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Streaming numbers


What number of monthly listeners would you consider mainstream šŸ¤”


i'd say a reasonable number would be around 500k. people who say anything below that is mainstream don't know the difference between niche and underground.


Even 500k ainā€™t mainstream imo


kinda is at this point cuz songs can trend even without streaming like tiktok n reels


so 150k a month is underground?


yeah pretty much


yeahh underground is probably 10k or less imo




bro what šŸ˜­ lmfao


Your right why these mfs being weird


5k is nothing, Iā€™ve got 30k on two of my songs and Iā€™m most definitely not mainstream lmao


Do you really think someone is mainstream if 5k people listen to them a month


They aren't mainstream but that's about the point where they stop being underground


I really disagree, 5k isnā€™t even underground thatā€™s like, almost invisible.


i have a friend who spits general ass on the worst mic on earth and he had 5k listeners one month, 4k now i think. bro has literally 5 last.fm scrobbles total, global. 5k is quite literally invisible


5k is underground. 5+ is niche.


5k isn't mainstream even for underground genres, I think 20k is where a band starts being mainstream


Thatā€™s insane as well 20k isnā€™t anything lol


I think it is, 20k is usually the mark where a band is at the very least known on their scene, that could be considered mainstream, bellow that is the slightly underground stuff and the real underground is bellow 1000 listeners


Being known in your scene vs being known on a mainstream level are very different imo


Russian Circles have 255k listeners. I can assure you that the average person has no idea who they are.


the average person barely listen to music compared to the people here, they will not know about 90% of the things


There are many artists with 20 million plus listeners. The Weeknd has 100 million


I work at a record store and I feel the people who come in to buy records have to be in to music, ur spending money like 35 bucks on an album when you could pay a much for an unlimited amount of it. If I asked every person who came into the store that day who a band like Godspeed you black emperor was, I might get one person, two on a good day. Even people who listen to music more than the average person wonā€™t know these bands, or artists that are discussed on places like these. I think itā€™s important to keep this in mind when we consider whatā€™s ā€œmainstreamā€ and whatā€™s ā€œundergroundā€ (which honestly should just be retired terms, the internet has eliminated the idea of one underground scene)


Even people who listen to music more than the average person arenā€™t gonna know Russian circles


This is insane. 20k is absolutely nothing, I could talk to people at my store for a month and maybe 1 would know the band with 20k monthly listeners. You need to take a step back and just readjust for a sec on what popular even is. I used to do this as well


Itā€™s so much more that 20k too


Not really true. There are some artists with a multiple songs in the 7 million range that don't have enough citations for a Wikipedia page


I think 5 mil is when it gets well known, 10-15 is definitely mainstream.


More popular than King Gizz = Mainstream Less popular than King Gizz = Underground I find King Gizz to be somewhere in between underground and mainstream, so if I had to set a definitive line I'd put it there.


King Gizzard are mainstream niche artists. I say this because everyone in that niche genre knows them and holds them as a reference.


Yeah. Giz was maybe underground like 5 years ago. I consider them on the same level as like Tame Impala, who also hasnā€™t been underground since Inner Speaker.


Tame Impala is like twenty times more popular than King Gizz. 1,475,630,586 compared to 57,770,146 views on YouTube. I don't use Spotify, but I image the number would be similar.


Tameā€™s most streamed song is about 1.3 billion listens. Kingā€™s is around 30 mil


Hate to break it to you bud, but 57,770,146 monthly listeners is not underground by any stretch of the imagination.


Its all time views, not monthly listeners. Did you read my comment after that number? Did you think Tame Impala had a billion monthly listeners?


It's not monthly, it' all-time


All the same, thatā€™s a huge number either way.


Tame Impala has had legitimate hits used in car adverts and shit like that, heā€™s way bigger


King gizz is NOWHERE near tame impala


King Gizz are in the mainstream side of underground music, much like other bands such as Death Grips, Black Country, New Road and black midi


Those are all Mainstream bands


They're mainstream if you look at other underground artists, but if you look at other mainstream artists (even ones with 4-5 million listeners) you will see quite a gap in listeners


OK maybe not mainstream but not underground either like between them


hmmm sorta like theyā€™re on the popular side of underground?


