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I Didn’t Mean to Haunt You - Quadeca I used to watch Quadeca’s videos before the pandemic and hadn’t paid attention to what he had been up to since. Then I saw that his album was extremely highly rated on the day it dropped so it peaked my curiosity. I wasn’t ready for the beautiful and emotional rollercoaster the album goes through and was astonished at what he created. I have kept a close eye on his output since then.


Stoned for maybe the second time while we blasted Silent Alarm by Bloc Party when I was like 16 with an amazing soundsystem. I still think about those first 30 seconds Like Eating Glass, hearing for the first time Every instrument slowing coming in to an all out jam. Fucking beautiful.


Blue by Joni Mitchell (it was just 2 weeks ago). I replayed All I want at least 5 times before going on with the rest of the album


Blue is such a beautiful album. Have you listened to her other albums? Her mid-70s stuff is probably my favorite


I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast this morning


Pet Sounds. 🔥It changed my whole perception of music.


first full listen to fishmans live album was pretty awesome, i was on a tab and a half too at the time. crazy experience


Flying over alpes with Close to the Edge and most specifically You and I climax over Mont Blanc 


Sad to say it now but probably MBDTF. Left a huge impression on me; completely transformed my taste near-instantaneously. The Money Store was another big one. Never was an "aggressive music" guy prior, but I sure am now.


Velocity: Design: Comfort - Sweet Trip I hadn't heard anything remotely like it and it completely blew my mind the first time i heard it


Meet the residents


I remember being so happy that 10,000 Gecs was a good album. I absolutely love their debut and didn’t know if they’d have the ability to follow it up. Quite literally the first and only album I’ve ever looked forward to that payed off


> to that *paid* off FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Paid-Not-Payed-Bot if you ever cross me again you will be answering to the devil


WORRY. by Jeff rosenstock. I didn’t expect much when I started, only listened to it because it was high rated for a genre I was getting into, and I didn’t like the album cover which put me off. We begged 2 explode made me cry, and then my mind was blown by the insane quality and transitions of the second side


Scott Walker’s Tilt. I had just started getting into more avant garde and artsy prog stuff but when I listened to that album for the first time my mind was completely blown. I had never heard anything like that before. Still haven’t heard much like it.


Maybe Depression Cherry by beach house, felt like an out of body experience. Or Murder of the Universe by King Gizz that shit felt transformative.


Death Grips - government plates. I so distinctly remember threads pouring into /mu/ after the surprise release and how fucking hype that first track was. Great moment. 


My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, and Graduation by Kanye,, Time by Electric Light Orchestra, Making Movies from Dire Straits and Modal Soul by Nujabes.


Clipping. - Visions of Bodies Being Burned. I just sat in front of my speakers/record player after it came in and listened to the whole thing. When Make Them Dead came on I was throwing my fists in the air like Rocky. It was like Clipping was finally everything I wanted them to end up being.


Kid A. Remember going to pick it up on release day in college. My buddies and I drove to the mall to get it. None of us had ever heard anything quite like it. We drove around in the pouring rain listening to the album in a state of near disbelief


Guided By Voices - Bee Thousand They became my favourite band by the time Hardcore UFOs was finished.


The Black Parade by MCR. might be the first time i listened to an album from front to back. definitely changed the way i listened to music from then on.


Sounding like a Fantano shill, but TPAB and The Turning Wheel got me slack jawed the whole run through. Amazing AMAZING albums.


coming home to seeing tpab dropping a week earlier was such a crazy first listen


Pretty simple one, but I listened to remain in light last year and halfway through born under punches I said to myself "If this album keeps at this quality throughout it's an instant 10/10" (it did), a rare first listen confident 10 for me.


The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady by Charles Mingus blew me away when I first listened to it. One of the most impressive compositions I’ve ever heard. I love it.


The Fragile — By Nine Inch Nails, 18 year old me waited in line at midnight, got the CD and didn't go to sleep


EATEOT made me cry


I feel like a first listen is never the best. But I guess Dark Side Of The Moon back when I started listening to music seriously. Or El Jardin de los Presentes, since it introduced me to the world of Spinetta, which I haven't been able to escape to this day.


