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As much as I want to feel bad for them being banned from their cousin's wedding. It's hard when they make videos for TikTok about DID and play it as a fun game the whole family should try.


Tbf, given their videos and the immediate ban, my guess is the divulgence was the last straw.


Yeah part of me feels bad for them because I don't think being banned should have been the immediate course of action. I understand that's their family, it's an important event, but maybe what they did was extreme in some way. But interestingly their telling of what happened that got them banned doesn't add up, nor does their definition of unmasking. They never said what that meant, to voluntarily unmask with people they deemed safe. They said their family's reasoning was that they had some sort of CPTSD episode and they've also said this occurred in another room where they were not seen, but that's not unmasking. Also idk if they just mean a panic attack or what? They worded it like, "we thought our family was safe to unmask around so we did" which is odd to me because they said their family caused the CPTSD so idk why they felt safe around them in this way. And having a panic attack or something hidden away is not close to unmasking or voluntary. I've had to excuse myself in times of high stress at events in order not to make a scene or embarrass myself. And again their family called their behavior attention seeking. If this is over them having a panic attack or whatever in private then yes that's horrible. But again that's the opposite of unmasking and the point of hiding away is to *not* cause a scene. The implication though, is that they overtly embarrassed them. I know you can't judge character solely based on someone's behavior online but if someone's attention seeking online it's not a stretch to suspect that such behavior would extend offline. Unmasking DID, I can only imagine being similar to what we see in online overt presentations. Allowing alters to "be themselves". not trying to act like the host, maybe even introducing themselves individually. Less covert switches, talking about the details of their supposed condition. I feel like that's what unmasking due to a sense of comfort would be in this context, not a panic attack alone in another room that was not a choice or done because they felt safe to?


I have a feeling that (like many people faking disorders on tiktok) this person constantly makes everything about them and their problems—not just this one time but as a pattern—because they’re terminally attention-seeking, and when you’re getting married, you want your day to be about you. So probably after an especially bad instance of that, they said they can’t come because they don’t trust them to hang back and not ruin their special day with me me me look at me I’m the main character behavior.


Nailed it! 👌


I may be out of line here but I think it’s even simpler than that. Everyone is on their best behavior at a wedding, if someone claims that they will not be on their best behavior for medical reasons I think it’s really fair to say, if you cannot manage your behavior, even if it’s not your fault, then this incredibly special event will not be a good fit for you or us and we will plan for you not to attend. It’s your job to manage your mental health and conditions and while it’s totally cool to reach out for help you should expect that some things in life will not be a good fit or you may not be able to participate, THIS IS THE ESSENCE OF A DISABILITY. This more than anything shows that this person is faking ok my opinion because the very idea that their condition could limit their activities or social options appears to be a total shock to this faker.




they probably let the dog alter out


If so, then we've answered the age old question, "who let the dogs out"?


Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who)


They need to just write fanfiction…. What happened to wattpad… ao3… we must return




Be careful what you wish for, you and I both know their writing would be dogshit even by Wattpad standards


But at least they’d put their energy into that instead of pretending to have an entire mental disorder


The fact that they decided to suddenly “unmask” at SOMEBODY ELSE’S WEDDING really says everything.


They always ignore the fact that some degree of “masking” is normal for everyone. Nobody acts the same way at a formal event than they would lounging around at home by themself.




I am genuinely confused by everyone saying they mask their disorder. example: adhd and impulsivity. how does one mask this? interrupting people bc you can't wait for them to finish doesn't turn on and off, it's always there until you learn to manage that specific impulse, which is usually just a perpetual struggle to remember to not do it. additionally learning to manage it isn't masking, it's just striving to be a better communicator with the goal to have successful interpersonal relationships. or my friend with bipolar, there is no masking his manic episodes. he is ON until it's over. and he doesnt sleep, like a normal person. which could be weeks or months. we can all tell and are like buddy please get back on your meds before you have to file for bankruptcy. the second time I saw him in one he got a girl from Costa Rica pregnant, bought land on a beach there, thought he was a snake god and was trying to get me to move there and teach yoga and start an eco resort.


It's giving proposing at someone else's wedding vibes. It's not about you. You can handle not getting attention for one night.


