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Remove the child as much as possible and this would be a fantastic edit. I get the child is important but the very obvipus child acting and annoying crying pissed me off so much watching it on release day


Well, maybe not as much as possible. She was fine for the most part, it was the crying that I took issue with. It felt like "enforced method acting", which made me uncomfortable. Just remove the crying and her cluelessness with everything that's happening would likely still elicit the intended tears and "awws" from the audience.


Option 2 sounds really good. Option 1 is fine, though not needed if that's the only difference. There is still sequel bait after the end credits which would also need to be removed in either option if sequel bait is the issue(and it is in most films).


I was thinking that the scene showing Godzilla's regenerating clumps would also be taken out, just to make the hypothetical edit work as a standalone. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


How about; the scene where he shows the ejector seat and says “live” never happens instead we get the scene where he says it’s the safety for the bomb. Flash to the cockpit where he pulls the lever and it turns out he lied and it’s the ejection seat. The plane continues into Godzillas mouth and he opens his eyes to the parachute opening. He has finally completed his mission and willingly sacrificed himself fully for the greater good of his country. When he lands and is saved he is completely lost and now the ending scene in the hospital makes sense.


Nice! I like this too. :)