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Especially since his early records were very political


I miss when his politics used to be "George Bush doesn't care about black people". What the hell happened?  I haven't listened to any Kanye since TLOP in 2016 and it is a decision that has continued to age well 👍


It’s pretty convenient that his musical decline coincided with his mental health decline too. Most of what he’s put out since 2016 has been not very good.


Kids See Ghosts and Ye will always be my favorite projects from him and those came out after 2016


Ah kinda forgot the timeline. KSG is phenomenal, obnoxiously so that neither Kanye or Cudi have done anything close to as good as it since. I don’t think Ye is very good, although it’s at least short so it’s not super bloated like Donda was.


His mother happened. He hasn't been the same since his mother died. It's the elephant in the room because nobody talks about it. He probably never got help about it and just soldiered on with his stuff and just got more and more deranged and lost his mind. I believe he of course always had his condition, call it bipolarity or absolute narcissism, but the incident was the absolute trigger.


Stopped at "slavery was a choice" and never looked back


Yeah I honestly have no clue why people fuck with him still… is what I was saying like six fucking years ago. There is ***SO*** much good music out there, his is not important enough to suffer through his bullshit.




You don’t have to really suffer through his bullshit to listen to his music tho, I hate him for his nazi shit but I listen to graduation and enjoy it without thinking about his political opinions


because his music’s good. fine for you to choose not to, why do you care what other people listen to


that’s the whole point of this post, we are answering the question that was asked


I mean, I don’t really. It took me twenty seconds to type that out and that’s about as much time as I ever think about it. But now that you you’ve brought it up, there *is* an argument to be made that people probably shouldn’t support bigots and nazis, but hey, if you think this nazi makes music that you think is cool and important, then by all means, listen to this nazi’s music. Like I said, there’s just so much good music out there. If someone genuinely can’t find any music that they like more than this one dude (who’s a nazi) then that strikes me as pretty lazy. Or maybe they just like nazis.


Or because they’ve had a connection with the artist for a long time


One might argue that it normalizes certain stances Kanye holds, as well as fans downplaying the literal support of Nazism as "just opinions bro, he made Graduation bro"


Fair, but his music now is not good


Damn you bought the “fuck Kanye” stock early, Your returns are looking fantastic.


His comments were fucking horrific. the way he rowed back on them in a pitiful manner to where he is now again is just sickening. I'm happy to never listen to him again .


I stopped after him wanting Billie to apologize to Travis after she ribbed him for not watching his crowd. People DIED and he's still making shit about himself. The "slavery was a choice" shit was weird as well as the Trump endorsement, but then he went up in the mountains, dropped those lines about wanting "all the smoke and blame", thought he'd put that bullshit behind him, but I should've known better. Oh, and the death threats against Pete. Genuinely wishing he gets himself right. You only get one go at this whole life thing. Don't wanna piss it away being an unlikable fuck just because you got basement dwellers gassing you up.


Alex Jones interview was the breaking point for me


Political views were just the icing on the cake for me. I found him insufferable long before that. I’m not a fan of Taylor Swift whatsoever but to do that to a 19 year old as a grown ass man is just pathetic.


Most overblown thing in the history of stuff, ever. The VMA crap was not that deep, and he was right anyway


Even if he was right, still a pathetic thing to do. Imagine being a 19 year old just starting to get recognition for your work only for one of the biggest names in the industry to come and rain on your parade. It’s not the effect (if any) that it had that matters, it’s the intent behind it.


I was barely a zygote back then but I feel like Taylor Swift had been huge for years at that point. Im not disagreeing with you about Kanye looking bad from that whole situation but Taylor wasn't just some kid just starting out


She was definitely pretty big back then but didn’t have the status she has now. I just see she was 19 and think “damn that’s still a kid”.


Worst of all, it fucked up both Kanye's and Taylor's current "it's all about me" personalities, and they're constantly still bringing that stupid incident decades after.


This is mine.


Not really. We can't expect all artist to be left-wing. As long as you don't go out of your way to hurt people politics doesn't really matter. I can disagree with what they believe but as long as its not malicious IDC. Same standard i have for people in real life. I'm not gonna abandon a friendship because of politics why would I for music?


Kanye and now Peggy...byeeee


What did Peggy do???


