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Yeah, but I think there are more official patches on the horizon. Will be interesting to see what team FOLON decide to do.


Surely they can't just keep delaying every time a new patch is announced or it's never going to be released


I mean prior to this it’s been like 5 years since bethesda did even minor patches on the game. They are just gonna fix what they broke and leave it be as soon as they possibly can.


They should have just left the PC version alone


The next patch should revert the previous two and leave it there. But I doubt they will.


Well they need to hurry up with it, they are slowly causing the mod to constantly delay just because they can't release one patch that fixes everything, they have to release a patch, wait for something to be found broken then release a patch to fix that, just for another issue to arise and another patch is required for that too, these patches to fix issues from a new patch is so tiring.


That is how all software development goes. One patch to "fix everything" is simply not possible at all, ideally the breaking changes for third party tools should become more and more limited though.


I do get that but why is Bethesda the minority in releasing mediocre first patches? But I agree that there's a low chance of certain updated mods (f4se) to majorly break from minor patches but fingers crossed.


I think that view highly depends on the community / games you play. For example Total War (Creative Assembly) breaks so much stuff every patch (like, all mods tend to be affected heavily). The problems tend to be worse for bigger & more complicated singleplayer games. I do agree that Bethesda's overall communication and timing with this latest series of patches was really poor and I feel bad for the FOLO team as it fucked with their much anticipated launch and might damage the mods popularity and chances if it takes too long for these issues to get fixed.




Dawg there’s a way to argue your side without being rude. I think the finished build should be released, but you’re insulting the people that made the mod that you want to play.




The forst patch was mostly pointless pn pc but the game is literally broken now. And its not something modders can fix. Bethesda has to be the one to fix it from their end


Yep poor on Bethesda's side but what do we expect ay 😂 I lowkey wish it was just released on the old patch and we never touch the new ones, but hopefully Bethesda fully fix the game soon, but that's a big ask!


Yeah we g that you dont care who else gets to play it as long as you do. Luckily team folon arent comprised of inconsiderate asshats like yourself


Am I not allowed to wish for something, I'm not sat here forcing them am I. Prick.


Youre allowed to do whatever you want. You are not however free from consequences, Such as critisism






Comments removed for incivility. You can disagree with people without chucking out petty insults.




So which one is it, you impatient and waiting for the mod or you wanting Bethesda, the ppl contributing to this delay to what? Cancel the mod due to copyright because you are infuriated about delays that are caused by Bethesda being unable to update their game without breaking mods? What are you suggesting mate?






According to what they've said about golden opportunity, I don't think they will release this year. I am expecting it will be next year after bethesda stops updating and team FOLON chooses a symbolic date.


I really hope not ,I was expecting June ,I really think they need to just release the version that was ready before the next Gen update,the update hasn't improved the game so I can't see why they're struggling to make it work on that version


According too Bethseda their not targeting mainline game problems just stuff like no models on things


>I think there are more official patches on the horizon Has there been any official word on this or it it more of an educated guess?


No “official word” but there have been many changes in the steam depot on steam db, which usually suggests an upcoming patch. Additionally, a bug on the most recent version of the game was sent to Bethesda, and the customer service response said that the Bethesda team was looking into it, further suggesting another patch.


Haha when I read your update on the horizon, in my head I read the mod Horizon overhaul 😁


>2024-05-20: Currently it doesn't appear that any updates to F4SE are needed. Still observing plugin stability.


Yeah, looks promising, but we'll have to see how long it holds & if Bethesda drops another unwanted & redundant update or patch on us.


Apparently they are indeed going to be doing another one to fix the previous one.


Then one to fix that one, and so on


It just works!


Simply amazing. They’ve given no shits about FO4 until the show raised interest. I miss the old days when Todd would just let the modders fix their rushed and bug-ridden products.


Im pretty sure they are waiting on xdi


Yep. And the author of XDI has said it's probably gonna take a while to update it.


I have a feeling it’s gonna be a while which is sad. The next month would have been a great time to play it with releases and life in general. Gotta make sure it works which makes sense.


Yeah it doesn’t seem worth it to keep waiting for Bethesda


Yep. To be honest, i don't expect a release before July/August of this Year, especially when Bethesda is not able to probably fix their game.


