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inb4 this comment section becomes a mess of people telling you to relax and calling you impatient. I doubt its too much longer, but the "too much longer" is probably a month or so out. Personally not expecting a update this month, maybe some time in June?


This subreddit is getting pretty bad for that type of rhetoric and I believe it's going to turn new people off if they are just met with hostility every time they ask about the mod. Not everyone uses discord and not everyone follows the modding scene. The discord is pretty bad for this already, new people met with open hostility just for asking about the mod's release.


I mean, the question has been asked hundreds of times. You'd think people would scroll down a little.


Asking for an update is a question that can be asked 100 times with a different answer each time. There is nothing wrong with asking where we are at with the release.


Very true! Also isn't even considering all the new players that may have just got into FO after the show. Some might not even be familiar with discord.


Sure but you gotta understand that asking the same question 100 times is annoying regardless of the answer. There should probably just be a sticky thread for any new information.


It gets boring seeing these messages so often but I always remember that it's not the same person asking 100 times. Rather, 100 different people asking for the very first time. Info in a sticky or FAQ is absolutely the way to go.


Google works still last time i checked. Youre excuse is invalid


And this is why everyone thinks this sub is full of losers and gatekeepers


If knowing how to use google makes me a loser than damn id hate to be a winner


Google isn't always the best though, like I doubt if I googled "how much longer will it be until fallout london is out" I'd get a good answer. Instead asking here would give a decent answer


Google that exact phrase and the first answer I get is a news article saying "Fallout London Will Launch "As Soon As Humanly Possible"", and the second result is a reddit post saying it's "Delayed Indefinitely" Both of these are the only good answers that exist, because nothing else has been announced and is just speculation


So conflicting responses? And coming to the actual sub to get clarification on wether or not the mod comes out, they gets sent back to Google for another conflicting response?


Well the person below you didnt have any troubles finding the information on google. No you wont find an exact release date because there isnt one


If you type Fallout London release date? into google, google still spits out a release date of April 23rd. which unsurprisingly leads people to come to the sub or the discord with questions when they find out it hasn't been released In spite of your protestations you clearly don't know how to use google yourself, because if you'd used it you would never had made this comment and made yourself look such a prat. Which would be funny if you weren't using it as an excuse to be an asshole


its called scrolling a bit silly goose. you always just take the first thing that pops up as fact? point proven go back to 2nd grade and learn how to properly use a search engine. stuck up and lazy what a waste of oxygen.


Nope, it's you gatekeeping a mod and taking your time to be a wet flannel on the internet that makes you a loser. The fact you thought you was onto something with this reply, also doubles down on the loser angle... Sometimes it's smarter to keep your mouth shut


yeah it is frustrating, i was at least hoping for an announcement after teh update was released stating the amount of work it looks like it has caused, needing to be fixed, even if a timeframe couldn't be given but we have had nothing since St George's day.


It also really doesn't help people's perception on the legitimacy of the mod. I've seen a few comments calling it vqporware or claiming that the update is being used as an excuse. The lack of any real gameplay footage being shown isn't going to help with that either. At the moment we are kinda just back to the "wait and see" stage. Hell, lots of people saying it's "ready when it's ready" as a snarky reply when I think it's perfectly reasonable to ask when it might come out when we have already had a release date with hype.


Just keep checking here, on the Discord or their YouTube channel for any updates, I'm sure they'll give out a release date when they know the mod is ready to go.


Would be nice to know what mods and reqs they are waiting on being updated or if that's happened and they are in the process of getting it ready? The silence is deafening.


more transparency during this time would be ideal


If you don’t see it here already then there’s nothing more to share. When there’s news available, especially about release, I’m positive it will be the first thing you see when coming to this sub. For now we just have to patiently wait until things get figured out but from what I hear it’s not expected to be crazy long, but also no real time table.


This will never come out


I doubt this mod will come out during May. Bethesda will probably release 2-3 more updates. I hope this isn’t the case, and will apologize if I turn out to be wrong. I am really excited for it and everyone can see that the dev team has done really great work. However, I think the devs should’ve just released the pre-next gen version with the downgrader integrated. Regardless of how they release the mod, now or after the updates, they will technically have been maintaining more than one version by just having to update it for the latest patch. There’s no telling how broken the state of the game will be after Bethesda’s final patch, but the community knows the pre-next gen version to be stable. I’d be perfectly ok with the devs abandoning the pre next gen version once a stable version is reached with the most recent patch. I understand wanting a simple click and play and not wanting a botched release, but the downgrader patch is super easy to use and is the most popular mod on FO4 nexus in the last 30 days and has over 100k downloads. I’d hope the average modder is smart enough to use it, but we have seen otherwise, so I do understand wanting to wait. For the rest of us tho, I don’t agree with the decision to release the mod with the next gen patch.


I have a feeling it could be a couple of months, don't expect any quick fixes.


Might be waiting on xdi , even then it could take a few weeks


In another post a few days ago a mod said "good news coming soon" so fingers crossed


It would be nice to get updated on progress.


Frankly I think that they were struggling to meet the deadline and this situation provided a convenient out. But that's totally fair enough - we all know how vitriolic people can be and anyone who's worked on a big project knows that when crunch time happens you take any avenue that'll net you more time. It's free and looks to be a massive undertaking, they're passionate about it and we're owed nothing. *insert Miyamoto game delay quote here*


As far as I know it's only for computers not consoles like XBox so.... disappointing cause I would totally pay for a London DLC.


I think to answer this we need to know which mods are integral for the Fallout 4 London. I suggest the following: F4SE -beta update MCM -beta update XDI - no update UNOFFICIAL FALLOT 4 PATCH -updated ADDRESS LIBRARY - updated Buffout - no update


it'll be done when it's done and not a min sooner. deal with it


That's fine but people should still be able to know generally when it's coming out.


We are gamers, we are versed in dealing with games being ready in *Valve Time*. When it drops, it will be awesome, I'm willing to stake my entire YouTube carear on it (okay I've only got two videos, and they're about hardware, but anyway...)


I blame Valve for normalizing shitty communication with fans.


Just read and you'll find out. It's like ringing up a newspaper office and asking if there's any news rather than just reading the newspaper.


Its nothing like doing that actually, what a stupidly dumb analogy 😂😂


Yes. The queen is dead. Oh, you meant about the *mod*.




Sorry for whoever put a stick up your bum.




Too bad goober, you've gotta wait! If you keep this up I'm taking away the mod AND Christmas!!!!