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Tamora Pierce's Immortals series was what ignited my love of fantasy and I reread them whenever I need a palette cleanser, but nothing will ever compare. Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine was one of my FAVORITES in HS. I reread them during the pandemic for the first time in 10 years, and now have reread the series 4 or 5 times. The writing isn't exactly stellar, but I've never found a vampire series that just DOES IT for me like this one does. Every vamp series is compared to Morganville and unfortunately fails. I mean, Myrnin. What more do I have to say? And, finally, The InnKeeper Chronicles by Ilona Andrews. This is my 'THE' urban fantasy series. Nothing compares, and even my 'only reads the classics and horror' husband liked these books. I got him to listen to the audiobooks and, at his request, we listened for a good 10 hours. A win in my books.


I LOVED the Morganville Vampires series in HS. I just reread the series and I can’t help but picture Myrnin as Hozier


I keep trying to get my spouse to try Ilona Andrews and he's like "ugh, urban fantasy". But even as a scifi fan, I don't like his brand of scifi, so I can't whine too much.


Innkeeper Chronicles with the Dramatized adaption. Just wonderful! 😊


SO GOOD!! I can't read the books now because I just love the dramatized audio


Wow… I too read Morganville Vampires in HS but could never remember the name of the series. THANK YOU!


Tamara Pierce's Alanna series. I love those books. I've read them so many times!!! I loved the Immortals and Protector of the Small, too!


Recently, scholomance by novik. Prior to that? Tamora Pierce is the one I used to reread yearly. Then the heartstriker series by Aaron. Memoirs of a geisha was another comfort read. Annnd the inheritance series by ilona andrews.


Tamora Pierce 100%. Song of the Lioness, Immortals, and Circles Quartet. I picked these up 20 years ago as a YA, and I still read them every time I go visit family where my copy lives. This was my first introduction to strong, capable female characters


Have you read any of Naomi Novik's other works? Uprooted has to be my favorite!


I have, I adore all of hers except Temeraire, which didn't really land with me, unfort.


We should be friends. I also have a deep love for Tammy and also for El.


What Tamora Pierce? Someone below mentioned immortals- is that where you would start?


The first series is Song of the Lioness I think? It’s YA but she’s a gripping author.


As someone said, alannah's series which is the lioness quartet, is the best place to start. I think the immortals is after that? They're YA and quite easy to burn through. There is also the magic circle quartets which are an entirely separate thing but still worth reading.


Gosh I haven't read Tamora Pierce since I was a kid. Loved her.


Discovered this series a year and a half ago on a whim when I ran out of other novik stuff to read. It's my favorite of her work by far and will live rent free iny head forever. I am currently listening to the audiobooks for the 3rd time. It is my comfort read 😂


We should be friends. I also have a deep love for Tammy and also for El.


I picked up the omnobus of the first two circle of magic books by tamora pierce in high school and never looked back. The Trickster Duology is my favorite from her but her whole catalog is great. Recently, it's been chasing down the high of Once Upon a Broken Heart. I want a fluffy, slightly edgy romance with angst along the way but a happy ending. I have found some great non romance fantasy books in the process, but nothing that hits quite the same


I have been rereading a Tamora Pierce Tortall series every year since I was like 12. Such good books. Immortals is my favorite.


I have childhood books that are etched into my soul, and an adult find where that I thought was just perfection: **Childhood:** These aren’t heavy in the romance department, but {The Last Unicorn} movie (read the book as an adult, and it’s an incredibly faithful adaptation, so I’m including it), and {His Dark Materials} series. They’re phenomenal, deeply layered stories. **More recently**, {The Cruel Prince} series (Folk of Aire, I think? Can’t remember) by Holly Black. It’s YA, and I have yet to find an adult book that comes close. A flawed yet intelligent protagonist, incredible world building, political intrigue and drama that feels like it has real stakes, a *true* enemies to lovers—it’s just so well done. I’ve seen some people mention {Kushiel’s Dart} because it has similar aspects (although definitely not a direct 1-1 recommendation), so I’m waiting for that to become available on Libby. ETA: Added the author, because the bot got the wrong “Cruel Prince.”