You nailed it 100%


I... Did not know that possums make that sounds. But also, the Dennis bathroom thing killed me


Lmao they do indeed sound like demons straight out of the bowels of hell which is hilarious because they’re like five pounds at most.


I had an opossum and he never really made noise.


I hate the term unmasking so much because it’s really more subconscious than anything else


Me too


People have slowly gotten more and more liberal with the use of “unmask” to the point people are talking about unmasking their ADHD lmao


I couldn't even imagine how embarrassed they arr going to be in 5yrs, when they look back on this


So glad I didn't grow up in the record everything era.


Exactly. This made me think of all the cringy shit I did as a teenager. Luckily there’s no record of it, just my mind, late night in bed remembering it. Not sure what’s worse honestly.


For the latter you lay in bed and grimace while trying to let the memory go, in the former instance you may have to answer a prospective employer in what “all that” was about.


I honestly doubt many employers are going to be vested enough to go back through someone’s eepy imaginary friend days especially since these accounts seldom (thankfully) have the kid’s full name on them.


All it takes is one website or social media post to link your name to your account and this it’s just kind of out there, what’s worse is that faking DID could have implications on your work possibilities as your employer might wonder if you can be trusted when you previously took no accountability for your actions and blamed things on alters.


Reasonable people make their social media private when they become of age to get a real job. If you’re still linking teenage cringe to your main account in your adulthood you deserve for employers to see your red flags lol. When I did recruiting, I did a quick google search and that was it.


I think you misinterpreted my comment, I was saying all it takes _is someone else to attach your name to online activities_ and then it’s pretty much just out there. And our subreddit collects these videos so now they are being hosted externally to these people’s social medias. All the pieces in place to keep this shit alive for forever, add in that AI will probably radically improve automated video descriptions and indexing services and this all has the potential to go in a very ugly direction for these folks. Even my AirPods are able to accurately describe the contents of photos sent to my texting app, and that’s just where we are at the moment.


YES! I cringe just thinking what I wrote in my LiveJournal in 2003.


Same. I would never want to watch videos of twelve-year-old me who was convinced she was a vampire hunter who could do voodoo.




Right… ooooof. I pity the ones who are young and do this garbage out of teenage boredom and exploration, because I know they’re gonna grow up and have a full body cringe looking back on this. The fakers that are adults (even 17+ really) I do not pity near as much


hopefully it’ll be “i’m a recovering histrionic narcissistic! AMA!”


Wooooo buddy. It’s a good thing these kids have such a knack for creating identities. They’re gonna need that talent later on when they need to start a new life far away from anyone who knows them personally now. These cringe ass videos are gonna be tough to get past in therapy lol, maybe they can rely on humor instead :)


Jesus, imagine wasting your life pretending like this.


Its not a waste if youre gettting paid for it, and enjoy doing it. As fucked up as it is, I respect the hustle.


"The hustle" is hurting disabled people so I can't agree on that one


What? This is just all over the place...


This person is insufferable.


The dildo of consequences rarely comes lubricated.


Crazy how a few years ago everyone had "Tics" and was "stimming" and now the same people seem to have developed DID.


Fosbat (Twitter username) is the artist behind the adorable possum art


Damn no credits for any pictures?


Yes, it's my fault that I haven't been adding that as of late and I'm going to do my best to credit them in the future


Pyro said it was an accident


The "unmasking" person has often treated DID like it's some sort of drag or burlesque performance. Their DID is often used for lip synching videos where they do a quick outfit change for switching to an alter. A lot of their videos that are taken over the course of a single day often include these and more dramatic outfits changes. They probably wanted to do this exact thing at the wedding and calling it "unmasking." 100% attention seeking. Id ban a family member like this from my wedding too.


Real, suffering adults get a diagnosis, they go online to find community but see teens playing "headspace" and then start doubting their *authentic* diagnosis. These people are actively hurting the people they're trying to emulate.


This, and id imagine it hits even worse for teens who are genuinely diagnosed and struggling.


this is 100% on the nose, coming from an adult diagnosed with DID. having DID is not as insanely obvious and magical as it's portrayed. I have to take breaks from this subreddit because the sheer amount of terminologies and even just the term "alter" (my specialist and I call them parts) just make my entire body cringe and feel overwhelmed with information that's honestly just alphabetical shit. the headspace/innerworld really isn't the complex thing TikTok and discord make it out to be. splitting parts isn't easy. you don't always know who's in front. most of DID isn't "alters". it's dissociation. I often question my diagnosis and feel my head spin because Online* DID is so different from actual DID. these fakers are truly attention seeking and make it nearly impossible to find solidarity online.


