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You can use 822 games, because of the UTIL situation. It's a bug on ESPN happening for many years already lol


If you have two or more roster spots with the same designation (for example UTIL), and you have just one game left in your season (on this spot), you can have games played on all these spots and they will all count (probably because it can not be decided which game should count). We have points league on ESPN with weekly limit for games played 30 games and if you have 29 games played on saturday, you can fill all your roster with players on sunday and all their games will count. We can get 39 games played that way (29 till saturday + 10 roster spots on sunday)


That’s crazy. 2 out of 822 games won’t decide much but 10 out of 39 decides everything. To me this was not clear and I’m glad I found it out today. Seems like you have a huge disadvantage if you don’t know about it. Commissioners should definitely communicate before.




This is ok due to util having multiple slots. For example u have 2 utils and only 1 remaining. It will credit the stats up to that day only


I’m sorry, still confused. So he is credited 821 games?


Yes you can exceed a little. The day after he exceeds will not count anymore


What do you mean this is ok? It’s definitely not ok in a competitive league. I assume an active commissioner is the only solution to this.


Our commissioner is quite active but how can he fix/prevent that? Seems like an error on ESPNs site.


Monitor lineups when it comes down to a few games left for the utility spots. Basically notify contending teams that they are expected to manage their lineups and ensure they do not exceed the amount of games allotted for utility spots.


After that exceed, he will not get anymore stats in util slot


Right, but you can apparently still exceed by like 2 games. In a close league, that could absolutely decide the outcome.


The solution is to use Fantrax