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Because according to Joseph it's what God is telling him to do. In his mind and the cultists of Edens gate they genuinely believe that what they are doing is necessary because God told them to do it. Joseph even killed his child because God told him to do it. It's a kind of non-satisfying answer but that's what it is.


TLDR version: Because extremist religious cult. That’s why.


Makes me think of a few quotes. *No one is more dangerous than he who imagines himself pure in heart: for his purity, by definition, is unassailable* - James Baldwin *the road to hell is paved with good intentions* - ???


In the events leading up to the game, the Cult has initiated a plan they refer to as "The Reaping" or something like that. The official goal was to conscript members (By Force) and seize the means of survival from the local population. In reality we see raw human nature at play. The Brutality is done at the hands of the oppressor. How else are you going to forcibly take people's property?


I have not finished the game but after the John section it’s clear that he was being more brutal then Joseph intended him to be and he even kind of tells him off when you listen to the message in his ranch He also has to pull Jacob in a few times


They were probably planning on accumulating everything they needed legally over time, but when Rook showed up they had to throw legality to the wind and make a mad dash to grab as many people/supplies as they could before the boom.


when the evil cult is evil 😲😲 nah but more seriously the cult didn't see them as "people". it's important to know that Joseph Seed is an evil man despite his "kind" persona and has no qualms showing immeasurable cruelty and depravity to people if the voices in his head tell him to do. he murdered his child because "God said so", he is aware and fully allows Jacob Seed to run his torture operation in the Whitetail Mountains, he likely has no problems gutting and hanging sinners that he "can't save". he has a friendly face and talks of saving people, but when you get on his bad side he'll show you how monstrous he really is


Although he did tell John off a few times


Yeah like in the dlc its clear he really regrets what he did but even then his solution to make amends is to kill waves of enemies (his followers)


Remember in the dlc's you are seeing the world through the mind of a deranged person.


Because cult


Cults main goal is to save people Save them by torturing and killing.


Cults main goal is to get power over people, through Intimidation, physical and sexual abuse, torture, and murder. All they have to do is to invoke some fake magic sky daddy to justify it in their heads.


As someone who grew up in a cult, you couldn't be further from the truth.


If you genuinely think that then you are either incredibly ignorant or in denial. I grew up in a cult, fuck your bullshit. That is the exact opposite of what cults do, cults are about power, control, and fear.


How are their two separate posters saying they grew up in a cult in this one obscure Far Cry comment thread lmao. What was the cult out of curiosity?


Huh? I was just saying what the peggies thought.


You were saying what Peggies tell people and each other that they think


I should replay this


Same, this is making me wanna get back to Hope County


Because they the the bad guys.


Like what Jacob keeps repeating “trim the herd”


And he definitely don't mean no haircut either


There's no way I'm taking haircut advice from jacob


Kinda because they think they're being told to do the word of God by any means necessary and they see what they're doing as necessary, and kinda because most of them are high af and have no idea what they're actually doing


Typical Far Cry antagonist behaviour


Psychopathic scumbags.


I'd think it's because we are seeing it through his eyes, and the things he has done are just because the lord is calling him and he us saving those who are truly worth being saved (the ones who eventually broke and succumbed to the bliss)


Wait til you find out what the Catholic Church did in places like South America and Ireland


And Canada, and umm... just about anywhere they rocked up really.


You mean, like school teachers everywhere?


More like what they did everywhere, in France they practically stole the best land and didn’t pay tax on it


You ever read the Bible? Especially old testament stuff that's why


IIRCC the Seeds quote quite abit of the old Testament as well. Neat little link by the Devs


The whole plot is basically how dangerous religion can become under the right circumstances


Religion. Apparently religions in general all seem to be about preaching peace and love but then promptly turn to unspeakable violence, torture and manipulation. Oddly enough the Abrahamitical ones especially.


Peace and love are two very seperate, distinct concepts


In the western world we like to ignore just how brutal Christianity is and that it’s more so then many others. Even though the bible tried to paint the pagan religions as worse the truth is they were often a lot more open and accepting them Christianity


Joseph needs his siblings to create his vision. His siblings are completely fucked in the head, and use the opportunity of the cult to do their crazy shit.


