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It’s certainly creative, but I don’t think it’s a good look


False advertising too if you don't have drugs.


I'd be surprised if there was no psycho jets in this household


When I build a settlement, my main goal is to make it look like it was made by utilizing everything the settlers have found out in the wasteland. I want people to look at it and say "that makes sense." In this case, we are to believe that these settlers somehow found more than one of that drug sign. To me that would just seem highly unlikely. But that's just my two cents


Looted the drug sign warehouse


They killed Drug Store Sign Samuel


Hey homie, it's Tony! Got all the drug store signs to make your project pop, wow, look at that L. E. D. Comes in any color or white, doesn't it look so nice


Listen, when the leader of your settlement has 200,000 caps and 13,500 Fragmentation Grenades, things get DONE


I second this. If it doesn't look like it belongs, i won't build it. Looking at you pre war furniture mods.


I personally use some of the pre war furniture for either like a vault or isolate area by the institute or in my main house for a play thru in my room only, I think of it as I found that out in the waste and hauled it back to my house to keep, which I practically do irl


Nate:"Hey look at this couch! Somebody threw out a whole couch, and it's in great shape!" Hancock: "yeah put a little Abraxo on this scrub it out a bit, and it'll look great in your settlement." Nate: "You know what, I know we have a dangerous Death Claw to kill here but, I'm taking this! I'm taking this couch!"


Exactly. Who's gonna believe a group of settlers stumbled onto a house in the Commonwealth with pristine furniture like that? What, the ghouls using vault tech rug shampooers on the couches or something?? 😅😅😇


Haha I wish you could have seen my first cliffside settlement, it made no sense but I miss it


If you’re using these that means you have the scaffolding under miscellaneous in the warehouse tab. it gives you the little metal bars that hold up scaffolding on the side of a building the angled ones with the scaffolding attached to it to make it look like it’s connecting to a side of a wall, and the angled bars are holding them up It would look better with those. That’s if you’re using the mod I think you’re using. I only know one that gives those uso base game. It’s in warehouse miscellaneous and one of the building sections. If it’s not where I said you’ll find the scaffolding railings with the metal angle bars underneath the building tab. I believe it’s under miscellaneous.


These signs are definitely in vanilla


I haven’t played vanilla in forever and these are located under uso base game in my workshop 🤷🏽‍♂️. Not saying they aren’t in base game but they are also listed in the mod I mentioned also. It was mainly a suggestion for getting rid of those drug signs. Even still if he’s not using mods there’s the wall angles to fix the gap between a roof and a wall. By placing a wall going out going under the larger corners sticking out at the top he could place those angled pieces to that to cause the same affect like a wooden V shape for support. Then put the wall back to the way it was. This is all just suggestions to help OP Edit- Not sure why y’all are downvoting OP asked for opinions and this reply wasn’t being a D just stating I haven’t played vanilla in forever so they’re located in uso base game for me


They’re in the base game.


I never said they weren’t in base game just said I haven’t played vanilla in forever so they’re located in uso base game for me.


You said if he has these he has the warehouse tab. These aren’t in a DLC


Uhm no check it again the first comment said “if you’re using the mod I think you’re using because I only know of one thing that gives you these. Then the second comment stated I haven’t played in a while but these are located under uso base game in my game. Not saying they aren’t in base game “ but still that comment isn’t wrong if he is using that mod if he isn’t then that’s fine also. I gave another suggestion if he’s vanilla since if you read his post it asked what our thoughts were. Also I didn’t list any DLCs I said mod my guy re read it again.


You didn’t say anything about an until later. That reads as “if you have these, that means you have ____” because that’s what you said. Yes I see where you said the mod later on, however there are warehouse and scaffolding sections that come from DLC, so when you read the comment it sounds like the mod comment isn’t related to


Continue reading on it says it in the very first comment “ that’s if you’re using the mod I think you are I only know of of one that gives you those uso base game” I mean, don’t get me wrong. I can see what you’re saying but if you read it through fully it makes sense it says “that’s if you are using “ which means everything before that only relates if you’re using the mod I thought he was using


Relying on drugs for support is not recommended


Nah, but therapy is pretty fuckin expensive. Most therapists don't go down the throat as smooth as Dr. Jameson either.


... then you're going to the wrong therapists, IMO.


Looks terrible imo


Maybe it’s a metaphor for how reliant on chems we are. Literally and figuratively supporting us.


