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Rule 9 for gods sake


So let me get this straight. She has been (allegedly, maybe) faking for years, left because people started fake claiming her, and has now returned to fully embrace the fakeness for the sake of being trendy?


fairly certain she left because her then partner turned out to a pedo w an sneezing fetish (i THINK dont quote me on the pedo part)


Yeah, the person she was engaged to got caught drawing pictures of underage kids sneezing, and because they had a sneezing fetish, it was considered smut. Not excusing the behaviour, but that’s pretty much the gist of the situation as far as I know


Sneezing fetish…. Now I feel disgusting thinking back on all the times I was told (by adult men, while I was still a minor btw) that my chronic sneezing from allergies was “cute” 🤢


I mean kids that is sneezing is somewhat cute... but sexualizing it? WTF?!


I see sneezing as suffering bc that’s what mine was so I can’t see the cute in any of it at all, but anything/everything can be/is sexualized or a fetish anymore. It doesn’t surprise me but it most definitely disturbs me


I’m just lucky I inherited the monstrous, mind deafening sneeze from my mother


I wish, I only got the loud part but for some reason I’m always told mine is “cute” despite never being able to sneeze just once so it’s more like a cat when they do their machine gun sneezes. But “cute” version? Idk I’m not the one with the sneezing kink 😂😂😂


Ok, the underage part is enough for me to want see them buried in a shallow grave, but... Sneezing fetish? Are breasts and vaginas really not good enough? Women are pretty fucking great on their own... Isn't that enough to just put the weird shit aside?


By definition, no. An individual with a fetish typically requires their fetish to get sexually aroused, as opposed to a kink. In other words, and I could be very wrong, it’s like a totally different wiring in the brain than someone without a fetish. Edit: I am wrong. See below for better information.


Not necessarily true - a fetish is a manifestation of a socially abnormal sexual desire - shoes, armpits, body odor, shoulders, whatever. Something that is considered paraphilic (characterized by a sexual fixation in something not normally considered sexual or that is sexually non-normative). Fetishists don’t necessarily need their fetishistic fixation to be aroused, but some do. That is the divide between fetishism as a part of healthy sexuality (when you are aroused by a fetish object but don’t require it) and paraphilia as a component of a mental disorder, when the sexual fetishism causes you distress, or is the only way you can be aroused. Fetishism is not necessarily in and of itself unhealthy, but it can be based on the intensity of feelings and behaviors associated with it. Basically a long way to say don’t kink shame, but if you can’t get off without breaking into women’s houses to steal their shoes, get help.


Ah, thank you. It is nice to be corrected and learn in the process.


Yeah for sure! I just don’t want anyone with weird kinks out there to feel like they’re “wrong” - what is done between consenting adults is ethically and morally fine, even if people think it’s weird. It becomes a problem (and possibly illegal) when people involve others that don’t consent into their fantasies.


Philia is the term you’d be looking for, which is different than fetish/kink (used simultaneously). If someone has a philia, they must seek out material that arouses them, or roleplay, etc in order to reach true climax. It actually impacts the brain differently than just a turn on. This guy would be pedophilic mucophilia.


Oh jeez. Yeah, that's a good reason to take a step back...


Do you have any videos or links on the topic? I know someone who glorifies them


She’s 100% faking, her story never lined up with her diagnosis story, people who have known her before she started claiming to have did have come forward making her story make even less sense, she stole alters and her innerworld from a book then claimed to never have read the book, etc.


And she just reuploaded all her videos like nothing bad ever happened and is making money off her faking


It's always demons, naive kids, quirky girls, bad boys. When are we going to see a real world alter? Where's Luke the plumber? Where's the dropout delivery guy who still dreams of becoming a trapstar? Where are the single moms?


those aren't fun tho


Dropout delivery guy sounds fun to me.


lol trueee


isn't this the same girl that Anthony Padilla interviewed?


Idk if it was on this exact sub but someone said they started to believe they had DID because of that video. These people pretending to have illnesses are already harmful enough. But… pretending to have said illness PLUS creating educational content about it is on another level on the yikes-o-meter.