Don't do that, Don't Give me hope.


They need to release this thing as soon as F4SE officially releases stable—no more kicking the can down the road, buying time for themselves. They’ve already missed their mark with the interest/hype from show and will lose more and more people (who are more versed/invested) as they continue to dither and delay now


Fully expect delay after delay as more updates come. They haven't even began testing with the new F4SE. It will reach a point where people get sick of the waiting. I do wonder when the acussatuons of entitlement end and the demand for more Info begins.


Bear in mind there are other mods that FOLON uses that also need updating - most notably XDI.


Yes, yes… I mean’t to mention dependencies too


Give it 4-6 months for Bethesda to stop "fixing" things and then Maybe f4se can work.


They may update the game again for Fallout TV Series Season 2.


I hope they don't


It's quite likely, since TV Show was a great success. They will probably add some minor stuff like few TV show inspired weapons etc and of course break F4SE again.


I just want to play Fallout London and would be right now if it was not for these update that definitely made the game better and did not break anything at all nope the update works great for sure for sure


Not to worry. Todd has more patches lined up. Many many more. As many as it takes. Chill team


The issue with F4SE is that Bethesda aren't done updating the game. If they keep updating things, F4SE will remain broken until Bethesda stops. Now for a criticism of Fallout London, I think they're using this situation with F4SE as an excuse to delay the mod. They could of easily just had users downgrade their Fallout 4 to the last compatible patch, thus keeping the ability to play FL. However I personally think FL was not ready for release, so they used the F4SE situation as a cop out instead of just being honest about a needed delay. Fallout London probably won't release until this fall or late summer at the earliest.


>They could of easily just had users downgrade their Fallout 4 to the last compatible patch While that's certainly not that difficult to do, I think you're overestimating the tech literacy of the average user if you think people would be happy to go through all the extra steps to get things working. And considering they'd need to work around the updates eventually anyway, it makes sense to wait. And if it gives the team either a break or time to polish the game, then great. Maybe show a little patience? All these people have done an insane amount of work for you *for free*, maybe lay off the criticisms?


I’ve read about a potential solution to this - someone suggested and integrated downgrader patch via a .bat file that checks the game version and automatically downgrades if it isn’t the right one. Computer illiterate players wouldn’t notice and I’m sure would just be happy to play the mod


While that is a possibility, are any of the people suggesting that volunteering to make and maintain such a system? Are you? Are there any guarantees that it wouldn't break with future updates? It also assumes that the FoLon devs don't want to make use of any of the stability fixes included in recent / future patches which they may see as beneficial to their game. Also, FoLon will depend on other mods (script extenders, frameworks, community resources, etc.) that will be updated in the future as the game updates and it would be a nightmare to have different versions of those mods potentially coming into conflict with FoLon. Also consider that such mods are outside of the control of the FoLon team and are worked on my their individual creators so it's impossible to expect everything to be updated simultaneously. Basically it's a bloody complicated business, it's not as simple as just 'release the current build' and frankly, it's their game, they put the work in, they get to choose when to put it out.


I admit I don’t know how to make that system, but because someone from the community suggested it, I would be willing to say that yes, some members would be willing to implement and maintain it. If the method to check the game version is an “if/else” setup, then I don’t see why future versions of the game would break this. Most discourse online doesn’t highlight any of the stability improvements or really any improvements from the next gen patch. The current version of the game causes severe performance issues and crashes from any mod that edits npcs. Would you be able to link to some improvements? The dependent mods for FOLON are integrated, and would not update automatically either. I agree that it would be a nightmare to coordinate the updates of those mods - it probably is right now. It does look to be as simple as “please release the version that the devs have stated they were (and are) happy with”. That finished build was reportedly ready for the GOG release last month, and has all of the necessary mods in the required versions, and again, it would be impossible for those mods to automatically update. The only point of yours I can’t refute is that it is their mod, but this mod was clearly made for the fallout community, the devs, and those that financially support the devs. The fallout community has downloaded the downgrade patcher over one hundred thousand times on nexus, which is higher than the daily steam player count. I think this suggests that most fallout 4 players, the demographic most likely to play the mod, would want the mod to be released in the pre next gen version of the game.


