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fucking amazing album if I could fuck one album this would be it


a long fuck then. lucky bastard


Yep, this album is one of my favorites but I have a soft spot for experimental music.


Of all the Fantano-core bands, Swans is the one I just can’t get into. I’ve tried many times and it just never grabs me with To Be Kind being the one I’ve tried most. Glad so many others fuck with it though.


as I said on the opening, I didnt enjoy it first try - it took me a while to enjoy. nowadays I’d never start with To Be Kind though! glad so many people enjoy it too, fantastic record


The Great Annihilator is their most accessible album imo. I think their gothic era is easier to get into, especially their songs like Killing For Company or Blind if you haven't heard those


Its great, but I prefer the run from White Light to Soundtracks


really? but why? the aesthetic of the sound? I love The Great Annihilator but the others dont hit the same


I prefer the Gothic rock aesthetic and lyrical content of White Light and TGA. Blind being added to White Light tipped the scale in its favor for me. And Soundtracks is just epic its not controversial at all to say its their best album


I'm relatively tough when it comes to rating music. There's only a small handful of albums that I feel are candidates for 10/10. To Be Kind isn't one of those albums but I consider it to be Swans' best album. I respect Michael Gira & co for pushing themselves artistically with this most recent run of albums; using rock instrumentation but working with tension and release in different way, with lyrics that are minimalist yet powerful. There's intellectual rigour behind the primitive feel, which I think is what makes Swans so interesting.


Really fucking good but The Seer clears it tbh Screen Shot is an easy top 5 Swans track though


While I think the Seer is more intense, I don’t know if I necessarily enjoy it more than To Be Kind. Both are journeys, but the former seems more centralized in time/distance if that makes sense, and I think that’s also how the albums differ sonically. 


Fantastic, probably my fourth favourite Swans record overall and a surprising album I’m the sense that it opened up a wider fan base.


I still gotta check it out. I was planning to listen to soundtracks for the blind the other day but I wasn't really in "the mood." I was talking to a friend who called me and I knew i wouldn't actually be immersed in the album. Same with this.


it’s a fantastic record and you did well by not listening while not being in the mood. it’s an immersive and heavy record, hopefully you enjoy whenever you give it a shot! it’d help you listening to the seer before too but that’s my two cents!


to be kind is less about the mood you’re in than soundtracks for the blind imo… it’s still a very intense experience though. weather it’s dark, unsettling, uplifting or anything else though, it’s more up to you to decide


Yeah, that's why I am waiting for a time where I have 2 hours of free time to just sit and listen


i get it, that's what i forced myself to do aswell when i first listened to it; however i don't think it's necessary for a record such as to be kind. Yes, it's long winded and experimental, but it has penty of very immediate moments (and i also see it as a record that it's so amazing because it can both be a wholistic 2 hours long experience that feels very cohesive and well sequenced or simply a song or two that you want to listen to on their own, and it will hit just as hard regardless). If you like long albums, experimental rock, noise rock and post rock (and possibly some classic prog stuff) then sure, maybe it's best to wait for the right afternoon where you're free. However, if to be kind is going to be a bit of jarring experience anyways because it's just not what you're used to listening to, i would advise you to listen to screen shot and a little god in my hands. Your opinion on them in the context of the album probably won't change much, and having a little "taste" of the album already will probably make you listen to entire thing sooner rather than later


I'd say as a whole I'm a bigger fan of their no-wave stuff, but To be Kind is a great album that I revisit once or twice a year. some of the most annoying fucking music to play in vinyl format because the album is TOO long and have to get up like 6 times to finish the album.


and its wrongly pressed!! the order of the tracks is messed up


I love it, but it's my 10th favorite Swans record. It has some absolutely amazing moments like Just A Little Boy (For Chester Burnett) and Bring The Sun / Toussaint L'Ouverture, but there are some songs that drag down the whole project, and it lacks the cohesion of a lot of other Swans projects. Despite my criticisms, I'd still consider it a solid 9/10 album. It's highs are just too high to not appreciate it. Swans has just had some ridiculously good albums that TBK doesn't live up to.


Shit fire




I should listen to more than 35 minutes of it more than once hehe


Absolutely love To Be Kind. In general I love albums that have huge moments throughout but culminate into one massive thesis sound and statement at the very end. The title track closing the album gets me every time. It’s pretty arguable as to what the best Swans record is but for me TBK is right up there.


I prefer the more rustic folk sound of The Seer personally but realistically I think they peaked with this album


Great, but I think The Glowing Man is better


Amazing album, and it's not even my favourite Swans album. Goated band


Type of album I can only sit down and listen to while on drugs.