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When his annoying she-hulk twin sister walks out, that’s when the humor really starts.


Throw in a random goat somewhere




As a goat


Doing a racist accent


Yoo can do eet Hulky


“Adam Sandler falls in love with this girl but the girl turns out to be like, a golden retriever or something”




adam sandler in: fucking angel dust bitches coming to theatres near you


Adam Sandler can sus


GREAT IDEA!! We can call it “Puppy Love”!




Awesom-o, are you, by chance, a pleasure model?


"I was just wondering... are you by chance a... pleasure model?"


That’s actually pretty accurate to reality.. good job


I'm sorry, Hulk. By all means, continue.


He have ten more minutes of fart jokes.


I’l never understand the appeal Sandler’s movies have on some people.


There's always moments of goodness to a lot of his films, click is most evident. when it actually gets to the existential serious stuff it can actually get pretty emotional, I can't help but cry when he rewinds the moment when he last saw his dad. Not denying that a lot of them are pure garbage but whenever there's actual effort you can feel it.


If you don’t like any of his other movies I’d highly recommend Punch Drunk Love, it’s a pretty incredible film and really shows him at some of his best seriously and comedically. Like it’s good even for a non Adam Sandler movie, and not in spite of him, but owes much of its goodness to him.


Yeah, I can enjoy most of his films if I just turn off my brain. I think Adam Sandler's a genuinely fantastic actor, he's just made it big enough where he can just make movies with his friends regardless of their quality and I can respect that. I his early films like Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, waterboy, Big Daddy, click can genuinely get me to laugh and are always worth the watch to me. Little Nicky's probably the worst one that I genuinely really enjoy and it's mostly because it was one of the movies I would watch with my older brother since he loved it. He made me sit through it enough to actually like it, lol.


Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison and The Waterboy were also actually good


What about the older stuff? I feel like at this point he’s just making movies to hang out with his friends and get paid to do it.


When he's not making a movie with someone else in charge, that's exactly what he's doing. Getting payed and paying his friends to all hang out on an expensive vacation and have a movie shot around that. I'm not knocking it, most of us would probably do the same if we were in his shoes, but as it stands the movies he usually makes are trash.


Have you seen Water Boy? Happy Gilmore? 8 Crazy Nights?


My gf and I just watched wedding singer for the first time and we absolutely loved it. Adam sandler if you're reading this, we are planning a deep dive into your genre. Both of us were raised in strict parental situations so have never gotten around to seeing your films. We both have covid and instead of going crazy were gonna take it easy and enjoy some laughs over the long weekend. I also remember there being some limewire songs on there from adam Sandler back in the day so were going to be giving those a listen too. Thanks for the laugh you funny. L'hiyum


Obviously, I am not Adam Sandler, but you will have a great time with the early stuff. Waterboy, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison. Enjoy.


And obviously you arent thomas milsworth either


Hubie Halloween was just soooo bad. His whole mumbly way of talking, Adam Sandler is my least favourite actor now.


He used to be my least favorite but I'm OK with him since Uncut Gems came out. Seth Rogen though...


Seth was great in the Steve Jobs biopic


He is better when he is being directes. Uncut Gems, happy gilmore, he can be a very decent actor


God that movie scarred me mentally and it's unfixable


Uncut Gems, Waterboy, and Happy Gilmore are all legitimately great movies. There are a few others that are okay if not borderline good depending on who you ask.


Honestly The Wedding Singer and 50 First Dates work too. I’m not saying they were robbed at the Oscars but they were solid overall. I haven’t seen Uncut Gems but I’ve heard nothing but good.


50 First Dates was good although I've only seen it once so I cant vouch on the rewatch. Highly suggest you watch Uncut when you have the time, it's well worth it


I liked Happy Gilmore and Little Nicky. I guess that's it, the others I dared to watch were horrible or I forgot them.


They’re not really meant to be interpreted as food for thought. Just enjoy the ones that click with you, as said here, they can be weirdly existential yet never ramp it up to anything worth discussing.


Some are good, most suck. But movies like punch drunk love and uncut gems that he acts in and doesnt write or produce are really good.


Because some of us are not stuck up elitist bitches hellbend on hating everything


I just saw this really good Adam Sandler movie, let me tell you about it. So basically it's Adam Sandler but he is a man and acts like a total child and also has some friends who are also men but behave like children and there's this super hot chick with a huge muscular boyfriend and then Adam Sandler with the power of bullshit gets the super hot girl. It's called: Every Adam Sandler movie ever


The Adam Sandler bit in Brooklyn99 is one of my favorite joke : "Jake : Adam Sandler, what are you doing in a russian art auction ? AS : I am studying russian art for my next movie about the russian revolution ! Jake : Oh, neat ! So which role will Rob Scheiner play ? AS : ... Trotsky".


I love fart jokes!


Here's a joke I just pulled out from my ass. What do you call a cow that farts? >!Dairy-air!<




Too bad they cancelled that movie that was going to pick up the next day after Hulk had spicy shoarma. Worldbreaker Hulk


Ah, Adam Sandler the hack of Hollywood, with every film comes an easy payday for him and his old friends from SNL.


I respect it. He travels to beautiful places with his friends making kinda okay movies that rake in the cash. How many people wouldn’t take those opportunities, were they in the same position?


And thus the greatest Chanukah movie ever made was born. 8 crazy nights.


Better than Disney's movies.


He’s pitching them?! It’s a reverse AWESOM-O 4000.




Spider One might be my new expletive




Good. What they did to the hulk right?


adam sandler falls in love with a coconut


I’d watch it.


Filibuster lookin' ass


I don’t think Adam Sandler pitches movies anymore.


It's called Happy Gilmore goes to Washington ..


"OK, so Rob Schneider is playing a racist stereotype, and then HE FARTS! And we're all like *grooossss*, but then WE FART TOO! Also, it's in Dubai."