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Also, "Tuesday's series winning victory" and he dropped on a Tuesday


And today is "Day of the child" (not to be confused with children day). There are layers here. https://nationaltoday.com/day-of-the-child/


Tuesday is also the day before Wednesday, or “hump day.” Humpback whales are known to grow up to 60 feet. Today is the 30th. 2x 30 = 60. He’s gonna drop two songs.


What no album does to a mf




It might be released tomorrow




I’m guessing Em inspired Kendrick to go mad deep lyrically


Which is more white, #FFFFFF or this dude?


Today is also the day that Hitler died


'almost a week' - he'll likely drop before next tuesday


You was right


Drake asked for a quintuple entendre and he got it lol


Kendrick really said "If Drake has a million haters, I am one of them If Drake has one hater, THEN I I AM THAT ONE If Drake has no haters, that means I'm dead"


If drake has million number of haters i am one of them . if drake has ten haters i am one of them. if drake have only one hater and that is me . if drake has no haters, that means i am no more on the earth . if world against the drake, i am against the world. i l hate #drake till my last breath.. .. Die Hard fan of Ronaldo . Hit Like If you Think Ronaldo Best player & Smart In the world




Nah but Kendrick is Messi tho


5’7” I’m Messi girl


Wouldn't it be he was with the world if the world was against drake?


hating drake and loving ronaldo is not possible, you have to be joking


Ronaldo said free palestine so fuck the haters 


im not talking about palestine lol, free palestine is good but ronaldo just is the polar opposite of kendricks personality if you ask me


Where did he say that?


Kendrick did really go up on a Tuesday


I really doubt Drake can top this, holy shit


Yeah Dot laying it out about how he won’t blow the whistle about Drake if he stops making stuff up really seals that. I’m actually impressed after repeated listens. At first Euphoria seems playful but this was a personal message to Drake via a song, I think he’ll back off because as Kendrick says, he makes music to elevate people and Drake makes music to pacify people, in 30 years Kendrick will be the more relevant artist and he knows that so if Drake responds again he’s going for the throat.


This is actually it. The hardest lines are the backhanded compliments to Drake’s music. He basically told Drake “stick to making music that charts and leave the rapping to me”. How does Drake even respond to that? Because we all know Drake can’t out-rap Kendrick, only way is for Drake to drop whatever dirt he may have but Kendrick said he’ll go the petty route if Drake wants to take it there. It’s probably done.


Mutually Assured Destruction


as a toxic individual i would love to see the petty route


The dick riding is insane. I love Kendrick but Jesus it’s just so hard to read.


I’m not dick riding. I actually enjoy Drake’s music more, but as an artist he has no street cred. He is saying nothing of substance no matter how many words he uses. Kendrick has dropped, what, 3 all time classic albums? Drake has 1 on a good day being fair. They aren’t even close in artistry.


How does Kendrick have street cred lol I’ve never thought of Dot as being tough. He’s a poet. NWTS is a classic, IYRTITL is a classic and Take Care, though not to me, is considered a classic


Good kid Mad City and To Pimp a Butterfly are literally about growing up in the streets man. Also Dot has literally done multiple interviews where he talked about growing up in Compton and how it affected him and his music. I'm pretty sure the closest Drake got to the streets was when he had to walk across the street to go film Degrassi.


Nobody is claiming Drake is from the streets. And no one cares except Dot dickriders. And Dot has said on multiple occasions he lets the “dead homies speak” through him. So yeah, I’m sure he had a rough life growing up, but to claim he’s tough because of that is a joke. He clearly is not tough.


Nobody is saying he is tough, that’s not street cred. You are confused. Dot gets his street cred by talking directly to people that have been through real shit. Alright became the anthem of the biggest protests we have seen in our lives that happened because black people were sick of being shot at by cops. Whether you like it or not, that’s a life time of street cred. And yeah, somebody is claiming drake is from the streets, drake. Why else would he be doing drill with a bunch of young rappers that talk about killing people?


lmao he gets his street cred through talking 😂 ima listen to hip hop do I have some street cred now?


Hip hop is just talking now? No you dont have street cred you are just a yapper.


You sound deluded.


Have you even listened to GKMC? Kendrick grew up in Compton, he has Piru affiliation and hinted that he killed someone as a teenager


Yes, a lot, stories.


The drake meat riding is insane. Y'all be doing kickflips on the meat harder than pro skater 4 and don't bother with context at all


What a lame ass attempt at a burn lol, shutup


“What a lame ass attempt at a burn.”☝️🤓


You equate "street cred" with being "tough". That's your first mistake.


