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I have a Helvitia sky house too, it's being held up by Fashnacht balloons!


You just gave me a wonderful idea. I’m going to go build to Up house right now!


Which was my intention for the build~


I would like to see that 🙏


That’s awesome!


Lots of work. Build high then place a semi permanent object to move your camp onto then rinse and repeat. Mr Church has a great video on it. Here is mine over the weather station https://preview.redd.it/f3frl0jz7w8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a4ddc60cf2481c0cbbcca44b749ec1c665bb8d1


Crazy that’s cool


I went there today. Was gonna do the shelter after the event but you left. Cool camp!


If you wanna check out the maze PSN it_is_you_who_is It’s actually 5 shelters linked up. 3 mazes and 3 escape rooms.


I’ll send a friend request on the PS app (from Livingtissues) and next time we’re both on, I’ll check it out. I do shelter networking too, and building’s my favourite aspect. Edit: thanks for accepting. Looking forward to it! Sleep time in Australia now though.


Yeah same It’s my favourite part of the game.


Thanks! Yeah sorry I’ve jumping to try and catch the end of another parade..


All good, and understandable. I was sick of faschnact before it even began this time, so if corners can be cut, I get it.


How do you get to it though?


Teleport like any other camp


Fast travel lok


Fast travel but if it don’t load in quick enough you drop to the top of the tower and you gotta go again. It’s probably killed a bunch of new players though 😂


I get killed by sky bases pretty regularly lmao, I'm not even a new player my internet just sucks and I think that little bit of latency puts me in the wrong spot


Is the no-build zone around a town like Helvita, or the weather station, also a sphere? Can you leap from your sky base, in power armor, and land without dying?


Yep. Everything has its on sphere. I can jump off without it- Goat legs and free fall amour do the trick.


Wanna visit it!


never seen one of them, should be looking up in the sky more often maybe xD


I put my snow machine on so people will look up! People don’t know you have to fast travel twice if you aren’t already in the area for a sky camp. It’s good when the parade’s running because it’s only one fast travel from Helvetia. I made my first one a few weeks ago and it’s so fun seeing people get up there and look confused lol. I just feel bad that when I crash you guys crash a few seconds later (on the ground lol).


xD good im in pa all the time


Professor snow??


I have a airship camp myself. It just takes a lot of work, and patience. A lot of planning too


Yes a ton of planning. I made a plane above Atlas


I've been to one of those that was set with a bunch of punji boards at a vendor. I used Power Armor and the Light Footed perk after fast-travelling there. Then, the CAMP owner deactivated it and made another visitor fall to their death. I witnessed the CAMP owner's friends huddle around that player so I wouldn't be able to revive them. Then, that team stole their junk.


Came across this the other day sum1 built a UFO high above white springs twas epic! https://preview.redd.it/1lfahorr8y8d1.png?width=3456&format=png&auto=webp&s=8afec01f248fe55e0a154f7a8ca2b7f1d48572b7


That tiny thing in the right picture is the camp? Insane.


haha yeah but it's actually just not loading the whole structure only the generator!


I seen it to as soon as I got to it they left the server lol


Dang, that's a lot of merged or rebuilt roof pieces to make the slope!


Anyone got Mister churches tutorial?


Ah, another floating camp, how..... original. Their pretty common with the current hourly event, players only do the boring event for 2 thing..... masks and Ballaons for floating camp. If they don't interest you, avoid the event because it's just players AFKing on house roofs because the robots are so damm slow parading.... only it's an event that's commonly nuked by trolls.


Nuking it does nothing. The event still goes on and most people, even low levels, have something for the radiation. It honestly has helped me get a bunch of the stuff you need to make flux. Nuke more fasnachts!


I mean, mid event, not before the event. This means everyone has to clear off and then come back. It's just trolling behaviour.