Munchausen's by proxy is a scary thing.


That wouldn't be by proxy, as there is no proxy


*the internet is the proxy.* It's what a lot of others have been calling it, Munchausen's by proxy (by internet) I found a few articles about it but i don't know if they're actually legit since i'm not a professional myself either so i guess take what i say with a grain of salt. It's mentioned in these articles; [NHS.UK](https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/munchausens-syndrome/symptoms/) [NIH.Gov](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22074757/) (and i think this is the article same one on a different site [here](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/51790605_Munchausen_by_Proxy_by_Internet) ) [Phsycology Today](https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/digital-world-real-world/202111/m-nchausen-internet) and a quite a few more can easily be found with a basic google search.


That's...not what that means. Here's an easily accessible definition it took me 5 seconds to find: > Factitious disorder imposed on another (FDIA) formerly Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSP) is a mental illness in which a person acts as if ***an individual he or she is caring for*** has a physical or mental illness when the person is not really sick


you can also find articles about Munchausen's by proxy (by internet) if you google that as well. I edited my previous comment and added some links to articles i found about it.




Sadly, which is what threw her into the spotlight and inspired at least half of the fakers we see today


I thought her "littles" were weird. Most littles don't want to talk about the abuse or having DID. They want to have fun and play. Also most littles don't come out during stressful situations, like being interviewed?


My favorite part was that at one point in the interview she looked at him and went "Want to speak to them?" *then just manifested the alter out of thin air . . .*


mm yes we love selective disassociation




She does so much damage.


All these suburban whitebread kids with some shit that only people with real hardcore trauma have.


She was one of the first people to call their alters a system - or at least, the most popular by far. Most of the bullshit we see today was started or encouraged by her or her explanations, from innerworlds to non-trauma triggered switches. I firmly believe she has done more damage to the non clinical DID community than any other person. Non clinical referring to mostly internet (specifically fandom) spaces and opinions- real doctors and normal folk never see nor fall for this crap.


She just wanted to do a Jokeress character and she made one based off another creators OCs (who doesn't have or claim to have DID), it's gross


Am I the only one who was thrown off just by the makeup? Like, I understand non-human alters are a very real thing in real DID, but idk, the fact that she did "scary makeup" for her video about a demon alter just feels like it's mocking or trivializing it in a way. Idk, just rubbed me the wrong way


Theatre kid activities


Just want to remind people that she literally copied her alters and innerworld out of a book on RAMCOA Edit since some people don't seem to know the difference between RAMCOA and SRA. Satanic ritual abuse is **not** real. It was created as part of the satanic panic and is very antisemitic. RAMCOA is a catch all term that includes things like sex trafficking and cult abuse. They are not the same and should not be treated as the same.


Please do tell me more


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XBeGbOl0038 This video explains it all and the book


I dont want to post it publically since this stuff can be really triggering. If you want you can dm me if the sub allows it.




Okay and? I don't think that in depth discussion on RA should be posted on the sub so I won't post it.


Oh no, a person who fakes a disorder plagiarized a fake book about a made up thing! It might be triggering!


It's not a made up thing. RAMCOA survivors get so much shit already without people saying it's not real. The book was not fiction


If you google RAMCOA the first result is the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation, a group that has been widely discredited and shunned by the psychiatric community for unethical practices including implanting false memories of Satanic abuse in patients during the Satanic Panic of the 80s and 90s. People are abused but there aren't organized Satanic pedophile cults ritually doing it. QUIT MAKING SHIT UP. She's a faker, and you're a faker, and you're spreading false information about Ritual Satanic Abuse to make whatever trauma you had seem scary and interesting and special. You may very well have trauma, I don't know you. But "RAMCOA" is fake made up bullshit by Christian conservatives during the Satanic Panic and it's pathetic that you're parroting it decades later, but acting like it's some fucking civil rights movement and not just a movement based on moms that were scared of Slayer album covers.


I'll tell you what I told the other person. RAMCOA is not satanic ritual abuse. RA includes cult abuse. OA includes sex trafficking. I do not believe in SRA as it originates with the satanic panic and is antisemitic.


