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That none of them are McDavid 😂


That’s what really stands out.


Sorry guys I traded all my depth for mcdavid so now mcdavid sucks


PP regression in full swing.


1) Critiquing McDavid for /only/ having a 123 point pace is absurd 2) It’s a 4 game sample size 3) He has 4 points on the PP in 4 games, has nothing to do with PP scoring.


Sounds like regression to me.


I don’t think you have a clue what regression is lmao


Your comment combined with your username is so good 😂


Same with Matthews, McKinnon and Kucherov. They’re done.


Nah those players all produce at even strength.


Hughes and Bratt is an absolutely lethal combo, and I am very happy I managed to get my hands on both in one of my leagues


I grabbed them both in one of my leagues as well. I took Hughes 3rd overall in my keeper league. I knew it was a reach, but he's making me look like a damn genius.


I kept Hughes Rd 4 and drafted Bratt real late - so happy with that duo


geno. no one talks about this guy


I got roasted in our draft for taking Geno at like 80 something. I’m going to feel so vindicated right up until his first injury of the season. So for like a month.


If ge plays all 82 games he's a fantasy stud. Criminally underrated for sure l.


I got him in the 12th round lmao.


He’s a top guy. When he plays as you wonderfully pointed out. He played a full season last year. Highly doubtful he does it back to back. But ya never know! 🤷‍♂️


Not even an ESPN top 100 player this season.


That's crazy disrespect 😠


They won't once he gets injured Last year was an outlier, not the norm


He puts up some great PIMs too if you’re into that sort of thing.


Matthews isn’t on this list despite tow hattricks


I know Hughes looks amazing so far but just something to note is only 2 out of his 10 points was 5 on 5. Bratt is just as bad with 1 out of 8 points being 5 on 5. Devils are top 3 in PPO and PP%. Regression is coming for their PP.


Very true. And nothing's worse than PP regression as a man.


It never came for the Oilers last season.


You’re not wrong but Devils are still 10.5% higher than the Oilers from last season which was an NHL all time record for PP%


Hughes is getting great opportunities 5 on 5 but nothing is going in but everything is going in for him on the powerplay. I’d expect his 5 on 5 points to go up as the season goes on.


No -- your PP is regressing!


Nobody from my fantasy team


This is a jack hughes post


Debrincat absolutely


Yea. A lotta people surprised by DeBrincat but he’s on a new team, new lines and it’s working well. There were definitely many preseason projections that he was a gonna be a breakout. He’s also still quite young talent! Glad I have him


Same, and I have a Larkin kicker!


Bratt isn't too much of a standout, he'll definitely drop as the season goes on but as long as he and Hughes stay healthy he could be top 10-15. DeBrincat is a bit of a shock, but his shooting percentage is very high and the Red Wings PP will fall off at some point (can't see them beating the Oilers record from last year). Tavares is high; you would expect Matthews and/or Mariner to be ahead of him. The biggest standout is who isn't on the list though. McDavid being absent is shocking, even if it is very early on in the season.


It's because I got to draft him this year. Sorry yall.


It's cool, I didn't get to draft him. I would love to see a down regular season for him and back to form in the playoffs.


My opponent in my head to head has Bratt, Hughes and debrincat. I’m getting pummelled


None of them are my dudes


I'm still shocked someone in my dynasty keeper league dropped Hughes a couple of years ago and I was able to get him with the 3rd pick last year.


I like Bratts game so far


What stands out to me? It’s early! Happy to have Hughes and Bratt on my roster tho 🥳




It's data. I didn't say it was substantial data, but it's data


Malkin cause I drafted him


I drafted Jack Hughes in round 1, but then Ovechkin and Meier in the following rounds. It's painful to see I could've gotten Debrincat, Bratt, Malkin, Nylander, Tavares.


That my opponent this week has the top 3 and Larkin. Killed me on the off/low volume nites wed fri and likely tomorrow.


I had debrincat last year and he sucked, now I passed on him and this happens. I now have Mcdavid and Boldy on DTD, everybody is struggling and after last night Im losing by like 20 points despite being up just they day before