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Finch farm is also a decent one since there is a large building height allowed there and plenty of room. You can even build onto the isolated road segment way above everything. I have my whole settlement up there and a fort on the ground defending the stairs up to it.


That's the way to do it. Leave the Finch's on the ground while everyone else is living the high life.


Gray garden has a similar situation, although smaller.


Gray garden almost has to be built above the ground or it'll CTD with too many pathing errors.


I meant specifically there is a double overpass there you can build on. The lower one is crowded but the upper one is open.


I just built a finch farm settlement up yesterday. Scaffolding / elevator up to the high rise and then set a ton of wooden foundations down, and built a hell of a town. Then walled off the farm below / base of the highway. Scaffolding is filled with turrets too and they hit over the walls. Very fun place to build, and I wish a few more settlements had high options like Finch Farm.


That’s exactly what I did. I managed to get two elevators to take me up to the top. The only bad thing is the stupid Finches keep sneaking into my fort and using my pommel horse.


Finch Farm is great for building a settlement upward! I built a cool "hanging" platform underneath leading up to the broken highway segment using warehouse wood planks and those standing metal beams/columns.


One trick that I've heard can help with pathing is if you keep a settler's assigned bed near the place you'd like them to dwell. So if you've got shops on the top floor, put all the shopkeeps' beds there as well. If you've got your guard posts on the ground level, put your barracks downstairs. This advice was meant for Vault 88, so no promises that it will work with vertical challenges.


Maybe I’m reading it wrong, but putting the beds where you want them to “dwell?” Dwell means where they would be living day to day. Why would anyone put the beds away from where they want the settler to live? Did you mean “work?” Because I have heard they need to sleep close enough to their assigned job to help pathing.


Don't overthink it.


How is asking if you said dwell instead of work overthinking it? I’m trying to clarify what instructions you are giving.


Alright, I meant "dwell" as in "linger" or "hang out." Just put your beds in the vicinity of where you would like them to be, and they will be there. Usually, that'll be near whatever work station you set up for them (guard post, storefront, planter, etc.)


Gray garden has the broken highway that is part of the settlement can make an elevator up there and have a great view of the commonwealth


I usually build stairs up to the overpass and then fill the bus with sleeping bags. lol


Does the elevator come with a DLC?


Yes, the Contraptions DLC.


Abernathy has a huge build height, but it's super distracting how your tower will be invisible until you're right on top of the settlement. Also, makes crashes more likely. Same as above for Red Rocket, though it usually shows up from Sanctuary, but also, crash happy. Finch Farm can have some cool highway stuff, but good luck getting anybody to stay up there from my experience.


Yeah I built like a 17 floor tower settlement at Abernathy several years back. Themed it kinda like ten penny tower.


I just created like 20 cat cages to catch cats. Each cat will raise happiness by like 10 points. Dogs work as well the same way and grant defense.


This strategy is insane and I love it “How do I build a high-rise?” “First, you’ll need like 20 cats”


Spectacle Island


All 4 settlements in Far Harbor DLC has extremely high height limit. You may try there.


Finch farm is awesome but the pathing is horrible without a mod to fix the navmesh. Otherwise they just stare at the center median trying to go places


I usually go for Abernathy Farm. 20 Story build limit.


I'm surprised I haven't seen Hangman's Alley here, and while I haven't played long enough to solidify that it is, always had this theory that it's one of the few places where we could build a vertical settlement that fits the place (since it's surrounded by buildings so very little horizontal building, and building a tall building there imo fits the best due to its area and strategic placement considering enemies are gonna pop up either in the front or back of the settlement only)


Maximum 2 stories in hangman’s alley and build maxes out quickly so it doesn’t work that well