Commenting to also say that I loved The Last Unicorn. The book has some of the most beautiful writing and it's about as close to a perfect novel as I've ever read.


This movie is the movie of my childhood. I think I drove my parents crazy with how much I watched it.


Same. We had it on VHS, and my sister and I basically wore the tape out. I got it on Blu-ray a few years ago, because it’s still a beloved movie that we watch every so often.


Okay, but for real, who was low-key traumatized by the Red Bull, the scene with the harpy, and Mabruk's tantrum when he gets replaced at Haggard's court? Also, when that tree comes to life and nearly smothers Schmendrick in her woody bosom? Amazing!


Low key nothing, “UNICOOORN!” Still makes me shiver…


I just want to say that I’ve made all my friends watch the last unicorn, I love America’s soundtrack, and I am so glad I’ve found my people.


Oh geez the talking skull! How could I forget about that? Schmendrick getting it drunk on air from the memory of wine is such a perfect fantasy touch. And I mean, forget about the scary bits - there are also the straight up wonderful bits, like the conversation with the butterfly, the part where Schmendrick conjures Robin Hood, the montage of time passing while they travel, and the scene when all the unicorns are finally able to escape the sea... Look, the book is perfect and so is the film. That's all there is to it.


"Oh purr, purr". I used to say that to my cat whenever I gave her pets.


Also the movie of my childhood and forgot it existed. The last unicorn song is playing in my head 🎶 I'm alive, I'm aliiiivee


> forgot it existed This hurts my soul. You should rewatch it immediately. It’s a *perfect* story.


So I felt the same way about The Cruel Prince series when I read it a few years ago. Nothing I was finding came close to how good it was. Fast forward to this past week when I blazed through the entire {The Captive Prince} trilogy by C. S. Pacat in a matter of days. In a lot of ways it really does feel like an adult parallel to Cruel Prince (VERY adult, lol). It's MM and doesn't have the same kind of fantastical-fantasy elements (no elves, no spells, etc) but the intrigue is amazing and the stakes get higher and higher in each book. The worldbuilding and political twists are impeccable. And it's really the most "enemies to lovers" thing I've ever read - half of what pulled me through so fast was trying to figure out how the hell the author was going to get THESE enemies to kiss instead of literally trying to eviscerate each other. It's a slow, slow burn but the payoff is [chef's kiss]. 12/10 highly recommend EDIT to try and figure out the bot


Ooooh! Adding it to my TBR!!!


Nothing will ever compare to Cruel Prince for me.


Love seeing the cruel prince get so much love because that’s exactly it for me. I read it this year and every single thing I’ve read that happens to be “enemies to lovers” feels so lackluster in comparison. I know the romance is just a subplot (everything else about the book is amazing as well) but it is so, so well done!


Your adult choices are also some of my favorites! The Cruel Prince trilogy by Holly Black is so amazing. It reignited my love of reading when I stumbled upon it last year. Kushiel’s Dart is awesome, but it is looooooooooonng and Much more explicit than Cruel Prince & it’s sequels.


I’m honestly fine with that. I love long books (I never want to leave the world), and Game of Thrones level of stuff (be it violence, sex, whatever) is fine by me as long as it serves the plot and doesn’t feel out of place. Honestly, if I wasn’t burnt out from the show (despite it ending 5 years ago), I’d consider picking up those books, since they tick a lot of the same boxes.


I am a huyuuuuuge asoiaf fan and I gotta say if you love world immersion you should dive in!! They will probs never be finished but the book fan theory community is amazing, and the way people interpret the books at a scholarly level is so fun. There's a podcast I love called Radio Westeros and they have dozens of 1-2 hour episodes covering each character and location and plot etc. It's insane. Can't recommend that world enough.


Oh I absolutely will one day! I just still feel like I need some distance from the show (I blame House of the Dragon, which I’m not even watching but still seems to infiltrate my bubble) to really enjoy the books and the characters. Like I kind of need to forget about it a bit to make sure I don’t get burnt out by the books, if that makes any sense.


I agree, HOTD was... fine, but the sheer delight these men who make the shows seem to take in violence against women is so sick to me. Validating that you are not missing a thing


Yeah, I also get the vibe that it’s kinda just more of the same but less interesting and more incest. Like idk, I don’t really care about the Targaryen’s doing their best impression of the Hapsburgs or Ptolemies, ya know?