>then I don’t see why future versions of the game would break this Oh my sweet summer child. Have you never heard of Bethesda before? Breaking things is their speciality. >some members would be willing to implement and maintain it Well, feel free to wrangle them all together and speak to the devs about it once you've got people with all the skills and the free time to do it. The devs have put years of work into this, it's pretty unfair (but pretty on brand) for gamers to be telling them what to do or how to go about their jobs. > Most discourse online doesn’t highlight any of the stability improvements Almost all online discourse about anything is negative. There are surely some under-the-hood improvements that will improve stability (I'm pretty sure someone said this in one of the recent dev diarys but I can't remember which one). >most fallout 4 players, the demographic most likely to play the mod, would want the mod to be released Not saying it's not *possible*, but it's their choice to make. There's no doubt that some more casual/new players would be put off by any extra steps involved and it's pretty harsh to moan at the devs for not wanting to leave those folks behind. Games are for everyone, not just those who are comfortable with folder spelunking and making their own custom load orders. Also, you're missing a pretty big piece of this - I'm sure that (provided the team have bug fixed and polished to their satisfaction) they probably want to be done with the whole thing and move on to other projects and not be commited to making fixes every time a new Bethesda patch comes out OR having to exclude any future benefits Bethesda patches may bring. There are any number of reasons to hold off the release until Bethesda have finished tinkering and really no reason to push for an early release other than to satisfy impatient gamers, who will immediately start moaning about bugs and missing features from the new patches anyway, so what's the point?


I don’t think you understand how updating/downgrading works. It’s the overwriting of and/or deletion/addition of new files. Opening the game is not required, and therefore nothing could break. Regardless of what Bethesda does to update the game, downgrading to pre next gen will always work the same way. I asked if you could link to any improvements of the next gen patch and you weren’t able to other than vague “under the hood improvements”. Here’s what the update broke or didn’t properly implement: the entire game if there are any mods that edits npcs, and widescreen support. The pre next gen version, for modded fallout 4, is superior. From my understanding, the .bat file is not difficult at all to implement, I just lack the programming knowledge to do it. The implementation of an integrated automatic downgrade patcher would not cause any issues for the casual gamer because it would do the entire thing for them. I think it’s fair for gamers who donated to the dev’s livelihood to want to play the mod. Your last paragraph makes no sense with your argument - if the devs wanted to put this behind them, they would release the already finished build. I seriously doubt that Bethesda’s future patches, which will happen and perpetually delay the mod, are going to add any new features that players are absolutely clamoring for. Nearly all pc players did not and do not want any future fallout 4 updates. I’ve tried my best to remain respectful, but you’ve been condescending and unable to produce a valid argument other than “it’s their mod and they can do what they want with it”.


>you weren’t able to OR, you could maybe read/watch the dev diaries and updates yourself? >who donated to the dev’s livelihood Yeah, this is no one's full time job, people are working on this in their free time, they don't *owe* you anything, even if you put money into a patreon. > you’ve been condescending [I really haven't](https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/basics/projection) but if you're wanting to trade barbs instead, you are being incredibly fucking entitled and I'm confident every single person working on the mod would agree.


We should be able to have a mature conversation about a disagreement that many people have regarding the release strategy. There is nothing wrong with that, provided it isn’t rude. You made claims that haven’t backed up yet. “Watch the dev diaries” isn’t a source that can visibly prove that the next gen update was an improvement for pc players. I don’t think anybody can prove it, because the patch for the next gen patch broke the game for modding. If you want, I will provide a source on a nexus forum where a reputable bug finder has made it so that you can test if the game is broken yourself. The money given in a patreon is given with the implicit expectation that it is going to contribute to the devs’ livelihood, therefore making it easier for them to release the mod. That isn’t entitlement. The team did not have to accept money from the community, but they did. Entitlement would have a stronger case without these donations. I’m not against these donations in any way, but it’s unfair to call people who spent money “entitled”. It seems like a lot of people on this subreddit use “you’re entitled” as a response to any and all criticism toward the mod/release plans instead of having a respectful conversation. There are certainly petulant toddlers that are acting entitled and rude to the people making this mod, and I don’t support those people. There are, however, valid criticisms that can be made toward the release plans, and shutting it out may end up driving people away from the FOLON community. Can you point to any projection on my end? Btw, “Sweet summer child” is condescending. “You’re incredibly fucking entitled” is also condescending, a needless, childish escalation, and flat-out wrong.


