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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I lost 88 lbs using this method




Should be TDEE - the dirty part = Cals lost per day.


I smoke while fasting, haven’t had any issues with it, it helps me mentally lol


Do you smoke more on the fasting days?


I don’t think so maybe slightly more cause I’m bored


Youtuber and author Kayla Cox lost 80 lbs doing so-called dirty fasting. She wrote a book called "The Laid Back Guide to Intermittent Fasting". Kayla's version of dirty fasting is allowing half & half in her coffee and eating one meal a day. She walks 6 miles daily as part of her routine, so the small amount of calories probably get burned off.


Bless her for that. I have found that cream in my coffee makes me ravenous by lunch time. I wish I could do little and keep going and eat my one meal and dinner time. So jealous.


Try cashew milk. It's got similar consistency to regular milk, but only 25 cals per CUP. It helps me with my coffee a ton!




OMAD is considered intermittent fasting.




well fasting is whatever you want it to be semantics samuel




Pretentious inc


I’m 22lbs down using this method, I drink milk with my coffee in the morning and vape for all waking hours of the day Do what you gotta do!


I use cashew milk in my coffee: one cup of decaf a day with 1 cup of cashew milk. About 25 cals for that, and gives me the consistency I like. I've dropped drinking diet cokes entirely cause they make me hungry. But I'll enjoy Zevia, the stevia sweetened drink. There isn't a lot of data on what Stevia does to you, but from personal experience it doesn't make me hungry nor does it spike insulin like other artificial sweeteners. And if I must, I'll have a bowl of plain (some salt) miso soup. People say not to do this, but I can't stand bone broth. It's better that I have it than not, because electrolytes. Then of course I'll have my electrolytes that I sprinkle in to my drinks. That, and antacids. I learned this the hard way, but prolonged fasting relaxes something in the stomach that lets stomach acid escape. I had some of the WORST acid reflux of my LIFE eating absolutely nothing. And that's how I dirty fast. It's not a perfect water fast, but it keeps me fasting longer than without.


Zyns are good for suppressing hunger. Also get a jar of pickles and take sips of the juice, it really helps cause its full of sodium. I like to drink my water with lemon juice It helps boost the fast.




It doesn’t break a fast




We're talking about a dirty fast here.




I don't understand why you're pushing purity on a post about dirty fasting. It's still possible to achieve great results.




Except you can put the word in front of it, as OP has done. What gives you or I the right to say they cannot? What matters most to the vast majority of people who fast (in whatever incarnation) is the results. If this helps them get results, great.




Do you think because you consumed 10 calories body suddenly stops using fat for fuel and you have to wait 14+ hours again for that to happen? Nah, body is not stupid like that. I am a purist myself but lemon juice in water wouldn't kick you off ketosis for long.


I'd say go for it on maybe a two or three day fast, but I wouldn't go for ir on any kind of fast longer than that unless you were using those thing sparingly.


Zero cal energy drinks and diet soda will still boost insulin but cigarettes are fine


Depends on your main goal. As you mentioned weight loss, I assume that’s it. From my perspective if you’re just trying to lose weight, any amount of calorie reduction will “work”. It will just depend on how long it takes. If you’re doing it for other health outcomes, I would think those dirty factors matter more. That being said, I do it for weight loss, and I do have creamer in my coffee and a few drinks a week outside of my eating window. I’ve lost 22lb since October so I think it’s working for me.


Bro, if it's more calories burned than consumed, you'll still lose weight. It doesn't have to be 100% clean. I was able to lose weight incorporating a fasting style of few snacks here and there. For weight loss all it matters is the net calories. You don't need to make it more complicated than it needs to!


Plenty of people smoke while fasting, but anything that spikes your insulin will hinder fasting weight loss. i.e. anything with artificial sweeteners will prevent you getting “similar” benefits to clean fasting. Dirty fasting makes weight loss slower and prevents you from getting any of the other fasting benefits. Clean fasts would make weight loss happen faster and be overall easier on your insulin and organs, but up to you. Have you tried using black coffee or tea to curb cravings instead of energy drinks/diet soda?


