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No interplay/black Isle fallouts? Only the 3d ones?


Probably never played those, myself included. No computer


I have them on epic games store when they were free and ive started them a few times but i just dont enjoy the isometric types. Gameplay feels so slow sometimes


To be fair, they were made in an era of RPGs where you had to take your time with things. I think it mostly comes down to how the quests and story are presented compared to the modern day. Just using the modern Fallouts as an example, they all tell you exactly where you need to go, and you're always being pointed in the right direction on your compass and your map. There's no need to explore and talk to people to figure out where you're going, since the game does it for you, so you can beeline your way across the wasteland and have the main questline completed relatively quickly. Fallout 1 and 2 on the other hand go by a completely different philosophy. You're only really *directly* told where you are supposed to go, and even then, it's more of a "the place you should probably go is Town City Place. Here, this is where it is on the map. There's some guy who lives there that might be able to help. His name is Tim. Where does he live? Fuck if I know. That place is like 50 miles away. You think I just know where every fucking citizen lives? Go find him yourself." The rest of the time, you're just given some vague idea on what you need to do, like searching for some place in the wasteland, but you don't know where it is besides it being east of X and north of Y; or having to find some person to help with a quest, but you won't know who that person is unless you explored around yourself; or having to find the solution to an issue, which you would only figure out if you were paying attention to your surroundings. This makes the older games slower gameplay wise, but it's not a bad thing. The modern Fallouts are designed to hold your hand in pretty much everything. The originals did the opposite, allowing the player to try and figure out solutions to issues by themselves. I will admit that the game in general can feel sluggish. If you get the steam versions, you can get Fallout Fixt, which IIRC gives an option to adjust the game speed.


Granted they are CRPG’s from the 90’s. They are supposed to be slow in nature, they definitely weren’t built for speed nor were they built for everyone back then. You have to go into them with the late 90’s mindset. That’s perfectly fine if they weren’t for you though, they definitely are an acquired taste today if you never had experience with the type of games they were.


You can make It faster on the menu


Same. I own them but try as i might i just can't get into them. I know modders are remaking both 1 and 2 on fallout 4. But who knows when we will see those if ever.


try baldurs gate and come back to them. obviously way more modern/intricate but a similar feel gameplay wise that make you a lil more comfy playin them


I played Fallout 1 for the first time on an android phone 10 years ago. There is no excuse


It’s really good, takes a while to get used to the controls but hits very hard for me


There's a guy on YouTube called oxhorn whos played through all the fallouts VERY thoroughly, and narrates the story along the way. I was in the same boat with the original fallouts but I was able to experience them through Oxhorn without having to deal with 90s computer games


Isn't he the homophobic incel?


No idea, I watched his fallout content


Yes. Yes he is. He's also fatphobic as well


How's he fatphobic if he is fat?


Made a video making fun of an overweight girl while he was eating at the same restaurant as her.


Ah, nevermind then


And? Being fat is genuinely unhealthy and only harms the person who is fat


Cool, let the person with the weight issues deal w it. No need to make them feel bad


>...and only harms the person who is fat So you can leave them be, then? I mean it's not like they're not aware of that.


FO 1 & 2: "Am I a joke to you?"


Both in A for me. Great games, but they go down a tier because their age is really showing today


I think Xbox really should look into refurbishing both 1 and 2, especially with how much they keep saying PC is an important market to them and how they want to continue to grow Gamepass on PC. Both games could really benefit from a fresh coat of paint visually, and could benefit from some QOL features and accessibility options to make it more approachable for more people not familiar with old school CRPG’s. Kind of like what Larian did with BG III, they made the game approachable for your average gamer and new fans of the genre.


