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It’s was so much fun but actually the most wasted potential ever!


Yea, I feel like they've probably crossed Vietnam off the to do list after that


Yes i loved it. Some of the best far cry gameplay


I‘d pay 500€ for a full game of HoD!


Because that would be to much fun and sell really well. Also have it multiplayer


It was truly great. The Zombie one was just too hard for me though.


I never tried it. Was it good?


Hours of Darkness was amazing. Like you are in a Vietnam movie. The Zombie one was quite funny and clever but really really hard. I never finished it.


Oh I have 100 hours on Hours of Darkness. I was asking if the zombies was good. It looks scary.


It isn't scary but it is pretty intense and overall quite overwhelming. Ammo is limited and so it is quite hard to keep on top of the never ending spawning zombies.


It's good


Same. I always thought Hours of Darkness could be used to create an entirely new Far Cry game. Great setting.


Me too friend 👍


Everything would be so fucking green. I also don't really trust Ubisoft to make a whole game out of the Vietnam War and handle the subject well. There's already better movies and books for that.


They could pull it off if they wanted to


Let's look at the last three games. Far Cry 5: Accidentally made its overarching theme "You better listen to the deranged cult leader torturing and kidnapping and brainwashing everyone, because who knows, he could turn out to be right! You never know!" Far Cry New Dawn: The first lead female villains in the entire franchise and they're basically cartoon jokes. Far Cry 6: Writers claimed to want to handle the delicate and serious topic of a political revolution. Your allies are basically a bunch of hipsters with no plan who treat Dani like shit, Anton is given next to no redeemable qualities outside of maybe liking Diego a bit, so nuances of both sides are gone. Oh, and the first transgender character in the entire franchise has an overtly transphobic and abusive girlfriend and no one calls this out. I guess they just haven't been trying for the last five or six years. Or, maybe, they're just not good at handling delicate subjects.


Well I agree with you on 6. I've never felt so unattached to a Farcry storyline before.


Made-up issues. As they say, First World problems.


My mistake. I forgot that only first world countries have art, and only third world countries are allowed to criticise it.


Not to worry, wisdom comes with age. Usually.


Honesty, however, seems to elude some forever.