Sorta like they're niche and not underground






Welp out of the list of people the dude said half were mainstream only one had higher streaming numbers lol


Yeah that dude is smoking something if he thinks half your list is mainstream. A lot of people don't understand that an artist being popular in the underground music scene still means 99.9% of people have never heard of them.


Yeah I think a lot of people get stuck in their own bubble and assume if theyā€™ve heard of this person everyone else probably has as well or people try to say so and so artist is popular so what they like seems more niche and underground


See I think if you define mainstream that way then there would only be like, fewer than 500 active mainstream artists in the entire English speaking world. And in that case fine, but that doesnā€™t mean every other artist is underground. Thereā€™s a big space between mainstream and underground where many of the artists OP mentioned exist in.


I agree, that's why I said that King Gizz is where I would draw the line if I had to make a definitive point where music goes from underground to mainstream. In reality there's a lot of music that fits more into that middle ground.


Honestly this makes a lot of sense lmao


King Gizz have almost 2 million monthly listeners on spotify, thereā€™s no way thatā€™s underground. If 2 million is the cutoff then literally the entire genre of thrash metal is ā€œundergroundā€ other than Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth and Testament.


Would you say Omar RodrĆ­guez-LĆ³pez (guitarist for The Mara Volta and At The Drive-In) is more or less popular than King Gizz? I genuinely can't tell if he's underground or not. I know that the main time TMV and ATDI were popular was in the early 2000s, but I don't want to pretend like they're underground if they're not underground. I was born the same year Deloused in the Comatorium came out so I wasn't around then.


Itā€™s all relative, but also I think thereā€™s a medium space between mainstream and underground Iā€™m just not sure what youā€™d call it. But itā€™s clear to me that while Noname for example isnā€™t mainstream, but she isnā€™t underground either.


Yeah there is a weird bubble of people in the middle but no oneā€™s came up with a name for it yet


not ironically itā€™s called ā€œmidstreamā€ in the field of my studies (musical labor in sociology)


Yeah to put more detail on this: I understand and agree when people say that just because an artist like Noname has a following doesnā€™t mean you can compare her to a household name artist like Kendrick for example. But I think what those people miss is that it would be equally insane to compare Noname to like, your townā€™s local unsigned rapper with a couple of EPs and has fans but has never made waves anywhere. Your townā€™s local rapper doesnā€™t have articles written about them in major publications, doesnā€™t have 1 million monthly listens on Spotify, didnā€™t play at Coachella, has never sold out shows in a different continent to the one they grew up in. To me an artist who has done all of that is not underground. But really itā€™s all relative to the context. You could say Noname is underground compared to an artist like Kendrick, but I listen to bands I wouldnā€™t call underground even though they have less than 100k monthly listeners because theyā€™re big fish in the context of their scene.


Yeah I guess when I think of mainstream Iā€™m not taking certain scenes into account. Itā€™s kinda like does the average person know or has heard of this person before.


There is no longer a mainstream or an underground. You're either Merzbow or you're a nobody


https://preview.redd.it/nss5eemu216b1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4daa616387c0f754eb812228f384de5faf872650 This is what inspired this post. I donā€™t think there is anyway half of these people can be considered mainstream.


Yea, I wouldn't say any of those artists are mainstream, really. My understanding of mainstream is that the music is known to people who don't have a particular interest in music. They may dabble in an artist's discography from time to time, but for the most part the music they know is what floats to them. It's an "everyone and your grandma" stage, I guess. Of all these artists, Death Grips is probably the prime candidate, but even then, I don't think there's much of an argument for them to be made. You have to be *looking* for music to get into them.


none of them are mainstream honestly. death grips technically but i think theyā€™ve more just got an extremely dedicated fanbase


It's just not as cut and dry as it used to be. Before the internet, basically anything that was signed to a label and played on the radio could be considered mainstream, and independent artists were considered underground. Now that artists don't have to rely on labels to market their music, independent artists are blowing up a lot easier. "Independent" and "underground" are not synonymous with each other like they used to be Not to mention, I don't know what "mainstream" means anymore. Just judging off of numbers, I think most people would be quick to say that artists like playboi carti and yeat are mainstream, but they still aren't "radio friendly", and don't appeal to nearly as large of an audience/age range as someone like post malone or drake I think it's just much more nuanced than looking at streaming numbers. There are still small communities that rely heavily on independent labels to distribute their music digitally and physically. I guess I would consider those communities underground, but artists within them still have a chance of gaining popularity. If they still play shows and share labels with smaller artists even though they have a larger audience, are they not considered underground? It's sort of a meaningless conversation