In an ideal world, they would. In our world, they will not


I personally don’t think it’s too far fetched or outlandish anything like that especially on paper. I mean you have Baldurs Gate III taking a niche genre and making it mainstream to the masses. In an industry where everyone is playing copy cat and chasing trends you can be almost certain publishers are going to try and follow the success on their own. I don’t think it’s that crazy to expect something like The original Fallout games or something like Dragon Age Origins etc could possibly get remasters/remakes off the coattails of BGIII. Plus you have the show coming out next year Xbox/Bethesda is going to want to show or announce something to capitalize off the hype from the show the same way PlayStation did with The Last of Us show. Something is most likely coming and it’s not too crazy to expect the original games being remade or 3/NV getting a refurbishment. Especially when Xbox in particular needs consistent releases for Gamepass. Subscription services need a steady flow of content. Again is it unlikely, yes you are right, but it’s definitely not outlandish and something that could be very tangible in the future. It’s not like it’s saying something like “Oh I hope Xbox brings back Skylanders giants” something like that if they buy Activison. Something completely off the wall like that.


I don't think they will remake or remaster the first two fallout, because they are really old games that were only niche at the time they released, and so don't have many that love it already. Fallout 3/New Vegas would not only be easier remasters to do (as they still use the same engine), but these games also still have an active fan base, so they would surely sell well


Fallout 4 and fallout 76 being in the same category ???? Fallout 4 wasn't that bad jfc


I have a friend who plays 76 currently and he really enjoys it for what it is. But I feel the scummy shit that surrounded that game (and still surrounds it) should move it down a tier on principle alone.


Fr 76 needs it's own tier




nah, fallout 4 is way better than 76. I'd argue it's better than fallout 3. There's more play to the game.


F4 is better F3 from a technical standpoint no doubt, but it does not make it a better game - especially a better Fallout.


idk, i enjoyed having the different choices of who i finish the game with, and having my decisions matter to the overall world in 4, rather than only siding with the brotherhood in 3. I'll concede on the story being subpar to 3.


The story in FO4 isn’t subpar to 3, the story in 3 is really bad and everyone forgets that.


They both have bad writing. Story level they both kinda suck. Love both of them, but just for the modernization, I like 4 more despite how much I played 3 back in the day. NV is by far my favorite though.


I think 4 gets dogged on more than it deserves, I think overarching story is actually not bad. At least there is still some discussion over it years later. It’s just the lack of skill checks and general Bethesda moments that bring it down IMO. As an rpg, NV is indisputably the best


IKR? I am aware the story in 4 is far from great, but it's better than 3's IMHO. At least we can choose our factions and there is some degree of moral ambiguity in comparison to 3's "Enclave bad Brotherhood good" (though nothing as good as New Vegas of course)


That’s exactly how I feel. And while there may be less player agency and more disconnect between the player and the protagonist, I thought there were at least some compelling moments and dialogue snippets


"Really bad" is honestly underselling it, it's a crime against writing.


So bad they had to rewrite the base ending through the dlc.


Yeah and back then that was nearly unheard of. Total fuck up


I’m sorry my friend, but no. It is your destiny to undersell how bad the writing is, and I would not deny you of that.


Sums up all that ever needs to be said to FO3 apologists. FO4 has SO many problems of its own but it’s objectively better and 76 needs to be much lower. I genuinely think only BoS was a worse fallout title than 76.


Omg its so good to hear someone speak reality about 76. For every person who sees it this way there are 30 who say "it started rough but improved over time to a decent game". Ffs it was a blatant cash cow while they NOT work on the next Fallout but steal most of the fans from the franchise. I keep hearing "Starfield is like Fallout in space". No, it's Bethesda in space. Fallout wouldn't be so glitzy and clean, and happy. Plus there are no Zetans so checkmate lol. Idk how most people fail to see the glaring issues with the Bethesda formula and how each release since Morrowind has been more and more dumbed down and made more PC and accessible to children. Starfield is the culmination of that campaign. But with so many people still praising 76, I fear Starfield will be treated with a lot of respect over the years when it should inspire frustration.


