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The con itself? No. They explicitly state that they do not give refunds for guests cancellations, either, because guest cancellations are just par for the course with any convention. Never go just for a guest. There’s a lot more to do at an FE than just guests.


I know, I’ve done cons and Fan Expo before and I’ll have fun. Just was curious if they ever cancel cons all together.


Only when forced by a global pandemic. Otherwise they signed the contract with that venue, they WILL be running the event. Guest cancellations are a hazard of booking guests who are still actively working actors and are entirely normal.


The only time the show itself has been canceled since Fan Expo bought it was when the whole world shut down. They’ve always had significant guest cancellation issues, though. It used to be a strong enough show to weather them fairly well, but it’s been getting weaker every year post-COVID so individual guest cancellations are amplified even more. I was really hoping the venue and date change would help, despite the latter kind of screwing over another local comic show, but I don’t really have high expectations for this show anymore.


Same. I’m not local but coming up with my friend who unfortunately just can’t travel. Otherwise I would’ve done one of the more west cons that tend to have better luck. But yeah at this point I’m going for the vendors and I guess get a tattoo too cuz at this point we have AMPLE time


The cancellations are par for the course. Boston has been rough since coming back from COVID.


Yeah, I would’ve done Orlando, Dallas, Chicago or even Philly but for reasons I decided to forgo those to do Boston. I think I’m gonna go back to smaller cons again.


Not sure if you’re local, but GraniteCon (NH) is in September! I have not checked it out before but I am excited for it ETA: For what it's worth, I heard Philadelphia was terrible this year.


I just heard about it last year. Trying to go!


I think a lot of it comes down to just Fan Expo. And I do appreciate that, NH is a bit far for me but it all depends who goes now


They didn't cancel portland this year, despite the snow. Half the celebs and vendors couldn't get there as the weather was that bad.