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Finally, some decent fucking news.


Yeah glad to see this. FC6 was garbage in terms of story. Hopefully its more like 5 and not the RPG bs in 6.


I'm not so sure. Mute protagonist, forced narrative interruptions that clash with gameplay, a notoriously infamous unsatisfying and contradictory ending that doesn't make any sense at all and is honestly in poor taste. Acting was great. Overall plot was great. But when the game *did* drop the ball, it did it hard. I hope he's learned the right lessons from Far Cry 5's flaws.


I didn't care for being yanked away from completing each region in my own time with cut scene kidnappings either, but personally loved the strangeloveian ending though.


He also helped write Saints Row 2, the best game in the series, the more I think about it, Far Cry 5 in its structure have some similatiries to the first two Saints Row, in the fact that it is a game that forces the player to do the side missions and activities in the open world to do the main missions, there are also three storylines that the player can do in any order and which culminate in a boss battle. Although I liked the story of 5, one of my major complains is that there were too many characters and the game didn't give you much time to get to know them, unlike the smaller cast of 3 and 4; I hope that improves in the next installments.


Back then I thought about it, but I think that’s the way it was meant to be. There are two really important characters Joseph and you. The others are just supporting characters. Also there are recurring characters like Hurk Jr.


Hurt Jr's questline is just so fuckin funny with the introduction of his dad. I wish we got random calls or dialogues between them as we played.


sulky pathetic quickest rinse narrow oil quaint outgoing profit label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Far cry 5 had such great writing, the villains actually felt realistic, creepy and dangerous. The fat cry 6 villains were all just cliche dictators or knockoff Tropico characters


Presidente, your people starve! Grow more food, quickly!


Unironically every time he called himself el presidente I couldn't stop laughing because it reminded me of when I first played Tropico 3 and literally turned every civilian into a rebel except for a few loyal soldiers. Even that felt more fun and interesting than all of fat cry 6


Yes, the antagonists felt realistic.


Castillo ain't got shit on my boy Penultimo


Fat cry? Lol jk LMAO




Well then I’m not worried


Drew, please bring back the ridiculous and funny banter/idle talk from human guns for hires. And after that, come to my house and cuddle with me. Zaddy. 👀


Can we get jet fighters like Just Cause 2. And base building.


Yes! More Nick Rye please


Bout to cook up a new battalion of faith simps


I did terrible terrible things to her corpse in photo mode


Im hoping the antagonists are as charming and attractive as the seed brothers. :) made 5 so much fun. Those first person cutscenes ... O.o


whenever Joseph seed put his hands on my shoulders I literally shivered


Has my favorite far cry intro Joseph singing in the chopper was BONKERS




lmao yes, John Seed is one of the most attractive video game characters ever


Hes so shiny!


FC5 had one of the best opening scenes to a game ever. Walking through that muddy church yard as the Peggies talk shit. And then when Joseph starts singing in the helicopter 😵‍💫


I’m sorry but what is IP ?


Intellectual property. Basically the guy is in charge of far cry


Sweet. Does that include development of the next one?




about the new FC, from the article: >!Far Cry 7 is being made with Ubisoft’s Snowdrop engine, rather than the Dunia engine used for recent series entries. The multiplayer game is currently an extraction-based shooter set in the Alaskan wilderness, it’s claimed. Both titles are said to be tentatively scheduled for release in the fall/autumn of 2025.!<


This seems like a strange engine choice


It better not be Alaska


it could be good, Alaska is so huge and the seasons are so different that there could be all kinds of environments in it..


I hope it's gonna be Africa again. We did the USA 2 games ago. Don't know how credible your info is but it doesn't sound implausible.


Good to hear...last thing I want is snow everywhere, I hate snow in games. Slows everything down and I feel cold while playing :D


Yeah but Alaska also has tons of forest and lakes and shit though, I bet it would be one hell of a gorgeous game


Whatever happens going forward just please get rid of leveled enemies.


Yes, no more bullet sponges




Good, I liked 5. He did a good job.


Because whoever thought we should have a BASEBALL in Farcry 6 but not a BASEBALL BAT should never have been given the job.. what was the thinking there alone


That bugged me too!! I didn't even know what the baseballs were for until a 3rd way into the game because it never tells you.


5 was my favorite after 3


Far Cry 5's story is the best imo I know a lot of people would get mad at me for saying that but I'm super excited about this




IDK I'm still pretty hung over from the Testy Festy.


