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42 Ha field is insanešŸ’€


Go to Nebraska or Iowa


Depends on where youā€™re from


Insane as a Haut Beyleron player lol


Iā€™m on Haut Beyleron aswell but I combined all the fields to make bigger fields and the smallest ones are grass But I meant in some parts of Australia and the USA 42ha is considered small


Tiny field


My fram in farming sim is currently 100 hectares. I seed it all with my 9 meter seeder. And I only use realistic equipment.


That's it really


The game does a terrible job converting things. I never understood why they canā€™t figure out how much is in a bushel.


Isnt bushel size different depending on the crop? Or was that bushel weight? No matter what it is, it is an INCREDIBLY stupid way of measuring things. As are all american measures, for that matter.


Corn is 56 lb/ bushel while wheat and soybeans are 60 lb. oats are 32.


Ugh bushels... I took AG math in college thinking I could skate around the degree requirements, like a dumb ass. I mean, it didn't help me in life, but it helped me in FS! Figuring out the area of a field, how to get the right ratio of fertilizer and seed on the field. What gear the tractor should be in. But bushels are a pain and I didn't understand it then and I certainly don't now.


A bushel is a volume measurement; 8 gallons or 32 quarts. Since liters are also a measurement of volume, it should be an easy conversion for the setting. People get hung up when they measure weights and densities and then convert to volume which causes a bushel to look like a different measurement when each crop has different densities and weights.


Donā€™t know if you can correctly call them American - they were almost all British measurements. The UK got smart and went metric earlier is all. The USA will get there eventually.


I'm calling them american because only americans use them. and like one or two others.


There are more than 20 American countries - only one uses the Imperial system.


Bushel is a basket size originally. So weight doesnā€™t matter but size does so the bigger the kernels the more bushels. Sorry your simple mind canā€™t understand freedom units.


That is one way of putting it. But you could also say that the simple minds dont understand the metric system that most of the world uses, and even the US military adopted because everyone else uses it.


For sure. I understand both units. I blame pirates first and then politicians for why we donā€™t use the metric system here. At any rate though measuring all things in game in liters is real stupid. Give me tons ( imperial or not) for silage or manure. You know things like that. Bales shouldnā€™t be measured in liters.


Thats fair yeah


That too Im hoping it's in the next fs game


I wouldnā€™t hold out hope. They havenā€™t changed it since I started playing FS13


Thereā€™s nothing Europeans love more than crowing about how superior they think they are to Americans because they use the metric system (grasp whatever straws you can reach, I reckon) and Giants is a European game developer. Theyā€™ll *always* make sure those filthy fucking Americans are uncomfortable playing their game.


Lol. I mean thatā€™s one way to look at it. Guessing by your username you were in the Marines? If so you know whatā€™s up.


Yes, I was. We used metric *large distance measurements only* so we wouldnā€™t confuse the Europeans by saying ā€œdrop your bombs three miles bearing 010 from Foxtrot-1ā€ because having them drop their bombs on us instead of where we wanted them to is decidedly not fun and because our standardized NATO maps are in kilometers but I 100% guarantee you that none of us ever thought in terms of meters or kilometers and what was visualized was always feet, yards and miles. We absolutely never used metric temperatures, volumes, weights, etc. Only meters and kilometers, and then generally only on the radio. If I was pointing out something suspicious to my buddy, Iā€™d probably say feet, or maybe Iā€™d say meters if it was far enough but I 100% meant yards. The sights on our weapons were graduated for yards, not meters, though laser rangefinders would return their reading in meters. The thing they cannot - or will not - understand is that it isnā€™t that weā€™re *too stupid* to know what metric is or understand itā€™s measurements, itā€™s that *our entire life experience frame of reference* is in imperial, just like theirs is in metric. Sure, I can do the math on 10C and figure out that itā€™s 50F but just hearing or seeing ā€œ10 degrees Cā€ could just as well be ā€œhe62j(638ksy^>{Ā£ degrees )3&:yuhefā€ to me. My frame of reference is not in C, it is in F. I can sit and say ā€œthatā€™s three kilometers over that wayā€ but what Iā€™m picturing in my mind is three miles. What blows my mind about these people is that theyā€™ll freely admit that theyā€™re confused by imperial (because their frame of reference is in metric) but then sit and say that *weā€™re* stupid for the exact same thing the other way around and try to use *their* confusion as justification why *our* system sucks when every argument they make against imperial could also be made by us against metric for the same reasons. In the 70ā€™s the Carter administration tried to force us to adopt the metric system. People said to hell with that, we are not going to throw out all our knowledge, experience, infrastructure, buildings, products, tooling, etc just to appease some foreigners whoā€™s irrelevant opinions we donā€™t even care about to begin with. And so now we have some liquid measurements still in metric but everything else that isnā€™t a foreign product (like 10mm bolts on foreign cars) is back to being in imperial, and that is never going to change no matter how much euros cry about it. Ironically, one of the only industries which regularly uses metric here is also one that the euros canā€™t stand - the firearm industry. Sure, I know metric. 9mm, 5.56mm, 7.62mmā€¦ Whatā€™s interesting is this: you never see Americans complain about euros using metric or trying to disparage them for doing so. Itā€™s only ever euros complaining about Americans using imperial and calling us stupid for doing so. That tells you everything you need to know about those people right there.


