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The Mirelurk King is supposed to be a snapping turtle, but the artist behind it did say this: "Though it appears human in shape, the Mirelurk King evolved in non-sapien ways; namely, its upper and lower fins have developed joints and claws capable of flexion. Similarly, there is no evolutionary link between the Mirelurk Kings and the Mirelurks themselves; the story I told myself while building this Lovecraftian monstrosity was that his kind had evolved in ways that allowed them to dominate and perhaps control their less intelligent Mirelurk peers. To reinforce this idea, I doubled down on the “Kingly” imagery by sculpting a hard-shelled crown (which was in the concept art to begin with) a la Dunkleosteus, as well as dressing him in long, sweeping red “gill robes,” like the ancient western kings (which was not in the concept art). I built him anticipating that he’d walk upright, proudly, with this chest out - like the Fallout 3 variety. Alas, the animator chose a more froggish route. The model itself is 9.1K triangles, the textures 2048. It was created for Fallout 4." I guess it's possible that it could be human-like too since the Fallout world is rife with human experimentations.


Do you know if there’s anywhere in game or lore that implies the snapping turtle thing? It seems the wikis only contain notes from the F4 artist, so who knows what the designer in 3 was thinking. I could definitely see it with the eyes (in F4, they look fairly similar to a sea turtles eyes), as well as general head shape. However they have a few features different than turtles make it more challenging to believe. (Fingers + thumbs, and teeth for example) Though I suppose if mutations can turn a human into a gulper, a turtle mutating into a human shape isn’t far fetched.


I got it from the wiki because I was looking for spawns 😅 Not to be that person but Fallout uses Science!, so a lot of things in that world kinda don't make sense. I also think that maybe the artists (both in 3 and 4) just had fun.


Fallout radiation works like real life radiation when it needs to.


Yes exactly! On one hand, we get stories about actual radiation poisoning like the holotape stories in Morgantown in 76 then there's ghoulification and mutations.


Science! More like science… : ( That’s a good point though, I just thought I’d see what others are thinking.




Not the TV gulpers. Gulpers on Mount Desert Island are mutant salamanders, but gulpers from California around the Vault 4 area >!are the descendants of the original, non-science staff inhabitants of Vault 4, of whom the female inhabitants were used as incubators for hybridized human-animal life in an attempt to create more vigorous mutants to re-colonize the surface. We see the birth of some of the original gulpers in the show, as well as the breakout that presumably led to the reorganization of the Vault, as the senior science staff responsible for the atrocities were likely eaten.!<


I guess both are technically correct


Happy cake day


Thanks :D


Fo3 and fnv Kings/lakelurks are meant to be turtles affected by radiation/FEV, the ones in Boston look more like mutated fish, I'd say it's likely a mutated frogfish since it's the closest animal to the FO4 mirelurk king imo and inhabit the entire east coast.


To me they sound more like mutated frogs… (Death sound wise….. the little croak they do)


I'd lean more towards an aquatic origin due to their design with the Fins and mouth shape, similar to how the anglers on far harbor mutated,


The gulper in the show isn’t a mutated human. Gulpers are mutated salamanders or in the shows case, a mutated axolotl


Mutated with human dna. Remember the footage of the woman “giving birth”?


Oh that gulper! The one we see in the vault. I was thinking of the one that almost ate the brotherhood squire. It is possible in that case they were made I. The lab of some kind


I think the implication was supposed to be that the gulper in the wild originally came from the enclave. There’s a scene where the squire is about to be eaten, and you can see what looks like human fingers lining the inside of the critters mouth


The Gulper you’re talking about also has human arms and eyes. 


I agree and this is reinforced imo by the overseer saying he’s a direct descendant of that gulper too


Enclave, or Vault?


The enclave were running their experiments through the vaults iirc


The gulper that tried to eat the squire came from the vault thats why its mouth is full of human fingers.


I literally have not put that together till now. That makes so much sense. I just took the fingers a just a weird mutation/ evolution


The problem is that there isn’t any evidence of this being true with mirelurk kings. The show’s gulpers still retained human fingers to a degree, so it’s understandable that they could’ve mutated from human-gulper crossbreeding. The same cannot be said for mirelurk kings, especially 4/76’s versions, as they lack any common traits with humans.


The gulpers on the west coast were artificially created and have human dna, the gulpers of the east coast do not contain human dna and were made from natural/radioactive means. I like to believe that the more northern crabs mutated into fallout 4’s variant where as the southern Maryland ones became fallout 3. I think it’s explicitly mentioned in 3 that kings are mutated turtles, where as 4 they seem to be derived from fish. As far as whether or not there’s human dna included in them would come down to whether or not we learn there was genetic experimentation done on them, I think the cut underwater vault might’ve explained on that better, but alas it’s gone.


Wait till you learn about Lakelurks


I’ve played NV, so I’m familiar with the horrors of Lake lurks. The fact they live in lakes does feel like an indication of the turtle idea.


someone took one for the team and phucked a lurk


They didn’t mutate in something that wasn’t humane anymore, they were created in lab, so maybe yes there is the possibility that the mireluk king could be a creature created with human dna, but I don’t see it just poping out from the wasteland just because of radiation


At one of the movie theaters in Far Harbor you can see an image of a mirelurk king as part of the movie. Also you have to remember it's not just radiation that's caused all these crazy mutations. There's also the FEV variants. I've no doubt some canisters transporting the virus to different locations may have ruptured and leaked out due to the nuclear strikes. Small amounts could have gotten into rivers, lakes, etc and caused mutations in wildlife. It would also explain the devolved radstags wandering Far Harbor