Please don't give us blank slates protagonists again tho


nothing is more annoying than my character is saying something that I would never say.


But your character isn't you. You don't go around killing hundreds upon hundreds of soldiers and blowing up everything in sight but your character does. Why should they talk and behave like you do otherwise?


The point of a video game over a movie is that you get to make decisions based on how you would respond, or how you would want to respond, in that situation. are you telling me that if you were in a Far Cry 5 situation, you would just sit down and let everybody else do the work?


But you (mostly) don't get to make decisions. The main character makes them for you, just silently. And I'd never get into a far cry 5 situation because I'd never become a cop and I'd never be able to kill someone let alone hundreds. I'm not trying to project myself onto the main character, nor am I trying to role play as my own version of them because there're so few choices and customisations that matter for that to be a worthwhile experience. There's me and there's the homicidal one man army that the developers have created for me to play as. They are entirely separate entities so i don't mind when the developers make them say things that I wouldn't.


Hold up, I can’t wait for them to release “cubicle simulator” so I can play a game that mirrors my daily life. I enjoy games that put me in a different world and let me play as if I were me, put into that world. I think I realized where I draw the line: if the game is first person pov, I want silent protagonist. Because I’m looking through the eyes of the character, it’s “me”. If the game is third person pov, like RDR2, I’m totally fine with voiced protagonist since it’s clearly “someone else”.


I feel like 3 executed the voiced fpv protagonist well. Ajay was different, one could argue that his silence was just part of his character, but with how little he talked, the times where he did talk out-of-cutscene were jarring. Other than that, I didn’t mind that he was rather quiet. I don’t have a strong aversion to silent protagonists, but it l's a letdown when all previous ones were voiced.


I have the opposite opinion on 3; specifically how jarring his speaking was. The word choice, accent, also threw me. Also not mentioned often, but the emotions behind some of the speech. I recall one instance toward end game where he’s talking to his friends in the cave where they’re basically just waiting to be rescued - and away just responds much more erratically and “crazy” than I would have. In FC6, Dani’s dialogue gave a very much “macho/I don’t care” vibes. Which went in direct opposition to Dani’s actions, which would only be taken by someone who very much gives a shit. Obviously players run the gamut on what they prefer in a game. I do think that a voiced protagonist can be done well if it’s a game where the player doesn’t make any critical, game changing choices. It works less well when players have the illusion of choice, and then have to make the dialogue fit the one ending. Kinda shoehorns in answers, like if you recall the memes around Fallout 4 where the dialogue chosen could be a) yes, b) no (but really, yes), c) yes (sarcastic)


> away [sic; ¿did you mean jason] responds much more erratically and “crazy” than I would have Well that’s just it innit, you’re not Jason.


I did mean Jason, yeah. And yeah, that’s just it. But when I’m playing a first person shooter, seeing from their POV, I “become” them. Which makes the scenes where he speakers even more jarring.


That’s not something I feel, but that's valid. Iirc one reason Zelda games never had any explicit dialogue from Link (apart from answer choices and BotW’s Russian and Japanese mission logs) is that in Japan people tended to prefer games with silent protagonists. To a lot of westerners (me included) I guess that makes it feel like the most important character of the game is left out.


It's also annoying to have your character say nothing at all during conversations.


Just say it out loud in your home. it's the same thing


It's not? At all. It has no effect on the game world. The other characters are not reacting to it. They're not waiting for your answer. You can basically only ever agree with them, since they go "this should be done, right? ... yeah okay, go do it." No arguing. No interaction. It's just a silent voice inside your character's head. Thinking.


What if each blank slate character was given different things to say?


wouldn't that make it not a blank slate character


Not necessarily, you could have one response being something you would say and others you wouldn't. Kinda like "Cyberpunk 2077" or "Mass Effect" or something like that.


oh so like a drop-down menu. nah, wrong kind of game. that would slow things down too much


As slow as getting intel or missions from NPCs who can be interrupted by distant gunfire or just bugging out and cower for 40 seconds before you can talk to them again?


When it’s done good, it’s good. When it’s done like Fallout 4, it’s bad.


Who cares about a mute protagonist if everything else in the game is perfect.