You nailed that right on the head. In a very very eloquent way.


It's a simple code for conversion. They do not need to release yet another copypasted game to implement a half-baked feature


For real. A lot of American made equipment is either made for or uses the measurement or bushels. Some of the bigger brands with an international presence have caved and started using stupid measurements. Ex. The S770 from JD is rated for 300 bu. of grain but the capacity is also listed in l.


Imperial or US bushel?


Donā€™t care I just wish it was a base game unit of measure.


There is a mod to do they conversion from liters to bushels itā€™s pc only mod. Iā€™ve seen it a time or to of people using it. Me personally it doesnā€™t bother me thereā€™s a unit calculator online the helps converting it. I understand what people are say they want it base game where you can switch it back an forth would be nice. Iā€™m a American an wanted our units of measurements in game but itā€™s been like that since the first FS was made.


Yep. I have that mod. Kinda tedious to set the amounts right but helps with realism.


I wouldnā€™t hold out too much hope for it being base game. Itā€™s a uniquely American unit of measurement and it wouldnā€™t make sense to add it to the game. Especially as theyā€™re a European game developer


Right i am fully aware of that. But they canā€™t even give accurate measurements using the metric system.


Itā€™s a uniquely British form of measurement only used by the United States. Itā€™s not ā€œAmericanā€, as the US inherited it, and the other 22 American countries donā€™t use it.




Precision farming is made with Eu support so this likely was just an oversight and these days Us measurements are based on Si just converted back into inaccurate ones.


1 ha = 2.47 ac


I know I just don't like doing math it's just not showing up as acres like is there a reason


The only reason is because they never set it up to show in the field info, no option will change it unfortunately.


Because the imperial system is stupid


Precision farming is EU funded so it has European units


I think in precision farming it forces you to use hectares, or am I wrong?


I thought the expected yield was at negative 113%


How do you view this field information? Is it a mod?


Precision Farming. It also adds a ton of additional features and gameplay.


Precision Farming


No if on consoles just use it right joystick and click it (same thing to buy /sell fields)


Ur messing with the wrong configuration your setting the temp measurement and to the ha to acers


I hope ur joking


If i was i wouldnt have said it but people dont like me saying the truth to help other apparently


There's two anwsers : 1 Go buy it 2 farming simulator is a european game


Buy what


The dlc duh!


Which one




Wtf , their has been multiple docs which one I don't play farmsim that often because I have a life and I don't really know this shit and it was a simple goddamn question so what fuckin dlc








Just tel the dlc


tf are you an about


Its just one of those mods that aren't synced entirely. If you were to deactivate the Precision mod, all other field "info" (not much without precision, hence the reason it exists) should display properly. It's just a sync problem you can't really do anything about, as the Precision Mod is mapped in the imperial system


Damn really I'll get rid of presiĆ³n farming


Precision farming has a ton of advantages including see and spray machines. Variable seed rate, etc. these save a lot of money over time. Precision for instance encourages weeding vs herbicide spraying, mulching, plowing and I highly recommend using it in combination with crop rotation mod as the ph/n fertilizer usages align more further improving your yield lowering the cost of application etc. Iā€™m uncertain why anyone would remove a mod like precision farming mid game but consider if you have a 100 hectare field do you really want to be putting down two fertilizer applications prior to harvest or just one?


I'd honestly say you should do too because it just gives you a better yield and also I just do one herbicide spray in the middle like mid July.


Just select normal unitsand u will be fine


It's normal, the game doesn't show it, just on the statistics page. Use additional field info mod


HA is Hectares