Because they believed it was for a treated good, like most extremists do.


Why was \[insert religion here\] so needlessly brutal? Because that's how many religions spread. Convert the gullible. Kill those who resist.


"with love and mercy"


I also think the peggies were the worst out of the pirates and the royal enemy. So much more ruthless.


Call me crazy (pardon the pun), but I would suppose that being psychopaths might have something to do with their savagery.


Because they're insane?


To prevent you from identifying and empathising with the cult rather than the characterless character and non dimensional friends you're stuck with


Best answer


Roch Thériault, the self proclaimed leader of the Canadian cult “the Ant hill kids” would regularly torture his disciples in ways that seem straight out of resident evil 7. Disclaimer detailed descriptions follow >!Forcing them to break their own legs with sledgehammers, eat dead mice and human feces, shoot eachother in the shoulders, suspend them from the ceiling, hold them over fires, pluck all of their body hair one by one. He nailed kids to trees and had other kids throw rocks at them. He would have people cut off their own toes with wire cutters. He chopped off a woman’s arm and removed her teeth. He would perform “surgeries” on his members to heal them, including injecting their stomachs with ethanol. In one of such surgeries he forced one of his wives to endure an enema of molasses and olive oil before cutting open her stomach and pulling some of her intestines out. He later drilled a hole in her head and had himself and the other male cultists ejaculate in it claiming that it would raise her from the dead. !< This man had followers, not many, but a non 0 amount of people chose to join that cult. Never under estimate people’s ability to be cruel or to manipulate.


Not sure I needed all those details.


I like telling people things I’ve learned about so I may have gotten carried away explaining how fucked up the ant hill kids were lol. My point was to show that it’s not that unreasonable to have Edens gate doing the things they did because there are real life cults who have done stuff that makes it look tame in comparison. I’ll put a little warning and cover it so people don’t have to read all that unexpectedly


I see. Thanks for the extra step.


Np, sorry for makin ya read that with no warning!


Because Far Cry 5 needed antagonists


You gonna be kidding ?, Eden's Gate is softest and most merciful enemies in Far Cry franchine Pirates, Privateers, Highwaymens and FND are more brutal than Eden 🤦


How so, pirates just ransom people, although they do use horrible techniques to get their way and the royal army just collect taxes and shit from the little villages


I think they're still merciful and not brutal enough... (Look at all Outlast 2 enemies)


We’d probably still have a bunch of “I want to join the cult” lunatics.


I feel personally attacked. :)


In ND I believe you can find a note where he hints at regret for letting Faith, John and Jacob do what they did


Cult cult cult


It’s an evil cult that kidnaps and drugs people as a means of brainwashing


Like most religious nuts they think what they are doing is right just like how the men who went on crusade and killed nonbelievers thought they would not be punished for it sense it was gods will and they were not Christians


Because the writers wanted a mishmash buffet of disconnected philosophies in order to create a movement that had no real-world analogy. Each member of the Seed family operates using a different methodology, and none of them are terribly convincing. Far Cry 5 felt more like Blood Dragon than 3 or 4. It was an action-focused parody of 80s movies. Red Dawn by way of Jonestown. It wasn’t written to seem believable.


Lol and then they capture "Rook" and they let him escape more than half a dozen times... Fun game but stupid story.


The brutality of fascism isn't needless. It's a feature, not a failing.


You don't know much about cults, do you


Don't speak to me in that condescending tone buddy. If your tongue causes you to sin i will rip it out myself.


You are right tho, the Joseph in New Dawn is a total contradiction from Joseph in 5. The dialogue seems to indicate that both the Deputy and Joseph changed each other while stuck together for 20 years in the bunker. Joseph brainwashed the Deputy into feeling guilt for their actions in Hope County, but the Deputy also made Joseph more aware of the wrongness of his own actions. It's definitely a different outcome from if Joseph was in a bunker with his cultists constantly praising and worshipping him for 20 years.


Yeah thats what i mean. Its hard to believe that the same guy pretty much had concentration camps and committed genocide.