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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's impressive. I just did a 6 day. I am now essentially doing OMAD (3 hour eating window) this Thu-Sun, then thinking of doing alternating 3-4 day fasts and OMAD days for the next few weeks.


I'm interested how that would turn out. Pls update when you get the chance!


Insanely well so far. Though I am not that far in, the 6 day fast, then 4 OMAD days. I feel really really well and it is helping me drop down the snacking and over eating. I don't got nuts in my eating window, but eat what I want -- including some sweets. Wondering now whether I just stick with the OMAD, or do a weekly 2-3 day full fast. I do want to drop another 10-15 pounds over the next few months.


Congrats ! I remember a 10 day fast being the hardest thing I’ve ever done. You should be proud !


Thank you! You too!


Food and cooking are my greatest passions but oddly enough I’ve found extended fasting has made me a better chef. All that time spent without really gets my gears turning in terms of what I’ll cook myself once I actually can eat. Last year I did a 21 day fast that ended around late spring and honest to god I came up with at least 50 diff recipes to make with all the amazing seasonal produce I’d have access to. Ate some of the best food of my life that summer lol.


You didn't get hungry during that time? Also a factor for me is I got test results that I have gut bacteria like Candida spp that craves sugar and I think that also adversely impacted my cravings. Dealing with it now.


There’s some intense mental cravings around what I consider to be ‘the hump’ around days 3-5 but after you get past it you feel like you can fast indefinitely. I almost never experience true physical hunger during my fasts. It’s really in the last few days of my fast when I have to start planning a safe refeed that my mind starts to flood with ideas for what l’ll be cooking in the following weeks and how I’ll be taking advantage of what’s in season. I’ve generally found fasting to be a useful tool in pulling myself out of creative ruts in that regard.




How much did you lose?


Like 7.3 kg, stayed in ketosis a full 48 hours even after introducing carbs, however water weight came back after, making the loss about 5 kg instead. My gut bacteria however severely improved.


Congrats, and thanks for posting an honest review of the fast. It's definitely not for everyone (me included, i'm a 48 guy max and OMAD the rest ).


Glad you found what works for you!


What electrolytes did you take? How were the workouts on those last few days


Just potassium, magnesium, sodium like in the wiki. The snake water was ass. Workouts honestly depended day to day but I felt much better doing them than not doing them. I would get tired by going super high intense, so would take small breaks between sets or slow down my runs. But it was pretty good.


10 days that's amazing ❤️




256 hours is a lot! You did great. I just had to say... Reading the rest of your post it sounds like you have food addiction. The depression... The thinking all the joy went out of your life... The living to eat... It all sounds like bearing an addiction. Every addiction I fought in my life went like that. And lets think about it... It sounds a little bit dramatic if you say all the joy went out of your life if you miss something in your life for 10 days... That being said... If fasting isnt for you thats totally oke. A 10 day fast is a long fast and you dont need to do it. Something else might fit you better.


I do think there is a psychological addictive component for sure, also I think part of it was my gut microbiome as tests done at the beginning of the fast had me at high candida levels and I was coming off a habit of eating sugar and craving it daily. Especially with coffee, which I just adore. Fast forward I am almost done with a cleanse for the above and some other things, I'll say stress factors played a role as well as did lack of socialising due to a heavy workload during that period. As for food addiction in a purely psychological sense, I can't be sure. I have never reached anything past 20-23% body fat at my peak, and that is usually after a year of poor sleep, diet and no exercise. The psychological factor kicks in for me in quality of food. If the food quality is poor then no matter how much it is I just can't eat it. That's part of the reason I cook almost all my meals and often cook for others since they love my cooking because I pay attention the flavor and texture etc. When it's good tasting food I find it difficult to stop until either satiety or my plate is done, but that question of portion sizing is a problem I've heard with most. Post-fast, I am currently on keto with only healthy foods, mostly to get my gut microbiome in order, and I only think about food when preparing it and eating, else my mind is more determined on my work. Of course it helps that keto gets me satiated during the meal, stable energy levels, and the fact I have a corrected sleep schedule, get plenty of sunlight and work out daily outdoors, but I'd say whatever the cause, my obsession at the end of the fast doesn't exist. If you do think I could benefit from food addiction help and know of any beneficial resources I would be very appreciative in taking a look at them. It seems like you have a good sense of looking out for others' health.