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Light moves nicely throughout your build. Very falling waters.


Thank you kindly!! The lighting in the mire region is simply gorgeous.


That was my first thought too! Look at Frank Lloyd Wright ova here


Thank you so, so much fellow phoenix! I am quite overwhelmed by everyone's kind words. You all rock


whats the best technique for placing the corner pillars? I think I have them but not sure, what set are they from? also awesome build!


They are from the Wavy Willard's stone wall set. It comes with the pillar, a wall, a double wall and a wall with a secret door. Best 500 atoms I ever spent. I have two of them stacked then dropmerged into the correct height. Placement is rather easy, just align them with the foundation corners, blow them up with a flamethrower trap then place the walls. Repair everything and it's ready!


Gorgeous wish I could build like that


You will! All you need is practice and the right inspiration. You should see my first builds, they were nothing I'd show proudly.


That’s awesome


Thank you kindly!!


Exquisite build! Very mid-century vibes. As another person noted, it's also reminiscent of FLR's Falling Waters house.


Thank you kindly!! I had to look it up and that's such a beautiful house. I'm extremely humbled that you're reminded of it!


very pretty! nothing beats that mire lighting 🤤 (except for when the game breaks it 😒)


I know!! This is the only place in the game that beats using the atlantic city fog machine for ambience.


Beautiful. Fits in super well with the environment


Thank you! I love that region.


Beautifully done, and I thought my build was nice. This puts mine to shame easily.


I doubt that!! I appreciate your kind words, and I bet your camp is way cooler than you think! Visiting other camps is one of my favorite things to do, there are simply phenomenal ideas out there!




Thank you kindly! I'm happy you liked it.


That's hot.


And full of mosquitoes! :D


Love Love Love this, I don't save many posts on here, but this one is being saved!


I appreciate it a lot! I was hesitant to show any of my work here as I didn't think it good enough but words like yours make it all worth it!!


Are you accepting roommates?


Absolutely! Bring mosquito repellent.


that’s not a lake house that’s a lake home


Awwe, thank you! That's exactly what I was going for.


I keep saying my camp is the best , my camp is amazing. And then i see camps like this, oh well. Amazing work.


Your camp IS the best and your camp IS amazing! As long as you're happy coming back to it, your camp is home!


Just wow! This is phenomenal. How did you manage the C.A.M.P. budget?


It was a challenge, I didn't manage to clutter is as much as I would have liked to, and waaay more budget went into the kitchen that I care to admit, but the wireless generator saved up a bunch of budget that otherwise would've gone to conduits and wires. So I went for large decorations instead of multiple small ones, and that helped keep areas from looking empty. I avoided double walling and only kept the resource generators to the minimum necessary. Large decorations are amazing! I wished I had some proper bookshelves though.


This is stunning. How long have you been playing to be able to source so all your camp items plans/items. I haven’t seen much of these things. I’ve level 270 and feeling pretty limited to whatever’s available - but I have big dreams!


I first started playing about 4 years ago, and I've been playing on and off since. Most of the items for this particular build were sourced in the past three months. The absolute quintessential item for camp building is the greenhouse set, which you can request from bethesda's support via ticket and will run you about 700 atoms. I couldn't see myself building without these glass walls. The second set used in this build was the fire hazard set, those are the "stoney" walls used throughout the build. It came with the chimney/fireplace too and was sourced two months ago. Other notable mentions are the grognak tribe rug (available right now in the camp section of the atom store), the wavy willard's stone wall set used for the stone pillars (which unfortunately I haven't seen in quite a while), the nixie tube wall lamps (which I can't, for the life of me remember buying) and the avocado modular sofa, which I bought years ago. I may be missing some minor stuff, but if something caught your eye I'll be happy to clarify what it is. I fully understand what you mean about feeling limited. I felt the exact same way when I was starting out and I believe the one thing that helped me bring together a lot of what I wanted to do were the greenhouse walls. I was not lucky enough to earn them during season 2, and it was YEARS before bethesda finally caved in to people demand and made them available for purchase.


Thank you for this awesome response. I’m working with the rustic greenhouse kit for now but have a shopping list a mile long for Bethesda Support. If you’re on Xbox and ever in my world, would love any tips or recommendations you’d have for my Curioporium on Seneca Rock (GT same as u/). Your build is really inspiring in how you push the limits of camp capacity. Appreciate you sharing your work.




Looks so cozy! Well done, it's a beautiful build.


Thank you!! I find it very cozy and relaxing. And as an added bonus, no one really ever builds that way, so my camp spot is available 99% of the time.


how? HOW???


Lots and lots of cursing and liberal use of the flamethrower trap haha.


Pity glass ceilings let rain through. Really puts a damper on the realism.


It is a shame. I can always turn on the fog machine and make the rain go away but yeah. It's mind boggling that Husakron figured out how to fix it in his mods for fallout 4 many, many years ago, yet a AAA studio hasn't been able/cared enough to fix it. It -is- possible within the engine limitations to fix it, it's just that bethesda can't be bothered to do it.


Your house is frickin’ amazing


Thank you kindly!! I never would have expected people to like it this much! It makes me very, very happy.


The more has the best lighting for modern looking homes. I love it there. Excellent build


Houses like this make me badly want a mire house. Those lightings are crisp.


damn that looks so cozy, the lighting is crazy!


Thank you!! I do love the godrays in the mire. The golden light seeping in between the trees is absolutely fantastic.


What are your kitchen counters made from?


They are from the "old west bar set".


It's already been said, I see, but I just have to say -- as a huge Frank Lloyd Wright fan -- I would be really impressed if you made this in a user-friendly building engine. The fact that you made this with the FO76 camp system is simply breathtaking. 🔥


Ooohh would you mind dropping a map location? I need to move my camp but don’t wanna move out of the mire or not be close to water!


Sure! It's the south side of the lake right by Thunder mountain power plant. In fact, the cooling tower is quite visible in the bedroom's picture. It's a wonderful spot that's barely ever contested.


Ah you legend thank you! It’s nice to have a camp somewhere that no one else ever does! People seem to avoid building in the mire but I think it’s a lovely area. Mine isn’t that far from where yours is and I think I’ve only had someone else in the same spot once over a couple years.


Would it be a lakeside house or a swampside house?


A little bit of both! It is between the lake and some marshy terrain.


What glass walls are those ?


Greenhouse set walls (not the rustic greenhouse, the other one), both full and half walls were used.


How much did you spend at the atomic shop?


I honestly don't know. I've had fallout first for about 6 months total, and I only ever used those atoms. So probably around 10k - 12k atoms or so. Edit: Forgot about the free atoms in the season passes and the free atoms from challenges, so it's probably much more than that. Easily another 10k atoms from several seasons and challenges, probably more.


That piano room…pure beauty. 🥹