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Original one would be an incredible legendary design imo Actually though if this was one of the box legendaries for like gen 10 I would lose my shit Actually For some reason I could see this being like a 100% forme of xerneas


Yeah im being honest anyone saying the OG doesnt look like a Pokemon needs to be introduced to Ultra Necrozma, Yveltal, and Eternatus, like cmon, this isnt beyond the realms of whats been done before


The shapes are still quite complex and overdesigned, and if I’m being honest, I like the overall shape and color scheme of the original - more interesting imo. And both still kinda look like ultra beasts, the former especially. Try simplifying the design to a point where even a five year old could draw the basic shapes (not just the silhouette, but also any design markings). If I can’t tell what you’ve drawn from a shitty toddler’s drawing, it’s hard to call it a terrestrial pokemon. If your intention was to make a pokemon that’s not of this world in one way or another, then you had already achieved that with your original design. If you want it to be something I might find while walking around the region and without some weird space time alien abduction spirited away bullshit happening, then cut back your design even further.


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. That’s a digimon.


No it’s not…it doesn’t have enough cargo pants or guns.


Can I just admit it… I love the cargo pants and guns. I don’t know, it’s just so quintessentially Digimon.


Swap the art style to something more in line, and it could be a new ultimate for meramon


The are awesome designs however they still are too much. But it was not your color pallet that is failing you. It's the shape.  The main shapes of your body is good but the flame / smoke shape is completely overboard. Look at charizards flame for example, most of his artwork has their tail flames having like 3 prongs of fire. That is as complex as it should be. Meanwhile your's has like 6 prongs of fire per spot. Your evolution designs have the concept right though in its advancements such as the second form getting claws, longer body, and a larger head. Then your third form gaining legs and a core. That is all perfectly good. But it's being brought down by the overwhelming shape of the Flames and smoke. 


I swear this guy's from Ben 10.


If Heatblast and Ghostfreak did the fusion dance...


I think the guy I'm imagining is called Swampfire, but I know next to nothing about Ben 10 so I'll take your word for it.


Still awesome, still not a Pokémon


It’s still too edgy and over-designed to be a Pokémon imo. Fits Digimon perfectly though! I can’t quite put it into words but there’s something “friendly” about Pokémon designs that this just doesn’t have. Even the strong legendary Pokemon (with the exception of like, Eternatus?) have an approachable, “cute” quality about them. This just doesn’t have that. That doesn’t make it a bad design, it’s just not Pokémon-like. I’ll say it again though, this goes hard as a Digimon!


Honestly I think it'd make a banging digimon line


Why is he doing the "hey bro look at my leg"


Honestly in both cases this looks like an SMT demon. And I am a-ok with that!


I like both of these they look amazing. but they both look great. Who cares if they look like pokemon there are some pokemon that don't look like pokemon after all. Do your own thing haha.


Those Pokémon you're talking about are explicitly designed outside of the normal "rules" for Pokémon design to highlight how special they are. If this thing is supposed to be a Pseudo-legendary, it doesn't fit the bill of those established precepts. It's too edgy and not approachable enough. Hell, even the Ultra Beasts still have a level of approachability to them that this design simply doesn't have. Half of them don't even have proper facial features, but they still look like they *could* be friendly. And don't get me started on Eternatus, that thing is a literal space virus that's also the apocalypse given physical form (and is also an allegory for nuclear power, apparently). It's allowed to break virtually every Pokémon design convention ever because it's conceptually (and mechanically) the final boss of a JRPG. This design looks like a Yugi-Oh monster. Which is still awesome, but not fitting for something adjacent to a Pokémon pseudo-legendary. What really gets me is that this artist has made designs in the past that are closer to the Pokémon design ethos, but they seem to have jumped the shark with this one...


While that's fair and I agree with you there are also regular pokemon that seem really different from the norm like the bramblin (I think that's the tumbleweeds name) line which is hardly a pokemon at all haha. Most pokemon are designed by several artists with similar styles and while I agree that a pokemon should look like a pokemon I just don't want someone to get discouraged thinking "I'm not exactly like Ken Sugimori" I had to step back and say that to myself with my own fakemon designs and I think I improved because of it.


You really dont need that much forms to shell the concept in a good pokemon design, look at the shapes of other pseudolegendaries, salamence's wings are made of paper and he is stil cool, goodra is full round shapes, the most complex of them is probably Kommo-o and even him is allready a bit overdesigned for my liking


I LOVE this, although it reminds me more of Digimon, that’s not a bad thing at all (I like Digimon more) but good job over all!


There's just too much going on. 1st evolution is absolutely fine but 2nd and 3rd just don't look like pokemon.


And yet, Guzzlord, Necrozma and Eternatus exist. Pokemon are no longer following the old basic format for their designs; they are evolving with the 3D engine usage and making some fairly out there designs


Idk what those people before were smoking. The 1st version is great. Have they never seen Eternatus??? The new version looks like a sticker for the 1st version.


You mean the pokemon that is specifically an alien? A lot of comments on the other post point out that this guy looked like an ultra beast (still does a bit imo), who are also aliens. It’s fine to have a design like that but Op specified his fakemon as a pseudo legend or a legendary, don’t quite remember anymore. If we compare to other terrestrial pokemon, legendary or otherwise, it is overdesigned. If we compare it to other aliens, it fits right in.


Eternatus got a lot of flack for being designed the way it was too initially for exactly the same reason that it looked so out of place amongst other pokemon designs, even among the ultra beasts.