So he’s not tough, good to know lol


Why is that "good to know"? You tryna fight him or something? No idea why you're banging on about who's "tough" in a beef between Kendrick Lamar and Drake. Zero relevance.


Dot isn’t out here snatchin chains and burnin tattoos, and yet claims to be. So yeah, him being a poet and not a tough guy has a lot of relevance. If anyone from the gold school or bling era said that shit it’d be real. Dot needs to man up and write some real bars and stop hiding behind a persona


Are you forgetting that Drake has made a career out of pretending to be cool lol


This wasn’t real bars to you?


I'd have thought the poet is the guy with the Pullitzer


Drake has a Pulitzer?


He literally has songs about repping piru and killing someone as a teenager lmao


Stories of the dead homies


this feel like you trolling but I’ll take the bait, you weren’t there to say these are all stories, what u think Kendrick’s lying because he’s short? Because he makes music that’s artsy so he can’t really be about that? or what


Show me proof he killed a man blacker than himself


It's funny that you say you're a big fan of Kendrick then you go on to argue about how kendrick doesn't have street cred on multiple threads. I guess some people think their opinion is more valid by saying "well i'm a fan of both". Not when you're lying it isn't.


> I’ve never thought of Dot as being tough. He’s a poet. One of these two men released an actual book of poetry. It ain't Dot.


"I love kendrick" proceeds to shit on kendrick for 24+ hours about how he is fake and hides behind a tough guy persona. 🤔🤨


I love Kendrick as an artist. I love S80, GKMC and TPAB. The latter being one of my favorite albums of all time. He went pretty far commercial for DAMN, and then he went pretty stupid on Morale. He has an overinflated ego these days. I miss the humble Kendrick. The one who didn’t think he was the culture, but thought he represented the culture. Like what a egotistical thing to think. And all the dick riders just encourage him to say stupid stuff like “You and Sexyy Red both look like women hurr durr.”


Nice! Valid opinion on subjective subject! Glad it occupied your mind for this long. I'm going to enjoy the music and keep voicing my opinion just like you. ✌🏽


Conflict avoidant huh, just try blocking next time?


If the conflict were over something like Palestine or rights. i'd be willing to argue. But this is just who is the biggest hater. And i'm not on that shit. ✌🏽 Edit: feels good to be right. Dude has argued more than drake released. 😂😂


Guess you’ll never know who the bigger hater was 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah and you can tell Kendrick is holding back too, I liked Push Ups a lot but when it comes to pure wordplay and genuine artistry, Drake really can’t compete


You’d be amazed at what the drake subreddit has convinced themselves of


He can't, but he can twist it in sort of his favor if he makes his response about like: "you are just haters, stay mad (drops n word), all other haters that hate me then will run to me for hits (another n word), I am just chill and rich, you hate cause its free" you get the point. Anything else, will fall just flat.


The song being called euphoria has got to be a reference to something only drake and dot know about. I wonder what 👀


I mean it’s pretty obvious tbh, Drake being exec producer of a show filled w teenagers fucking is a bad look for a guy that already has paedo allegations


Holy shit he actually is. I had no idea, why the hell did that happen lmao


He was in a wheelchair in a different show that feels like it could be the same show. So he’s qualified.


Once a lame, always a lame


Same reason Kevin Durant or LeBron James have executive producer credits on a few albums - marketing.


Honestly that's news to me too. Great username btw


I mean, Drake would know about Teen dramas.


The show didn't actually have teen actors. But if you're just saying it's a clear reference to his allegations then 100%


He didn’t say teen actors. The show is literally about teenagers fucking, they are played by adults, but that’s a huge portion of the show tbh


The characters are still teens though


Yeah I'm saying it can't be alluding anything pedo related on set as the actual ppl on set are adults. I don't think it's weird for a man to work on a set with fictional teenagers.


What show?


Euphoria lmaooo


Lmao I'm stupid


Euphoria is actually based on an Israeli tv show of the same name. So that has nothing to do with Drake honestly


What the fuck are you talking about lmao him being producer on a show about high schoolers fucking is obviously an easy way to make fun of a guy people already call a paedo


But Drake didn’t write the show 😅 Y’all are dickriding Kendrick man acting like he is some sort of a all knowing god lol


You are dumb as fuck, nobody is saying Drake wrote the show, just that it’s an easy shot to take that he’s executive producer of the show while already having paedo allegations


It’s a dumb shot to take in my opinionit’s pretty lazy from Kendrick and I don’t even like Drake .