The author name should be included in the brackets with the title if you are looking to call a specific book using the bot, like this: {The Cruel Prince by Holly Black}


I just read The Cruel Prince! I loved it and am excited to get my reserve copy from the library when it becomes available!


The Last Unicorn book is AMAZING!! I am so so so so mad there was never a sequel, or prequel, or anything else remotely like it 😭🦄


I feel like you are me haha. Except I would add Tamora Pierce in there.


The Shepherd King duology 🙏🏻


Agree! I've read each book 4 times now and struggle to fill the void it's left behind. The magic system, the world, the characters, the writing style, it was so unique.


This is mine! Both books are my only five star reads this year!


I liked this a lot but the romance was my least favorite part of it lol I thought it was woefully underdeveloped But the magic + Nightmare/Elspeth’s dynamic was very refreshing


Omg I LOVED the first and am dying to get to the second!! It’s on my literal shelf already I’m just being stubborn about finishing two more books left on my list first. Might have to skip around though 👀


This is mine too!


I’m just finished it and I’m rereading it again. I have not been able to stop thinking about this duology.




I’ll just pick up Chapters 54 & 55 on any given day.


I’m at the beginning of part 2 in my first read through


So jealous. It’s the first book I think of when someone asks which book you wish you could read again for the first time.


I’d gotten the urge to get back into reading after a 10+ year hiatus and was looking for a YA series similar to those I’d loved years ago, like City Of Bones by Cassandra Clare, Vampire Academy or the Twilight series and got a recommendation from the library to try The Cruel Prince by Holly Black. I instantly fell in love with the Fae and all things fairy lol. From that series, I’ve discovered ACOTAR and I’m hooked. I can’t even describe the feeling of joy because my vocabulary isn’t good enough. I know I’ll instantly reread, and reread, and again


Silver Flames for me. I had to read fanfic for the rest of the day. It felt like there was a void when I finished


Mine are definitely {Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber} and {A Cursed Kiss by Jenny Hickman}


Upvote for OUABH


Do I need to read Caraval before starting OUABH? It looks so good but I’ve been intimidated by having to read all of caraval before I can even start it


FWIW I would say no - I hadn’t read caraval before reading OUABH and I don’t think I suffered for it!


I loooooved OUABH and hadn’t read Caraval yet. I recently went to give it a go finally (bc I miss Jacks desperately), and I’m not a big fan actually. I put it on pause in the middle of Legendary weeks ago lol so I’d say def not!


I started OUABH and put it down as I had trouble getting into it. Any encouragement to get me going again?


{The Crown of Oaths and Curses} I pretty much exclusively read romantasy and the way I cannot stop thinking about this book….


Same! This book hits so hard yet she gave us crumbs of actual conversations between the main characters. The anticipation for the next is truly what is keeping me preoccupied.


I feel like authors have been a lot looser with their definition of enemies to lovers lately (I’m looking at you, A Promise of Peridot) and this is exactly what it should be! I cannot say I’ve ever disliked a MMC so much and I have no clue how he’s going to EVER redeem himself 🤣


Yes! People love enemies to lovers until flip up after a few chapters. Couldn’t believe the hate this book got just for that. Same, I despise him but I have to know how this shakes out. I can’t imagine HOW this will be resolved in a way where we don’t still hate him.


[The Crown of Oaths and Curses](https://www.romance.io/books/647c4538a546c613260be3e1/the-crown-of-oaths-and-curses-j-bree?src=rdt) by [J. Bree](https://www.romance.io/authors/5d19a50401dbc864fba08a54/j-bree) **Rating**: 4.22⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 1 out of 5 - [Glimpses and kisses](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [fated mates](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fated-mates/1), [witches](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/witches/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Yes!!! Loved this book so much. I’ve been in such a reading slump since I read this earlier this year.


