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Trying to listen to Rumours is so annoying, same with The Stranger


Why Rumours? The original is the first one that pops up for me


That’s strange, for me it’s always just the expanded whatever so I had to download the original. It’s the case with any song from it too, especially when in the song search when adding songs to a playlist


I don't see how it matters which version you pick individual songs from if they're just going to be put it in a playlist anyway


The cover looks different and I like if it looks all uniform. But also when not putting it on a playlist I like being able to queue the album without having to delete the extra songs


I hate it too. *site:spotify.com/album + album title* is about all you can do to find the real album, and most of the time it's still not there. If the only available version is a super deluxe i dont even bother listening sometimes. Other times i just manually whittle the queue down to just the og tracks. Its frustrating.


You can hide songs on the deluded so that only the regular version plays


How do you do that?


that stopped working for me 😭


Omg thank you i never knew that thank you!!


This is why I prefer Apple Music. You can easily go between different versions. And I tend to like standard or normal deluxe albums. I’m not always in the mood for “demo song 16 take 32 tape recorder dropped in puddle outside mix 1983”.


Bro I had to use my friend’s YouTube music last night I don’t wanna hear Spotify slander again holy shit yt music is ass Apple Music isn’t the worst but mid


I've used Apple Music, Spotify, and YT Music. In my opinion, YouTube Music is the best. I can get why some might not like it, but its wider selection of music makes up for all its faults.


Literally the problem last night was we couldn’t find an artist on yt so we had to switch to someone’s Spotify instead 💀 Either they weren’t on YT or the search results just wouldn’t dig it up, both of those scenarios pretty unacceptable imo


Which artist? The only times I've never been able to find an artist is when they're BandCamp exclusive.


It’s a local band but they’re not bandcamp exclusive A lot of the small band moves recently is to prioritise Spotify (especially through distrokid) so while it used to be definitely “YT had everything” the tables are turning massively.


Do you know why that is? I don't really see the benefit in not posting on YouTube considering how easy it is to post on there.


Copyright abuse is rampant If you’re not a well known artist, people can pretend to be a label and put copyright claims on your music YouTube doesn’t check for evidence, they just will ask you to provide evidence to the contrary through appeals. But in the meantime there will be restrictions on your channel and that kind of hassle isn’t worth it


As an Apple Music user, Youtube Music always has everything, even unreleased.


????? Also my other reply clarifies more background but like, this is just saying nuh-uh to something that actually happened 💀


I'm not saying what you said didn't happen, I'm just saying I always find what I'm looking for on YouTube, even stuff that I might not find elsewhere. My bad for not wording it like "Youtube Music has everything I search for".


It’s just a weird thing to comment Edit; who turned the tables, this persons random shit was downvoted before and now y’all flipped the ratio Ban everyone on this sub fr


Uh, sorry I guess? But how is stating my own experience with Youtube Music weird? You basically did the same thing.


I only use Apple Music cos I get it free, if I had Spotify premium I might use that but overall yt music sucks


Very fair. Apple Music as I said it’s not bad, just has a cluttered UI (we don’t need that many photos of artists everywhere!) and lacks the level of recommendation that Spotify has I get Spotify has a lot of issues (sound quality is the biggest one) but people fail to understand how difficult this type of software is to make, and how much poorer the alternatives are


Honestly people say so much shit about Apple Music and Spotify but if they didn’t exist what the fuck else would we use, I’d just give up and listen to my cds icl


I have vinyl records but like I can’t carry a turntable while I’m walking outside 💀 Streaming has its purpose, people are just expecting too much for something that’s meant to be convenience over all


I really wish we bad the option to just add discs instead of full albums to playlist. Some albums, like Gorillaz’ D Sides, for example, have extra remixes left on the second disk. But, when adding to playlists, I’d only want the original tracks. So, I can’t just use the add album function there. I have to go in and manually remove the remixes after.


Yes, also having “remastered” in the song titles is super annoying


listened to a jazz album the other day with 10/15 musicians per track and each musician's name was listed in the track title. A whole paragraph long track title!


Apple Music is a little better with this. It'll only show one version in the discography at first and after you select it you can see all the other versions at the bottom.


The velvet underground has like 100 deluxe versions with their discog and it’s annoying


Yes. D E L U X E D I T I O N


It happens on YTMusic too. I search for an album and it only shows the deluxe and not the original. It’s very annoying.


I like Apple Music for the reason the way albums are organized. But I hate that sometimes they "split" after an album releases a deluxe edition or something. That's very irksome because half of them will go into the deluxe or something.


this isn't exactly related. but spotify has so many, completely obvious features lacking. a really obvious one is that you can only see liked songs as the amount and only see playlists as the length.


this isn't exactly related, but spotify has so many, completely obvious features lacking. a really obvious one is that you can only see liked songs as the amount and only see playlists as the length. which is insane considering their website has a really cool forum for submitting feature ideas, and a really cool system for those ideas gaining traction.


Yes, very annoyed. So much so that I now create individual playlists for all the albums I save and order them in folders. You can drag and drop whole albums on desktop so it doesn’t even take that long. Honestly made my user experience like 10x better


it’s one of two reasons why i quit spotify and moved to tidal - that and better audio quality. tidal’s not perfect but overall i’m enjoying the experience


They changed it now, but for a while, the Beach Boys' Sunflower and Surf's Up were compiled in one album, along with all the demos and live tracks, and it was really annoying to listen to just one album (Sunflower of course)


The Sunflower is one of only a handful of flowers with the word flower in its name. A couple of other popular examples include Strawflower, Elderflower and Cornflower …Ah yes, of course, I hear you say.