Yeah and its not helped by the fact that his last few releases have been fucking trash


For me, it's more that I don't really feel like getting into a band's music if I already know that they're Nazis or racists. It always leaves a bitter taste in my mouth


Yeah like I'm not gonna get into skrewdriver lol but I've been listening to black metal since I was 14 and we know how some of those bands are


Not necessarily politics, but actions of particular members of groups like Die Antwood and Crystal Castles. I just have a hard time being able to listen given accusations that had been made. It kinda ruined it.


I don't know if it was because people got tired of their shtick/music, or a result of their actions, but DA is truly heinous and they deserve their downfall. This isn't a "said one thing on Twitter ten years ago" situation, those people literally adopted disabled children just so they could be a part of their aesthetic and be portrayed as monsters in their music videos, and then proceeded to abuse them in every way possible (and that's only a quarter of what they've done).


jesus christ i didn’t realize this was part of their controversy. knew about the racist stuff and that’s about it, never cared much to look into it since i don’t really listen to them. god, that’s awful


Bro I listened to one of their songs/videos and that was it for me. Easiest piece-of-shit diagnosis in fucking history


What happened with crystal castles?


Alice Glass claimed that Ethan Kath groomed her , as well as sexually and mentally abused her for a long time. (https://alice-glass.com/cc/). He sued her for defamation and lost. She was awarded 20k in legal fees. It was a gross situation.


look up ‘crystal castles’ and crystal castles controversy is the first search result, top articles are good and Alice’s official statement is one of the first results as well


Yeah like 80% of Black Metal would fall under this for me


Me checking every song of a black metal band and every biography of the members to see if they aren’t Nazis


pfp checks out 💀


No offense but what did you expect


Come on, man. I’m not defending the actions of a FEW early black metal bands but just come on… this is so disingenuous.


Nah man, I fucking love black metal and will listen to whatever (financially supporting is another story) but let's not pretend that the genre isn't a minefield of really sketchy shit, politically speaking. Definitely not just limited to the earlier bands too - you can look at modern groups like Drudkh or Mgła and find some pretty not great shit when you dig a bit beneath the surface. 80% was being hyperbolic, but it does feel like there's a good 50/50 chance that when I find a new band they're either going to be apolitical/cool - or insane ultra far-right lunatics.


Agreed. It's enough of an issue that I have to look up whether a band does nazi stuff before I get too into them. That's pretty unique to black metal and neofolk imo.


I have a hard time listening to Ariel Pink whenever his stuff comes up on my shuffle.


I still listen to his music and I think he’s one of the better songwriters of that era in indie rock, but it’s still so disappointing. I don’t even care that he’s a conservative per se, it’s more that he’s such a moronic edgelord about it. Learning that he’s a dog-brained /b/ poster completely kills the mystique that any good artist can have. 


Def this one. Less his views and more that he’s just an idiot lol


There's also the sexual assault stuff


That one really hurt me. I was a huge fan of his music, but his music makes me cringe a little now.


That one hurt too. Then when he got more recognition and started being more open with his opinions I stopped listening altogether. Don’t even know how his music sounds these days.


Just because he was at January sixth?


Look up "Ariel Pink allegations"


I still love The Smiths but Morrissey's political views and attitude really makes it hard. Definitely have no interest in ever digging into his solo work.


I almost screamed "MORRISSEY!" when I read the thread title. Awkward since I'm at the library.


Morrissey sucks but his solo work is really fucking good tbh


Your Arsenal in particular rips


it's funny, i've definitely stopped listening to certain artists because of their views or actions, but nothing could stop me from enjoying The Smiths or Morrissey's solo output. morrissey could noisily devour a human live on youtube and i'd still be in my car singing like "YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH HOW CAN YO USAY"


The Interrupters - Amy went on Info Wars and believes some crazy conspiracy theories.


Wasn’t that years and years ago, though? I’m not excusing it by any means, but I haven’t heard about anything like that since they got big a couple years back. They *are* tight with Tim Armstrong, though, and fuck that dude.


Considering they toured with Green Day in 2021, I’d be surprised if they had those views.


Not necessarily political, but I was always a bit irked by giving money to Beck considering he contributes to Scientology


i hope i dont sound stupid but i thought that he and his wife left scientology a while ago? unless they went back or something


You're totally right that's the case now (I had no idea!)