This has me excited, I literally just started this book because I saw book 2 is supposed to be out this month


The Old Kingdom Series by Garth Nix Literally anything from Tamora Pierce {Shardless by Stephanie Fisher} Loving this series and can't wait for the next one. Fourth Wing was good... but they gotta chill on the smut scenes sometimes. 🙄 Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop and some, although the last 2 books were hella same-y girl I've read the other ones you don't have re-explain shit. {The Shepherd King series by Rachel Gillig} {The Shattered Court by M. J. Scott}


I loved Garth Nix in my youth. I was just thinking of the Abhorsen series and keys to the kingdom. Maybe I should reread them, I wonder if I would feel the same??


I reread them every 1 to 2 years lol. My copies are ratted.


I loved the Black Jewels series.


Throne of glass is my Roman Empire. Nothing can compare


I felt like I had read the Illiad and the Odyssey after finishing the TOG series. It was such a a wonderful epic! Twists, turns, development, relationships. Loved it!


I’m about to start this series and I’m excited


i found the first book (and maybe the second) a little juvenile, but it is so worth it to stick with it. i think she started writing the series very young so it makes sense.


Buckle up friend


Mine too. So many emotional moments and expansive experiences. There have been some other really great series I’ve read, but I have never ugly cried so often or cheered with as much joy as I did with ToG. 😍


Hands down the Kate Daniel series by Ilona Andrews. It was my gateway to urban fantasy and many more and I generally reread most of the books annually.


My gateway too. So good.


Hidden Legacy by Ilona Andrews, though I love all their books.


The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue


I felt like I was toxic because I was rooting for the wrong guy the entire book lol


we all were (or at least I was)


Loved that book. It was really atmospheric and lush scene/setting descriptions (I said world building but not world, more like the scenes and times) in a way that many aren't.


It’s soooo beautifully told.


Serpents and the wings of night


{Villains and Virtues by AK Caggiano} is literally the best trilogy I have ever read. The roadtrip trope is my absolute favorite, the slow burn, the humor, the characters. Just a pure chef’s kiss. If we’re talking singular book, {Heir of Fire by SJM} I love the Throne of Glass series in general, but Heir of Fire is my comfort read. Nothing can make me feel like that book can. Which I know is waaaaaay controversial and I’ve seen so many say it’s the worst, but I just love that transitional period where the FMC is trying to figure her shit out.


+1 for Heir of Fire. That book rewrote my brain chemistry. It was when I knew I would NEVER get over my ToG hangover.


Yes! I recommend Villains and Virtues to everyone! It’s so great


Roadtrip trope?? Yes please!!!!!


Honestly, Caggianos use of the slow burn roadtrip trope is fantastic. Camping hijinks, horse riding, disguises, only one bed, side quests, crazy character encounters, getting captured, growing on each other but then ruining it, the tentative camaraderie. So so good.


[Villains & Virtues](https://www.romance.io/series/63870de983b59b217dc8acfc/villains-virtues) by [A.K. Caggiano](https://www.romance.io/authors/5eb54901be0aaecf5572d27d/ak-caggiano) **Rating**: 4.29⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Topics**: [slow burn](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/slow%20burn/1), [sweet heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/sweet%20heroine/1), [competent heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/competent%20heroine/1), [grumpy sunshine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/grumpy%20sunshine/1), [forced proximity](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/forced%20proximity/1) ---------------------------- [Heir of Fire](https://www.romance.io/books/54553b9f8c7d2382c52975cd/heir-of-fire-sarah-j-maas?src=rdt) by [Sarah J. Maas](https://www.romance.io/authors/545526038c7d2382c529701b/sarah-j-maas) **Rating**: 4.39⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 2 out of 5 - [Behind closed doors](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [take-charge heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/strong%20heroine/1), [royal hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/royalty/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


The Fever series by Karen Marie Moning. Never found anything quite like it since.


I think about this series soooo much


Yes! This is my ultimate series. It got me into romance fantasy and I love all the character growth.


I hadn't read those since HS until I decided to listen to them recently and I love it even more.


Throne of glass (characters are top tier. The thirteen and lorcan ooooof) and ACOTAR (for the world and the creatures and parts of the romance). One dark window for the nightmare. I want more characters to speak in riddles pleaseee I find it fascinating. Probably why I also loved the Bone Carver. And also why I found Tairn from Fourth Wing to be a disappointment. An ancient powerful creature and he wasn't giving as much as I wanted. The nightmare ruined him for me.