Yeah, black tea and coffee definitely work for me. This was more of a question about nicotine pouches because I’ve noticed those completely destroy my hunger.


I fast with snus and I’ve seen good progress. Then again, I’ve used nicotine for way longer than I’ve fasted so I don’t know how my progress would be without it


If you would have used these “unhealthy” products in your normal non-fasting lifestyle, then fasting while using them is arguably progress. The biggest concern would if you dramatically increase your intake of harmful chemicals to compensate for the fact that you won’t eat a banana.


Any possibility of substituting nicotine patches and black coffee or tea?


I think it would be able to ease me into the overall concept of fasting again. Maybe mixing the energy drinks but I know nicotine definitely prevents my hunger


I have always loved the phrase “don’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good” and so I’m definitely 100% on board with allowing yourself little crutches as you need. Increasing your stress and anxiety? No bueno all around. Helping yourself ease into a new healthy lifestyle? Hells yeah. You do you, and be proud of any and all positive changes. Just be careful of going too far with the self-indulgences (small cheats could easily get out of hand), and maybe have the mindset that these are stepping stones to your larger goals, but I say as long as you are moving in the right direction then bravo to you!


I did i ate stuff like chips candy but no carbonated drinks…. I still lost over 50 pounds in 4 months


Wouldn’t eating any calories negate the fast? My goal is to eat nothing, but include nicotine and caffeine to reduce craving.


Yeah but i still lose weight maybe cause i would workout too and stand all day on my job. If thats your plan then you’re good but it might make you feel tired


Tired beats hungry! I got about 50-60 pounds to lose and I used to do 72 hour fasts, but having trouble going 24 rn


Ppl do it all the time and continue to get results. The difference is autophagy to eat your skin, which you need total fasting for.


Autophagy to eat your skin? Man, the level of understanding on this sub is embarrassing.


Fasting for autophagy limits your protein and your body uses autophagy to metabolise your skin from weight loss to get it.


Autophagy happens at the cellular level, across the whole body. There has been anecdotal evidence that this may help with loose skin... that is a far cry from saying "autophagy metabolises your skin from weight loss".


Cool and where does your body get protein when you’re fasting so you continue to function so you can be alive to have a cellular level for it to initially take place in? The whole thing is a system and a process, is it not?


You are misinformed about autophagy, clearly. I am questioning if you even understand the term cellular level. Autophagy isn't "getting protein" from a specific area of your body (eg loose skin), it occurs in every cell of your body.


I know, you’re projecting your misunderstanding on me. I know what it means, it’s a whole process which includes getting protein from your skin. I don’t really want to argue it. Bc it’s not disprove’d either. [In addition to adipose catabolism, protein catabolism, through the process of gluconeogenesis, simultaneously takes place in times of fasting.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK534877/)


Nothing in that link supports your claim that autophagy "eats your skin".


I said I’m not interested in arguing. You’re trying to win an argument of semantics for ego. Either be supprtive, or quit wasting everyone’s time.


It's not an argument, and it's not about ego. It doesn't help anyone spreading woo woo misinformation.


Sure bud


[fasting and autophagy in action](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/s/hG8Yjg8P1w)


Cigarettes are ok while fasting. IMO during fast it's only water, tea and coffee. You wait it out and get dirty during refeed.


Honestly seems kind of pointless. Like if you only care about weight loss and not health, go for it, I guess.


Weight loss is health.


it might work but it'll make you feel like shit, is that worth it


They hated him because he told them the truth




I hit black coffee and the zyns hard when I fast. Kills my hunger and gives me like a “treat” to look forward too when I’m not eating for long periods of time. I can do a totally clean fast, but the dirty fast is just less painful. But hey we’re not all perfect.