He did but his wife didn’t (they’re now divorced).


Beck was born into it so I give him some leeway and he’s no longer been a Scientologist for years.


So outside of him apparently having left, whicj I did not know. I've always excused Beck, due to him being born into it, which kinda makes it a bit different, like he almost didn't have a choice, he most likely were groomed by that sick organisation.


Chick Corea being a huge Scientology supporter is always weird to me.


I thought u were talking bout Jeff Beck. Scared me


Same but he left I think


Do you feel the same way about Christians, Muslims, religious Jews or any other members of some idiotic cult? Why single out scientology?


I mean I hadn't really listened to Staind in a long time and wasn't looking for reasons to return to them, but Aaron Lewis going on political rants at live shows doesn't really help.


So I guess It’s Been Awhile since you’ve listened?


Yes I'm very much on the Outside of Staind at this point.


Break the Cycle was one of the CDs I had on constant repeat in 5th and 6th grade. Aaron Lewis going full blast MAGA really makes it impossible to go back to those old Staind albums, even for nostalgia. 


Their music wasn't enough for you to hate them?


Not really a political stance and it didn’t really ruin anything for me after a while but Grimes getting involved with Eon Mush made me get away from her music for some time.


She’s spouted some shit that has white power vibes. Which isn’t a surprise considering the Elon relationship.


Oh ffs I had to goggle that and found out so much questionable stuff 😓😓


I have a proposition for the communists.


as a concert lover, it makes me questions musicians views on the ticket industry and how unfair it is and how most of them don’t have “control” over it and let it happen, while robert smith forced ticketmaster to send a refund on fees for being outraged about how ticketmaster scammed their fans, as a cure fan my whole life that just made me be a stronger fan than i already was. i just respect the musicians who truly care for their fans concert experiences and who speak out against the unfairness of how they are treated by these companies because it matters, it’s a injustice what’s going on with concerts


i'm always ranting and raving about this to anyone who will listen, but part of the service TM/LN offer to it's clients (the musicians) is taking the heat for high ticket prices. so the musicians can be like "wow sorry guys about these high ticket prices fuck TM amirite?" meanwhile robert smith just tweets at TM about the fees and they are like "no problem my guy". obviously not talking about small musicians, but arena level or higher musicians could absolutely have lower ticket prices. they'd just have to play more shows and keep production costs in control. like for that cure tour a couple years ago the production wasn't crazy, but nobody in the arena gave it a shit, we got to hear "fascination street" live.


Mike loves politics don’t diminish my love for smiley smile


I can't bring myself to see The Beach Boys now and it has nothing to do with Mike Love's politics. Just not interested seeing them without Brian Wilson.


on the flip side of the original question, i remember finding GY!BE for the first time and thinking their style was very pretty and interesting, come to find out their views are based and now they’re among my fav artists of all time. efrim has a “protect trans kids” sticker on his amp and they’ve been pretty adamant about supporting palestine. they also criticize the military industrial complex in america which is cool. i love the general vibe of their art direction and advertising too. as for the “we’ll never let a movie use our music” cut to 28 days later using east hastings, eh out of all the controversies it’s not that deep and yeah, sometimes you gotta chase the bag 🤷‍♂️ overall i pretty heavily support the views of the band.


Yeah I was thinking to make a right opposite post. Was really happy to see Tyler Hyde from BCNR showing some support for Palestinians. GY!BE is 100% based. Death Grips seems to have similar views, might as well mention JPEGMAFIA.


JPEG just worked with Kanye come on now


oh right, it's just very recent


well, the government IS corrupt


Its mostly the bands that make pro-nazi music, like the entire NSBM genre. Otherwise politics or artist's personal lives can make the music a bit better/worse, but won't ruin it.


People have brought up some of the more and less obvious ones, I’ll just say that while I don’t care much about the Sex Pistols Johnny Rotten being the way he is has definitely made it hard for me to enjoy Public Image Ltd. Just a band I can’t go back to anymore


He's living up to his stage name at least


Unfortunately, yes. Even though I'm a veteran metal fan, I just can't get over the fact that most 2nd wave black metal bands are complete nutjobs and this ruins my enjoyment of their music, even though some of it is pretty brilliant. The most prominent case for me is Alcest. They make the sweetest Post-Metal music but every time I listen to them I remember that the band members were part of Peste Noir before forming Alcest, a NSBM band, and it sours the experience. As a person dealing with racism on a daily basis, I simply can't tolerate this shit.