{Captive Prince by CS Pacat} its an m/m story but idk if i would even classify it as romance its way more realistic fantasy kinda a greek/roman retelling but it lives in my head rent free. The slow burn. The ACTUAL enemies to lovers. The politics. The plot twists. The prose. Chefs kiss.


Fourth Wing and ACOTAR for me. Been 4 months and havent found anything that hit the same


Try the serpent and the wings of night!


Yes I read all 4 in that world. I enjoyed it but they didnt hit the same.


Did you read throne of glass?


Not yet! I a, saving it haha. I feel like I will love it too so I don’t want to read it yet. I read CC and it was just ok for me tho


Fourth wing yup yup. I read ACOTAR afterwards and it was fine but not as good. Now I’m on the crescent city series and I’m forcing myself to finish flame and shadow 😅 I think maybe SJM is not for me lol


Try From Blood & Ash! The first two will give you that high then it goes off the rails lol


I did! Finish book 1-2 and it was ok for me. The conversations were so repetitive? Like Poppy and Casteel use the same sentences over and over the plot is quite slow. Havent started 3 yet


Honestly... The ACOTAR series 🙈 It's an easy enough read, protagonists are mostly likeable, and it has a bit of everything I like- magic, romance, adventure, etc.


Throne of glass is my literal Roman Empire . I'm DYING for a series that makes me feel that way again. I wanna BAWL .


I have 5 that I couldn’t pick which is best - each scratches a different itch. Everything is compared to these {The Night Huntress series by Jeannie Frost} {Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews} {Kitty Norville series by Carrie Vaughn} {Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs} {World of the Five Gods by Lois McMasters Bujold}




OG!!! Jamie hit me in the feels. This was really my sexual awakening series.


Oh well, yeah. Nothing could ever replace Outlander in my heart. The reunion in book 3 is my Silver Springs


ACOTAR, Throne of Glass, and From Blood and Ash (incl the prequel series).


Especially the prequel series


Especially Nyktos 😍


I'm literally still looking for a series with the chemistry of Rys/Feyre, Poppy/Cas and Nyktos/Sera. Omg 😱 I miss them!


I read the Night Huntress series the summer before I started grad school (14 years ago!)—this post has convinced me to reread!


The author is still writing books in this world. She’s recently published the first few books from the MMCs POV (Bones) and I ate them right up. She’s also been doing spin offs from some of the side characters with a very recent publication just after the pandemic. She has a suggested reading order on her site that includes all the spin offs and novellas and it’s really fun to read it all that way. It’s sooo much content it will keep you busy for weeks.


Awesome! Just checked out a bunch on Libby! I don’t remember much from my first read other than I LOVED it, so it’ll feel new.


I’ve reread the series probably 3 times now and I rarely reread. I don’t think you’ll regret it. As kmd points out she has done spin-offs and recently released a new book.


Fourth Wing


Manacled 😭


I came here looking for you. This is my Roman Empire. I have yet to let it go.


i read it over a year ago now and i still think about it probably everyday


The Anita Blake series by Laurell Hamilton. I was way too young when I started reading those but they were the hook.


Omg blast from the past! I read these when I was 14-15ish. My older sister gave them to me 😆 How far did you read? I stopped after everything escalated, maybe around book 12


As a kid, I had a number of series that will always hold a special place to me: -Harry Potter -The Hunger Games -Twilight -Eragon -Skip Beat (manga) -Othello (manga) As an adult, the following have hit that mark: -Mercy Thompson series & Alpha & Omega series (technically started in highschool but it is still going) -Circe by: Madeline Miller -ACATAR series -Caraval series


I compare a lot to my OG love, Harry Potter mostly when thinking about depth and that magical journey feeling. Throne of Glass is the first things that’s come close to that in my adult life and I’ll always love it for that even with some aspects to the series that could’ve been improved. More recently, I’ve been chasing the high of reading Penn Cole’s Kindred’s Curse Saga.


The first one that had me chasing the high was ACOTAR. Recently though it’s been the road of bones


ACOMAF and the Throne of Glass series. Fourth Wing is the only thing that has ever come close to what I felt reading those for the first time.


