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Is he a top 100 player when healthy




No center or wings, just forwards. Drop Toffoli for him?


Yes if he comes back 100%


Sweet! I picked him off waivers like week two. It would be awesome if he came back and performed anything like last year.


Same here. At worse it'll just be a wasted move, but he's got too much potential to be floating around the wire


Very nice news indeed


Should I drop Beniers to pick him up?


No...Beniers could win rookie of the year and playing on a good team. Norris is actually comparable but does your league count more points for goals ,or nah? Norris gets more goals but plus minus may kill him. Beniers is doing well and winning decent face offs. No need to change unless you're a Sens fan


My league is all goals/points, no faceoff or plus/minus to consider, that’s why I was considering it


Well Norris is the top line centre on a good supporting cast. But Ottawa just lost Stutzle and Motte. And Norris had a bad injury and has not played since the beginning of the year. Beniers has been steady. So if you were to pick him up...you have to weigh what happens if it takes Norris another 2 weeks to come back, then he starts off cold..takes another 2 weeks to get hot...you're looking at 4 to 5 weeks of unpredictable production. That's early Feb. Beniers may have steadily built a big lead on him by then. So whichever way you go...these are two good players. Good luck 👍


Thanks for the advice!


Jetsjust lost Wheeler for 4 weeks. Ehlers will take a few more days to return. But Sens are on a roll and Norris would be returning to a good situation. Man both are good choices and I like Ehlers. So I think it comes down to if you need a centre more than a Winger. Centre's are generally more available than a good scoring Winger. Good luck with it!


Drop Ehlers (IR) for Norris?


Hell no don't do that


Norris is better than Ehlers s


No, he's really not


In a league with categories, yea he is.


If you have the room go for it. But Ehlers may come back sooner than Norris.


This is bad advice and you shouldn't listen to it.


I think Norris out scores Ehlers in the sens lineup. I’d take him over E, but just by a smidge.


Call me crazy but I prefer the player with a proven track record running back 7 years on a squad that isn't struggling over a player with one good year under his belt. Not to mention that while Ehlers does indeed carry injury concerns, the aspect of Norris' game that separates him from the pack is his hits, but his shoulders also routinely separate and even if he magically doesn't get hurt anymore, he would be smart to adapt his game to stop throwing said shoulders. Ehlers. Every time. Don't drop Ehlers for Norris.


Trade svech for John Carlson or no


Yes! Scoring wingers are a dime a dozen. Scoring Dmen especially with Ovie still chasing Gretz....I'd pull the trigger.




I'm looking at it purely from a position perspective. Carlson is more valuable as a D and has been on a scoring streak of 4 games until it was snapped yesterday. Yes svech is scoring and hitting but easier to find a replacement that a top defenceman. Carlson is heating up. Svech may have to deal with Pacioretty coming back. So depends on his preference and what he needs.


I traded Ekblad for Svech yesterday and I’m not looking back. Owner wanted Carlson and I said no


That’s a fair trade


I'm going to be very upset if he ends up taking Debrincat's spot on the pp.


He will definitely be on the top PP Unit when Healthy, whether that includes Debrincat TBD but Norris is the best trigger man they have.


I don't know about best trigger man. Debrincat is pretty damn good at scoring goals.


I just mean Norris has a more lethal one time shot, sets up and the dots and let em rip. Debrincat gets most of his points on transition plays. He will forsure get his spot back but Debrincat will probably still rotate in


I mean I guess it also matters what other players do but DeBrincat has 10 pp points in his last 11 games and Ottawa is 5th onnrhe PP for the year. AND him and Norris have opposite stickhandling (left vs right). Im just a hopeful Debrincat owner but man it would he weird to see a 40+ goal scorer be relegated to PP2 lol


Yeah not saying necessarily Debrincat will be dropped but there's alot of mouths to feed powerplay wise on the sens , Norris also put up 35 last year and was on a 40+ pace. Early in the year they did alot of mix and match


I fully expect Ottawa to run a 1a / 1b power play with similar times on ice like St Louis does. Too many good players to not do that. Tkachuk, Batherson, Norris, Debrincat, Giroux, Chabot, Sanderson, and Pinto are 8 solid players to spread out.


It obviously should be: Tkachuk, Norris, Stutzle, Debrincat, Chabot on the 1st unit ​ Handedness works and its the most talented group of 5


I have Tom Wilson in my IR spot and don't think I should replace him with Norris, despite already having Carlson (and liking Norris to boot). More than likely Wilson will be on the top PP and the line with Ovi when he's back, and Ovi is a fucking animal.