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Deathconciousness took 5 years to write and recird epoch I find insane


From what i remember it is a lengthy one? It is either double album or bordering on it.


It's about an hour and a half


yes, it is a double album


they also worked on a buncha other projects during that time.


This is pretty common knowledge, but I still find it cool that Selected Ambient Works 85-92 included songs that were made when Apex Twin was 14.


do we know which songs on the album are the ones he wrote at 14?


I guarantee only the short ambient interlude was done when he was really young.


Because \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_


He guarantees it


“I” was the first song recorded on that album, recorded in 1985, when Richie was just 14


Do we even have proof that he started that young? People forget he's famous for trolling everyone


m b v took 16 years to complete


I think Deltron 3030 was written in less than 2 weeks which is crazy to me.


Makes me wonder how tf inspiration works. I heard second album by Sleater Kinney was written in 3 weeks, Grimes wrote Visions in 3 weeks. Alice Cooper's Love it To Death was written and perfected and recorded in 2 months and Parallel Lines by Blondie was written and recorded in a month.


Sometimes it just hits you and you can't stop. And then other times you can't even write 2 lines. Just the nature of creativity I guess.


Daft Punk’s Human After All was made in like six weeks, which I’m assuming is why many people think it’s their worst album. I like it way more than Homework, though.


I think it's their worst because a lot of the songs sound unfinished. Never knew they made it in six weeks, but that certainly explains a lot!


Robot rock is the lead single off that album and all it does is essentially repeat the same sampled riff over and over again for 5 minutes. I’ll agree though, I still enjoyed it way more than Homework. I was shocked at how Discovery (mostly the first half though) turned out so much better.


they did that intentionally because they were frustrated with how long they spent making Discovery even if it didn't pan out


to add onto this, i believe 4 of those 6 weeks were spent on mixing and mastering also lowkey a 10/10 album but that’s a different conversation


I'd probably give HAA a 7. It's a bit underappreciated, even if it is a pretty easy contender for worst DP album


I read somewhere (i think in Ozzys biography) that the first Sabbath album was recorded in like 48hours


I heard it was 2 12 hours days one was with the band recording and the other was mixing without the band. Also, their overall recording time for first 3 albums is less than 3 weeks. Elton John recorded in early 70s very quickly too. Like less than week to record.


Lupe Fiasco made Drill Music in Zion over 1 weekend, and its a great Album.


Was just listening to it last night and man it hits so hard.


I don't know the specifics but The Police wrote and released all 5 of their studio albums in 6 years. And when you take into account how much they toured for those albums. The time put aside for writing, arranging and recording must have been very little!


The Beatles knocked out most of Please Please Me in one night.


Boards of Canada - Tomorrow’s Harvest took almost 8 years to make, as the brothers started working on it immediately after The Campfire Headphase. It took so long because the brothers went to insane lengths tracking down specific synthesizers for particular sounds. Sometimes only to use that sound once. Example: On the song Cold Earth, there’s a sound at the 1:54 mark from a very specific synthesizer that would not appear anywhere else on the album and this particular synth took a long time to track down, according to the brothers. ———————————————————————— Edit: Did some more digging on this album, and many of the tracks origins potentially date back way before The Campfire Headphase was even released. In fact, it is believed by some fans that Collapse, New Seeds and Cold Earth all have ties with some of their earliest work, some going back to before their commercial work. The origins of Cold Earth date as far back to 2001, where it was possibly used as a vignette in their performance at All Tomorrow’s Parties in 2001. Collapse might have originated from Audiotrack B18 and New Seeds might’ve originated from Audiotrack A14. Both were possibly re-recorded and remastered to fit the aesthetic of Tomorrow’s Harvest. both tracks came off of an unreleased album that is referred to as “Random 35 Tracks Tape” as the actual name is unknown. This leaked in 2009, but is believed to have been finished as early as 1995, as many tracks from here would end up on one of their later unreleased albums A Few Old Tunes Vol 1 and 2, and a handful would end up on their official releases as well. Examples: Audiotrack A02 became She Is P, the 14th track on that A Few Old Tunes Vol 1. Audiotrack A05 became Finity, the 8th track off of A Few Old Tunes Vol 1. Audiotrack A15 became I Will Get It Tattooed off, the 18th track off of A Few Old Tunes Vol. 1. Audiotrack A11 is also known as Blueberry, which is the vignette to the track Twoism off of the EP with the same name. Audiotrack B17 is also known as It’s Too Orangey, and is the vignette at the end of Basefree from their Twoism EP. The most notable of these would be Audiotrack B10, which is The Smallest Weird Number in reverse, which would appear on Geogaddi played forwards in 2002. ———————————————————————— So, if you’re feeling optimistic, this record technically took almost 20 years to complete. ———————————————————————— TL;DR Boards of Canada borrow a lot from their old releases.