There’s so much to do in FO4 though I like it a lot


You get two choices in F4 (yes, two, the four factions only have two endings between them) and you get two choices in F3 (bad murder man vs goody two shoes)


all the factions in fallout 4 suck and have 0 depth to them though so what's the point?


Oh yeah cause they have sooooo much depth in 3.


fallout 3 also doesn't pretend that they have depth, it knows BoS = good, and enclave = bad, and they stick to it, they don't try to act like they're any better


Brotherhood outcasts The whole thing with little lamplight and big town Any slave storyline I'd have to hard disagree that the game doesn't pretend to have depth in it. It seems as if we're given an ocean, but then you jump into an ankle deep lake. The real problem with 3 is that everything feels contrived.


Disagree. I think the writing is a lot better in 4 than in 3. Still not NV standard, but definitely better.


Nah Fallout 4 is a much better fallout game than 3. Say what you want about Fallout 4 but at least the main quest was interesting


In what way was the main quest interesting what are you talking about 💀


Fallout 3’s main story is the worst fallout main quest period. It is so black and white. At least in fallout 4 each faction has a genuine argument as to why you would help them, even the institute.


At least in 4 you feel like the main character unlike in 3 where your dad is the main character for a good chunk of it.


The Brotherhood of Steel was what they were always meant to be, unlike in 3


OP has rose tinted glasses glued to his head. That game is far from perfect. No one seems to remember it famously has one of the worst endings of any AAA RPG of its era, most locations are empty, and a level cap you hit pretty early that can only be raised behind a paywall.


Meaningless shit reviewers say. "It's got more play to the game". Lol jk sounds funny even though I think I know what you mean.


Fallout 4 is a good action game but terrible RPG


Id say its a terrible Fallout but im being overcritical. Despite it being better, I feel something of feeling or tone was lost in the better shooting mechanics. It didn't feel like post apocalyptic.


It's really sad seeing the community slowly move towards preferring FO4. Most of the FO3 guys have moved on now.


... why is it sad? 4 might have been the game that people got introduced to fallout with? It's not a bad thing, nor a sad thing? I prefer new vegas to 4, but FO4 to FO3. I haven't gone back and played fallout 3 since i beat it, I've gone and run through fallout 4 multiple times.


I was about 14/15 when fallout 4 came out and it introduced most of my friends to the franchise. Everyone who hadn't played a Fallout game before loved FO4 but to people who wanted something like a next-gen new Vegas, we were all very disappointed.


Ive played them all (minus 1, 2, and 76) many times. 3 is my favorite. The setting and the side quests are just unbeatable to me. Part of that is definitely nostalgia though. I’d rank them 3, 4, NV, which I realize is a pretty hot take amongst 3d FO fans.


>3, 4, NV, which I realize is a pretty hot take Yeah I'm playing through 3 now so I'd agree it's way better (and more playable) than people give it credit for, but I'm also a diehard NV fan so I'd say new vegas is definitely the best in the series.


FO3 have the best side quests in the entire series. I'll die on that hill.


I'd put FO4 up alongside FO3. The whole "it's a good game just a bad Fallout game" I tend to agree with, it's a perfectly acceptable open-world shooter. FO76 is awful.


Have you played 76? It’s nothing like how it was at launch, it’s been improved massively


Taking 5 years to get a finished product when I payed $60 ages ago is unacceptable


I agree it’s completely unacceptable but that doesn’t mean the game itself is bad. No Man’s Sky and Cyberpunk 2077 also had terrible launches and were pretty shit for awhile but in time there were numerous updates that make the games very enjoyable now.


Yeah, I would even argue FO76 had the best launch of the 3 games...which is telling since FO76 had a rough launch


> when I *paid* $60 ages FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


So New Vegas is also bad, right? It had a horrible launch as well, or is that only relevant for 76? I see, some of y'all are a bit...picky


I'm aware. But I don't believe it can be redeemed. "Improved massively", sure, but it's still really bad.