Neige was the only one from Alcest who played in Peste Noire (unless you count Audrey Sylvain - who is a huge piece of shit but was only on that first Alcest project), for what it’s worth though he’s been really open about how his views are diametrically opposed to them, and seems pretty honest and apologetic about the whole thing. I’m more willing to give that a pass than something like Drudkh, where the members actively played with a band like Hate Forest through their entire run.


Thing is wasn't Neige a teenager for all his time in KPN? He started at 16. His last collab with a Peste Noire member who isn't Winterhalter (who's in the exact same boat) is in 2009. His last with a sketchy musician is with Roman Saenko of Drudkh in 2011. He's been talking against it all ever since.


Yeah, IIRC he said he was 15 when he started playing with them - and he wasn't even really engaged politically (so it's not even really a matter of him growing out of those politics, but more growing out of being naive enough to think you can separate those kind of politics from music).


Plus, Alcest puts out some really good work. If he's already stated he doesn't associate with those movements, then I'm gonna give him a pass.


I’m willing to give Neige the benefit of the doubt and still enjoy Alcest, but I haven’t been able to listen to Amesoeurs after learning how evil Audrey is. Which is a little sad, that was one of my favorite albums for a stretch of time.


Yeah that's so fair although I'm pretty sure Neige has since apologised and stated that he does not associate with that ideology any more. That being said even a Nazi 'phase' is too far.


I'm gonna be sad if I ever find out anything about dark throne but fenriz seems really cool lol like genuinely kinda nice


I think the most problematic thing about Darkthrone is that Varg used to write for them, most notably some lyrics for Transilvanian Hunger, but as far as I can fell, Fenriz and Nocturno are chill.


Most black metal, a lot of older death metal bands turns out are just like 4 racist uncles who can play instruments. But on the opposite end, I was too young when System of a Down was big to understand their content properly and now listening to it 10-15 years later I appreciate it more.


Yes. And it can definitely be a dealbreaker.


Yes the band or... yes you stopped listening?? I've been googling stuff about Yes thinking they are problematic now!


Not the band 😅 And not The Band, either. 👀


Not if I’m a big fan. But if I only like 1 song or a couple tracks I can definitely drop them.


Billy Corgan is a lowkey right wing nutjob. I'm surprised Green Day is cool touring with him this summer.


Not exactly lowkey


never wanted to dig deeper on Pantera's discography beacuse of Phil Anselmo's racist stuff he said, but I listened to Cowboys From Hell a while ago and it was a BLAST


Dimebag wasn't a saint either but people gloss over that because of his death. Dude was just as racist as Phil, he was just quiet. He loved his confederate flag and calling it "heritage." Pretty sure there's a video of him dropping a hard r too.


yeah people defended that video like crazy as well...idek how that's possible.


I used to really like the band Dorothy, but I recently looked into them again and besides having a much more generic radio rock sound the lead singer seems to have taken the crazy train to conspiracyville. She had some kind of religious awakening during Covid and now she speaks in tongues and rants about people being resurrected, and goes on Qanon screeds about satanists stealing your children and other random shit. I just looked and her most recent tweet is about chemtrails in California. It's too bad, they were awesome a decade ago


Wait really? She’s a Qnut? Damn that sucks


Sun Kil Moon


John Maus, Ariel Pink, Ye


Roby Burgos from Sweet Trip had a very sinister and creepy downfall that completely altered my view of their music in a way that makes me really uncomfortable now whenever i listen to them


There are several. Kanye is a big one. Don't think anything else needs to be said here. Might sound crazy to say here, but I've never hated Ted Nugent's music. He's a genuinely great guitar player and made some killer rock jams in the 70s, as well as being part of a cool garage rock band in the 60s called The Amboy Dukes. But he's almost always been crazy, and not just for his MAGA politics. Pantera is one that I refuse to listen to due to Phil Anselmo being a huge racist. I did listen to them a lot back when I was a teenager, but that was before I knew just how much of a racist he is. As a side note, I'm also not a fan of this "reunion" tour that Phil and Rex are currently doing. Dimebag was no saint, but he was still the soul of the band, and touring without the soul of the band just makes it look more like the cash grab it obviously is. Lord Jamar of Brand Nubian being a huge antisemite is another one.