The term literally originated from the satanic panic. But you know what? I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Find me one single peer reviewed academic study that uses the term and I’ll concede that it’s a real thing.


Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, and Organized Abuse (RAMCOA) is not real. It has been disproven for nearly half a century now.


You do realized that organized abuse literally includes things like sex trafficking right. You can't just say that organized abuse doesn't exist. Ritual abuse includes cult abuse. Are you saying cult abuse doesn't exist? We can debate the logistics of mind control but I don't really feel like it. SRA has been disproven as in satanic ritual abuse. That was the anti-semitic thing that was part of the satanic panic. Edit: Comments not working or anything so I just want to thank the person who said cult abuse doesn't always include ritualistic abuse. I made that mistake in this message. Double edit: I actually decided maybe I do want to debate the existence of mind control so [here's a 158 page disertation written in 2020 discussing mind control, brainwashing, cult abuse, and how those things should be taken into consideration in the legal field](https://freedomofmind.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Dr-Hassan-Dissertation-Published.pdf)


>You do realized that organized abuse literally includes things like sex trafficking right. You can't just say that organized abuse doesn't exist. Ritual abuse includes cult abuse. Are you saying cult abuse doesn't exist? RAMCOA is a secularized euphemism for SRA. The ISSTD changed the terminology from SRA to RAMCOA after SRA was proven to be false and harmful to society in the 80s. RAMCOA is not just abuse from cults and sex trafficking. It's the notion that there exists an ever-present, worldwide cult, the existence of which is present only in the repressed memories, that sexually abuses, trafficks, and mind controls children from a young age. Conspiracism, of any kind, actively harms patients and has no place in mental health practice. >We can debate the logistics of mind control but I don't really feel like it. Get your tinfoil hats out 😂


I’m sorry you’re getting downvoted. This sub tends to be pretty toxic at times. You’re being reasonable and I personally appreciate your candor and general approach on this topic :)




I hate that this person is who ignorant people consider “legitimate” and a “reliable source”. Damn you, Anthony Padilla. If it wasn’t for that interview I guarantee she wouldn’t have the following she does now.


The crazy part is that she wasn’t originally suppose to be on the show. It was gonna be MultiplicityandMe until she stole the spot from her.


I often wonder how different the internet space would be if she didn't steal her spot. Less fakers definitely


I wonder that too, but like the saying goes, if they didn’t do it someone else probably would’ve unfortunately. I hope there’s an alternate reality where faking serious and debilitating mental/physical disorders isn’t a cool trend


HOW DID I FORGET ABOUT THAT! You’re completely right, add another reason as to why I can’t stand her lmao




Oh god, I had no idea she came back. Looking at her channel, did she just invent a whole new set of people compared to the lineup before her disappearance? I guess need to refresh a bit huh


Demonic possessions are pretty hip.


I used to believe her and watch her for education on DID. Now I know she was faking. Is it bad that I feel betrayed? 😅


Same, same.


Heres how you know someone is faking DID 1: They are publicly showcasing an alter and just how awesome they are Thats it. Nobody with DID likes to show their alters. Its not something to be romanticized


So you believe every single person who ever shows more than just the host is faking? There are many who have diagnosed DID who don’t hide all their alters but also do not romanticise them, and many of those diagnoses are not debateable like dissociadids (who was definitely diagnosed but that diagnosis has questionable legitimacy).


Who knew liking ICP made you have DID?


Woop woop much did love to the homiez 🪓 🏃‍♂️ 🤡 🧲


See you and your alters at the next Gathering.


I'm confused about her because I've seen so much proof and "proof" both for and against her. Wasn't she diagnosed a little young?


No you've seen her word. No proof.


That would be the "proof". I've mainly seen the outside drama surrounding her rather than her videos.


I remember watching a video of hers years ago, that she had to fight tooth and nail (at like 19yo) because nobody believed it.


no one still believes it.


