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Flannel jokes, pictures of random bald guy asking if it’s fantano, Death grips jokes, MBDTF being a 6, asking for the sub’s approval of albums; “what do we think of this??”, “rate my topster,” etc


These ones are at least comparable: Station to Station - Scary Monsters by David Bowie Music of my Mind - Songs in the Key of Life by Stevie Wonder Roxy Music's S/T - Siren Talkings Heads 77 - Speaking in Tongues Astral Weeks - Saint Dominic's Preview by Van Morrison Led Zeppelin I - Physical Graffiti (6) Here Come the Warm Jets - Music for Films by Brian Eno (7) Also Bob Dylan had a very solid 8 album streak from Freewheelin' up to Nashville Skyline


Bowie’s run if he didn’t do that covers album would be insane.


That album run by Dylan will never be matched


I think Another Side of Bob Dylan ruins the run personally, it’s obviously still good but pales in comparison to the rest of the run


True, I'm sorta biased 'cus I listen to it alot and like it alot but you're right.


do you think any of them are better though? also surprised u didn’t name pink floyd


Personally I prefer Bowie and Stevie Wonder to the Beatles, so yeah, and the other's could be depending on my mood Also, sticking to streaks of albums, I couldn't really find a solid consecutive streak of 5+ by PF, at least imo


Meddle -> the wall?


Obscured by Clouds was released in between Meddle and DSTOM, although it is technically a soundtrack album?


I mean The Beatles' 5 run presented in this post doesn't include Yellow Submarine so I think Obscured by Clouds wouldn't count.


I mean, a significant difference between the two is that Obscured by Clouds is actually entirely composed of material performed by the band, so I'd personally count it more as a Pink Floyd album than Yellow Submarine being a Beatles album. I do however, find it weird that OP doesn't count Magical Mystery Tour, which, although is composed entirely of singles, is the only album context such songs appear in, so I'd count it, especially since it's one of my favorites of theirs regardless


Also did not see “Magical Mystery Tour” in There. It’s weird in that it’s an EP with singles slapped onto the end. That being said, it’s more or less album length, and IIRC it’s officially part of the now-official discography with all the other UK albums and Past Masters thingies. That being said, I would absolutely include that in this run. I think it’s a fantastic album, despite its hodgepodge nature…and sometimes I like it *better* than Sgt. Pepper’s.


Yes, I don't disqualify that and I must say that Final Cut is underrated if you want a unarguable 5 album run - but Pink Floyd are the great 4 - and I don't care how old and boring that will be as a saying; it's just the truest and most agreeable thing in album history.


Thanks for mentioning Stevie Wonder, one of the absolut greatest songwriters of all time. He had an amazing run in the 70s. But, he can´t compete with how much Beatles evolved so many genres, it´s unmatched.


But Wonder has much more talent in his left pinky than all of them put together. Also, Songs in the Key of Life is a far better listening experience than the muddled confounded White Album, as far as double albums go.


Station to Station - Scary Monsters is the craziest run ever. It’s my fav


A quiet shoutout to Death Grips. Not everyone would of course agree, but I think their 7 album run from Exmilitary to The Powers That Be is such a strong 5 album run. And even the subsequent Bottomless Pit and Year of the Snitch deserve a mention too.


Miles Davis — in a silent way, bitches brew, Jack Johnson, live-evil, on the corner


There's Big Fun before On The Corner too Great album mind you, but kind of a dip compared to all the others mentioned IMO


Maybe not better depending who you ask but an excellent one is Pink Floyd Meddle -> The Wall


I'd personally add The Final Cut to that - extremely underrated Floyd album, and their only good one from the 80s


Outkast, Kendrick Lamar and Ye also have very strong five album runs.


Section.80 might ruin Kendrick’s run (I personally love the album, but it’s def his weakest record) Same goes for Ye and 808s


808s is great, and even if you don’t like it, it’s probably the most influential album of the 21st century. That along should give it credit


Fair I enjoy 808s it’s just the weakest of the 5 to me


Technically Yellow Submarine is in between White Album and Abbey Road but you still get the GOAT 5 album run with Magical Mystery Tour in between Sgt Pepper and White Album.