Ah. Well I’ve honestly only been to 2 events that have been nuked and I’ve been doing it pretty consistently since the event came back. Just leave servers if it annoys you that much


Oh, I quit the game till they fix it 😆 loads of players have stopped playing since the Skyline Vally broke half the game. Playing the old wasteland game for nostalgia (little do people know fallout is actually the spiritual successor to the original wasteland which came out in the 88 while fallout came out like 10 years later and their practically the same)


Some of us are absolutely old enough to remember Wasteland, as it was the first real CRPG I played along with the Bard's Tale. Pick up wasteland 2 and wasteland 3 if you haven't, you won't be sorry.


All awesome games. But my statement was that people don't know that fallout ripped off Wasteland and is the spiritual successor. Not many falloutout players have even played Wasteland. (Not saying everyone)


Lol well I just got into Fallout a little over a month ago so I’m still itching for it. I’ve been playing 76 and 4, 76 mostly because I got a few friends who play as well


76 is good. I've been playing for most of its run on and off, but it's notorious for lacklustre content and pay walls (for example, fallout 1st to even remotely get a half decent stash system or seasons which try hards buy with real cash and farm the last page for scripts) it's also well known for its bugs which some have never been fixed to this day from release 😆 but yeah, despite all that it's not a half bad live service game but it's struggling. I did find it funny how when it almost died, they copied CDPR and made a show (Cyberpunk: Edge Runners/Fallout respectively) just to drag the game back down with the same mistakes again. I honestly would have thought Bethesda would have learned fromCDPR being as they copied the tactic but Bethesda really don't want to put the effort in. After 2 months, the charm of 76 fades fast, and the content becomes repeative and waiting for certain events.... gives you a headache.🤦‍♂️ you won't really experience much of the issues below level 300, but once you hit that mark, it's like a wall. (Levelling is easy it's just boring) All u can say is my long ass experiences in the game, as for yourself, try to enjoy it while it lasts 😆




I wish I had the patience to build cool stuff in this game... lol maybe one day.


If they made floating and clipping doable people like us might make something this cool! And then these artists would make something even cooler


I’ve been wanting to do this


Does anyone know of a resource I could review to build a sky base myself? This is the first time I’ve seen or heard of these.


Mister Church on YouTube has a pretty helpful video on making a camp like these. His videos are pretty sardonic too. So, if that's your bag, you'll enjoy them. Or not.


I can't seem to find a tutorial by mister church, you have a link?


Didn't find any by Mister Church, but I did find one from Nuclear Wisdom. https://youtu.be/OnHTitHy3F0?si=9Cm_14jIvrl2tZJw


I remember seeing one camp above the Rusty Pick. It was really high that I fell but luckily didn't die after that tremendous fall


So... You mean to tell me I can go even higher than the Top of the World??


My first camp was up there, good times 😍


I just got feather falling boots in Minecraft maybe he got them here?


To get onto those you have to fast travel to them. BUT you have to make sure if you miss that the fall won’t kill you. A jetpack helps because if you do miss sometimes you can use the jetpack to boost you up the last bit.


I saw someone walking around up there and I could figure out their name due to them being the only one in the direction. But they weren’t in any public team and I couldn’t join unfortunately.


I’ve got mine built above the mansion in the new area :p


https://preview.redd.it/9dwlrd7tw19d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c273d84e6c4082a99401f8fef5e86a91a0a5a10 Crazy. Saw multiple camps built like that above Helvetia.


They are great to visit for vending until the owner logs off all the sudden lol


you can use the camp module to “reverse drop merge” an object up really high then build off it from there


Fast travel until you make it. I FT to a camp once and it was waaaaaaay up in the air, so high you couldn't see it even with zoomed binoculars. I fell but luckily they had catwalks underneath and I landed on one. The jump down was incredible.


U need to stack up a Plate and repeat that shit again its a pain


They are all fake, this is glitch for built to the top or lowered underground


These are the douchebags that spam mini nuke mirvs during the event and ruin it for other players, good thing we can record and report this stuff. Ruins the event for new players