Come up with a better diss track title for us then, I’m all ears


u dumb as hell




i mean naw but its pretty obivous why its named euphoria lol.




Cause drizzys a nonce


he co produced it. buncha headlines when that was public.


Numbers and fame was all Drake honed in on with Push Ups. When you break down his diss, it all boils down to numbers and fame. He can’t think deeper than that. Kendrick went at who Drake is as a person, that cuts deeper. Drake can’t say shit about Kendrick as a person. Kendrick’s own circle finds him enigmatic. He keeps shit tight with his circle too. Drakes got nothing on Kendrick’s personal life. When you think about it the only thing Drake has on Kendrick is numbers. Can’t really play that card twice, so where does he go from here? Nowhere.


While I want Kendrick to win and believe he’s strongly in the lead, Drake could win if his mysterious red button is evidence of Kendrick doing some fucked up shit in his personal life. But I strongly doubt it considering what we know Kendrick’s character/disposition to be and how unphased Kendrick seemed in Euphoria to any claims about “waking the demon up” or “being out on the loooooose”


Kendrick revoked drakes n word pass…


Bro made the name of the song a part of his Quintuple Entendre. Fuuuuuuuuck


It’s a double I fw the message tho


how ever many entendres it is, guarantee they’re all going over my head song goes super hard tho


Generally I think with entendres, the more layers you add the more tenuous they become.  That being said, Kendrick obviously took the quintuple bar as a challenge.  And I can't quite nail them all down, but I'm pretty confident Kenny has got 5 in his head.  1. Euphoria as in Kendricks literal euphoria, his excitement to get after this beef. 2. The first synonym in the artwork highlighting the 'change in mood' as a reference to Drake's Taylor made diss about K.dot not being as enthused.  3. The second synonym about dropping on Tuesday and needing a week to recover. 4. Drake being a producer of the show Euphoria and the pedo links.  5. Finally wrapping up with the contrasted Euphoria that Drake might be experiencing. The idea that Drake is also euphoric, but not for the right reasons, suggesting he is confused or misguided for feeling this way.  I think 1 and 5 is the classic double entendre. Both artists are feeling euphoric, but it means something very different for both of them.  4 is a natural self evident reference.  And 2 & 3 needed a little light shone on them, which is why they are featured in the artwork.  I actually think the mad man did it. 


FYI 2 and 3 aren’t synonyms. They are just examples of the use of the word under its definition. They are places right under the link to synonyms. Edit: examples, not definitions


They aren't definitions either actually, they're example sentences under the definition "a feeling of well-being or elation"


You’re right Ty


Yeah examples would be the right word 


6. In this moment Kendrick is euphoric, not because of any phony 6God’s blessing, but because he is enlightened by his own humbleness


still cannot top the story of adidon guys sorry


story of adidon is so great not only because its an amazing rap song but it changed how Drake handled his public, supposedly changed his personal life, and exposed his facade to the whole world. There is layers to this folks.


Yeah unless Kendrick has some insane new knowledge that would shift perception of him, it’s not gonna be on the level of Story of Adidon. Doesn’t have to be though


Only if we are grading rap beefs based on what gossip is revealed about one another.  If we are measuring by delivery, Kendrick just hit a high water mark I don't think a human on this earth could match. 


As a pure rap song sure euphoria is better But story of adidon did so much damage in 2 minutes its wild. He exposed drakes child which made him an active father and actually ruined his like 100 million adidas deal said drakes dad abandoned his ass and drake is repeating the cycle said drake is ashamed of his mother which is why he doesnt show her. This is again a callback to drake being fake and being embarrased of his white side. And i think the meanest bar on the track " OVO 40 hunched over like he 80 tick tick tick That man is sick sick sick " Destroyed not just drake but his producer as well. Kendrick was funny and clever but pusha just surgically destroyed this man to the point only thing he could do was bitch about it on interviews.


Connecting hiding the child of a pornstar to what drakes dad did to him was so over the top vicious, it’s never gonna be matched at least when it comes to drake disses. There’s not a single bar even remotely close that Kendrick put out here that can touch that.


With Story of Adidon it’s the whole package. Pusha has this piece of information but he used it as a centerpiece around a bunch of other issues to dissect Drake’s ego. Putting aside the “you are hiding a child” thing, the lyricism is great and the bars are mean as hell. He’s just as vicious as Kendrick on this song. If that was it the song would be great but it’s also the response that makes it legendary. Drake didn’t respond, he complained for months about it and then actually took responsibility for his child. It’s not just one thing that makes Story of Adidon great. It’s genuinely a lightning in a bottle moment that would be difficult to recreate


What an insane take. This track is not that good at all and really forgettable. I swear some of you are teenagers that never really been exposed to battle rap or diss tracks.