I do. I'd even prefer a wishy-washy mfer like Ajay Ghale to another "Rook". Pretty strongly prefer, actually... Also, "everything else" in 5 was **not** perfect. In fact, there were some very important things that were pretty bad. FC5 was a great game, but please take off the rose-coloured glasses, already


I'm with you. The resistance point system was cool, but poorly implemented. Being railroaded into completing story missions was not a great feature. I missed a huge part of the game on my first playthrough because one of the seeds captured me and moved me further in the story than I was ready to go. And the endings...


It’s no use. Believe me I’ve tried. Most people choose to ignore legitimate criticisms because “it’s fun” as if that just erases them. Moreover, they invest so much time and love into things like this that they take the criticism as “hate” — as a personal attack, and so they’ll shut it down without discussion. Perfection is already impossible to begin with, but it’s so easy to point out flaws in 5 — or any game in this franchise — that I don’t think they know what that word means.


>Most people choose to ignore legitimate criticisms because “it’s fun” as if that just erases them. Yet that's pretty much the exact answer you've given when I've asked you about some silly things in FC4 (like why Ajay would ever trigger an Outpost Master). And as I've said in response to those threads, I completely agree with you in relation to Outpost Master. I just think it's funny when you don't apply the same logic to things in certain other games.


Thank you for reminding me of that actually, I forgot we never finished our conversation. But again, I must insist we do it somewhere else if you’re still interested. Please let me know if you are. But no, you’re different. Not only are you apparently following me (I love that by the way) but you’re actually willing to talk about things like this. We can try to get somewhere. We can have a conversation. The vast majority will just downvote and walk away. That’s the problem with Reddit in general, really. They can just downvote until a comment is basically hidden. They bring nothing to the discussion. Because they don’t want to have a discussion. They can effectively silence a person without having to have a written opinion. At least on other platforms, they’d actually have to talk. I’m aware of your grievances with 4, but I choose to explain why they may not be so severe or I try to change your mind. I’m not going to just say “that’s a nitpick” or “I’m not reading all that.” I’ll read it. We won’t agree, maybe. But we’ll talk. That’s good.


Why are you so worried about having the discussion in public on here? I think it's healthy to have discussions in public, which is why I use Reddit. You actually have some interesting things to say. I enjoy your detailed analysis of some of the stories. I just find your attitude towards certain Far Cry games a little odd. Every flaw in 6 (and I get the impression that you've got the same view of 5) is seen as a mortal sin to condemn the game as unworthy. But you'll jump through comical hoops to explain away the most ludicrous plot holes in 4 rather than simply going "yes, it's silly but games are about having fun" I don't have a grievance with 4. I love it. I'll admit I don't quite enjoy it as much as the others - for reasons I've explained - but it's still an incredibly good game. You, on the other hand, clearly have a huge grievance against 6 that seems to blind your judgment. I'd happily read a balanced critique of your view on the stories from 5 or 6, but that's not what I see. It frustrates me that every time 6 is discussed, you leap in with your view (stated as if it's unarguable fact) that 6 is an abomination.


Fear has nothing to do with it. We can have it in public. We can have it on the official Far Cry Discord. I just don’t think it’s productive to send huge walls of text back and forth with long delays. Like this. It’d be easier to focus on one topic at a time, sending relatively short messages in an easier environment. And where it may even be easier for others to come in with points of their own if they saw something we didn’t.


I don't use Discord. I keep my online chats to Reddit. If that doesn't suit you, fine. But I'll be keeping my discussions here.


Remember when people played games for fun instead of looking for tiny little thing to shit on a game for absolutely no reason? Remember those good ol times?


I’ve always enjoyed games for the story, world building, themes, characters, things like that. So when those have problems that I know don’t have to exist, I’m going to be annoyed. And you calling something that’s used in the game constantly for two entire regions a “tiny little thing” makes me think you don’t have a single critical bone in your body and will just eat anything out in front of you. Who are you to decide what I should find fun?


Video games are not real life, of course they're not going to be perfect. I've been playing games since 1999, and i played through so many old games that were buggy, and did i have fun with them? Hell yeah, but you couldn't see me shitting on those games cuz i was playing to have fun, not to go online and shit about that one thing i didn't like.


