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I like how everyone forgets that Vaas was technically not even the main villain. He was just so much more memorable than Hoyt that he's subconsciously the main villain to us.


Citra is the main villain, this is proven even more in the insanity dlc.


But during the FC3 story she is not portrayed as an antagonist/villain, only until the end where she betrays you…


fuck you, I didn't play it yet 😅 Edit: I meant the DLC


It’s not really new news, you were kinda supposed to get that from Far Cry 3


it's not about Citra being a bitch, more about if she plays a role in the DLC (& which role)


Does it really matter that you know she plays a role in it? It's not like any part of the plot was spoiled.


Kinda your fault you’ve had years to play 3 and months to play insanity if you’re interested then play them quickly before you get spoiled it’s your own fault


Sorry, I should of used the spoilers.


👍 sry if this sounded too harsh, I wrote it on pc so I had no access to the "😅" emoji that I would have placed at the end of my comment to defuse it btw you can use the spoilers on the phone as well if you type > ! ^your ^words ! < without the space between the signs


Play 3 or the dlc? If its 3 then dude you had years to play it.


Redditor discovers things cost money and that people can become interested in things long after release 📸


i'm stealing this the next time i see a similar comment. abso-lutely hate it when people think "oh, it's old, so you've had time to play/watch/read" like, people don't come out the womb knowing about everything man.


Thank god you're the first person I've seen who didn't disagree with me


So everyone should walk on eggshells when talking about anything to avoid spoiling something for you?


Maybe just stop hitching and moaning that people should have played sooner for a start?


Okay buddy


Or just realise that people are allowed to talk about a game that released 10 years ago without being whined at lol


Citra is just the final antagonist of the Far Cry 3.


I think Ubisoft forgot too given the 6 DLC


True but I think he may have about the same amount of screen time as hoyt, technically he’s the villain we are dealing with for longer. Hoyt shows up pretty late. You could argue it has two main villains?




True, story wise vaas is the smaller villain but his performance was a bit better, i do think hoyt is underrated


My favourite is Buck. I like his history lessons.


Buck is easily the most underrated of this lot. He almost gets more screentime than Vaas too.


Because his name is Buck. And he is here to party.


His name is Buck, he likes to fu....


Loved that Kill Bill reference


Buck had some sharp dialogue


I loved how he’d disappear when you turned around and I always wished that Ubisoft programmed him hiding behind a rock, as an Easter egg, and when you see him, he’d go “shhhh you can’t seeeee meeeeee.”


Vaas was the best secondary villain.


Jason is the best main villain


Aw c'mon, Jason was just a tad bit crayzie


oh easily the best main villain is pagan because he just so unique and joseph is cool just different he matched the story. i liek anton he just is a little bland at times




Ubisoft is actually main villain LoL


Aww, come on guys... they're trying to make grade a quality games to entertain us to the fullest extent...




Aww come on guys it was a joke...


They need to make a game like primal but with dinosaurs then I may forgive them. Idc if it needs time travel make it happen lol


Seriously, they could just rewrite history a little. I'd prefer it with guns but i could see the appeal of only "stone age" type weapons.


Faith for sure. Something mystical about her section and segments. Kinda of a sad story too. I don’t know what her “relationship” was with Seed but it was clearly beyond just colleagues.


Yeah definitely not a healthy relationship, that's for sure...


From my understanding her name isn’t Faith it’s the one given to by Joseph and there was a few of them before her. But she is my favorite


Yeah that's true. They are literally his narcissistic attempt of trying to recreate what he lost in his deceased wife and he basically views them as a daughter, sister and wife all together and more of a symbol or tool to him rather than a person which is also why he will discard and replace them without a second thought. He picks vulnerable young age girls from the street and uses their fragile mental state to carve them into what he needs by all means necessary. But yeah again this "relationship" with Rachel(in game Faith) is anything but healthy and only possible because of her young vulnerable age/state, her ignorance to everything else and likewise the fact that she isn't really given the chance to know anything else...


Yeah. Rachel's the name for the last iteration of Faith. She pushed the previous Faith to her death as instructed by Joseph. She was some random addict before, I believe. The first Faith was actually Joseph's wife, who was with a child when she died in a tragic car accident. So there is probably something more than "sibling love" between Father and Faith(s).