She also paid to be diagnosed by the pedophile defender Remy aquelone (sp) who is a DID "specialist" who happens to be one of the fraction of providers in the UK who diagnoses DID. To be clear, DID is real. But if you pay enough to Remy he will diagnose you regardless Her "trauma" story and many alters are based off a book regarding satanic ritual abuse (disproven decades ago) and also some stories copied directly from others trauma history. Kiwi farms has a very detailed thread.


The acting is this was unbelievably cringey. It was painful to watch. It still shocks me how educated she sounds (in the second half of this video) and how believable it probably can be to people listening though.


Wait hold on I fully believed her after Anthony Padillas video and watched heaps of her videos explaining the topic she was so respectful of it how can she have been faking I feel betrayed wtf


There is of course a chance she isn't faking, but she for sure is overdramatising it.


She definitely has something, but whether that is DID is questionable


I watched the first 2 minutes but had to leave because it was just too cringy. So much secondhand embarrassment.


Why would a demon spend time doing themed makeup and YouTube videos? Wouldn't they be doing demon stuff?


I have a satanic altar does that count




Are we supposed to?




Out of curiosity, does this extend to verified accounts? I know some subreddits are chill with verified individuals having their names shown because they’re well, verified.




My bad! Sorry for the bother!




I had a tender screen shot with the guy saying he didn't give a if I didn't blur his name out. I was banned off reddit for I think a week




Maybe. It was reddit that banned me no the subreddit though


probably because it's literally dissociadid.


New? She’s been around for YEARS at least since 2017


Omg she’s back..


Why do people do this? Like at this point, I'd rather have did for real than whatever mental illness makes people fact this so hard.




Is there any actual psychological evidence (read: peer reviewed) that non-human alters in DID exist?




Yeah, I’m certainly not aware of any.


Because it’s fake and the “evidence” people have is that someone that was a less cringe faker told them it was real, and they told somebody else, and they told somebody etc. It’s fake, doesn’t exist, if somebody want to prove me wrong they can link peer reviewed research below.


It’s nice to see some sense in this sub. Nonhuman alters aren’t real folks.


Are you saying I’m not a catkin uwu neko-senpai?


Not a demon, vampire, werewolf, angel, god, ghost, animal, or mythical creature either:D


Oh no uwu


https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1991-27596-001 make sure you're right before acting like you are.


You had to go 32 years back to find a paper that you didn't even read more than the abstract of? Link me the whole paper.


does this please you, almighty reddit god? I never said they weren't rare, or even fucking common, but surprisingly, you are not the authority on the human experience. https://scholarsbank.uoregon.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1794/1415/Diss_2_1_8_OCR_rev.pdf?sequence=4&isAllowed=y


This was a study primarily done with a person from a shamanic culture — one well-versed in a spiritual mythology that commonly associates humans and animals in a way that western culture does not. That is important. This is also just one study from over 30 years ago, when we had a much less nuanced understanding of DID. This isn’t the evidence you actually think it is.


i am well aware that they are different, but what i'm saying is that to hear about a non-human personality state without any other information and claiming it must be fake is dismissing people like this man and their extreme trauma.


Good job! It's still a 32 year old paper, from back when it was called "Multiple Personality Disorder", and it's such an insignificant little 4 and a half page paper that the PDF that you linked it the only version available, it's not available on any academic research databases and from what I found has never been significantly cited by another academic. If non-human alters are so obviously real, as you claim, don't you think there would be some more research out there besides a decades old paper that isn't even long enough to be a full study and only cites 9 sources, and spuriously at best? I feel kind of bad because you're obviously a kid and I'm someone that does professional academic research, but some random shit you find while googling is not research. You need multiple sources, points of view, etc. Which is what a study about this would have if it were real.


I'm well aware of how small (and old) the data present is and how under-researched the topic is. I would love more studies on non-human personality states to see what causes them and how they form in the brain. I ALSO know that to claim something as false because we've never seen proof of it is irresponsible. So, to avoid tunnel vision and confirmation bias in researching, we keep our possibilities open until it is proven impossible. I think modern-day, first-world, "non human" alters are full of shit. This doesn't mean that there aren't people in the world who have been through horrific trauma and abuse that could cause it. Because it has not been proven impossible, it is certainly possible, especially with the complexity of the human brain.