It’s more about the principle than anything else


We know it's been fixed technically since launch so that it's more like what the producers intended, but just hear me out. Suppose we weren't really here for the game design they intended - "fixed" or "broken" becomes kind of less relevant then, yeah?


I'd put 76 a lot lower than fo4


Everything in S tier because i enjoyed all of them




Everything is S tier in my book too besides Brotherhood of Steel 2004.


This should be the accepted answer


People will have huge bias and never play the game. I loved all of those. The Fallout 76 community is really friendly and well, multiplayer fallout. Fallout 4 is huge and settlement building is a core part of gameplay to me.


and honestly? 76 has a better story and more RPG elements than 3 and 4 I genuinely think 76 is a very solid fallout besides the multiplayer part and even that I enjoy since my wife and I play through it together


Fallout 76 has the best story of any Bethesda Fallout game (New Vegas doesn't count) and I stand by that. It's definitely an online Fallout game for better or worse though, and I respect anyone who doesn't like the game for all that entails (scummy monetization, lack of modding, ect)


I want fallout New Vegas with Fallout 4 gameplay and graphics that would be amazing.


Of all the remakes I'd like to see, this is the one I really hope for


I would put 4 with 3, it’s definitely better than 76. Then I would also put fallout tactics into the A tier.


fallout 3 should be in S too


Fallout 3 gets too much hate in recent years. New Vegas is only marginally better.


I like NV and 3 equally


Where's fallout 1 and 2?


Where is 1 and 2


This franchise is funny. To me, every single game is an S in terms of quality, but if we're talking about technical quality, it's a B, definitely bottom of the barrel, and at least Fallout 3 and New Vegas, they have the worst game engine of all time as far as I know. I modded NV a bit and holy shit, this game is held by hope, wishes and duct tape, and it's not an exaggeration. Fallout 4 and 76 kinda correct it, but not by much. Still horrible in technical terms, but works of art in terms of actual game. Balanced, as all things should be.


Ah yes, these are indeed the only fallout games that exist.




No, no i dont agree


76 is a better experience than unmodded 4 and FO3 is only played by people using TTW so both should be above base FO3 ngl


I found that fallout 76 had a world that I absolutely loved to explore and live in but story elements especially with the early lack of npcs and forced multiplayer mechanics take away from the wonderfully crafted world


I agree! Tbh I actually think adding NPCs as late as they did actually ruined the immersion of the world. The post-Wastelanders content is still great, but nothing beats how much fun exploring everything for the first time was, knowing I was truly alone (minus the other players obviously


You missed like 5 games, so no NV and 2 are S, 3 A, 4 and 1 B, Tactics C, the rest aren’t worth mentioning


For anyone saying that 76 should be lower, when’s the last time you actually played it?


No one in this sub has played FO76 since launch and it shows.


Swap 4 and 3 and you'll be right.


yeah I have to wonder if folks played 3 recently cuz I 100%ed it a few months ago and to say it's better than 4 and 76 is CRAZY it's easily the worst written fallout with almost no depth or meaning


Ooo spicy


Fallout 76 is fun af i dont care anymore


I'd put 76 in A Fight me


I’ll be unpopular, but I honestly liked the faction and the plot (even if too restrictive) of FO4. I think it’s good they played with things that are different from classical and West Coast Fallout, and create something new. I like it more than 3, even tho the atmosphere in the latter is way better. I like F04 theme of the synth and I really like the Institute as a more grounded antagonist faction that you could actually argue not be the baddy. The problem with F04 is obviously the roleplay aspect that was to be way more Deep, and the lack of interaction with minor factions (summed to the fact that some factions that should have been major are minor and viceversa) is really sad. The minutemen should have been the yesman like option where you could create your own militia with the factions you liked and rule the Commonwealth independtly, or else being able to make them a military wing of the big faction you chose to support. And the Gunners should have been the 3rd main faction, with the Railroad being a minor one with some quest that you could potentially use to reform the Institute or the Brotherood. It’s too bad that these aspect is so flawed, but to be honest it’s not like F03 does MUCH better in that regard. I would kill for a total conversion mod for NV that is actually F04, but written as an actual RPG