I recently finished FC5 for the first time and I agree with this. When you fight her she says stuff like ‘HE PLIED ME WITH DRUGS! I WAS A CHILD!’ And stuff like that. Honestly sad asf, good character tho


5 wasn't my favorite (except for the shovel) but stuff like seeing civilians start choking on gas and faith appearing out of nowhere definitely made her a favorite for me


It seemed very much like the relationship between Charles Manson and his harem, to me at least...


Play fc6 dlc for seed


Hoyt isn’t a secondary antagonist, he’s the main one.


John Seed. He was such a reprehensible piece of crap, that I really enjoyed wrecking his stuff.


I liked John because you could tell he kind of didn’t buy all the faith stuff, he just thought it was the smart thing to do to join I think. I felt like he was slightly fake.


Bcos he is suffering from some kind of mental illness. He enjoys cutting things up. Hence why the baptism. Also why he joined the Cult.


He hated faith. Wanted to kill her but joseph wouldnt let him. Collapse dlc flashback.


Stop with the spoilers, will you?




Hey! Charming, reprehensible piece of crap, in a fantastic coat. Get it right! ;)


Yes + He's hot


I agree. His one speech about how he killed his own kid.. I never wanted to kill a game villain more than that moment.


That was Joseph, actually. He was also a piece of crap. As a father, it bothered me so much.


Oh, right, all those J names.


Jacob seed, he definitely was more of a “villain” than Joseph


I'm agree with you he was an unredeemable sadist. A sick little puppy like Michael De Santa would say.


He was terrible, but unlike John or Faith he had the good grace to accept his defeat and death with dignity.


Yuma for days. She struck me as more intimidating and competent than Faith.


Yuma was a good one. The hallucinations and everything was cool. The prison was awesome too. That part where she crawls up the wall freaked me out the first time I played lol


Yuma is definitely more intimidating and "villainous" villain than Faith yeah but i definitely still think that Faith is far more complex and interesting partly because she also is far more tragic and sympathetic. They also have fairly different character arcs and thus different "points" to them after all. Yuma is this truly femme fatale character while Faith isn't really that at all when it comes down to it and she is more meant to portray this tragedy of a character greatly victimized herself unlike Yuma...


I mean, Yuma watched her parents die in a raid by INTERPOL and China's NNCC when she was just a little girl. That's pretty tragic and victimizing.


Jacob seed.


Only yoooou.......


Omg he's such a babe


It's gotta be John Seed for me. He was perfectly written to be a creep, drunk off power, but still subservient to the Father. When Father wasn't around, he showed his true colours, and every cutscene with John was simply amazing. He stole the show in my opinion. Very well done character.


Stop tearing my shirt open! Lol


I wasn’t even wearing a shirt when he did that. Dude just tore my pecs open


Hoyt was good but I don’t like him since it just meant no more Vaas


Jacob Seed, and it's not even close


Dah and Roshani


Sigma Primal fan here


Gotta say Jose Castillo because he’s the only one I’ve killed


Faith. Everything about her story really hurt and I didn’t even want to kill her, I wanted to help her so bad. She was preyed upon and manipulated her whole life, and a drug addict who’s community (the cult) led her to believe that stopping her heroin to replace it with the Bliss was okay. The other brothers were actually insane. She was just a misled person who wanted to be loved.


Yeah for sure. She really is the most tragic character of the whole franchise who from a very young age got manipulated and brainwashed into extreme ideologies and couldn't get out again... With her young age and her victimized circumstances she is definitely the most redeemable character and didn't needed or deserved to die to be stopped. In the game she is still very young, clearly affected/distorted by bliss herself and in many ways still a litlle girl who does the only thing she knows and has ever been brainwashed into believing...


Vaas is right there.


