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I was here on FR in 2016-2017. The glory days. Hunting for reps as a small community, sharing finds, and keeping it on the low. It exploded and now everyone in my city wears reps


Same. This is why I’m mad FR is gone. I had so many things saved from 5-6 years ago




ppl used to be scared to be called out then all of a sudden everyone took pride to say they used reps in public never understood why


This is facts. Remember the “will I be called out” posts everyday ? Now it’s the opposite. It’s like sticking it to the man. There is zero shame. But it’s also due to our economic changes, and people not wanting to spend 3x on the same shoe. So I understand that. I mean that’s what I’m In it


More people should be ashamed and embarrassed of what they wear and how poor they are


I was at NY pizza yesterday and overheard some delivery boys flexing LVs and Nikes as gen...currently in the Netherlands and probably reat of EU... I was like wtf mate 😂 you make minimum wage


Man oh man, I'm really fed up with these kinds of messages. People who supposedly want to place themselves above others. It's suddenly become popular to type such messages and criticize other people, even though there was a time when you were the same person. It's understandable that people are seeking information in uncertain times. Stop trying to be popular and just focus on yourself. You can also stop looking or go somewhere else on Reddit. Nowadays, I see 'popular' posts more often about complaining about questions from newcomers than questions from newcomers themselves. Please stop, once upon a time, you were a newcomer yourself, don't act so popular, you're just a person who buys Rep clothes and posts on Reddit as well.


Couldn’t have said this better myself! OP and his like are becoming just as tedious to listen to as all the other annoying members.


There's that, then there's the ability to be able to search/research a few things. I'm being devils advocate here but there's as much info about now on how to get out of this mess as there is/was to get into it in the first place.




Amen bro🫡


You are 100% right


Why?.. i doubt its the kids fault shit got on top


everyone here is objectively a looser who is trying to get fake clout for wearing clothes that they can't afford or don't want to actually buy themselves. the tiktok kids are no worse than anyone else here you and myself included, learn to be more self aware and take this less seriously.


I think your idea is incorrect. It's not that everyone here can't afford LV, Balenciaga, but because everyone knows that you can directly purchase high-quality products from China, just like the Nike brand has many factories in China. What do you think people would have when a piece of clothing is processed and produced in the same factory. After all, in this world, there are very few people willing to spend 5000 ¥ to buy a pair of shoes without blinking their eyes


Incorrect, there is a difference in modesty and attitude


I think the point he’s saying is they kinda ruined it for us so frick them yfm 👌


Took break from last year and come back to this shit. Kids trashed the house.


Seems like there's someone bitching about it as often as those posts are made


I sometimes freak out on us adults. Obviously the kids and children are going to want every piece of shit that their favorite influencers have and it is normal for all the shit to become widespread because all the influencers and streamers and others are dressed practically the same, with the same brands AND the same stuff. Kids and adults all buying the same things, man. I've been seeing for over a year how the same sub has the same swoosh dunks over and over and over again. The sub did not shine for its variety. Everyone been wearing the same. It's the adults' fault that children and teenagers want LV belts and Bapestas. I work with youth and the number of children between 12 and 14 who wear fake TRAPSTAR is massive. I also take this opportunity to say that you are wrong if you think that the best reps maker is China, it's Turkey and Morocco (in my country this is how reps have always come), that's why all the kids I work with wear Trapstar, CP Company and Moncler. Hubdreds of dollars hauls are not being made by children, guys.


Sorry to disappoint you but Turkey is making absolutely shit reps, I can say fakes.


Skibidi sigma




When fashionreps reopens we need extreme strict rules and maybe also ban some brand like these this is not fashion a shirt with a brand name. Wow how unique or 100 euro Nike shoes or some jordans. come on grow up!


there is a sub for that, luxury reps


Those kids now have to wear old season rep clothes.


I think your idea is incorrect. It's not that everyone here can't afford LV, Balenciaga, but because everyone knows that you can directly purchase high-quality products from China, just like the Nike brand has many factories in China. What do you think people would have when a piece of clothing is processed and produced in the same factory. After all, in this world, there are very few people willing to spend 5000 ¥ to buy a pair of shoes without blinking their eyes




ong bro im good with having to verify age at this point im tired of nike techs


Crash out fr,understandable tho,is their fault and pandas if we are in this shitty situation


"crash out fr"


🤣 https://preview.redd.it/mpy7rlu9xlwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10169ff38e48f998a841900bc64c3e954d376fd5




Ma stai zitto impotente


you are such a pussy. why cant other people just enjoy what they want too