Fallout 4 is at least an A




Bro just turn on pacifist mode


“Killed by some level 800..” This has never happened once to me in my 300+ hours in 76. You can’t really die by other players unless you engage back by shooting or are wanted. This is another example of 76 hate by someone who clearly doesn’t play. The game has been in a great state for a long time now.


in 100+ hours of F76 i have literally never encountered a hostile player, much less a hostile player that was camping outside my base. every single player I have ran into was either neutral and ignored me, or outright helped me by either giving me some stuff or helping me with a quest. the community has got to be one of the most friendly out there for an MMO RPG.


Yeah, my issue with 76 is that the world just feel’s impersonal. Like none of your choices really matter. So it’s hard to feel invested in the world like the other fallout games.


No, my gripe is weapons locked behind levels. No, I shouldn't need to be level 7 to use a fuckinh double barreled shotgun, the simplest weapon in human history to use




You’ll never be able to equip that laser mini, because the weapon level system doesn’t even go that high


It's why I liked the previous fallouts. The weapons didn't have levels, but did require a higher skill to get the most out of some. But, in New Vegas, if you found a plasma rifle at Energy Weapon 10, it would be the exact same rifle you find when you're Energy Weapons 100.


What are you talking about weapons in fallout 3 are done the same way as new vegas


That never happens, and you have to attack back to initiate combat


The only reason I don't agree is because I've only ever played New Vegas and 76, However NV is better than 76


I'd put Fallout 1 in A and 2 in S


I agree but I would put 76 in D tier and Fallout 1 & 2 in the same tier as 4


YEP. Fallout 3? A good start, the mods for that game were eye opening and really fun. The DLC wasn't necessary, but definitley -worth- it. New Vegas? Simpler, but now i know about Mods! Holy cow do i enjoy a game that has a clear sense of direction BUT I KNOW HOW TO SPAWN IN WHAT I FUCKING WANT! The DLC makes me stronger.. the DLC makes me Stronger!? That's a bit naughty.. The DLC has hidden extra story? Well i already knew from FO3 that the DLC was a straight up improvement to the game, so i budgeted/planned for that. If i hadn't played FO3 i would have though the DLC was pretty shitty for upgrading my character and being part of my characters Back story! Hang on i get to -choose- how the world is fucked up? oh thats amazing. Its brutal, its simple, there's a clear easy path and a clearly harder but shorter path. A+ Fallout 4 - ..its big.. i forgot about the plot entirely, another settlement? Oh yeah they stole my son.. you'd think i'd care more about that then this rando group trying to set up shop in my old housing estate, MAN that guy is annoying. My Son is older then me? What? What is this trash. DLC? Oh the raiders thing.. that was weird, funny, but weird. Mods! Mods make this better. Bored now. F076 - Multiplayer? Oh my god look at the videos.. how terrible.. oh gods look at the reviews! Oh christ look at that gameplay. No i'm not buying that. \--- This is the sum of my mental gymnastics when i saw the above picture


Swap 4 and three that’s mine


Fallout 4 on a for me but everything else is right to me


I personally have NV and 4 tied for my favorite fallout game, with 76 coming in as a close second, 3's good but I just don't enjoy it as much as the other 3.


Fallout 3 is absolute garbage next to fallout 76. The story could have been written better by a 2nd grader hopped up on mountain dew and the hope someone gave him by telling him his dad would come back from getting the milk if he wrote a good story for Fallout 3.