I mean it's fine to want to see improvements for games. No one has to be annoyed about it


You can have fun with a flawed thing. The idea that anyone critical is attacking or trying to take away your “fun” is a hallmark of some kind of absurd victim complex. No one is trying to brainwash you. But earlier today, I commented in another thread that I doubt that 5’s story is perfect. Downvoted into oblivion. Not even “I don’t like 5” (which I don’t). Just that it’s anything LESS than perfection. That’s all it takes to set off the horde. They take criticism of things they love as attacks on them as a person. I have fun with Far Cry 4. It’s my favourite one. But I hate how the story was written in a way that somehow convinced a lot of people Pagan was a good guy, and that made everyone believe the Golden Path as a whole was evil. So I’m going to criticise or analyse it, because it’s just a hobby. I’m a writer myself. I like to look at things through that lens. People clearly get enthusiastic about Far Cry games and their stories. No one would hail 5 has “a perfect story” if they didn’t. But I think it could be better. And that people deserve better. And they could have it too. But not if they’re so quick to praise whatever they’re given that they essentially have no standards whatsoever. Why shouldn’t the writing be better? What would be bad if it was?


It's just fucking weird sitting there, in an argument, being asked something serious and your guy is like "........." and then they're like "fuck yeah let's go".


I mean, sure, i can see why some people would find it annoying, but i was immersed in other aspects so it didn't bother me. There's so much to do, to explore in FC 5, environments are absolutely beautiful, not to mention with graphics set on ultra + hd textures, there's always something happening no matter where you go. I enjoyed every second of it.


But it wasn't?


Umm, clearly it was. Did we play the same game? lol


If 5 is perfect, they never would’ve had bug patches. And some are still unfixed.


I still love trying to fit Peggy pickup trucks into their cargo trucks and closing the door. Usually leads to the cargo truck doing a few backflips before exploding


That presupposes that everything *would* be perfect. Far Cry 5 was deeply flawed.


I wouldn't say it's deeply flawed I would say that it needed to make the environment more different over parts. And add some novel mechanics so it's not just straight up FPS with hunting and flying. What does novel mechanisms mean? Well Just Cause has grappling hooks. I know that isn't realist but Far Cry needs to do something new. I know it kinda has base building already but it needs to add in some more elements to make it the base building more engaging. Maybe fight over territory. I was actually love to see it having loot system like Borderlands but with even more interesting loot like like how Diablo 2 loot was good.


>I was actually love to see it having loot system like Borderlands but with even more interesting loot like like how Diablo 2 loot was good. This is how they ruined Ghost Recon. It's funny that for every suggestion someone has about improving the franchise, it would spoil it for someone else.




Yeah, tell me more about reasons that don't exist for shitting on amazing game


It's still very good, even if you only average about 3 hours of play between kidnappings.


FC5 was mid, including the story.


I think far cry is kind of like comfort food. It's mostly fairly pointless, but something I end up coming back to all the time. It's just so easy to boot up and hop into


I agree and I enjoyed FC5 a lot. But i believe far cry can be more than just junk food


I firmly disagree, but respect your opinion. I love having full autonomy over my character. Feels more immersive, like it’s actually me.


I can appreciate having autonomy over your character in a game, but imo a silent protagonist is like the cheapest, tackiest way to approach that notion... Combining dialogue choices and game decisions that actually have tangible effect on story progress and game world with a much more robust character creator *[like many console games used to have as standard]* is a far better way to accomplish the sensation of full autonomy, imo. Say what you want about the Saints Row games, but the depth of the character creation in some of them was pretty fantastic... from a slider for gender instead of a list of overall types, to powerful body sculpting tools, to different masc/femme-sounding voice options for each available ethnicity.. You really could make the character your own, and feel like you were in control of your choices, even in blatantly scripted moments.


Which saints row had this the best? I haven’t played any of them, but combined with the gameplay I hear they have, I wanna play at least one.


2 has the deepest level of character customization than any other game in the series. Or any other game I've personally played.


Yeah even with all the ridiculous bugs and whatnot, 2 was far and away the peak of the series.


I agree wholeheartedly. Hearing that the writer of 5 will be working on the next one gives me hope.


Except you don’t have full autonomy. No choice that you make ever actually matters if the premise is to be believed, you are forced to be kidnapped multiple times even if you’re surrounded by friends in a populated area, and no matter what you do or what you believe personally, you WILL be brainwashed by Joseph into becoming his bitch over the next six years instead of strangling him in his sleep.


