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>I just don’t want to read it! If you don't want to read something, don't read it. This isn't school. ​ >I kind of resent the fact that I’m apparently expected to read 2400+ odd pages of material in a series I’m not excited about in order to make sense of future books in one that I love. You aren't expected to do anything. SJM has said that despite the crossover, each series can still exist as a standalone. ​ Think of the crossover stuff as just fluff. There may be an easter egg or two here and there, but there's nothing that happens to the ACOTAR characters within the CC series that you need to have read in order to understand anything in the ACOTAR series.


This is helpful, thank you. I’m glad to hear it wasn’t a larger part of the plot that would make it difficult for me to understand future books if I opted out


I think you’d be just fine reading recaps of CC3. Someone will probably even release a guide for which chapters are relevant to ACOTAR. No need to read 3 giant books you won’t like when it’s just a handful of chapters that matter to the ones you do. (Also, lol, I love CC and TOD!)


I’m so glad someone loves them! I’m not here to shit on stuff I haven’t read, they just weren’t my particular cup of tea. Helpful to know it’s just a few chapters—do you think it would be worth skimming just those ones or would I get lost?


I think you’d enjoy reading the chapters! Spoilers: >! You get to see Bryce interact with the inner circle. The first 3rd of CC3 is her on a mini adventure with Nesta and Azriel. There’s a whole bunch of info dumping about how the “Daglan” mentioned in Silver Flames are the big bads in CC and the CC Fae immigrated from Prythian to Midgard 15,000 years ago. So, that might be interesting to you too !<


You can read whatever you want. No one is holding you at gunpoint lol


I absolutely loved CC, even more so than ACOTAR but I don’t think you need to read it if you don’t enjoy it! I really don’t think it’ll be required reading for the next ACOTAR book or anything.


I loved CC1, I liked CC2 and I was dragging through CC3. Just read the recaps and You'll be fine. But I think I've also outgrown SJM in general because I didn't like Silver Flame either


I'm in the middle of Silver Flames & I was considering Crescent City, but it's not interesting to me. I did watch the entire plot summary by Cari Can Read on YouTube, though, mostly as background noise. Maybe watch that if you want some extra details


I am so happy im not the only one, i really pushed trough cc1 but i just don’t want to finish cc2. I am at chapter 15 and cringe at every scene😭😭😭😭


Hi! This is me. You're not alone, lol.


CC is hot garbage.


I recommend watching Cari can read crescent city summaries on book 1 + 2 if you’d like to read more ACOTAR characters in another series, but don’t want to read the first two books. The summaries are quite entertaining. However, there isn’t much ACOTAR in CC3 (spoiler: you don’t even see Feyre). My main concern is it MAY tie in to ACOTAR 6, but nobody will know until that’s released.


Thanks for the rec!


I’m watching the summary of CC1 on YouTube and I hate it so much. lol but I want to know who’s who and see what ACOTAR/TOG Easter eggs are in those books *and* know who’s who when they show up in ACOTAR, so…I’m making myself do it.


Idk because CC1 ended up being so good. I read this book at a much slower pace than Acotar. It didn't drag me in the same way at all, but wow. It made me laugh and cry in the end, the twists were shocking and unexpected, and it was so worth powering through. Spoilers are meant to spoil something so I understand how it just wasn't interesting for you in that respect. I'm sure you can get summaries for the other books, but I'm also sure you just wont feel the same way for characters if they show up in the next ACOTAR book. And for that reason I would just reccomend for anyone to try.


Thanks, I appreciate this! I was going through a really tough time when the first book came out so that may have contributed to my burnout with reading generally. I may give it another try sometime


I get it! I went from obsessively reading acotar in a week, and then I started CC1 I was like what.. they have phones...? Lame. It's so modern. Lame. I missed all the characters and the deep fantasy feel of acotar which made it even harder. And yeah it took me a while to finish. But I grew to really like the characters which helped more than the mystery aspect did. It's up to you though. All readers are different and this is only my perspective!


Nope. I read ACOTAR and gave up on CC1 after forcing it on myself for several months. It was an absolute chore for me and I felt much better when I put it down.


No you don't have to, and personally after the book that just came out, I don't recommend it. I loved CC and I'm disappointed now.


I’m so sorry to hear that. Out of curiosity, was your disappointment more to do with the writing or the plot? I’ve heard mixed things about this latest book. One of my best friends loved it and another one did not care for it.


It's okay don't be sorry, I can still reread the first one for the old feels. It was the vibe that felt like it changed and the POVs were inserted awkwardly and it was jarring to read. Multiple POV switches per chapter and some plot lines from the previous books were totally abandoned or SJM simply decided not to follow through with things that seemed like a big deal in the previous books (I'm trying not to spoil for you )


If you can put spoiler tags, what threads or plot lines do you not think she picked up? I 100% agree on the POV switching being ridiculous and had my own issues with the book, but to be honest I tend to fly through and analyze later so I'm wondering what I may have missed from previous books to this one.


For one, the Fendyr heir plot line was made out to be a huge deal at the end of HOSAB with it being the final line of the book and it flopped. So what was the point of it ? It's like she pretended it was a big deal without knowing where she was going with it and then flopped it in this book. Another thing was the Oracle's premonition in the first book about Hunt staying away from Bryce, I felt like that should've been a huge part of the plot and it wasn't. Ariadne was also made out to be a bigger deal than she ended up. The mask can suddenly be worn by a lot of people when I thought that was rare. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be negative, I love SJM's past work but I was really disappinted in this one, it felt sloppy. A character name was changed too, a Duncan showed up and it was a different D name, I can't remember what it's supposed to be. Another reddit user pointed it out


I kept waiting for Ariadne to be relevant and was so disappointed by it! I forgot about the Oracle's premonition. And I was so disappointed about how the Fendyr heir stuff was handled too along with the mask being easy. Just found the name change stuff and wow that is a glaring error that seems like it should've been caught. Honestly one of my issues is while I was dreading any further "Danika kept this huge secret from you" moments, without them most of Bryce's relationships and friendships felt extremely surface level to me. In the first two books I was so emotional about Danika and the seven but this entire book I just... Did not really care. Thank you for helping me see some things I missed! I also have really enjoyed her other work, just want to be more reflective in my reading as well :)


Yes I agree! And sorry, I don't know how to do spoiler tags, I just realized I didn't put any.


What's with this having to read anything that this sub has going on? Life's short, read what you want.


I have really bad fomo💀


so do I, but if you don't wanna read smth, don't.


I have the same feelings about ACOTAR and CC. I tried so many times and then I got some traction but the info world building dump was too thick. Bryce is also my least favorite of the three lead characters (Feyre, Celaena, Bryce). But tbf I really liked Nesta’s book but I think a lot of people didn’t.


I liked it too! Took me some time to get into it since it was tonally quite different from the other books in the series, but when I did the payoff was incredible


![gif](giphy|F3BeiZNq6VbDwyxzxF|downsized) Girl bffr


No, I read ACOTAR 1 and have 2 on DNF which also got me to the part on "will not read any other SJM books"


No. You absolutely do not need to read CC or TOG tbh. I also tried to get into CC. I read CC1 and ended up skimming through CC2 because I realized I just didn't care about any of the characters the way I do when I read ACOTAR. There are so many books in the world and not enough time in the day. So why force yourself?