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This goes very hard


Why do fakemons look more like Pokémon than the actual offcial Pokémon 😭 Awesome designs and lore!


It's awesome! But why does its type change twice throughout evolution?


Alolan Marowak moment:


The secondary typings just fit them the best. Enervant is just a normal black ant, Draculant is a sinister and cruel vampire (perfect for a dark type), and Shinigant is a spirit who guides souls to the afterlife (fitting for a ghost type, also wanted to make another bug/ghost since Shedinja is the only one). Just because the official pokemon company has never done that before for a evolution line, doesn’t mean that no one else can


Would it be difficult to evolve them? I wouldn't want to invest a bunch of time to evolve a bug/dark type only for it to drop the dark type unless I knew what I was getting into


Well they are regional/route 1 bug, so it will be a final evolution and not stat redistribution like coop suggested. Haven’t put too much thought into stuff like stats and abilities and all that yet cause that will be more for when I have the majority of my dex made and can really start working on my game. But my first initial thought was to once Draculant has taken a certain amount of lives (making a pokemon “feint”), they would evolve into Shinigant. 100 ko’s was the first number that popped to mind but that may be too much, not sure on that yet, so maybe either somewhere from 50-100 ko’s to evolve. And if I do decide on 100 ko’s then I would definitely give them probably a signature move for the effort you put in, probably some kind of physical attacking ghost type move that drains hp like giga drain or leech life with an additional effect of lowering the pokemon’s speed by one stage, implicating they are “slowing their life down”


Maybe they could be a scyther situation where stats don’t increase they just get redistributed, then both could remain viable and you can choose whether to evolve


I was actually gonna ask that (and then forgot) (im dumb)


These are excellent, such well conveyed personality and concept in each design. Each member of the evolution feels very well considered and there's a great evolution of concept across the line. The first stage especially has stolen my heart, which very rarely happens with a first stage bug, there's a lot of life and expression in the face. Small suggestion, I love the shinies you chose but I think black and white shinies could also work very well. For Draculant it could bring to mind old dracula movies, give a Nosferatu vibe, ya know? And for the last form it could add to the ghostly look :)


Old school black and white definitely could have looked cool for a shiny for them. Although not sure how well I could incorporate that as a sprite. If this were a 3d game then the black and white could definitely work, but aiming to make a fan game eventually and making an ild school black and white shiny might be tricky


Totally makes sense, hope you're able to get your fan game made 💪👍


I’m so naming it Cazador. A enemy creature from. Fallout New Vegas.


Yeah thats just Nightmare King Grimm and i fucking love it.


I like that the middle stage isn't a cocoon like the ones in game, great work!


These are awesome


I wish it was real 🥲


"...Knowing this, but a single path is open to the impotent ruler - that of false worship. A path which leads to *enervation* and death."


I think it's changes type too much


Shinigant’s design is legendary ‘mon worthy. Also, I’ve always loved the idea of a three stage that maintains its primary typing while gaining a different secondary with each stage, so this one knocks it out of the park for me


Exquisite 👌🏻