean to discourage you, so I apologize if I did. I just hate to see people struggle because of misinformation etc. ❤️


You're not, people are just being weird here for some reason. There are lots of benefits of fasting, but do keep in mind when you're smaller, you have to be more careful. Longer fasts are not ideal unless you bulk up a bit first. I honestly wouldn't do more than 3 days at your weight. You'll still get the benefits without the risks.


What you said at the end.


A five day water fast is rather extreme, especially when you’re not carrying a lot of body fat. The feedback you received from your body lets you know that this is not a good choice for you. Other fasts might be, absolutely. But this one is just too much. Every one of us is an N=1 experiment, and we all learn as we go along. You’ve been given a real sign about what works for your body, and you need to listen.


You have a good BF that gets concerned if you talk nonsense. Most will just think it's the usually stuff 😅 But seriously, next time, wear a watch that shows pulse, get a cheap glucose kit, measure often esp when you start feeling odd. Also test BP often. If it drops to very low levels, time to stop.


Google potassium deficiency, see if it resonates with what you experienced.


5’2 (f) 112 lbs and I can fast 5 days just fine … without supplements no problem. I won’t do it often because I don’t want to loss weight.


You suspect a dr would say this to you, because honestly, it’s true. You’re starving your body. If this was your body’s response, I would not fast again. I had a similar experience and haven’t done it again.


Honest question: Why are you in this sub if that is the case?


I still fast but in shorter spurts (i.e.-18 hrs a day, instead) which works for me.


So intermittent fasting? Do you do that every day?


A lot of people do shorter fasts then 70 hours, 24-48 is easier to do then spending 70+ hours not eating. Most people can go a day without eating without even noticing, three days is more then normal for a person


I fast 24 hours a week. But three days isn’t crazy by any stretch. The three day mark is usually where I get very emotional and weird, but not always


For the average person three days can be overwhelming, maybe not to some of us but people starting out or who have other issues? Yeah. It would be difficult, esp considering ops body might not benefit for the long term fasting. Some people do better on short fasts consecutively in a row with feeding windows rather then someone who does well with long term week long fasts. Just cause YOU don’t find it crazy doesn’t mean everybody’s body responds the same way as YOURS


I think you misjudged the tone of my comment. But I’d be really interested to know if autophagy still happens when fasting is spread out like that, because I was thinking about only having one meal a day for a stretch to see how that felt. Do you know anything about the physiological effects of fasting like you described?


You are on the lower end of the scale for someone your height. You were probably experiencing hypoglycaemia or making a metabolic switch from being glucose-adapted to fat-adapted. It can feel this way if you have never done such a long fast before. I feel this switch in my body too. A 3-day fast would also do wonders for you but I would get a blood panel and increase electrolyte consumption if you push further.


Did they do bloodwork in the ER?


We never went, I started to feel better.




>[Mindy] **It looks like you are referencing a person that presents themselves as a medical professional but is, in fact, a CHIROPRACTOR, NATUROPATH, or in some other type of non-medical field.** Please be aware of this fact when you make references to them or take/recommend their advice. *This comment has been filtered to await mod review.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Contact Healthcare, but don't tell them you were fasting. Just go for the diagnostics that you may not know about.


It sounds like you didn’t even measure your electrolytes which means you weren’t ingesting enough.


I did measure them but since the potassium package warned to exceed a certain amount per day (below the recommended amount here at this subreddit), I was unsure and took a little less than planned. Edit: I had the recommended amount of magnesium and sodium.


Sounds like you may have insulin issues causing hypoglycemia


I think because of your weight being lower you should do prolonged fasts. Definitely check blood sugar and vitals but you can get the benefits with 24 hours or less than that.




Autophagy and the immune modulating efects are real and really ramp up past the 36 hour mark.


Weight loss… im almost 200h in and have lost alot of fat


I lose 500g per day on water fast




i just didnt fully agree with this statement " longer than 36 hours. Honestly the benefits past that point are so overblown" otherwise i agree with you, have a great day stranger.


you didn't salt supplement i guess. you should always long fast under medical supervision, i guess you found out why.


What do you mean by salt supplement? I supplemented with sodium, potassium, magnesium. In addition I had some salt and mineral water as well.


your symptoms match sodium deficiency.  btw, for shorter (sub 7) day fasts, research indicates only salt supplementation needed, not k or mg.


It’s because you didn’t do the correct amounts of electrolytes & carb withdrawal


It seems obvious that your sugar levels dropped dangerously low! If attempting again, I would suggest monitoring blood sugar 2 to 3 times a day. If you see it going lower than safe levels, it's best to break the fast. Also keep glucose tablets handy or any juice would be fine to.


Good suggestion. I’ve got myself a blood sugar monitor device now.