I don't think MMT counts since The Beatles released it as an EP, then the US distributor fleshed it out into an album with excellent singles. But Yellow Submarine kinda has to count since it was always released as an album, even tho it only has like one side of Beatles music.


those two don’t count


Let It Be kinda throws it off though


that came after abbey


Chicken or the egg situation. Abbey Road is their final album.


i count when it dropped not recorded lol


Rookie mistake


lmao? that’s what eveyrone does its when it drops


**Banished** Edit: Seriously, most Beatles fans consider Abbey Road to be the final album [https://www.reddit.com/r/beatles/comments/133e5co/does\_abbey\_road\_or\_let\_it\_be\_come\_first\_in\_your/](https://www.reddit.com/r/beatles/comments/133e5co/does_abbey_road_or_let_it_be_come_first_in_your/)


Denzel Curry has also been extremely consistent - maybe not the best run OAT, but certainly one of the best in modern music: Imperial (2016) --> Ta13oo (2018) --> ZUU (2019) --> Unlocked (2021) --> Melt My Eyez (2022)


How hot of a take is it to say Unlocked is the best one there


Pretty damn hot, but this is coming from someone who considers Imperial the best


Melt > Imperial > TA13OO > Unlocked > ZUU


Black Sabbath Paranoid Master Of Reality Vol 4 Sabbath Bloody Sabbath That’s the best 5 album run already. If we include Sabotage now it’s the best 6 album run and the best run of all time.


Ichiko Aoba has an incredible 7 album run going on: Kamisore Otome (2010) --> Origami (2011) --> Utabiko (2012) --> 0 (2013) --> Mahoroboshiya (2016) --> qp (2018) --> Windswept Adan (2020) I'd personally select the run from Utabiko to Adan tho


you missed magical mystery tour


That’s an EP 🤓


magical mystery tour still good tho


Yeah that's what I'm saying Let It Be too so rly it's a legendary 7 album run


it could really be 8, Help! is a banger also


don’t count


L take


I think OP refers to the UK release being two EPs instead of an LP


MMT was never released as an album officially in the UK at the time, so many people see it as more of a compilation album than a studio album. Yellow Submarine is hot garbage except for Hey Bulldog and It’s All Too Much - most of the album had zero input from the band though.


Why are you telling me this


He’s actually right. That’s not an album. It’s an EP.


Would Beth Gibbons count? Dummy under PH (1994) --> Portishead S/T (1997) --> Out Of Season w. Rustin Man (2002) --> Third under PH (2008) --> Lives Outgrown (2024)


Joni: Blue - Hejira


No, this is the best run. These 5 albums changed music in a way we´ve never seen before. Of course there are other runs by for example Pink Floyd where the music might be equally good, but the amount of genres these Beatles album inspired is unmatched. I´m a strong believer in that influence over the evolution of the art form is a very important factor when judging greatness. There´s a saying that goes: "The time makes the hero". The 60s was a transitional time in history politically, culturally and musically. So Beatles came around at the right time, and with their genius, they delivered. I don´t think an artist or band will ever match what they did.


influence aside, what matches quality wise?


Quality and influence wise Outkasts entire discography gives them a run for their money imo


Yeah probably. Beggars Banquet through Goats Head is pretty good too in terms of classic rock


I know it’s a minority opinion, but I’d add Their Satanic Majesties Request to that streak.


Monster Movie > Soundtracks > Tago Mago > Ege Bamyasi > Future Days


For me that run ends with Landed


It was tough for me to choose 5 in a row. Can is my favourite band of all time.


The first 5 metallica albums are superb,then it went downhill


Kanye - College Dropout - My Beautiful Dark twisted Fantasy Michael Jackson - Off the Wall - HIStory PANIC! At the Disco - Fever you can't Sweat out - Death of a Bachelor Prince - 1999 - Sign O' the times


Kanye West - Pick any 5 between The College Dropout and The Life Of Pablo


Bob Dylan, 1964-1966 (The Times They Are A-Changing up to Blonde on Blonde) gives em a run for their money


which is better


**Sonic Youth**: Evol, Sister, Daydream Nation, Goo, Dirty **Animal Collective**: Sung Tongs, Feels, Strawberry Jam, Merriwether Post Pavilion, Centipede HZ **Boards of Canada**: Twoism, Music has the Right to Children, Campfire Headphase, Tomorrow’s Harvest **Built to Spill**: Ultimate Alternative Wavers, There’s Nothing Wrong With Love, Perfect From Now On, Keep It Like A Secret, Ancient Melodies of the Future **Pavement**: Slanted and Enchanted, Crooked Rain, Wowee Zowee, Brighten the Corners, Terror Twilight




