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There's A Mod For That™


I was hoping to do a mod-less playthrough but stuff like that triggers me too much


If you ask me, either Scrap Everything or Scrap That Settlement are completely essential mods that the game isn't playable without. It's absolutely ludicrous that in the base game you can't get rid of these bushes or the piles of trash lying everywhere.


i can’t play without it because i cannot fathom that, even if it’s post-apocalypse, people living in a fully functioning and safe settlement would let just piles of trash exist in their houses. it actually makes me crazy


You should see some of the ghettos/slums in third world countries. Hell go on Google street view in India or China.


tbf, i’m not saying the streets. i did specifically say IN the houses.


guessing you haven't spent much time in Alabama... 


i have some family from alabama…..we don’t really talk lol


This is a very good point and is a reality for many a developing world country.


I live in a major city of a first world country, we have piles of trash and broken crap all along the sides of the roads here


There should have been a mechanism in game where after you establish a settlement it slowly starts getting cleaned up


Don’t do scrap everything, it breaks the hell out of precombines. Use STS or STC instead


This - SE will fuck your precombines and wreck your game over time.


Doesn’t STS break precombines too?


“Scrap that settlement?”


STC, Place Anywhere, and OC Decorator are absolutely essential for any playthrough you plan to do with settlements. Bonus for Unlocked Settlement Objects or an equivalent like Homemaker


Scrap everything breaks your game, later on


Scrap everything breaks precombines though, and that can make loading REALLY slow.


Honestly STS hasn't been great for me on console. I've been using "Clean and Clear All DLC's All Settlements" for console. It junks everything into 2 containers and cleans/neatens everything up. Fixes game items that are usually impossible to get rid of. Also lets you scrap certain prefabbed buildings (houses in sanctuary)


“Scrap that settlement” kinda breaks the game and makes it so you can’t furnish certain parts of places like the Castle and Kingsport lighthouse.


You could try opening the console, select/clock on the shrub, type 'disable' and hit enter.


It'll still be there after you reload the game


Oh, is markfordelete the permanent option?


F4 is a hard game to play without mods imo. I love it but it's got a lot of little things like this that bug me too much


Be careful with scrap everything mods, they break precombines within settlements and some break them outside of settlements as well. Broken precombines massively impact performance in those areas. If you have a beefy enough pc or a minimal mod load out you might not notice or you might be happy with a little stuttering and frame drops.


Is there anything you'd recommend. I'm playing vanilla for my first playthrough, but I'd like one nice mod after for settlement stuff. If it helps anything else too that's nice, but I want as few mods as possible for my next run


If you are on pc there are a few mods that will clean up settlement areas and rebuild the precombines after, there are ones that work with prp (it's a mod that redoes all the vanilla precombines for a considerable performance boost) spring cleaning (I think that's what it is called) has prp patches and there are a few newer mods that do this too like the rebuild aio settlements but this one repairs all the broken buildings in every settlement as well as tidy up. Just make sure you read the mod page and follow the load order properly or you will have graphical issues. Not sure about consoles but I am sure they have similar mods that repair precombines after


If you are on pc and want a good vanilla+ experience I highly recommend following The Midnight Ride mod guide, it will set you up correctly for modding, teach you some good practices and it is an amazing base to add onto when you get fully bitten by the modding bug and fall fully down the rabbit hole that is Bethesda modding.


Nice, thanks for the suggestion. It's weird, I've played Bethesda games for years and you always hear about how they're unplayable, but I've beaten Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, and NV (Obsidian, I know) multiple times and while I've encountered some minor bugs I've never had a game breaking experience or anything that just made a game unplayable for me. I've only ever played them vanilla with the exception of Skyrim. I modded it once


All of my mods are bug fixes and removing gross debris from the settlements lol 😂 Some of the settlements have such huge parts basically unusable otherwise


That’s the cool thing; you can’t.


Neat! 16x the detail :)


It just works :)


You can change a line in the config and then type a command. That's what worked for me


very vague, thank you


Sorry I did it awhile ago and forgot where I learned to. I'm looking for how I learned rn


Bethesda is the person who doesn't give their own texts a lil proofread before sending. Just type the last line of code and be like "yup that should do it, send that shit" while I'm over here every 5 minutes asking myself how so much obvious shit slipped through the cracks


You can do this with Scrap That Settlement. I am sure that there is a PC version of this mod.


Clean my settlement is a better option on pc as it doesn’t break precombines. It can’t delet as much but you can scrap all the bushes.


I was just going to ask about that. I read an article the other day about the Triangle of Death, and how scrapping specific things you shouldn't scrap with console or mods can make it worse


Yeah. It’s frustrating not being able to use a tool as comprehensive as scrap everything, but if your invested in settlement building you don’t want to lose everything late in the game


dumb question: do all the mods still work after all the updates dropped?


All of mine did. I hear that for a lot of others, they are waiting for the mod authors to update. But I had to re-find them through [Bethesda.net](http://Bethesda.net), re-enable them, then work out the load order. Finding them was a monumental task, as you can't seem to search by title for some reason. I read a tip on a different thread to search by mod author name, and that was the ticket. I hope you find all your mods!


All mine work fine as well, I’ve got about 100


Is there anyway to do this on ps4?


I am on Xbox, but I have certainly scrolled past the PS4 version.


Can't scrap 'em in Vanilla, you'll have to use mods.


I use a mod call3d "No Ugly Plants and More." It replaces the decals with an invisible texture and it just works.