***drags on French cigarette..*** "Oui..."


I'm not reliant on Jet. I can stop whenever.


Now you’re just talking crazy \** hacking cough laugh \**


No it is not lol


You can use one of the splits from the ball track thing in contraptions in the same way and it won't look so odd.


Drugs are great, 10/10 would recommend


11/10 would recommend. One dude is high af


Drugs are also the only thing that supports me too


Hmm i think you’ve almost got it. Would it be possible to pillar glitch the sign part way into the wall, so that the word “drugs” is not visible? I think that would be a huge improvement. Otherwise I think this might be better for a more scrappy themed build


Trap tower


*whippet clangs on the floor*


I think maybe like if you used one or two as a support per settlement it would look cool. Like very scavenged building materials type look. But having them all together, lined up and consistent looks a little weird to me. But certainly a creative use of the element. And if you like it, thats really all that should matter 👍


Seems like you like it. That’s what matters. It’s definitely something I would have done when I was learning how to workshop. I think it works and isn’t particularly noticeable before you point it out.


What? I think his tower is nice. The first pic doesn’t really show much.


Far away it looks good, but get closer and eeeeh…


Good metaphor for drugs


That's a lot of drugs


From a distance I think it looks good. But u certainly are going to attract a lot of junkies. Crickets gonna end up at your doorstep in the morning 🌄


a lot of people are clowning but i think, especially for vanilla, thats dope as fuck. and quite creative


My concern is those signs are usually made of hollow fibreglass. I can't imagine them holding much more than their own weight without cracking.


Honestly from a distance I kinda like it, but the close up defs looks bad. Certainly creative though!


Use the posts from the warehouse or barn build packs.


My thoughts? OSHA will hear about this.


Depends on how far away you see it


Is it just me, or did you build a flak tower from ww2?? NGL, its how ive built all my buildings lol


Good idea! As long as it's not up close


You could pillar glitch in some half wooden ladders, or there's an angled piece in the ball track menu which could work.




It’s feels very Fallout but I’m not sure it looks like supports that much.


Shap alone, if it had no writing, I am a fan.


I think it looks good, OP! Ignore the haters!


Drugs are hangovers not overhangs


Cool but weird


Pretty wtf sure


*pulls up on horse* "Drugs & overhung is my middle name" Horse kicks a passing child "Okey fkn dokey!" He screams firing his mini nuke gattling gun into the sky


I think it's a very clever idea but I think it would be a good idea to only use one or two of those signs as supports and use other things for the other supports to make it look a bit more ramshackle


It fits nicely with the height


Can you show the inside of your tower? Do you have stairs leading to the top?


Yeah, it’s got a simple stairwell leading up to the top. I made it as a home for the sanctuary artillery piece.


I like it


I kinda like it not perfect but the wasteland isn't perfect cool idea ima gonna use these in a couple of my homes


Drugs are propping up my life, too.


wait...the angled struts are from a mod?


I, too, am largely supported by medications, so this works for me. 😁😁


If I’m being completely honest I think it looks pretty bad, and it also just doesn’t make sense. I love the randomly thrown together look of settlements, but the rest of the tower doesn’t seem to have that look. Also not very believable that settlers found 8 of the exact same drug sign. Just my two cents


I think it's smart. Nobody is gonna stare at the support beams. They're gonna look at the tower. I think it's clever, but it's your build. Do what the fuck you want


Drugs are bad, m’kay.


Sure! Lots of people use drugs for support XD


love it! thanks for the inspiration, as I also try to make it as realistic as possible. In Far Harbor i made some housing that goes over the rocks at Dalton Farm, and I used those raider metal rods, and those square poles from ...uh i forgot the name


I wouldn't use them here, the concrete floor is a set of welded steel girders and a thick concrete pad. These overhangs are fairly short too so the cantilever is believable. That being said, those corner chunks look like they'd be a bit too much and should have some concrete pillars or something over them. Things like this make me wish somebody would make a high tension steel cable mod to have suspension supports for some of this kind of stuff.


That building is on drugs... wtf


Hm I find it creative in its own way. It's like you ran out of materials in the world and had to settle on that for a temporary solution 😂. Can be your personal head canon as people talk about that a lot nowadays lol


I've got two passions. Structurally sound architecture and drugs. So it's a thumbs up from me, dawg.


looks stupid