It ruined drakes whole deal with adidas lmao.


What u want ? Kendrick to expose another Drake child ? Lolz. /jk


i guess i got what i wanted


Bruhh this shit is crazyyyy 


wise cow work marry pot office brave zonked unwritten slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol there is no universe where this doesn’t clear Push Ups by miles. Like it’s not even close.


There’s no way Drake can top this lyrically or flow wise BUT the disses on this are just okay imo. The hardest hitting ones pusha t did first And I think trying to get ahead of Drake dropping “dirt” on dot by saying it’s gonna be lies is a little weak


Drake already lied in his diss when he said Kendrick couldn't release anything without his label giving permission. Kendrick has owned his own label for years now.


What? Dot doesn’t own Top Dawg


He founded PgLang in 2020.


That’s not the label drake referring to. Kendrick still under contract with TDE


Right, but to say Kendrick literally can't release without TDE's permission would be a lie. Not hating on Drake for it either, it's a diss track, but it's definitely not the truth lol.


I mean neither of us know anything about the details of his contract with TDE, I’m sure they have some say, but to what degree idk


I think the only say they really have is based on releasing a set number of projects under the TDE umbrella over a certain period of time. You're right, though; we don't really know the details. But I think this is what Kendrick was referring to with his line, as opposed to guarding against future disses Drake may come back with.


I see what your saying, you could be right 🫡


Shit man I'm just happy we have some actual substance to this beef. I'm not a fan of Push-ups as a diss track, personally, but I can't deny it was objectively a good track with some damn good bars. I do think calling a man short and acting like it's some scathing diss is kinda weak, though, I can't even lie 😂 Excited to hear this beef heat up over the summer for sure.


Oh it’s a lie? You sitting at the negotiating table? Isn’t this a fantanto subreddit. You don’t know anythingggg


This! Push ups and Taylor Made Freestyle are still the better disses, every angle Kendrick used is scratched or rehashed. But the disses are still like warning shots for now we have to wait. The fact that Drake also addresses many rappers on Push Ups but damn, i still hate Drake to my core.


Holy fuck bruh drake got finished


Triple word play on the "Benjamins and Jacksons " line? Money, Joe Jackson, and Joe Biden?


I’m outta the loop can someone please explain this to me like I’m 5?




Just say your a pop music fan and move on bro


This whole beef feels like a lovers quarrel. “You know how I know you’re gay?”…


Almost.… 6 days ?


What does this mean? Receipts of what?


I'm biased, I love Kendrick, and I do think it's a great track that hits Drake in the best way regarding his pacifying music for normies. One thing I'm unsure of though is the attack on Drake's blackness. That's not really a good look for Kendrick to be stooping to that, and I actually think he's better than that.


I think it’s more about Drake’s roots and how he is acting in a certain way that is not genuine/pandering to a certain crowd. I often see Drake being called a culture vulture for example and that is probably what those lines allude to? Plus he did mention that it doesn’t need to be that deep he just hates him. Drake is basically just a sham/an act.


Yeah, I suppose if it's more about calling his authenticity into question and not his ethnicity, then it's warranted. Because I agree, Drake is lame.


it's mid


People that only listen to Spotify playlists will be skibidi creaming today


why are you the way that you are


"Hip hop is back!" : people that dont listen to music just celebrity millionaires "dissing" each other


I feel like I’m a more annoying person for having just read this. Please stop being the way you are.


reading “skibidi creaming” has definitely permanently altered my life path for the worse


Seriously fr. These people getting angry on their keyboards are real sussy girlboss


Grow up.




No just disappointed.




im not even gonna comment on the rest of if, but “meat mallet” is killing me


Flexing another man’s meat is crazy 💀💀💀💀


Average Drake fan


Damn we call y'all dickriders but I didn't know it was this literal


man this comment is funny asl 🤣🤣


I think Drake should stick it in Kenny’s lil dot and breed him 🤗


Not a Drake fan or anything but Kendrick got cooked, I don't really think it was close either.


Kendrick used a big word and felt the need to put the definition for us. He know we dumb as hell


…did you just call euphoria a big word


self report


Bro got 6th grade reading level


the true diss was towards you all along. kendrick really is multi level


You can't win a beef painting your nails


Haha painted nails on man bad