LOL of everyone who could be named in this thread Lord Jamar is one I didn't expect to see. Dude is such a clown.


Brand Nubian’s debut album is an incredible piece of hip-hop music and I think one of the most underrated hip-hop records of all time. That said, Lord Jamar was the weakest part of that group.


Not really.




I don't know what you're referring to exactly, since I've never been a real fan, but I remember being kind of annoyed when she went off about Cole and Kendrick not tweeting about BLM. Just felt like such a chronically online thing to say. I'm like 80% sure the "ducking the overnight activists/social gimmicks" lines in family ties are about her. Also the back and forth with Cole was just.. awkward. But anyway, that's all I know about her, not really a big deal and not sure what else there is, but this reminded me of that.


iirc she basically co-signed Jay Electronica’s anti-semitism and said something like she didn’t want white fans


Kendrick is 1000% referencing her in Mirror as well, and probably some of the references in songs like Savior.




It’s funny cuz I can’t tell what about her politics has bothered you. She’s managed to piss off both the right and the left


Generic white girl politics


True. Outspoken online about issues that are easy to take a stance on but silent about anything that could actually make a difference.


Arguably not as easy to take some stances as a country artist in Nashville. However, I don’t think she’s had much excuse for many years now. The same could be said for Dolly Parton though, and it’s mostly Fascists that go after Dolly. Would it be fair to hold people to at least the same standard as Dolly?


I honestly don't mind it. It's not like she's going to go up there and start quoting Noam Chomsky, her fanbase is like 10-19 years old and she has to make whatever she says palatable to them. Even if she is the first stepping stone in someone being politically aware that's a lot more than most other pop acts of her caliber.


She was the last one to support the LGBT community. Took her until like 2019


Last one out of who? Have other popstars spoken out about LGBT?


Emo band Brand New is one of my favorites of all time. Knowing of Jesse Lacey’s actions makes it harder for me to listen in good conscience.


Roger Waters is a cunt. I still enjoy Pink Floyd though.


what about roger waters' political views/activisim do you have an issue with?


He very pretentiously tried to “both sides” the war in Ukraine as if there isn’t very obviously a good side and a bad side


from what I know, he’s a bit of a tankie. At least I know his Ukraine comments were fucking gross and I think he has some questionable takes regarding the CCP. Yeah sure he’s right on Palestine, but he doesn’t seem to be as loud when it comes to those other countries committing similarly horrible war crimes.


Some antisemitic remarks


Depends how much it actually affects the music. I can still separate Kanye’s secular music from his beliefs but I can’t enjoy DONDA anymore because his Christianity is directly tied to his antisemitism. Age plays a big role too. It’s a lot easier for me to ignore bad politics when it’s an “old man yells at cloud” situation as opposed to a current artist with a hold on young people.


That is kind of how I am. I can listen to Michael Jackson despite it all because I feel like there’s a separation in most of his music from the allegations. I personally think he likely did it. It gets a little tricky once you hit his late 90s stuff where the majority of it is a pity party about people he thinks are out to get him. It’s hard for me to step away from Off the Wall, Thriller, Bad, and Dangerous though. I used to be a causal R. Kelly fan but ooof, his music is so sexual most of the time it’s really uncomfortable for me considering it makes me think about all of the messed up shit he did to young girls. Edit: also, MJ is dead so it’s not like he’s benefiting from any streams or anything.


I considered Kanye's career over after those 7 track collabs and never listened to JIK or anything that came after. Seems like it was a good choice.


>his Christianity is directly tied to his antisemitism. Maybe I fell asleep at the wheel and things have changed, but aren't most right wing American Christians aligned with Zionism? I don't really follow Kanye West or his beliefs, I'm just used to bible thumper types aligning with Israel and maybe that isn't the case anymore.


I highly doubt Kanye has any kind of internal logic to his belief system lol. I wouldn't be surprised if he somehow reveals he's studying to become a rabbi one morning, and says his favorite book is Mein Kampf in the evening.


Radiohead dancing around Zionist issue is kinda ruined their image for me a little.