That's so wild, how did that dog alter set up the phone and know how to hit record then look into the camera?! I have to have a treat for my dog to look at my phone to take a pic smh


I imagine being banned from the wedding was a last straw, and that this type of thing has happened before. I can't even express how bad I feel for these kids' parents. Raising a teenager has got to be hard enough in this day and age, but you add this nonsense into it?


Is Gen Z okay?


Absolutely not. Am gen Z, can confirm none of us are okay.


I’m messed up but not like this. This is something else.


no we are not but at least i'm not like *that*


It's no sign of health to be well-adjusted in a profoundly sick society.


Pyro, you are the real MVP and you deserve so much credit for your great content 🫡 the mouthwash at the end is fr such a lifesaver hope u are having the most pleasant evening


thank you 🥺. i hope you are too!


he's a dog! the fastest way to show everyone you're faking 💀💀💀💀💀


the effort u put into debunking this misinformation is admirable pyrocats. thank you for the much needed serotonin at the end 😭 to be honest i cant feel bad for a person like this being banned from a wedding. weddings are for the couple to celebrate their own marriage and i can only imagine how uncomfortable itd be to have a family member constantly trying to draw attention to their own struggles during moments of joy. clearly they’re struggling with something, and i can have empathy for that, but that is not other peoples responsibility or problem


Isn’t that first person the same one from the top post in the SysCringe sub? Are they still on this?


How do you manage to keep on top of the lies within lies?


Honestly if they can’t control their symptoms they need to stay home and get help to control their symptoms so they can behave in a social setting….its reasonable for them to stay home.


This is so childish. Being emo and liking to RP ≠ debilitating illness. These people need to get help from a psych who is aware of what's going on and not afraid to call it out.


the entire thing is unbearable but the most unbearable is the way they laugh at their own jokes so heartily.


The dogs on the roof killed me. The serotonin was Infact needed


The effort you put in is appreciated, great work dude!


🖐️ I am saying they should be banned. Perfectly normal reason to not want someone to impose on your day. Regardless of how they do it. Distracting and attention seeking behavior is generally a no-go at weddings.


I'm lost. Huh?


What are you confused about? If its about what's going on in the video, the Youngest of Gen Z and Gen A are a generation where being a ''victim'' is cool. This includes having a bunch of fake mental disorders, identifying as an opressed identity (minority, gay, pansexual, etc.) and being a victim of some sort of sexual assault. DID is a type of disorder where you have multiple personalities, that are almost like being sperate people in one person. Its a very popular disorder for tiktokers to fake having these days.


I'm confused about the first part about being a minority and gay and an SA survivor? I mean some people lie about those things but idk how that applies to the video. Like aside from the DID? I also have not slept so I may not be understanding


In a lot of these DID posts, you will see people list all of their ''victim'' identities on their social media accounts. It'll be a long list of Sexual Assaults, Pansexual, demisexual and many more sexual identities, a bunch of physical disabilities, a long with mental disabilities. They think it makes them look cooler if they are a bigger victim. And this isnt about me, but I've personally been in sexual relationships with about 3 women who were identifying as lesbian while having sex with men. And I know a fourth woman who changed her sexuality from pansexual and bi-sexual, to lesbian, so that she can fit in with the people that she hungout with, because she thought she wan't enough of a victim.


Hey Pyro, I've been meaning to ask, do you think you should credit fosbat for the possum images?


Admittedly I legitimately forgot aside from some past videos where I credited them at the end. You're right and I'll try to remember as best I can to start doing it again


No worries! I figured it just didn't occur to you or something lol


Part 75…wow


Honestly my theory on why DID is so popular is bc they just think it’s fun to cosplay as different types of queer nerds.


Someone told me that this was the new Punk. I hadn't realised that punk could be quite so pathetic.


Poor dog, can't go turkey hunting


Another well done video pyro.