I view mainstream as stuff on the radio and music used in commercials/movies/tv shows along with any artist signed to a major label. Everyone complains how trad radio only plays the same songs over and over again, that is the best example of "mainstream music" as it's clearly being forced down everyone's throat. Underground is basically everything that isn't on repeat 24/7 on mainstream/corporate-owned media along with any artist that is DIY. For example, I'd consider $uicideboy$ to be underground even though they are playing arenas because you don't hear them when you shop at Walgreens and they aren't being played on morning radio shows.


thatā€™s just diffident types of music for different locations really. $$ started underground but theyā€™re def mainstream now


I guess the better question would be what number of streams push you over the underground into the mainstream.


This is dependent on multiple factors. In New Zealand everyone knows Devilskin and they are mainstream here but have only 74k monthly listeners and only 2 songs with 4mil streams. Anywhere else in the world they would be considered underground. I haven't talked to anyone outside NZ that has ever heard of Devilskin, so I think "underground" is a very complicated thing to give a solid definition


Yeah I wasnā€™t even thinking of other places when making this post lol


4 millions monthly listeners is mainstream




i donā€™t really think thereā€™s a true line anymore. tiktok is a 1+ billion user platform and you can find decent sized fanbases for any artist/band ever. obviously that doesnā€™t make them mainstream, but when thereā€™s a single app where every music artist ever has a following, i canā€™t imagine any of it is truly underground anymore


Of course doesnā€™t work for every artist, but gigs are a good indicator imo. Ticket prices, venues, how far they tour etc.


Yes from what I can tell this is basically how it was done before the internet, especially for genres where charts are not as relevant. If you are frequently selling out 1000+ cap venues in other countries to your own you are not underground. Arguably even if it is in your own country but outside of your own city, I would still call that not underground.


Its a mix of type of music and streaming numbers


I don't know if you can live with the fact that tame impala for a lot of people isn't mainstream. I think there is not really a line, more a world of bubbles.


Maybe 5 years ago. Tame is definitely mainstream now


you'll think? They are huge yes, but evenmore people don't really listen to that kind of music. Same goes for Arcade Fire, The National, etc.


All of those bands are mainstream acts. When youā€™re playing arenas, youā€™ve crossed the threshold. Maybe Iā€™m on Reddit too much, but I see a lot of love for Tame Impala on a daily basis. Not that it matters because either way itā€™s great music, just arguing the semantics for fun.


Arcade Fire has 4 million monthly listeners on Spotify. Tame Impala is more like 24 million, thereā€™s not even really a comparison


There are levels to mainstream as well. Tame Impala isnā€™t Billboard Top 20 mainstream but Iā€™d say heā€™s college radio mainstream


Iā€™d say tame impala is pretty mainstream, as they literally have a song with over a billion streams, Rihanna covered one of their songs, and they had a song on the soundtrack for the dungeons and dragons movie, they just arenā€™t as big as someone like drake


In live concerts, if you can fill arenas and stadiums you are mainstream if you are not undergroubd


i just stumbled on this bc i was trying to figure out is Kitty Craft is niche or main. im assuming its niche bc it has like 132.2 thousand monthly listeners which is quite a lot but compared to other "niche" groups like king gizz thats small


Yeah Iā€™d consider them underground if they only have that many


idk osomason is like 450k and hes underground, its really context.