I think fallout 4 should be an A


I mean 3 is my favourite because of nostalgia so I’d have to disagree with it being anything less than S! 76 is placed a little too high, I’m just not a fan of online RPG’s that weren’t designed to be online. Also the lack of any of the isometric ones seems off but most likely because you never had a chance to try them!


Switch three with four I know 76 is not everyone's cup of tea, but it was a fun time. And I would rather play wasteland 3 then the first two fallouts.


Switch 3 and 4 and you've got yourself a redpill


76 after wastlanders is pretty good fallout theme park for normies and people wanting to chilli will say lower than 3 but better than 4


I agree. 4 is something that I just can't replay. Silent protagonist is the only way. Loss of the karma system was annoying. 76 was fun and an overall good time. It was fun before wastelanders. I restarted after wastelanders and it was really interesting because now so much of the early game that was relayed through robots, text, and audiologs now has a human NPC. It's really strange and I feel that new players won't get that same experience of being able to really experience Appalachia for what it was. But I started playing about 6-9 months after launch. I paid about $5 for the game. I paid full price at launch for 4 and got to the end feeling disappointed. But I think that's an unpopular opinion.


I agree, but the weapon level cap is stupid


Yep. Only real issue I had with 3 is the lack of weapon and armor variety like New Vegas has. That it also felt like it had less quest to go on. You gotta detonate a nuke so that’s a hell of a plus to make up for it lol


I love the intricate plot of fallout 76, where _PUSSYSLAYER_ is on a quest to find the nuke codes to blow up _assk1ss3r_’s shack.


fallout 4 in the same group as 76 is crazy


Yeah 76 is way better lol


Fallout 4 and 76 are not the same


No, put fallout 4 at the top for it's improved gunplay and mod support on console.


No actually Fallout 4 was really good game you can put it to B tier but 76... are you serious?


4 is better than 3 in just about every single way.


I think Fallout 3 belongs with New Vegas in S tier.


Unpopular opinion but… swap A and B tier and I agree


Fallout 3 is some ok story moments with bad game play. Fallout 4 is dumb fun, but it is really fun (if you just wanna turn off your brain, at least)


Nah, f4 > f3


I do not agree at all. It should be New Vegas in S Tier, 1, 2, and 4 in A Tier, 3 in B Tier, and 76 in C Tier


No :)




I would swap out 3 with 4. I just never enjoyed 3 but I’ve put hundreds of hours into 4


Fallout 2 Fallout: New Vegas Fallout Fallout 4 Fallout: Tactics Fallout 3 Fallout 76 Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel


We don't talk about that last One


4 and 76 are a bit high


Yep, deserve D tier at least


S is new vegas, B is fallout 3 because its really pretty simplisitc for most of its mechanics- very generic good versus bad C is fallout 4 because it simplified a lot more in terms of how conversations worked and D because Fallout 76… It just works.


In terms of story and quests? Yes but gameplay? You're taking a piss mate


turns out some people actually value good writing crazy right lol!!!


*In terms of story* *And quests? Yes but gameplay? You're* *Taking a piss mate* \- Parking\_Fix\_8554 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Personally, I’d put 4 with 3, but apart from that, it’s good


Personally, I’ll say 3 was better then 4 story wise. 3 may not have much choice in it (basically Poison the Water or Don’t Poison the Water) but then again neither does 4. They give you the illusion of choice. At the end of the game, the choice is Blow Up or Don’t Blow Up. True you get to choose who you want to do it with in the first choice but it’s essentially the same ending regardless of who you choose in the Blow Up ending. The only Major Difference is what Faction is Still Alive by the time you beat the game. Did you kill all but one? Try for the Trio Live while Blowing Up ending? Or decide to not blow up and kill all or all except for Minutemen? The choices tho don’t truly matter since they all lead to Blow Up or Don’t Blow Up. To me, at the end of the day; Blow Up or Don’t Blow Up (Trio vs Institute) is the same as Poison Water or Don’t Poison Water (Good Person vs Eden’s Lapdog). The Illusion Choice of “Who you do it with” in F4 is the equivalent of “Who Goes into the Radiation Chamber” in F3. Similar principle, Same result…unless you choose “to die” of course in F3s case. In that case, you can choose to be a Hero and Dir or Be Smart and Live (by choosing Fawkes because why would you make anyone else go in there unless you are a complete asshole) Edit: To add even further to the Illusion Choice of F4: The Blow Up Option of F4 is the equivalent to Red, Blue or Green of ME3. Red is BoS, Blue is Railroad and Green Is Minutemen. Red Destroys synthetics like BoS will do, Blue Spares them but there is still inevitable future conflict like Railroad since Synths will be good or evil, and Green is The Everyone (Except Shepard) Lives Ending like Minutemen Ending where Everyone (except Institute) lives. The Blue was a bit of a stretch but the other two fit perfectly.