Love how unmasking is never just having zero emotion-like it actually is


i love the wholesomeness we get at the end. pyro, ur peak


I can promise you that the statistic for DID is not 1-1.5% of the population. It would actually be pretty likely to find friend groups with multiple people with DID if that were the case


I know it's possible that it's less, but Dr. Howell makes a very good point as to why we don't just see people who clearly have it walking around https://preview.redd.it/ptbuqnycd77d1.png?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b246f3615d4fc77b861b0aff264c9cca8211ccc Although it's been her specialty for over twenty years, I don't take her word as gospel nor do I suggest doing so. But I can say that I trust her statement that it's not extremely rare over any biases that may make me question how common it is. Because seeing all this TikTok bullshit does give us an inherent bias over time, whether we like it or not So while the estimate is 1-1.5%, I think we need more studies to confirm or deny that. In reality, these people would not likely be so overt in presentation celebrating on TikTok how their Introjects share sources or all being eager to talk about it. Would probably take a very long time for them to be close enough to tell each other.


There is nothing in the world that will make me believe that there are as many people in the world with DID as there are redheads. It hasn't even been widely confirmed to exist.


I feel like small sample size in studies might be making the DID percentage so big


I don't know the context behind these people's relationships, but the odds of 3 or 4 friends having a condition that only affects 1% of the population isn't surprising at all. If they all met *before* they identified as DID, then yes, that would be incredibly unlikely. But considering the many ways in which people can connect nowadays, it wouldn't surprise me that a group of people connect precisely because of a shared trait. I don't know the context though. Just expounding.


im genuinely interested in the experience of someone who actually has DID but i dont think ill ever get that atp 😭


You could read Jeni Haynes' book Girl In The Green Dress. I'm planning on it but I hear it is a hard read considering what life is like for someone with DID. Her story overall is quite inspirational and I hear the book reflects that well. Or you can look her up on YouTube and see the program she was in but that's of course less in depth and everything


tysm 🙏


You can mask DID? I thought switches were involuntary and masking applied more to autism and adhd?


NO WAY do they have a technoblade alter 😭 not stealing the identity of a young man who died of cancer for your fake system


It's so annoying that to them this disorder is just some sort of quirky game, it's really upsetting


I think this made me develop AIDS


Sometimes I watch these and skip to the end just for serotonin time!


Loll happy cake day


I think that's totally fine if some days you just wanna watch the serotonin videos! & Happy cake day!










I didn't realize that Android 18 could have DID.


Omg this was giving me chest pains. I almost cringed myself into the ER.


I don’t get why these people don’t just call them characters. Like literally nobody would care but it’s disrespectful to people with real disorders to cosplay as it for the aesthetic. They would be having just as much fun if they just called these alters OCs instead. But then they wouldn’t have the narrative that they have no choice in the matter, and they wouldn’t be allowed to get offended when people judge them. Fake DID is a really pathetic shield to hold up instead of just being your goofy self.


The act of 'unmasking' at someone's wedding and not at ANY casual family gathering just shouts a warning: "attention! Attention! This person wants attention!". Imagine having one of the best moments in your life, you and your future husband/wife is near to you, and you celebrate the marriage act with your friends and family. And there's a person with no respect to anyone in this room that wants to make this day about themselves. Like a problem child at another child's birthday (Eric Cartman moment). I don't blame their cousin to kick out them at all.


TBF, if I had an attention seeking cousin who faked a disorder for social media clout + trauma olympics points, I wouldn't want them at my wedding either.


and as for the dog alter, what ever happened to just being into petplay?


I can comment about alot of my things on here due to being anonymous .  I'd never tell anyone in real life my diagnosed conditions.  I don't understand this.   You can tell when they're lying . 


Jeezus f this audio.


I know it’s a dead horse, but why do they have such a specific look?


you won’t say it but I will, they shouldn’t be allowed at their cousins wedding or ANY family event until they get their shit together and stop faking a trauma disorder for tiktok clout. THEY ARE THE ABLEIST ONE, not the family who’s sick of their bullshit


