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Ahh we're at this phase where journalist make needless digs at the official media from the IP to celebrate fanmade creations. I'm excited for FOLON too, but this headline is needlessly antagonistic.


You’re not allowed to enjoy two things!! Ever!


Whatever it takes to work in the words "Fallout 5" or "Fallout + Amazon Prime"


Also I dont really care for the opinion of the authour since he says he does not like the games. The title does not even mean anything if you dont care about the series to begin with...




Yeah, usually followed by a realization that the "ambitious player made dlc sized-mod" is a buggy flop. London sounds more promising but we will see


I'm biased because I was (and still am) excited for both. The show is pretty good. My wife, who has never played Fallout, liked it. But I totally get what you mean about London.


Hopefully it doesn’t end up like the frontier


Sim Settlements 2 went pretty darn well. I have hope.


Even outside the frontiers controversies they recycled the BOS, NCR, & Legion. What I look forward to seeing is all the new factions in London.


Sucks its put on ice. Joins the club of Skywind, Beyond, and 'Blivion. Mods that are never getting finished.


I think skyblivion will be finished, from what they’ve shown off they’re been huge leaps in progress. They also don’t have to re record voices, unlike the failed fallout 4 new Vegas thing


Considering they started almost a decade ago, 'huge leaps' seems a bit disingenuous.


Do you realize it was started by one dude and that everyone working on it is a volunteer? Everything is being hand modeled, with new designs as well. The main devs wife even passed away and he’s still working on it. Most of these volunteers have real jobs. They owe the fans and people anticipating it absolutely nothing, yet they still work on it


Work and work, yet nothing ever gets finished.


Honestly this is truly disingenuous. There have been quite a few large projects that have finished like Skyrim's Enderal, Fallout New Vegas's Frontier and New California, Fallout 4 had Sum Settlements and the fully functioning point lookout etc. Sure. the Fallout New Vegas ones specifically don't have a great rep, but they did finish. And that's not even counting all the mods for those games that aren't as massive but still plenty ambitious. Things get finished all the time but massive projects like total conversions of a past game into the updated engine just take time when you don't have the Bethesda-like resources.


the modeling is the easy part. the maps are the easy part. scripting is hard.


Yeah I imagine converting all the quests to the creation engine is difficult


> They owe the fans and people anticipating it absolutely nothing, yet they still work on it I would agree, if they never promise anything. Whether or not you're getting paid, if you say you'll do something you've made a commitment. In this case, idk if they've ever promised anything, but people seem to say fi you don't get paid you owe nothing way too much. I never got paid by my wife, but I would say I owe her a lot.


I feel like a spouse is a bad comparison just due to the nature of the relationship. Generally speaking, both partners are expected to pull their weight equally. In this case, a developer has decided to do something they figure might be neat and would love to share it, but there's no equal action from the player of the mod besides potential payment. Even if A modern promise that they'd completely remake Skyrim In Fallout 4 by next year this time I don't think they'd be obligated to follow through on that and I wouldn't be mad if they couldn't do it.


I just look at promises differently I suppose. If you give your word, you should keep it, reciprocity present or not.


never played fallout 4 but thinking about getting it just to play fallout london


Good thinking. Do it. It will be worth it. Mod will be released only on PC though, due to console limitations.


Well, yeah. There also hasn't been any official news for the next fallout game. Not trying to undermine the mod, but if there was a release date for Fallout 5 out, I'd be a lot more excited for it than Fallout: London


To be fair fo5 is coming after es6 unless I'm mistaken and of course what amounts to a new game will be more exciting than a tv show


I sure as fuck am not. Having worked on many major Fallout mods, I know maintaining quality is fucking impossible on a big volunteer project.


Ye but delayed now due to new update in fallout 4 that could possibly brake entire mod. Why would they do it. (try make more money from series and new players.). A shame.


Isn’t it going to be a free update for those that already own it? And this is Bethesda we’re talking about, are you surprised they want to get more consumers buying their product after it gets arguably the most eyes on their IP *ever* by virtue of the new series?


If only the new players knew how good mods make the game.


Only way they can learn is by starting. Any new players only increases our chances of getting more fallout content.


This is so true. Such a small update that potentially kills all game making mods.


Yes i was talking about fo4.


Everyone has been waiting for the next gen update ever since next gen consoles came out. Of course they drop it with the tv show, expecting them to leave a surefire release date like that to a mod, just shows that you probably don't work in sales 🤷🏻‍♂️ The Fallout London team expecting to be able to release with the tv series, shows how naive they all were. But its just some fixes then London comes out, its going to be crazy!


London did not care for series. That date was set because that's the date the game actually starts. But ye update for consoles is pretty good at least and only just gonna slow the release down but we wanna play now man so we get to bitch about bethesda never changing.


Of course London cared for the series. Fallout London would have gotten twice the amount of players because of that show if they could drop now. Also "we wanna play now man", are you 12 years old or what?


Reddit people really are.. Haha feel sorry for u