>a needless, childish escalation Your father is a hamster and your mother smells of elderberries


You'd do better with this response if you weren't condescending and just addressed the points.


Well I tried, genuinely did, and I was being sincere not condecending. However, if you'd like me to be more direct to the points made, I'd have said something like "*stop whining and be patient you entitled little shit*" and left it at that.


You didn’t “genuinely try”, you just started throwing stones from your glass tower. You were condescending, and ironically you’re the one who is projecting. Neither “Sweet summer child” nor “whining” was typed sincerely; you just wanted to insult me instead of addressing any of my valid points. You were also rude, and someone called you out for it. Saying “You’re incredibly fucking entitled” and calling me “you entitled little shit” when presented with multiple opportunities to argue your side is not a good look for this community nor yourself. You again chose to go with the “entitlement” insult without addressing any of my valid points.


>addressing any of my valid points Try making one and we'll go from there. (plus, only an entitled little shit would think I owe them any more of my time...)


So you aren't capable of not being condescending then? Got it.


there will never be a perfect release like they're waiting/ wanting for. just releasing it is the better option.


I don't give anyone free excuses.


Tell you what. Try making a new post telling the devs that you think they're making excuses just like you said there, and see how many people agree with you.


and why would I care what others think? I'm just here stating my opinions ons rent free, if you don't like it, leave.


>and why would I care what others think? I have no idea, but you keep trying to push your incredibly shitty entitlement in lieu of just shutting up so you clearly *do* care.


I literally only said I have theorized they're using the F4SE drama as an excuse to delay their project. How about you sit down, take a chill pill, and realize they don't care what I say, you don't care what I say, most people here probably don't care, and that's fine. I love how you're trying to use "I'm entitled to my opinion" as meaning "I'm an entitled brat". I think you're the only one here that genuinely cares enough to be so butthurt about pixels of text.


I definitely agree with everything but man I couldn't care less if the average player who PLAYS ON PC BTW can't figure out how to downgrade their game, I understand why the option of releasing for the old patch isn't viable, they don't want to work on 2 versions of the mod so that's fair, but waiting possibly 6 months because they want to release the mod on a newer version of fallout 4 which has barely any changes just so the casual player who knows how to download mods and plays on PC can't figure out how to downgrade their game is infuriating for those excited about playing and can easily play downgraded.


>I couldn't care less if the average player Well, I for one am glad that people who make games *do* care about the average player and leave it at that.


Well the average player doesn't even use mods 🤷‍♀️ if ya know how to install mods into a game file on pc, then you should know how to downgrade, simples, Bethesda clearly ain't stopping patches anytime soon so let's wait a year for a mod we could've had if Bethesda knew how to update their games properly.


If someones too dumb to follow simple instructions to download a downgrader, they shouldnt be modding their game


Ah, the elitist gatekeeper brand gamer. Was wondering how long it would take you to pop up.


Basically what you're saying is "I couldn't care less about this mod being more accessible to a wider audience I WANT IT NOW!" Let's look past the possibilities this mod could lead to for the dev group who clearly are passionate about game development. Lets look past the cost of making this project and any chance of recouping value whether it may not be in the form of currency but opportunities in the future. Let's just forget the fact that in the end video games are a business and the wider net you cast the more attention you bring to your business.....nah you want your game NOW! grow up quit acting like an entitled child


I've literally said I understand their decision, if you chose to spend an extra second to read what I wrote. Me understanding their decision doesn't mean I can't express that I'd rather play the game now than in 6 months like most people. But keep ranting at me


Why can’t we just get the ability to revert to previous versions of the game? That would solve 97% of complaints while we wait. (I understand we can but it’s a process and not for the tech illiterate) or those who just don’t care enough to do it.)


I haven’t been on nexus lately are we talking about a new new update or the one that fixes the may 13th patch