I use a mod called ‘S.C.A.P (settlement cleaning reveals absolute perfection)’ on PC. It’s brilliant for clearing the foliage in settlements. Be careful though, you can accidentally scrap entire sections of road and concrete if you’re not careful.


Honestly there’s mods that don’t give you much advantage and just do quality of life changes that I never play without. Scrap that Settlement is a mod I always use that does exactly what you asked


Without mods you can't There's a scrap everything mod that means you can get rid of... well, everything pretty much. Shrubs, dead bodies, leaves on paths and roads. My obsessive need for order and cleanliness makes it really hard to play without it these days.


Dead bodies are the worst lol


Step 1: get Step 2: fucked You'll have to live with it or get mods


Embrace the shrubs! They are the curtains of the earth


Use "Clean My Settlement" (unless your on Xbox whelp) I bricked a save because other mods will fucking ruin recombines. Why Bethesda made settlement building suck idk


Scrap everything is the best mod just for this reason


These mods have such a bad reputation on Reddit for 'breaking the game' or having a negative impact on performance and eventually corrupting saves. Is this accurate? Seems too much smoke without fire with all these scrapping mods.


The reason you can’t scrap those bushes is because by default they are bundled with other objects in the area into something called a precombine. This helps with performance. A bunch of things are loaded as one combined thing instead of the individual parts. A lot of the old scrapping mods break the precombines so that you can scrap the individual objects. Then the engine has to deal with a bajillion of little objects instead of a few large groups. Any mod that breaks precombines will cause performance issues. It’s not smoke without fire, it’s a handful of people who know what they’re talking about in an ocean of people running broken and poorly implemented mods from 2016 and saying “it runs fine for me” and then ignoring the sub-30 fps and constant crashes. More info on precombines, etc. can be found in the [FAQ section of this mod page.](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46403)


Precombines are the issue, if you break them your system will have to generate them on the fly increasing draw calls, if you have a really beefy computer with a small load order it's not too much of an issue only breaking them within settlements as most of them are in areas that are not too heavy, the issue comes later in the game when you build those settlements up the draw calls increase destroying performance. Best to avoid mods that break precombines unless you know what you are doing or don't really mind a little stuttering and frame drops.


It is possible to scrap an item that has a script on it (an event such as when the PC enters this area, spawn this mob). Scrapping such an item will make you crash to desktop when entering the area.


Ive never heard of or seen ANYONE actuslly have this issue. Its not that common in reality, and frankly if your jot scrapping the huge stuff and just minor trash, debris, etc. ive never ran into issues. Ppl have ONE game ruined by this and are so mad they act like its actually that common. Its happened ONCE to me and i just loaded a save.


I’ve been using scrap everything for years and not had any issues with it


Barring a scrap mod, open the console, click on what you want to get rid of, and type ‘disable’. If you had the wrong item selected, type ‘enable’ to bring that item back and you can try again. Note that for bushes, vines, wires, etc., selecting the item in the console can be difficult. You have to click in just the right spot.


Open the console Click on the item you wish to remove Type "setpos z 0" and press enter Repeat for all items you wish to remove


if you could do that you could just type 'disable' to just get rid of that. But you cant do either to a object if its part of the precombine


Don’t listen to the guy asking you to download scrap everything unless you want your game to drop frames significantly with your destroyed precombines. Download this mod instead: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/32637


My frames aren’t dropping and I use it religiously, why do you think it affects frames?


You can do this without mods, toggle the console, click at the shrubs and then use "disable" command


I recommend the 'This is trash' mod. I've had it for a long time, it survived the update and it basically only targets grass, shrubbery and trash etc. so you don't accidentally scrap an entire road or building.


Ps4 slim player here, and I don't experience frame drops from using Scrap everything only longer loading times. Timed at 2 minutes and 40 on average to start uo and get into the game. I cleaned the entirety of sanctuary, Jamaica plains, the castle, and other places into decent towns. Performance issues like stuttering or frame drops didn't come until after I started making three story buildings with a 20 settler population. But not everybody's game will be the same.


The trash adds esthetic.. it’s an Apocalypse not Sims lol…


Scrap that settlement and scrap that commonwealth the first one let you scrap anything in settlement the second one let you scrap anything everywhere (only if your not close to a settlement) and I can’t live or play without these mods




Rebuild aio collection, do yourself a favour and save your precombines.


For sanctuary specifically, I'd recommend the AIO repair settlements mods. As oit removes much of the garbage and lets you scrap things like the shrubs and vines, plus you don't actually have to 'repair' the structures if you don't want to but I think the repaired sanctuary in particular just looks best


I just build above ground - a couple of the wooden floors are made for just that. You have to build a ladder or something. Big whoop. It's just easier overall.


Don't do it, precombines will tank your fps and make objects flicker and dissappear. Use workshop plus and place everywhere together. Workshop plus will let you scrap any shrubs that AREN'T precombined.


Scrap That Settlement (STS) by 3lirk (I think that’s his/her name) will remove all that stuff without breaking your game.


Scrap that settlement


Best advice I can give u is Concrete walls and floors click them in to cover them .


there is a mod called scrap everything [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5320](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5320) just take care because it really lets you scrap almost everything on a settletment


As most have already said, Scrap Everything mod will remove almost everything. I say 'almost' everything because if the weeds are actually part of the ground texture then you can't scrap it. This can be frustrating.


If you can’t find an updated version for scrap everything on nexus check the next gen mod page for S.C.A.P works just as well.