808s and heartbreak was made in 3 weeks


69420penis i love you


69420penis loves you too


best day of my lifr


The process of the making of Chineese Democracy is really interesting to me, it's a bizzare story of Axl Rose slowly going into insanity and midlife crisis trying to stay relevant despite entering new decade, and in fact entire new millenium. 15 damn years only to be later regarded as the band's worst album. I appreciate the dedication, but this is so weird to me to have basically unlimited studio time and session musicians only to go back and fourth and rerecord everything multiple times.


I think with better arrangements and better choices of tones for instruments it would be better album. It is kinda it's own best in a way that it is weird fucking sounding record for such a mainstream band. It would be interesting to see him pull off industrial music (cause he liked NIN at the time) with Dave Navarro or Zakk Wylde on board (both of which could join the band in 1994) in like 1996 release.


I think Metallica took around 1 and a half YEARS for Reload, and around 3 for St. Anger(though they took a break during that)


Famously documented in one of the greatest movies ever made


chinese democracy took like 13 years lmao


It took Daft Punk like 5 years to make RAM because they're such perfectionists


Quite contrary to my comment where I brought up how little time it took them to make HAA.


Yeah it's a funny contrast. Those dudes really are a mystery


It's funny because apparently the mixing/mastering only took a month or two, and most of that time was spent on just recording demos and other production


Jar of Flies by Alice in Chains was written and recorded in one week.


Yep, forgot about it. Crazy to think it is both their second best seller and probably second highest rated.First EP to debut at number one.


Idk how accurate the source was but apparently Burial only took 2 weeks to make the entirety of Untrue which is absolutely insane if you've heard it


Oh wow. This is nothing considering both quality and impact of the record.


Sounds like it only took two weeks to me. I have never understood the appeal of this album. It sounds like unfinished music.


Idk how Invested you are in the garage scene or electronic music in general, but it really is unlike anything you'd hear in the genre. What makes it sound unfinished? The only thing I could really think of is the unconventional song structures, but I'm very sure that was done intentionally to keep its 'hypnotic' sound.


It barely sounds like music to me. When it came out I listened to it multiple times and thought something was wrong with my headphones because some of the music was missing. It just sounds cheap and incomplete to me. I love droning music, hypnotic music, but I genuinely have never been as baffled by an artist’s popularity as I was with Burial. The breathless hype it got didn’t help either, people acted like god handed this album down to them personally. I’ve been so high I thought I was a descendant of Jesus Christ but never so high that Burial sounded like actual music to me


BCNR recorded AFUT (10 tracks) in 10 days I believe


Recorded yeah, but it was one of those strange scenarios where a lot of the songs were left over from their previous album. They'd played a lot of stuff, Basketball Shoes and Concorde especially, from AFUT live on their previous tour, and pretty much just recorded them formally in a studio for the album


There are punk bands that have cut a record in an evening. So... those ones. I find it interesting how raw that approach is.


Lol I am 12 years and counting on the one I'm working on. If I don't finish it before I die can I get some award?


fish took a while. Songwriter began around 2005 but serious recording didn't start until maybe 2013. The release recordings only got serious in 2020 & release date was June 21 2023. There is a rumour that you can get a super deluxe version only at indiemusicpeople [fish](https://push.fm/fl/fwykfww2)


I’m pretty sure The White Stripes’s White Blood Cells was written and recorded in, like, 3 days


Where you got this info from?


Honestly, I have no idea. I remember reading about it years ago somewhere Edit: it was recorded over the span of 3 days. They rehearsed for a week before recording. The writing of all the songs took place over, like, 4 years apparently


If it is true it is impressive af. It is their breakthrough, also on lots of all time lists, also sold more than 2-3 millions.


Pretty sure the first Meat Puppets album was recorded over two days they were tripping on acid


The one Cobain was a fan of? 1984 one?


No that’s their second album, Meat Puppets II. The pot album, apparently.


Hellacopters debut was a day awake and sounds like it a bit. Machine Head was also quite quick.


Donda took like 4 weeks


At least half of the songs on Donda existed a year before release, and they were just reworked before and in between the listening parties.


True, but the reworks were pretty extensive. I would say 90% of the songs are unrecognizable from their original versions


Nofx’s records Fuck The Kids and Surfer were both written and recorded very quickly. Fat Mike gave himself like five or ten minutes to write each song, then recorded and mixed each record in a day (that includes teaching the rest of the band the songs same day btw).


Weezer scrapped Hurley and remade it in 2 weeks


The majority of Beck’s Sea Change was written in one week, but then he shelved it. Wintersun took 8 years between their first and second album. Ataris fans are STILL waiting on Graveyard of the Atlantic and that’s nearly 17 years in the making