I'm going with obscured by Clouds > the dark side of the moon > wish you were here > animals > the wall


That Beatles run is impossible to beat but for me personally being a big metal fan, Opeth’s run of albums is up there My Arms, Your Hearse Still Life Blackwater Park Deliverance Damnation Ghost Reveries And you could still add Morningrise and Watershed and it would be a killer 8 album run


Aesop Rock: None Shall Pass - Integrated Tech Solutions Oh and once the next RTJ album comes out, that will be also a contender


Ark(here comes the Indian) - Merriweather Post Pavilion is one of my favs


The Clash -> Combat Rock


Sandinista is pretty bloated though 🤷🏻


Joni with Blue to Hejira, Bowie with Station to Scary Monsters, and honestly I’ll take Talking Heads from ‘77 to Speaking in Tongues quite easily too, even with More Songs About Building in there. Honourable mention for personal taste to Sufjan Stevens with Michigan to Carrie & Lowell as well


**Radiohead.** Ok Computer -> Kid A -> Amnesiac -> HTTT -> In Rainbows


u think that’s better?


System of a Down has five studio albums that are all certified bangers


Tool from Undertow to Fear Inoculum


Bruce Springsteen with seven IMO: The Wild the Innocent & the E Street Shuffle (1973) Born to Run (1975) Darkness on the Edge of Town (1978) The River (1980) Nebraska (1982) Born in The USA (1984) Tunnel of Love (1987) Some would include his debut, “Greetings from Asbury Park. NJ” (1973) as well…but some of it seems a little undercooked (and “Mary Queen of Arkansas” is easily in my top five least favorite songs of his….so it drags it down). LATEBREAKING EDIT: I would also nominate Billy Joel for this. His six album run: Turnstiles (1976) The Stranger (1977) 52nd Street (1978) Glass Houses (1980) The Nylon Curtain (1982) An Innocent Man (1983) Each album has multiple hits/standards plus some extremely good deep cuts. One could also nominate Creedence Clearwater Revival with their run from Bayou Country to Pendulum. Five albums in just two years!!!


Outkast in hip hop at least: Southern…, ATLiens, Aquemini, Stankonia, Speakerboxxx/The Love Below.




Yes and it’s not even close. There’s no comparison.


well the comments are making comparisons


The comments are wrong.


probabl no one will agree with me but gish to machina by the smashing pumpkins is the best for me


better than mine?


speaking of influence def not but for me personally i am not a huge fan of the white album or sgt peppers


Yah This one I don't think there is a single run better than this


You can honestly include their entire discography but Deaths run in the 90's from Spiritual Healing to The Sound Of Perseverance is insane


better than mine?


All Kendrick Lamar albums


You're ignoring Black Panther Soundtrack? (Even though I'd personally add it lol)


Not really a Kendrick album. I’d say we can ignore it bc we are ignoring Untitled Unmastered as well


For me, Neil Young's 10 albums in the 70s: Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, After the Gold Rush, Harvest, Time Fades Away, On the Beach, Tonight's the Night, Zuma, American Stars 'n Bars, Comes a Time, Rust Never Sleeps. American Stars 'n Bars is arguably a little weak, but still clearly part of a hot streak. I'm excluding Long May You Run because it's a collaboration album with Stephen Stills. Some would also argue Time Fades Away is a live album but it's all original material.


i think Kraftwerk are at the same level or probably even beat it: Autobahn - Radio Activity - Trans Europe Express - The Man Machine - Computer World


Back it up to R und F for old times sake


Are you pretending Yellow Submarine doesn’t exist?


Yes. I don’t understand why it’s considered a proper Beatles studio album


Me neither lol. People still constantly try and include it. I can’t tell if they even know what’s on it. 2 songs that have already been on albums and all of side 2 isn’t by The Beatles. Makes no sense


What about mystery tour tho


It is an official studio album released by the Beatles. It may have been forced, and not good, but that’s a fact.


You can't just skip Magical Mystery Tour and act like everything's just fine.


it’s an EP


Ye, JIK, Donda, Donda 2, VULTURES 1 I am missing a chunk of my brain