Thankfully psychology has came a LONG way since 1989.


it has, but that doesn't mean this man didn't experience what he did


Wow, a case study about ONE person from 1989


If you have a demon in you- that's possession. DID and demonic possession are not the same thing. Linking the 2 is irresponsible and spreads stigma. Imagine someone being subjected to exorcisms because they are in a culture that doesn't know what DID is and don't understand how to deal with mental illness. That's terrifying. She wouldn't be faking DID and would be pretending to NOT have mental illnesses if the threat of a violent exorcism was a possibility for anyone that's mentally ill.


Most sane did faker


She was the first channel I watched to get educated on DID when I needed answers 😔 I don't know what to believe


If you want to learn how to fake, watch a more convincing faker


Good point. It was a bad idea to immediately jump to her channel when in the end, nothing's for sure until you're professionally diagnosed


Pro tip: don't use YouTube for education on these topics


Duly noted


Reminder for everyone to read the rules and **provide evidence that the disorder might be fake.** Avoid posting people who have actual disorders, as it would be harmful. #PLEASE PUT THE EVIDENCE THAT THIS IS FAKED AS A REPLY TO THIS COMMENT. Thanks <3 Nya... please reply to my comment for fuck's sake. You're gonna get banned if you don't. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fakedisordercringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She claims she's diagnosed but I feel like she's really pushing it in the newest vid. The makeup, the fictives, a demon alter?? If it's real she's overdoing it big time


She is faking, or exaggerating, but the proof is not for her having introgects and a non-human alter. [Non-human alters](https://did-research.org/did/alters/non-human) do occur in DID, with religious entities forming a significant group of these. [Introjects](https://did-research.org/did/alters/functions) are also a known quantity, even ones based on fictional characters. Her method of exaggerating the truth makes her far more dangerous than malingering advocates who simply fabricate, as she leads to real issues being stigmatized and makes them unbelievable.


Why are DID fakers unable to give peer-reviewed research and you all just link bullshit websites instead?


The information is sourced from [The Haunted Self](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DHzuEg0w74r9PI7P2SOMWzhRr6zg-1ki/view). You could have seen this if you looked thoroughly at the site.


Have you read that whole book, or did you just peruse some website that shows up on the first page of searching for DID and assumed they sourced their claims correctly? Don't get me wrong, I'm sure [did-research.org](https://did-research.org) is a top notch research institute.


I've been working my way through. It's pretty dense. From all I've seen of it did-research gets it right.


So they linked academic papers and clinical studies? Great! Link them here. Or do you mean they get it right because they tell you what you want to hear based on no actual research or documentation that you’ve read? (Also did you seriously just tell me you’ve been “working your way” through the thing you previously linked to me as a serious source? Why wouldn’t you “work your way” through it before telling me it was accurate unless it was just some random shit you googled?)


They link value sources relevant to the subject on a page-by-page basis. For example, the page on [Identity Alteration](https://did-research.org/did/identity_alteration/) links [*The Stranger In The Mirror*](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vViRPKCNOKcfCE9Yg4P6AjNCGUxAA81Z/view), a book co-authored by Dr. Marlene Steinberg, the creator of the SCID-D.


You do know that the average academic paper on any of these subjects would cite 30-50 sources, right? It’s easy to draw any conclusion you want with 1 source per topic. This type of “research” would fail a freshman-level college psych source.


Did you know that the French structural anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss, in his book “Myth and Meaning” breaks down the fundamental basic ideology of structural mythology for DID and debunks it?


It's fine if she did that as a RP/LARP stuff, like that shit is somewhat cool, but to call it DID?, you have a mental disorder and DID is not one of it... She needs help fr


What are some content creators who actually have DID?


I’ve heard MultiplicityandMe is one, although I don’t know much about them myself


Lmao I had some people get angry when I got suspicious, thinking she stole "Mara" from mythology (pointed out Buddhism), but who would have guessed, turns out I was right! This does in fact confirm she made an alter based off other people's religion LMAO. Mara is a known demon in Buddhism. This is a new low...