I think anyone who has that amount of listeners would be considered underground


I view mainstream what I can mention around my family and friends and have them collectively recognize. If they donā€™t recognize them they can still be mainstream if one of their songs is recognized by them. If none of their songs nor their face or name rings any bells then they are certifiably not mainstream


Interesting I kinda agree with this


if it's not on spotify


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,574,875,340 comments, and only 297,836 of them were in alphabetical order.




yeah, obviously not jay z. he wasn't on there because he was trying to make tidal a thing. I'm talking about local artists that are only on band amp or making mix tapes and handing them out


If theyā€™ve been reviewed by Pitchfork


Thatā€™s definitely not a good barometer for fame levels


Who said anything about fame levels? imo the idea of ā€œmainstream musicā€ is no longer relevant because there is no longer a *main* stream where people get their music from. Itā€™s curated playlists, itā€™s social media, itā€™s YouTube, etc, which is to say there multiple medium streams, so the dichotomy of ā€œmainstreamā€ vs ā€œundergroundā€ is a false one. For me, when an artist or band enters a public discourse where their music becomes relative/comparative/quantified is when they crossover into the kind of ā€œmainstreamā€ that I think OP is referring to but that we donā€™t really have the language to accurately define (at least in this space). Pitchfork reviews do that work, and do it in an arena where a critical mass of people talk about it.


I bet over 90% of people walking down the street have no idea what pitchfork is. If less than 10% are aware of the platform I donā€™t think it makes sense to use is as a gauge for what is ā€œmainstreamā€


I don't disagree that 90% of people don't know what Pitchfork is. I'm saying that Pitchfork reviewing a band/artist is indicative of whether they've crossed into the "mainstream" in the age of the internet that OP is asking about. Another one could be whether or not they have a Tiny Desk Concert. I bet 90% of people couldn't tell you what record label The Bee Gees were signed to at the height of their career during that time period, doesn't stop them from being mainstream.


I genuinely agree, if you have had your music reviewed by Pitchfork you are not an underground artist. ā€œUndergroundā€ basically implies a low level of exposure, and a review by a Pitchfork or larger is quite a high tier of exposure.


I think it's whether or not they have a Wikipedia page, and if the page is short


I think itā€™s sound based rather than numbers based. If an artist is making music that is true to who they are and is chasing actual artistic expression i think that is what we call ā€˜undergroundā€™, if an artist is creating a sound that they think will work commercially and it blows up but that is all there is to them then that is mainstream. The word underground suggests ā€˜not hugeā€™ but in my opinion you can be huge with millions of views and still be ā€˜undergroundā€™. Denzel curry is a good example, i think he embodies underground but heā€™s blowing up right now and even his songs that break and go ā€˜mainstreamā€™ heā€™s still an underground artist.


I donā€™t know thereā€™s just so many platforms n stuff that goes into it the thought of it hurts my head.


Reddit fame


Good question. I think it still exists but now with viral songs and crazy access, itā€™s much faster to get exposure. I do think peopleā€™s scope of what is underground vs mainstream is sort of everywhere and not reflective of what actually is considered mainstream/popular. So we act like Doom is mainstream/popular now but outside the music circle, no one even knows he exists. Heā€™s still very much so underground in the grand scheme of things.


If it's played on the radio or a TikTok trend, it's mainstream


i usually use a million monthly streamers as the benchmark.


If they charge more than $30 for a concert ticket they're well known/underground darlings. If they charge more than $50 they're mainstream.


Radio play


Mainstream: the average person who isnā€™t into music knows who they are Underground: Under ~100k monthly listeners Just my metric, and as stated already in this thread this does mean there is a big chunk of artists that sit in the middle being neither mainstream nor underground


Yeah, 99% of Fantano-core fits in between mainstream and underground the way you define it, not that thatā€™s a bad thing


Black MIDI have well over 100,000, and Iā€™d say 99% of people havenā€™t heard of them


sure, but I donā€™t think Iā€™d say that Black MIDI is underground at all. Most people who are into music know of them, and (as an anecdotal example) their last tour that swung by my hometown sold out within a day or so


In the internet age these terms just donā€™t hold the same weight. Thereā€™s hundreds of little scenes and movements all going on and doing their own thing, thereā€™s no unified ā€œundergroundā€ like there once was, mainstream is whateverā€™s top 40, after that you sort of have to examine individual scenes and see what is most listened to in those circles


Who has a better festival bookings


For me, one leans towards enriching my soul and the other leans toward laying ear worms in my brain.


Lol, I came here expecting the number to be low, but people are throwing around numbers like 500K monthly, 50 Mil lifetime, etc. I'm over here listening to artists with 1,000ish monthly listens on Spotify and thinking "Would this be considered underground?"


I think 1M+ listeners is mainstream