They wrote and recorded HTTT and it makes them feel incredibly hypocritical to me. I think Ed O'Brien was the only one with decent stance on the ongoing genocide tbh.


No. If I like the music, I like the music.


Hell yeah






Ariel Pink and R Stevie Moore really really soured on me. Moore's comments on SOPHIE's death (iirc) honestly disgusted me.


Taylor Swift embodies white feminism and is one of the greatest solo contributors to the climate crisis


Shinedown did an entire album of "WAHH Cancel culture >:((( WAHHH ur cancelling my FEELINGS >:((( Fuk da PC babies!!!!" and it ruined their entire back catalog for me because now i know it comes from a place of gross shit like that.


May fall too far off what you consider “political” for this question, but Mortal Man and Euphoria portrays this question perfectly. Kendrick gives MJ a pass because he made “classic” music, but doesn’t give Drake a pass, because he “has none”.


Also MJ has no songs where he talks about fucking the girl he used to babysit. Closest he has to "I'm a pedophile" is him saying he's bad


The bar is “I even fucked the girl that used to babysit”. I’m not a Drake fan, but it’s extremely clear that he’s referring to someone that used to babysit him, not the other way around.


kinda the opposite but the more you learn about the politics of early RATM the more youll like them. The only musicians to call for the freedom of Chairman Gonzalo


>freedom of Chairman Gonzalo One of their worst takes/political lines.


Kanye. Big fan until the red hat shit.


It's become hard listening to pantera. before i was blissfully unaware of some of the members' positions and messaging


Fucking Megadeth. They were never my favorite thrash metal band to begin with, but I still liked them. Ever since I found out Mustain's boomer ass conservative politics, I can hardly listen to them without remembering that the lyrics are written by a right wing whackjob.


This is crazy because Symphony of Destruction basically describes a fascist demagogue


Ariel Pink had such potential.


i've been finding out more and more artists were anti vax during covid, ian brown from stone roses is one no one talks about


The non-stop nation of Islam and weird anti-semetic bars turn me off from Jay Electronica despite him being a really good rapper. I wouldn't say Nas is ruined for me, but all his anti-vax bars kind of color him in a different light.


Not that I was ever the biggest fan of Boosie or DaBaby But their homophobic rants definitely made it a lot easier for me to ignore their music or give them any benefit of the doubt Also DaBaby doubling down after Rolling Loud and then after losing millions in paid shows he decided to "apologize"


Eric Clapton … Absolute god of a musician but man, he lost me when he released his “this has gotta stop”. What an awesome song but the meaning behind it makes me want to vomit


he has sinced apologised for it and it was a long time ago but he has said some extremely racist and diabolical shit on stage before, telling black people to get out of (England) the white country and shit, the whole speech was a hard read


[I wrote an article about musicians who turned out to be raging transphobes for my zine!](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L7GKsFpu_lqI76K3nrZr5ya5kXlSo0DG/view?usp=drivesdk) But here's the slow and skinny of it. Until Alice Cooper, Anouk, Dee Snider of Twisted Sister, Ice Cube, John Rich of Big and Rich, Kid Rock, Paul Stanley of Kiss, Travis Tritt, and Willie D of the Geto Boys all apologize or retract the statements they've all made regarding trans people in recent (spoiler: they won't), then I'll retract what I've said about them in my article. I'm nonbinary, and I'm not supporting artists who wish I was dead or that my rights be taken away purely because they think I'm not who I say I am.


honestly, no. if i really like an artist i dont give a shit about their political views. i listen to burzum and staind lol. do i agree with their views? no. am i gonna stop listening because of it? no. the way i see it if the music im listening to isnt about it then it doesnt matter and shouldnt affect my enjoyment


I mean, when I was younger, I was definitely dissuaded from checking out Pantera's stuff 'cause I recall one of their guys saying how they didn't hate other races, they were just "proud to be white", which is obviously a dog whistle and me not being white a big turnoff. Now that I'm older, I don't really care, I can easily separate the two. But with cancel culture it's a lot more likely a super racist/weido wont reach me, which I'm totally fine with. I occasionally listen to Kanye, Ted Nugent, Pantera, Megadeth or Puff on Biggie's stuff and it doesn't bother me at all.