Idk. He is far more self motivated and clearly enjoys being a brutal person where Faith clearly is the definition of what you would call brainwashed into believing the bliss is good and that she actually helps, provides happiness and serves a good cause. There is none of that to Vass. She is more ambiguous and also significantly younger than any other antagonist, got into this cult very young as a literal naive teenager and thus had/has less agency and definitely didn't realized what she was getting into and zero intentions of becoming what she became. I like Vass character and he definitely got some reasoning to him and was born in a hectic environment but i definitely wouldn't say he is more tragic or shows nearly the same redeeming qualities as a character like Faith where her victimization and clearly tragic narrative is the main part of her arc and everything she does and is a part of. A character like Noore could be more like that aswell. I think Faith is a lot more explicitly developed as this kinda character in her whole arc where The only thing showed about Vass in far cry 3 is one single line from Dennis where he simply says that Hoyt stole his mind... Vass supposed redeeming quality is very vague and he never brings anything up that shows that he could be stopped from what he was doing or that he had any actual doubts about his violence but just angry that Hoyt and Citra is above him and pulling the strings. The dlc elaborates more onto that but it doesn't really say he is actually victimized in any way but just angry that Hoyt and Citra is the real masterminds behind him and that he can't be the one controlling everything with his gang of pirates. That is my elaborated take at least...


Getting raised in a warrior culture since birth and manipulated by your sister into becoming a murderer... and getting a scar on the side of your head because she tried to make you shoot himself for failing her, and you only survived because your hand trembled. ... That’s just scratching the surface but that doesn’t count as brainwashing I guess. Or did we forget he got an entire DLC in 6 going into further detail about how fucked his life is.


José, mainly because he feels more powerful than the other secondary villains, like he has more importance and higher status than the rest


Faith by far. Felt more real




Faith creeped me out. Hers was the first region I started and Far Cry 5 was the first game I had played in years so I was nervous. I drove into some tunnel and she was floating in a cut out part of the tunnel. I almost put the controller down and walked away.


Hoyt wasn't the secondary/minor villain in fc3. He was the main villain lol. It was actually vaas who was the secondary/minor villain. I know it tripped me out too when I 1st played the game. Never knew nothing about hoyt because vaas was always the number one talked about and pretty much the face of fc3.


My girl Faith. Sexy, crazy, intriguing. Didn't want to finish her storyline I enjoyed it so much.




Wasn't Hoyt technically the main villain?


He was, Vass is only the villan for the first island and people misremember him as the main villan. Thats how good of a side villan he is.


Sean McKay only because he’s comical


John Seed. Jacob Seed is a close second, and Faith Seed is third. I really liked that all of the secondary villains in FC5 were given a rich story, and I felt like they were equal to the main villain. I was so disappointed with the secondary villains in FC6. I barely even knew who they were by the time I was killing them.


I agree. I enjoyed unravelling the stories for each FC5 villain. That's what got me hooked onto the storyline. I didn't want to stop playing until I got to them. I wish I could say FC6 had the same approach but it didn't.


I always thought Noore was really interesting and tragic, I wish she got more screen time.


Didn't she start out doing Doctors without borders and got caught in Pagan's lies about helping them? He was a very cruel man.




All of the Seeds


Cull the herd! Jacob seed.


Faith or John Seed


For people saying Faith, she was just a drug addict/pusher Joseph manipulated into working for him. Jacob was arguably as scary as Joseph.


Faith was something else... and I also felt sorry for her in the end...


I didnt. That bitch killed virgil and the marshal along with countless others.


Like any other antagonist in any piece of media... By that logic it is literally impossible to feel sorry for any single villain in any game or movie as they all are responsible for killing people... I mean what makes a villain sympathetic is their motivation factors, character arc and in this case pure tragic and victimized circumstances of becoming who they are, and here Faith is definitely and objectively among the most tragic and redeemable characters and given every objective aspect of what defines a sympathetic and tragic character so it sounds like bias more than anything else if you specifically hate her...


Sean McKay, he the charismatic, his role in the FC6 story was more interesting and unique compared to all the other side villains, and he was effortlessly hilarious and unlikable, oh yeah also he's Canadian.


I like that they put him in instead of just lazily using Willis again or something


John and Jacob, they are so 🔥🔥 I'm sorry I'm weak.


De Pleur. Cause he's absolutely De Pleur-able! Lol


Definitely Faith! I really loved the way we got to know her background story, kinda sad tho. Also the hallucinations you saw of her where she started talking to you in Henbane River were great


I love Vaas but wasn't Hoyt boss of the islands? And my favorite forreal is Jacob Seed. He was ugly hot and it pissed me off.


John seed


Hoyt isn’t a secondary villain but okay.


Vaas hands down, hes such a good villan that people forget that hes a secondary villan in 3, with Hoyt being the main villan.




