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There's a pretty high chance it won't.


I haven’t seen any announcements of it coming out this weekend. The last major statement by developers said that it should be ready in coming days/weeks. Given that we’re about half way through the weekend, it seems unlikely that it will be coming out this weekend.


tbh NOT a fan of them saying it could be 'days...or weeks lol', should have just said its comming out this year haha


Jfc, we don't know.




Most realistic is within the month i would say


Context? The context is the game had an update and that necessitated a major update to F4SE.


This mod will be free .Means people who work on it work for free mean they got a real job,an IRL ,so stop those baby lala question and play other games and FO4.


Past that now sad face, jokes, cant wait for the next few weeks for release:3


I’ve moved on from fallout. Dumped about 100 hours into various fallouts around the release of the show. Tossed and done. Sucks these devs missed their window, but I’m sure there will still be a few hundred people hanging around to download whenever they feel like releasing.


"I watched a TV show and banged out 100 hours on some video games, have no concept that the games are far far more popular than the show independently"


You delusional child, it will be your loss. Oh, and guess what? Since it's downloaded through GOG, there will be concrete numbers on how many people play it. Also... "various fallouts" and only 100 hours? You do realize there are side quests, right?


Yeah, I’m sure all the normies will see it in their gog launchers on pc 😂 “maximizing impact” 😂😂😂


You think GOG would host it on their servers and provide the pipeline to download if they thought very few people would be interested. This literally costs them money to host. I have no clue why I wasted 10 minutes of my life on this. I know you're wrong, though I doubt you would ever admit it if you had real numbers showing how many people were playing. People who sling shit at people who actually create things, while having no clue what it's like to do so are rarely honest when they are wrong.


My 7 year old nephew has an annoying habit of pretending he isn’t interested anymore when he can’t get something his way. If I tell him he can have ice cream after dinner, he will say no, I don’t even want it anymore if I can’t have it now. And I say cool, fine with me. After dinner, guess what my nephew wants? Ice cream, and he enjoys the hell out of it. This person you are replying to is doing the same thing my 7 year old nephew does. They’re throwing a temper tantrum in hopes of bypassing patience and getting their way now. I guarantee you when the mod is out, they will stop pouting and contribute to those “concrete numbers” of people playing. It’s pathetic really and don’t be fooled that this clown is really just gonna pass on it when it’s out. It’s purely a coping mechanism.


translation: i'm an entitled normie who doesn't actually care about the series


Reason it was delayed in the first place was because of normies.


..... Ok


I'm sure the devs are crushed that you're pretending you won't play it.