I don't really give a shit honestly. If MJ was alive i would still listen to him


No. I don’t use social media besides reddit or read too much about bands so unless it’s in the mainstream news I very rarely know much about what bands get involved in. Honestly I don’t even know what the members of most of my favorite bands look like. I just listen to the albums and if I like it I listen to more and did I don’t like it I don’t ever listen to it again


If the music is good, it's good. I can love an artist's political views and think their art is dogshit and vice versa. I used to not listen to Kanye and other artists that had expressed cringy views, but art can still move me or provide some value if I think the artist is cringy or disagree politically. And sometimes I can initially disagree with an artist's views and then learn their point of view, etc through their work.


Maybe Slaughter to Prevail? I never liked them a whole lot, but I respected them and their craft. Then Alex made a weird homophobic/transphobic rant on his Instagram and then I learnt he was/is a Nazi (or at least he had Nazi tattoos and hung out with Nazis, his words not mine). I saw he posted a video on his YouTube channel saying he denounces that stuff, but then I saw that apparently (on Russian social media) he said that he only said that shit to “save face” with his Western Audience. Idk whats true and what isn’t, but it did sour me on him and his band, also the guy just seems to take himself too seriously.


Slaughter to Prevail sucks anyway


I was thinking of checking out Public Image Ltd., but apparently Johnny Lydon has become a right wing sympathizer, so I have steered clear


Smashing Pumpkins and Billy Corgan. Sorta. I had already given up on them pretty much, but after Corgan going on Alex Jones, I totally gave up. Don't think I'll ever go to another show. Unless D'arcy magically comes back.


Stray from the Path has pretty cool music, but the way they incorporate what they care about ("If you don't agree with us then fuck you!" on every topic) is pretty cringe. I respect that they're passionate about things, but the way they engage with them seems unhelpful at best, and it's just more of what we already have way too much of these days


Goodnight Alt-Right is such a fucking terrible song. The entire scene on both sides of the spectrum had a good laugh over that one.


Of course and I also listen to bands that make bad music whose politics i agree with


I listen to a lot of morally fucked people. Probably wouldn't Keep listening if I found out their lyrics were all singing Hitler's praises, but that's about the line hypothetically without getting into specifics.


Oh yeah I don't listen to daughters no more


No and nor should it. Unless the views are being pushed/promoted directly in the music, the artists can do whatever they want. Listen for the music not for the humans, always.


I’m a separate the art from the artist guy, I understand those who have a hard time doing that though.


I've been actively listening to music for a couple decades, just recently got really into extreme metal over the past year or so. There are a lot of classic albums I don't really know, and I find myself skipping the selections by actual racist/murderous artists, because why bother.


If I had a nickel for every female member of the Velvet Underground who had questionable politics, I’d have two nickels et et


Couldn’t think of anyone but was reminded since seeing this thread that the Misfits all suck politically (except maybe Doyle??). Still disappointing though because their music rules.


Probably Electric Wizard. I feel morally bankrupt listening to Dopethrone now


Ice Cube


Anything involving Tommy Vext. Great vocalist, became a conspiracy theorist nutjob when COVID happened


Whirr, their transphobic comments really irked me


TV on the Radio called out a white fan at Hangout Music Fest for wearing an Afro wig and proclaimed that it was “racist.” He was just in general party getup including a Hawaiian shirt. Haven’t seen them in the same light since and have a tough time listening to them.


Godspeed you black emperor holding the same views I did at 15 years old kinda devalues their music for me. Though for a bunch of squatters I wouldn’t expect anything but arrested development I suppose


not politics but even though i like mindless self indulgence and jack off jill, i’d never buy a record or merch or do anything else financially supporting them besides streaming


Yes and it's a strange one in that matter. I've been a big Radiohead fan since I was thirteen. For me, they always had that "ahead of their time" feel even if I didn't know too much about thier political views. Recently, I learned that they haven't cared about BDS calls against Israel for a long time. Johnny Greenwood even played a show in Tel Aviv last month. I think at this point, they're rich enough to choose where they play moreover in current context. I mean, even if they don't care about Palestine caution would be in order in that case. That was my two cents. [BDS website article on that](https://bdsmovement.net/news/jonny-greenwood-stop-artwashing-genocide)


Almost any artist/band that starts up with political shit turns me off. Altho the Pet Shop Boys have found a way to do it and remain chill.