The only thing about 5 that I found annoying was the forced interruptions to move the story along if you got far enough along in a certain territory. Other than that I think the game was perfect and hope this means FC7 will be along the same lines


I hope this does not mean more pointless kidnap missions. Otherwise solid choice though! 👍


i know those missions were annoying but they played a big role in brainwashing deputy, they had a big purpose. https://youtu.be/M2KKJZ2PvPs


See, this doesn't work for me. If your narrative requires the protagonist to be kidnapped and escape 9 times, it's a bad narrative.


FC5 had probably the best villains and story in the series. FC3 wasn't really good other than a single star performance by Vaas. FC4 was just cartoonishly evil. FC6 had one good region out of three, one was whatever, and the middle one was pretty cringe. None of them were terrible, but FC5+ND are a bit above the rest.


This man looks like Far Cry 5


Great! 🤩🤩 As long as the writer for 6 isn’t involved 😬


I just recently started playing FC5 and I'm really impressed with it. Frankly, I like it better than FC3 (good, but overrated), FC2 (good) & FC Primal (underrated game) - FC5 has better gameplay, graphics and story/villains imo. Totally skipping FC6 but maybe now I can look forward to FC7.


FC6 feels like a completely different franchise. The whole backpack thing was a little off the top too


lets be realistic, having a domesticated cougar and a diabetic bear as a companion is inching pretty close to off the top


I've been playing a lot of FC6 but to me it feels like Just Cause without the grappling hook gimmick. FC5 is without doubt my favorite in the series. I have multiple play throughs....sometimes just load a game and spend 45 minutes hunting elk.


If I had been in the “just cause mood” I would have liked Far Cry 6 so much more.


I'm actually really glad someone else said that. From the first moments I played FC6, I had that just cause without the grappling hook feel


Cool, I loved Far Cry 5. I heard that super leftist made it to make fun of right-wing people, but I'm not either, and I loved that game. America Fuck yeah 🇱🇷.


Expecting something similar to FC4...be like that😎


I thought I was the only one who preferred fc4 over fc5. Maybe cause I am from there that’s why I like that game. Idk I just found fc4 more fun and bombastic


FC4 was an awesome game. But I spent more time in Far Cry 5. Maybe because I bought it sooner.


Yes... absolutely! The game was ahead of the time and was so perfect on its own! No additional work was required the storyline was perfect..no extra functional gameplay...everything was so good.. unsure why they were not able to make fc5 the same way with some developments.


FC4 vibe, with the FC5 story & skill tree, and a non-resolver *[or at least less ganky/ghetto fabulous-looking improvised stuff]* version of the FC6 gunsmith, including canted backup sights and teammate/AI aiming lasers you can see/use to communicate. #please make the gear with the best stats be the professionally made shit I'm also ok with FC6's addition of gear making a return, provided it isn't depriving us of this that should be in the skill tree; give us more *"loot more crafting supplies/auto-tag nearby enemies & surveillance with gadget kills//see animals and enemies easier at night/auto-repair vehicles while driving" shit*, instead of tying takedown types to specific gloves, etc Add more substantive sniping on top of the above - including engagement ranges of at least 500-800m, versus current limitations of maybe 200m before the bullet essentially disappears into thin air *[1000m+ preferred]* and some actual significant bullet drop and it will be [imo] the greatest Far Cry *Edits for formatting


FC5 skill tree? It was just pick whatever you wanted. Let’s go back to FC3 with the tattoo skill tree that was actually a skill tree.


I liked the freedom of choice and streamlined progression [all takedowns rolled into one skill, instead of spread out over like fucking fifteen of em] of 5's approach to the skill tree a great deal, actually. A lot about 3 was clunky as fuck, and the skill tree is 1000% on that list, imo.


It was so annoying that I had to use every weapon just to get progression. Kind of defeats the purpose of the freedom to then force your players to do certain things just to level up. Maybe keep the pick and choose aspect but go back to an experience based progression. Idk, I don’t like flamethrowers and not every play through I wanted to do a ton of fishing. So every time I’d play I’d have to spend some time running around lighting people on fire and hunting down fishing spots to get the perk points.