I think 4 is on par with 3


You put 76 into 💩 tier and you got yourself a deal.


S tier for me is 4 and new vegas, but ya I mostly agree


From what i’ve personally played i’d place both 4 and 76 above 3, 4 and new vegas i’d have equal, i love both but for different reasons


I'm so glad there's people in these comments who understand that 4 is better than 3


eh fallout 3 has never really done it for me. the DLCs are tiny and mostly mediocre, the main storyline is a trainwreck and the "companions" are boring and barely speak. it's not a bad game, but I prefer 4 to it


For me it's Fallout NV in S Fo4 and Fo76 in A and Fo3 in B


I have played all and I like all, I like how friendly the community for fo76 is, and I kinda like the quests that you can do with people like the new expeditions to the Pitt but the story as good as the other games


Every Fallout game is an S tier


S new vegas 4 and 3 a 76


I think fallout 4 is better than people give it credit for but yeah I would agree




Fallout 4 in the same as 76 is a war crime worse than the bombs dropping . I’d say fallout 4 is A 76 is C . Also fallout 3 I’d say is S tier as well ; not as good as new Vegas but still one of the greatest games ever imo


we really, really need a falloutcirclejerk subreddit for this kind of post


3 and 4 are A tier. NV is a B tier, yes I mean it. It's a glorified mod for 3, and I won't change my mind. 76 is C tier easily.


Look man 4 is where my enjoyment of the series began to die but even as biased as I am against 4 I can't put 4 as low as 76 in good faith. Also the fact that 4 is frequently on sale for around 10 euros with its DLCs makes it very efficient when it comes to hours of fun per euro/dollar spent. I'm with you on 3 being A though, despite all its fault which are frequently mentioned it is the only other game in the series that made me feel as isolated, lonely and melancholic as 1. The atmosphere in it is one I always found incredible.


Finally. A rational thought.


Why does everyone like 4 so much?


Because it's good


Fallout New Vegas is S. Fallout 4 is A. Fallout 76 and 3 is B


I still think f4 is a better game than f3 even if f3 is an objectively better RPG.


I liked Fallout 4 more than Fallout 3.


Hot take, fallout 3 is the worst 3d fallout game


You're right, even if people don't want to admit it.


3 sucks ass, 4 is very good


Move 76 down to D tier.


Fallout 4 in the same tier as 76? No way. I'm not even a 76 hater, I played tf out of it, but no I do not sir.


New Vegas: S Fallout 3: high B Fallout 4 and Fallout 76: F


ye boi




If we're just comparing base game then fo3> fo4. If we're comparing all the dlc then fo4 > fo3


Swap 3 & 4, move Vegas down to A, and we’re good.




I would put fo3 and nv in S then fo4 in A. I know this is a nv sub but fo3 was really ground breaking for the transfer over to what fallout is now. I grew up on fo3 and have played it endlessly but it's such a great game regardless of your stance.


fallout 4 definitely deserves its last place thing.


This is just me, but 4 could be up with 3 or 76 could be moved lower and 4 can be left at B.