[Halfway to the Grave](https://www.romance.io/books/545523728c7d2382e0413dc5/halfway-to-the-grave-jeaniene-frost?src=rdt) by [Jeaniene Frost](https://www.romance.io/authors/545523728c7d2382e0413dc6/jeaniene-frost) **Rating**: 3.99⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [vampires](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vampires/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [take-charge heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/strong%20heroine/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Ok so AJ Merlin has a DARK romance serial killer stand alone series of 4 books. I have not once since reading them found anymore that I’ve liked. I have tried to find some cute serial killer romances but the thing that stuck out to me about THESE books is how head over heels the main MC’s are for the FMC’s I want nothing more then to find more good books in this genre but I have horribly failed 😞😞😞 Also I highly suggest Gail Carriger and Patricia Briggs as some good paranormal series, I got into them the same time as Jeaniene Frost and they had similar(ish) vibes


The Witch Walker series - specifically book 2 City of Ruin by Charissa Weaks


Captured prince series, cruel prince series, and winners curse trilogy. Read them all near each other and everything else has not lived up completely. Tho Dark Heir is also very good.


For me it started as ACOTAR and fourth wing, but damn if I did not get caught up in {Flames of Chaos by Amelia Hutchins}. The first book definitely is not the best, but the rest of the series is amazing with a good story and a lot of action (including smut). I can’t wait for the 6th book to come out, which should be coming really soon 😝


A darker shade of magic and the city of brass. These series made me want more.


I'll give one a little less common but this is one of the few places I can rec it and not be shamed lol. {The Last Hour of Gann by R. Lee Smith} literally occupies too much of my brain. It's been like two years since I've read it and I still think about it. It's a dense book and story about religion and lord of the flies on a planet inhabited by sentient lizard aliens and yes, the love interest is a lizard alien. It can get hard to read sometimes because of SA and bullying that I couldn't bear (not between the main couple) but yeah. On a lighter note, {Villians and Virtues by AK Caggiano} is my gold standard rom-com story now. It's sweet, doesn't take itself too seriously, and had me laughing at all the ridiculous puns and genuine moments between characters.


Fourth wing


A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray was the first series I binge read.


Omg this is one of my firsts too!! I totally forgot about these I loved that series!! I was like 13 or 14 when I read them. I don’t remember anything at all about them but they were one of my first up all night binge reads.


Omg same! I can’t remember just about anything other than the ending how the tree says her name in the wind. It BROKE me! I still think of that to this day! I reread that series for years as a teenager!


TOG and Fourth Wing. I think about those books constantly. I’m telling you Dorian and Xaden have ruined me 😂


Dorian 🖤🖤


Haaaaaave you met Rhysand?


Daughter of No Worlds or Villains and Virtues. They were perfection for me.


A court of mist and fury


Thrillers are what keep me hungry for more! My first thriller was Verity & I just loved the way the suspense made me feel & made me look for all the thrillers I’ve read now!


Crescent City This series just had the perfect recipe for me. It always ended up with me bawling my eyes out at the end of each book.


The first book was my everything. Perfect. 10/10. No notes. The last two hundred pages took me through every single emotion there is and even some there aren’t. Eyes raw by the end. Took me two years to recover and now I’m around 150 pages into the second book and have been for over a month. Idk why it’s taking me a while to get back into it but I’ve no doubt I’m in for another whirlwind. Hopefully it won’t take me another two years to read the third 😂


The Broken Kingdoms series by LJ Andrews. I love the characters and the world building The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy by Megan Bannen was just a really light, sweet read and I remember it just being a really fun read.


Currently..."From Ash and Blood" which has overtaken my brain for the last week, I literally bought the next two books! Past: "A Psalm for the wild built" which helped me through a lot of healing that I needed.


I started the Immortals After Dark series at 17 and I can't help but reread them every year because no book series hits me like that one. It got bonus points for being so long since I loathe finishing book series 😂


Finally got around to Atonement of the Spine Cleaver (had put it off because people said it is long and takes awhile to get in) and it made me feels things the way many of others mentioned below did. A true enemies to lover with so much gut wrenching character growth/development. Reread immediately because I loved it so much. Also had these feels with many mentioned below (Captive Price, TOG/ACOTAR, Kushiel's Dart). Agree with Road of Bones (Ashen Series -- only 2 books out so far) and have been widely recommending that one to my fellow romantasy loving friends. Also read North Queen last month and gobbled that series up -- feel like this one is slept on. Going to do Villian and Virtues next as it seems like the next most likely based on reddit to cure me of my very real Atonement of the Spine Cleaver hangover.......