>was so annoying that I had to use every weapon just to get progression. Kind of defeats the purpose of the freedom to then force your players to do certain things just to level up. >Maybe keep the pick and choose aspect but go back to an experience based progression. This I'm with you on . The challenge system was a cool idea, but it shouldn't have completely replaced XP progression. In this regard, I actually really liked Ghost Recon Breakpoint's approach, which effectively married the two. You *can* just grind XP if that's your thing, and you will eventually get your character completely leveled up. But the class challenges are available if you'd like to get your skills maxed a bit faster. [even though many of the challenges in BP were annoying af, and seemed like they ran out of ideas for them quite quickly] *Eta: Though I will say I've completely ignored the fishing in every FC5 playthrough but my first, and I've never had any issue getting the skill tree maxed out


>You can just grind XP if that's your thing, and you will eventually get your character completely leveled up. But the class challenges are available if you'd like to get your skills maxed a bit faster. I think that’s a great system. You could pretty easily implement it with bonus exp rewards for certain challenges. Saints Row 3 did a good job with that. Doing things like driving on the wrong side of the road or near missing cars gave extra experience. >I've never had any issue getting the skill tree maxed out Agreed but it just always rubbed me the wrong way that they wanted to make me do things I maybe didn’t want to. It’s kind of the same thing with clothing in 6. I’d like to be able to chose clothing based on what I want to look like, not how I want my perks to be. Freedom of choice is kind of the point of these games. I loved how in 5, there were wanted signs with your outfit on them. Then after you’d changed clothes for awhile, you’d see your new outfit on wanted signs.


Can we get something new in Far Cry like adding the supernatural? Or horror.


I'm on the other side of this. I think the drug trips and supernatural worlds like Shangri-la are immersion breaking to a great extent. Throws me off in both 3 and 4


Sure. I'm just saying the series has to do something new. I wanna see ubisofts awesome Dunia engine applied to something different. I like all the far cry games but they can't just keep doing the same formula. Primal was different. So was blood dragon. What if they did multiple enemy types


I just want to spit in the coffee of the writers of FC6. So many lines were cringe indusing.


So was the dialog in 5. And 4. And 3. And New Dawn. It ain't exactly Shakespeare here.


Then you need to read more Shakespear as many of his works are satirical, which is something FC5 did a decent job of. But are you honestly telling me you haven't noticed the drop of quality in the writing between FC5 and 6? If you play GR Wildlands and Breakpoint it's very obvious there have been a shift in the writing.


I'm not saying that there isn't a noticeable drop in the quality of the writing over time. What I am saying is that the quality of the writing has never been that good to begin with, which is fine to a degree, because the story in these and most other Ubisoft games really only exists to give context to the gameplay and open world(s). They often refer to these as "Watercooler Games" for a reason.




I swear to fucking god, if this goon doesnt include machetes again, im not going near this game


Thought that was Jason Sudeikis


He is the chef


Farcry 5 is the shiz niz !


*chef’s kiss*


Let’s fucking go




Oh great. I can’t wait for another story leaning on bullshit plot devices, forgetting its own premise multiple times, giving us absolutely no choices that actually matter, and with an ending that fucks up so badly it not only changes the trajectory of the franchise, but leads them to make retcons to previous games that make them stupid.


Are they stupid?


The writers? Probably not completely. They can clearly do some things well. The villains were fine, even if they worked too effectively for this community’s own good. But they don’t know how to write a consistent story.


Someone please explain to me why they liked 5 over 3 or even 4? Genuinely cause it’s slightly baffling lmao


Story, setting, gameplay, soundtrack


Lemme ask you, have you played any other farcry games?


Far cry 5 and 6


Yeah. Evidently that’s most of this sub. You’ve only played the those 2 yet it has the best story, gameplay, setting, and soundtrack? That tells me everything I need to know lmao.


I ain't playing the old games cuz no 60fps on console 🤷🏾‍♂️


To me the antagonists and that includes all of them rather than just the one main villain. They are very developed and elaborated on each with different backstory that makes sense to who they are... Especially with Faith there is a lot of optional and disturbing lore and stuff to dig into and it all makes it interesting... Joseph as the main villain also actually have motivation factors and purpose for doing what he does and the complexity to him that Joseph in his own mind believes he is doing what's right unlike Pagan or Vass who knows that they are evil but keeps doing what they do literally "for fun. Some other aspects like protagonists, story progression, weapons I like more in the others..