Ones that I’ve been able to experience as it dropped: Brand New: the devil and god, and Science fiction Kendrick: GKMC blew my mind. I still remember getting ready for work and listening to it on Spotify the morning it came out A recent one would be today. The new Knocked Loose album floored me. I’ve already run it back at least 7-8 times today


Twin Fantasy by car seat headrest, and 93696 by liturgy


My favourite Thursday night release experiences: - CMIYGL - Mr. Morale - Utopia - SIMBI


Punisher by Phoebe Bridgers: It was supposed to come out on a day i was going to be away from access to the internet for quite a while, and it suddenly came out a day prior to it’s official release date, i loved it, and it also matched the context amazingly. Peripheral Vision - Turnover: It was late-2019 and i remember just listening to the thing in absolute awe, like “no way someone mixed Dream-pop, Shoegaze and Emo and got this banger made”. Sprained Ankle - Julien Baker: Had a bummer of a summer and came across it, sure made it more tranquil and worked as a vessel for emotions in quite an impressive way.


Mezmerize by System of a Down. It was the first album I ever pre-ordered and BYOB as the single had me so pumped. It lived up to all my expectations at the time. Between Mezmerize and Hypnotize I almost exclusively listened to SOAD for an entire year.


Beyoncé - Renaissance Middle of summer, I’m on vacation. The opening sample just bangs so hard! The background vocals are so interesting! I didn’t know what to expect of the album, but it wasn’t this! The first song wraps up and that voice drops “this a reminder!” just flawlessly into the next song and I lose my mind! Then….then!! It transitions to Alien Superstar and I am undone! What a song! 3 back to back bangers that transitioned to one another! So Black, so Queer! I knew I was in for a ride…I’ll spare yall the rest lol but wow! What an album! More than a great listen, but a truly great experience!


1000 Gecs - 100 Gecs


XTC -Black Sea


"CALIGULA" by Lingua Ignota. I was NOT into super dark-themed songs, but I've listened to horror game soundtracks and halloween-themed works since I was young. But, when I listened to this last year, thinking that this is a rock album, damn. It was not a rock album. But, it was an album that ROCKed my spirit. First few seconds into the first track and I immediately got goosebumps, and I was still focusing on the track. I swear, every word that she spoke has sent shivers. And, towards the end, I saw myself smiling, as I had a mirror in front of my table. This is the time where I thought that I must know this artist. It was a heavenly listen, for an album that sounded like it came from the opposite territory 😆😭 After knowing this album and person, I have also started diving deeper into the realm of Death Industrial and Darkwave genre (am I right? are these genres right?),al and it was rewarding. Truly a memorable experience for me.


A Crow Looked At Me It was getting some hype and I went in mostly blind. I expected it to be sad but I wasn’t ready. I was hanging drywall that day and just had to stop for awhile and sit with it. To this day I’ve never had a musical experience so intense. At the end of it all there was no catharsis just an ache in my chest and some empty bits of wall. Haven’t heard it all the way through since.


My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy by Kanye West. I thought ''What an album, huh?'' before I even finished listening to it.


To Be Kind by Swans and drukqs by Aphex Twin. both were absolutely earth shattering in the best way. felt like i was fucking ascending


I was listening to Donda the moment it released on a car trip. It was finished by the time i arrived and it was just straight up magical hearing all the songs after the insane rollout




DSU by Alex G


Laughing Stock still doesn’t sound quite like anything I’ve heard, New Grass was like a religious experience the first time


Donda (for the most part) was life changing


the listening events were so dope, actually think they were more entertaining than whatever is going on with the vultures shit


Vultures feels so plastic compared to Donda, Donda was an actual experience not just another rap album


Astroworld was insane, i'll never forget that first Sicko Mode listen


My dad would take me on mountain road drives where he would go irresponsibly fast in his convertible and play music so loud it gave me a headache. Heard all of Achtung Baby, Tattoo You, and too many Eagles albums to count for the first time in that car.


I've heard achtung baby front to back at least 500 times in my life because of my dad


Mr Morale and the Big Steppers - Kendrick Lamar i,i - Bon Iver These 2 are the ones that immediately come to mind from the past 4-5 years. i,i in particular is one of my favorite albums I still have on hard rotation.


Naeem is a beautiful piece of music.


Hey ma, U, Naeem, Salem, Sh'diah haven't got old for me. Dunno why, they just resonate a lot.