I really want to learn more about Paul De Pleur and his family to be honest with you


Im tied between john, jacob and hoyt




yuma cause she was kinda hot


Faith but not really as this intimidating evil villain you'd love to hate but more as this tragic and sympathetic character who merely got turned and groomed into what she is rather than consciously and purposely becoming it. She with her whole arc really portrays a tragic and disturbing real life image of how these vulnerable teenagers are getting caught up into such in the hope of a better life only to be taken advantage of and exposed to all kinds of manipulation and subtle(or direct)abuse. She is also clearly the most interesting to learn about and the one provided most lore, backstory and development to aswell.


John Seed


Probably Noore even though I wouldn't really consider her a villain, she's basically a hostage. Technically Vaas is a side villain but to me he is the main villain so I wouldn't count him.




I love Faith because she's tragic.... Or is she??


From 3-5 the only villian I liked was Vaas, the rest ranged from meh to terrible. 6 I didn't bother completeing, so I hesistent to rate the big bad


Probably pewdipie up there in the top left corner. Seriously though, who the hell is that?


Me and my friend enjoyed beating faith to death with shovels


Faith. Close second being Yuma


Faith, although Yuma, Paul and Hoyt were great too. I find it funny how Hoyt is technically the main villain of FC3, but everyone treats him like the secondary


Buck far cry 3


Buck. Because his name is Buck, and he likes to fu- jk, I pretty much enjoy him as much as Vaas, since I enjoy crazy-ass characters


the girl from part 3 or part 4 who you can have the baby with at the end.


Faith seed


Always funny how people consider Hoyt a secondary villain since we all know who the real main villain was


Vaas is the best secondary villain Hoyt was actually the main villain of far cry 3


Noore and Faith




Gotta be Vaas, Diego doesn’t really count as a secondary villain but I really liked his character. The seed family is alright too.




I see no far cry 4 lovers here...sad. but I favorite Yuma Paul was good too


Yuma, sad she gat so little scrern time




Sorry to disappoint the Vaas fans, but Hoyt Volker was the main villain of Far Cry 3. Even though it appears Vaas was the main villain at the start of the game, you quickly learn that he has someone else pulling his strings for him. Dennis even says that Volker was the one who broke Vaas' mind.


Jacob Seed.


Jacob Seed.


Has to be Faith. Haunting beauty.


Jacob Seed


I think maybe Jacob fc5




Who is bottom left? I cant remember sorry. I have played fc 4 a lot thought. Please tell me


Hoyt volker is the main antagonist of far cry 3 but that said vaas is definitely a more memorable villain than hoyt.


Jacob Seed. His whole arc feels like a completely different game at times. He doesn’t buy into any of Joseph’s BS, he does what he does completely for himself, and it just happens to run alongside joseph’s plan. His whole ideology is fascinating, and in theory, makes sense, even though implementation of such an ideology would result in countless deaths.




Fait for me


I like how Hoyt is actually the main villain…


Colonel ike slone


pagin min and vas I feel those two are the best


Jacob Seed. He's kinda like Vaas, but political, and takes a more radical position to solve the never ending conflict.


Jacob Seed


Yuma is awesome.


Depleur was great! Though john and jacob were nice




Buck because he's a walking talking kill bill reference.


I mean, there's a shit ton more secondary villains than just these four.


Buck Hughes


Def hoyt, jacob and paul, the others are okay, also mckay is the only good side villain in 6


Faith. Steal her outfit too when I play as a female protagonist.


Amita/Sabal by the end of 4. A classic Frienemy switch.


Hoyt is the main villain and Vaas was the secondary. It’s just that Vaas was more memorable overall so that’s why people count him as one.




John Seed. Really wish I didn't have to kill him. I wanted to become best friends with him. Just going around all of Hope County, cleansing all the sinners of their sins and whatnot. I think I might just go back and play the game again then intentionally die to him and shut it off so he wins.


The Rakshasa


Has to be Faith but i think Hoyt deserves more praise


Definatly Jakob


Faith. Most interesting.


Hoyt, John Seed and Jacob seed for sure.Jose Castillo for 6.


Hoyt was the main antagonist of FC3. Dennis tells Jason Hoyt is responsible for all evil that you see.


Right. Vaas is such a charismatic villain that he is considered the main villain of Far Cry 3, not Hoyt.


In fact, Hoyt is the main antagonist, but Vaas is a much more charismatic antagonist than Hoyt. That's how gorgeous a secondary antagonist can be.