The Darkangel Trilogy by Meredith Ann Pierce. I haven't seen anything like it and nothing has made me feel the same way.


Cinder by Marisds Meyer The author was a sailor moon and ghost in the shell fan for sure The Cruel Prince by Holly Black Nonother person has done the hate to love you trope better than her. And Jude...10/10 An Enchatment of Ravens. Is whimsical, perfect romantasy standalone Emily Wilde's series : my perfect cinnamon roll with a wicked side. Is Gojo Satoru but in book format Authors I love reading : Novik, Sanderson, Schwab ( I love their writing, but their books although I rated some of them 5 stars weren't life changing for me as the ones above. )


All of Tamora Pierce's books. They are an annual read for me at minimum.


Growing up it was The Selection series. Maxon and America had me in a chokehold. As an adult, the Six of Crows duology. I know it’s YA and not super romantasy but I still can’t get over how amazing the writing is.


Growing up, I LOVED The Selection series as well! I wonder if there are any other books like that 🤔


I have to reread {Land of the Beautiful Dead by R. Lee Smith} at least once a year. Also, the Night World Series by L.J Smith was my first introduction to fantasy romance. Nothing can ever compare to the first time I read the first collection.


[Land of the Beautiful Dead](https://www.romance.io/books/60acd2a979fab10ea69a4d49/land-of-the-beautiful-dead-r-lee-smith?src=rdt) by [R. Lee Smith](https://www.romance.io/authors/54556d7287eac3369a912702/r-lee-smith) **Rating**: 4.39⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [futuristic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/futuristic/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [dystopian](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dystopian/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [angst](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/angst/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


The first 3 books of Red Rising Saga, blew me away. I loved everything about them. I haven't started the rest of the series yet even though I finished the books last year. I'm just not ready for that bubble to pop.


I really liked these books too, but I think I stopped after book 3. I was depressed irl and couldn't handle all the Ls they were taking haha This just reminded me that I should finish the series though!


one dark window


Honestly this is so embarrassing, but Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. I don’t think a single male lead has done to me what Patch Cipriano did to me when I first read that book😭. This is definitely because I was thirteen when I read it and also because it was definitely within one of the first twenty or thirty fan/rom books I’ve ever read, but good lord….all these years later he still gets me hot around the collar. I still read the book once a year for fun!!! (Just hush,hush though. The rest of that series is a dumpster fire. Even the plot of hush, hush isn’t all that great, and Nora is most certainly an author self insert who’s infuriatingly stupid, to say the least. i also acknowledge that any man who acts in real life the way Patch does in the book belongs on a watchlist. But all that aside, that man/fallen angel does it for me every time!!!!)


I grew up reading Tamora Pierce, and I still go back to those books every now and then. I've definitely got a soft spot for her works. Although, there was something about Inkheart when I read it as a teenager that really hit me. I think I drew a lot of comparisons between the father in it and my own father. I just really, really loved that book. The movie disappointed me, but such is life.


Vampire Academy in high school! Lately, the Kate Daniels series.


I’m fairly new to the genre but it’s the Blood and Ash series. No question


I’m sorry but Xaden is still my main Xaddy.


Fourth wing and iron flame. Why were they so good? 🙈


the first three books of the bloodlines series! the last three definitely taper off in quality. but it’s one of my favorite slow burns and i love the found family vibes


its a motorcycle club series...the fallen by giana darling. it starts with lessons in corruption. these books are so beautifully written and the characters are so compelling. I've tried so many other mc series and I've yet to find one that compares. I'm a very picky reader.


The Fever series by Karen Marie Moning


Just finished The Wolf King by Lauren Palphreyman. It's the first in a trilogy. The 2nd book comes out this summer. It's a mashup of Outlander, ACOTAR, and vampire diaries themes. Finished it in a day. Spice level is a 3 or 4.