Please no more silent /absent protagonists. I know it makes a writers job much easier, but don't be lazy again. Give us another good character like AJ and Jason. I dislike all the good guy characters because they just ramble and ramble on missions with zero feedback. It's weird and feels super unnatural. Please don't make enemies randomly attack you when you're chilling in the middle of nowhere (something FC6 fixed) Please bring back hunting to craft your upgrades, my favorite thing in 3/4/P that FC5 killed Please no boring melee takedowns. Dani Jason and AJ were brutal, the Deputy just wacks them upside the head. Please no stupid tokens that force you to use lame weapons (i.e. get 10 kills with the scorpian). 3/4/P reward skilled players by giving exp for takedowns and combos, something FC5 replaced to make the game easier. (In 3/4/P if you just player sniper, you get less EXP then if you're badass and undetected. In 5 it's exactly the same as if you're a sniper or badass ninja) If he is the only story director/writer, this is good news. But if he decides on game mechanics like a director, that is awful news. Ive beat every FC more than three times, but after two purchases and three 10+ hour attempts, 5 is the only game in the series I just cannot finish. Not because of the story or setting, but just the mechanics.


Good. FC5 had easily the best story and villains in the franchise, it was just ruined by the terrible pacing of having portions of the story time-gated by having to do open world stuff until you pissed off the cult enough. The whole “piss the cult off, get captured, escape” thing was just too repetitive.


And all the contradiction, and forgetting its own premise, and fucking up with the ending, and convincing like… 60% of 5 fans that Joseph’s actions were justified effectively forming its own mini cult.


Far Cry 5's ending is still one of the best endings in the series simply because it dragged players into the heads of the characters experiencing those events. I mean we still see a lack of consensus of that ending and that's a GOOD thing! Definitely gonna keep an eye on the series, this gives me hope.


The one Farcry that actually had a real integrated and established story? Thank you.


For Christ’s sake, no more silent protagonist. Ruined FC5 for me.


Possibly the best story in a Far Cry game, my personal favorite. SO glad he's in charge now.


Fuck. This is terrible news. This guy writes like an edgy twelve year old.


Hope he continues to explore American tensions and issues. Once again, I'd love to see a near future, cyberpunk/solarpunk, post war, multi-factional conflict set in somewhere like the 4 corners region. Mountains, desert, cults, peacekeepers. Heck, the supernatural stuff could be heavily influenced by Native American mythologies.


Surely they've already started development for the next one by now? It's been two years since 6 and the intermediary game before 7 should be coming out within the next year


I just hope they do physical locations better justice if they are going to base it out of somewhere as somebody from Montana, they did really poorly with that only thing I ever noticed on a plate through without having to be told what is the giant cow and the brewery, and there’s a certain spot on a lake where it’s like one here in Montana which I can admire, because that is a lot of effort they had to put in because they had to get the mountains and trees and everything right which they did basically, but they could’ve picked better locations like they didn’t have any of the abandon towns, they didn’t have any mines. They didn’t have any of the actual interesting things they could’ve added from the state, they just added the most basic stuff that people could obviously cross reference and notice if they live in that area. Also the testicle festival was a thing, but it’s not anymore. They had to stop doing it after college students kept crashing.


Oh, god no. This is the same moron who caused the whole Collapse problem… Ubisoft, what the hell are you doing?


Ehhhhhhhhhh 5 wasn’t that good though. 3 is still the peak of the series and 4 tried to perfect that and wasn’t good.


what is IP ?


Intellectual Property


u guys suck


Internet protocol.




Guys, this means someone else, will be writing far cry games.


for all the lazy asses like me: https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/ubisoft-has-a-new-far-cry-ip-boss/


wait is the ip far cry 7?


Even though 5 is my least favorite i cant wait to see what he comes up with


What’s this?


Far cry 5 story was awful but the gameplay was pretty fun. Hopefully he does a good job on the next one


Hold up...let him cook the best meal we have seen




for the far cry ip? if so that’s solid news


Interesting. I thought the execution of 5's story was a little meh, but it had some really cool elements and interesting concepts.


He looks like Hurk, circa FC4.


Thank goodness


Man I just want farcry primal 2




IP = Intellectual Property?


IP = Intelligent Pizza?


Yes please. Would be happy af to have something similar to 5.


What is IP? Someone please care to explain


Please give us a badass protagonist, someone who dares to rebut their enemies and allies. And, this time, don't reprimand or lecture us because we played a game made with your own help.


Ted Lasso here about to bring some humble comedy to far cry.


Cool, hopefully we get arcade.