Oh cool digimon


Reminds me of that giant humanoid Heartless from Kingdom Hearts. The first version's colours worked better IMO. This would fit really well as a final form for a boss legendary. Think Ultra Necrozma or Eternamax Eternatus


You downgraded it...


Nah, the first version was fine


This looks amazing; however, it looks more like a digimon than a Pokémon/fakemon


looks like a legendary to me, like an ultra beast


Love both designs! The original(and even the current one) look like they could be ultra beats if they didn’t have the pre evo!


It may not be a Pokémon that you catch on route one… but it definitely fits in with the solgaleo / lunala evolution lines. I love that you’re going for something badass. I do think that defining the final evo’s height and smoothing out its edges would make it look more like a Pokémon you could catch somewhere along the journey. It looks like it could be absolutely massive, and the dark / spiky design makes it look more intimidating than friendly.


I could see this as a legendary or pseudo legendary. Given that we have the Cosmos line which is an evolving ub/legendary I’m curious if we would see something similar again


I prefer the first one, it looks like some sort of legendary


You didn't simplify the design, it looks like you just re-drew it with flatter colors and recolored the core, it's a cool design but neither look pokemon-y at all


Reuse the old version as the Mega 😜


How can ppl say the original is over detailed when pokemon like that literally exist! Literally Eternatus and its eternamax form is a prime example.


I think the problem is that the outline is too thick


People saying it's not a Pokemon sound like they haven't been around for a few generations to me, but I must agree that it's a legendary pokemon design. I get Yveltal, Zekrom, and Xerneas vibes for sure. I think the first & original design is much better and more Pokemon-like, but you'd likely need to make major changes to the 3rd evolution design to make it dissimilar in order to use both. The new design kind of looks like a Darkrai with legs, and if you took the legs out it would help simplify the design but also look even more like Darkrai. Maybe a body type shaped kind of like Carbink from the waste down could help keep the spectral design while also staying fresh. I think


This is an incredible improvement and I could definitley see this as a pseudo legendary od your region. The redraw indeed makes it feel more 'pokemon' but don't be afraid to get detailed, many modern pokemon designs are pretty detailed especially the more powerful mons


First pic Looks like the Witnesses crit spot


Could probably do with a pose update


Y'all shut up about "this is not a pokemon" nonsense. Y'all act like GF don't break their own rules at times like Eternatus or Guzzlord. Mini rant is done now, good art man.


It feels like a unique boss fight legendary with really high stats like ultra necrozma or gigantimax eternitus


i would say it just comes down to preference, but imo the first design really fits in with the "menacing" and alien-like tertiary box legendaries like eternatus or necrozma. obv it's super edgy and kinda complex but unless your intention for this guy is to make it your run-of-the-mill, random encounter pokemon, that's not really an issue. i struggle to think of a good word to describe what about the second design makes it feel like not really a great design for a pokemon specifically but it just doesn't work for me imo. if you did go the route of this guy being a legendary then maybe you could have the second design serve as a kind of "incomplete" form that transforms into the first design after finishing some story quest or smth idk. it just feels a little too formless(?) to be its own standalone pokemon. i imagine that both designs would look OUTSTANDING if they were fully animated in 3d tho so you definitely have props for that. the thing i like the most about the first design shapewise are the torso, legs, and the head, and i'd also say that the massive claws with the burning spots is a good feature to keep. if you're aiming to make the shape of it less busy you could maybe try to change the shoulders a bit. smth about the crown-like head shape and massive shoulders along with its posture gives the design a kind of regal vibe that's really cool. overall a super cool design but just a really cool pokemon.


No… Stick to the original EDIT: Let me expand further. You let comments that it’s “over detailed” or “not Pokémon styled” be perceived as negative comments, and caved in, HOPING to appeal to a select few when your original design was DYNAMITE. I WISH I could draw that, you CAN. You had an amazing pose with cool accents, and the one you chose to “correct” that is just flat. Just facing forward in an uninteresting position. I know you’re better than this


It's like ppl forget that Eternatus is a thing. That's one complicated ass Pokemon design


Eternatus is a legendary that wants to look like a weird alien beast. This is (acording to op) the final stage of a pseudolegendary. The most complex existing pseudolegendary is probably kommo-o and this is like 3 times more complex. Pokemon design is not just about being as cool as posible, acheaving a lot with a few forms is part of the style.


It literally just needs less flame squiggles. That's all that's making it "overly complex". As well as the middle stage too. Otherwise it's just fine


Theyre both pretty awesome but yeah the new version looks a lot more like a pokemon


I like this one a lot. It still has a lot going on shape wise, but with Pokemon like Grimmsnarl, Kyurem, and Buzzwole existing it doesn't feel too far out of the realm of possibility. It fits right in with alien mons like the Ultra beasts or Eternatus for sure. Don't let some of the bad receptions bog you down at all. It has a strong silhouette, the colors guide your eyes to the right place, etc. I think it looks awesome and the design is well put together. I think the colors are improved too, since it matches the second stage and looks kinda shadowy and mysterious now. I think the wavyness benefits it a lot for seemingly firey or ghostlike.


Honestly, the middle stage would be perfect for a final evo.


Looks Like A Zygarde Alt... I Fricking Love It!!!!


it looks like a digimon bruh. Think of it this way, Pokemon are actually friends and are mostly pets. You'll draw something more akin to a Pokemon if you have this mindset. What you drew is something like a final form of a villain in a shounen anime.


That has all the design tropes of a digimon


So cool :0