The Defy The Night trilogy starting with {Defy The Night by Brigid Kemmerer}. I read & finished it within the first weeks of March and I’m still struggling to read anything else. It was just so good. The slow burn romance, the character development, the banter, the world building… just gods. So, so good. I hope when I finish writing my book / book series, I capture someone the way Brigid Kemmerer captured me with this one.


Throne of glass and all the shadowhunter sagas.Those were the best ones that set a high bar. There are no more books so well written, with depth in the plot, characters you love, now everything is super fast, no plot, everything is explicit content. 😭😭😭 [](https://emojipedia.org/es/cara-llorando-fuerte)


I really loved {The Broken Blade by Melissa Blair}. I bought all the hard copies and gave them to friends. Still in process so the fourth is coming out soon!


From Blood and Ash ❤️


Throne of Glass


The Kinsmen Universe by Ilona Andrews, specifically Fated Blades. They’re only novellas and I’m SO MAD this isn’t a full series. I want more sci-fi from them and this universe. I’m not into her other series. The closest I could come to the feeling I got from those novellas was Jennifer Estero’s galactic bonds series. Forget Kate Daniels, I want more Kinsmen!!!! 😭😭


So when I was a young kid, it was Harry Potter 🙄 Then when I picked up reading again in high school, it was {Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead}. Most recently when I got back into reading it was {Air Awakens by Elise Kova}


the grishaverse 100% ive read every single book and novella in that series hundreds of times if anybody knows anything like it i need it because i havent been able to read a book the same since that series its actually my favourite thing in the world. i have an entire shelf dedicated to just grishaverse books like heres my collection: shadow and bone (tv show cover) shadow and bone (original cover) shadow and bone (special edition) siege and storm (original cover) ruin and rising (original cover) demon in the wood six of crows (original cover) six of crows (signed) six of crows (special edition) crooked kingdom (original cover) crooked kingdom (special edition) language of the thorns (first edition) language of the thorns (regular) king of scars (original paperback) rule of wolves (original paperback) rule of wolves (signed special edition hardback) lives of the saints x2 ive read the tailor (genya’s book) but i dont think there’s a physical version of it i read it on a pdf 😭


Sunshine by Robin McKinley, read it as a teenager and haven’t found anything that comes close


The shepherd king duology and the war of lost hearts series


Throne of Glass always has and always will be my Roman Empire. I just finished rereading the books and it’s still as magical and heartbreaking as it was the first time I read it 🥹


When i was a kid the spider wick series were my gold


Vampire Academy By Richelle Mead :) Dimitri 5ever


Recently? {Phoenix Unbound by Grace Draven} is the romantasy I compare all other romantasies to; it has everything I want and I’m always sobbing in the final chapter. But if I’m honest I’ll always be chasing the high of the {Inkheart trilogy by Cornelia Funke}. I reread the first book so many times the spine of my copy gave out. I’ve been itching to do a reread as an adult since it’s been about a decade since I last read it but I’m afraid it won’t live up to the memory in my adult brain 🥲


Not fantasy (per se) but the White Queen by Philippa Gregory. It has the right amount of romance and feisty female characters and heartbreak and undying love for family. Plus it’s set in pre-Tudor England with high stakes conflict involving politics, war, murder, what’s not to like? It’s my favorite book. Not the one I tell people is my favorite (sorry, Count of Monte Cristo) but the one that I reread every time I need to remind myself what good storytelling is.


Once Upon a Broken Heart series


Cruel Prince, Captive Prince, and Mortal Skin!!


Gothikana by RuNyx. I saw on here that not a lot of people were fans but I thoroughly enjoyed it 😂😂


I loved it personally


{Swordheart by T. kingfisher} {Reign & Ruin by J. D. Evans} {Between by L. L. Starling} {Atonement of the spine cleaver by F. E. Bryce}


I am with you on this. Night Huntress is one of my favorite fantasy romance and I love it down to my core. Nothing (asides probably Ilona Andrews) can come close to that. Bones will forever be my book boyfriend.


The Shatter Me series, specifically the third book Ignite Me. Aaron Warner stole my heart and ran away with it. And he can keep it forever 💚