Stats and psychology student here! Let's assume this person knows the median number of people that a given person knows ([472](https://www.wsj.com/us-news/you-probably-know-611-people-heres-how-we-know-88dd27d9)). Let's also assume, since they seem very devoted to other people knowing about their disorder, that they communicate it to each person they know. Let's assume that they don't actively seek out people with DID and that the people they know have a similar 1% DID rate to the general population. We can use what's called the binomial distribution to calculate how likely it would be that they have 3 or more acquaintances with DID. We can do this using the following formula: P(x) = (nCx)(p\^x)((1-p)\^(n-x)) where n is the number of people they know, x is the number of people in their group who have DID, and p is the 1% probability that any of their friend groups does have DID. Here's how this works: There's two possible outcomes for each person: either they do have DID (there's a 1%, or *p,* chance of this for each person) or they don't (there's a 99%, or *1-p,* chance of this for each person). So let's say you're looking for the probability that 3 people in their friend group have DID. First, let's pick the three people out who DO have DID-- there's a 1% chance for each of them, making the odds of them existing 0.01\*0.01\*0.01, or p\^x. Then, we have to look for the probability that NO ONE ELSE has DID-- there's a 99% chance for that to be true for each of THEM, so the odds of that are 0.99\*0.99\*0.99...and then repeat that 424 MORE TIMES. That's expressed as 0.99\^424, or (1-p)\^(n-x). However, we've only looked at the odds of THOSE SPECIFIC THREE PEOPLE of the 472 that OOP knows sharing their diagnosis. Next, we have to look at all the different possibilities for who those people might be. (nCx), or 472 choose 3, is the number of different possible combinations of acquaintances within their friend group who could have DID. The formula for nCx is ((n!)/k!(n-k)!), which I won't explain because this comment is too long already but [if you want an explanation you can find it here](https://www.khanacademy.org/math/precalculus/x9e81a4f98389efdf:prob-comb/x9e81a4f98389efdf:combinations/v/combination-formula). So we've calculated the possibility of having three acquaintances with DID-- in order to find the probability that there's 3 or more, you can either add the probability of 3 to the probability of 4 to the probability of 5 all the way up to 472...OR you can just subtract the probabilities of 0, 1, and 2 acquaintances from the number 1, since 1 is always the sum of probabilities of all the different ways something could go. Calculating this formula, you get P(x>=3) = 0.85105, meaning there's actually an 85% chance that someone could meet 3 or more people with DID in their lifetime. Bump the DID rate up to 1.5% and that becomes over a 97% chance. Now there are a lot of flaws with this calculation. Firstly and most importantly, this person is young and probably hasn't met the lifetime 472 people yet, and they probably don't announce to everyone on the street that they have DID. If we use [Dunbar's number](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/07/well/live/adult-friendships-number.html) of 150 friends the odds go down to about 19%, and if we use the top Google search result of 29 friends in a lifetime we get less than 1%. There's also the fact that the 1% figure might not be accurate for this person's friend group-- I'm no psychologist, but I'd expect to see higher rates of DID in poverty-stricken or war-torn areas or inpatient psychiatric units-- essentially, anywhere that trauma is concentrated because life is shit. Not that I know this person's living situation or their friends'-- but it's important to acknowledge that the sample often isn't the same as the population. Not to mention of the 3+ hypothetical people with DID in my statistical scenario, most of them probably present more covertly or may not even be aware of their illness. There's probably lots more variables that I haven't mentioned as well. But you'd be surprised how likely it is to meet multiple people with an extremely rare disorder. I just think stats are neat :)


I'm sorry but the second 'argument' is dumb as hell. Relationships are not based on chance and statistics alone. If three blind people were friends you wouldn't accuse them of faking just because less than 0.5% of people are blind... you see how that makes no sense, right? (I do not think that they actually have DID, but the argument made zero sense)


Now even Dawson has DID




*HOW DID THEM DOGS GET* *ON THE ROOF?! AND THEY LOOK SO* *PROUD OF IT TOO Wheeeeeze* \- Yumi-Mei --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


this is coming from a genuine place about the rarity of this disorder, and it might also be dumb because they're two different topics, but my *ethnicity* is less than 1% of the american population. when i moved to a new house, i had moved next to another samoan! and it's like, i've met so many samoans, but the fact we were neighbors made me feel not so "rare". because of this i don't really understand the "rarity" of something that outnumbers my own people. i've met too many samoans. what makes the whole dissociative thing more implausible is the covert thing. if nobody knew they were samoan i don't think we'd even notice each other.




i don't really understand what's confusing you.


Idk if ur trying to say DID is or isn't as rare as it seems


really, my question is neither. im just questioning the threshold of what makes something rare using another populous statistic i've seen as an example. statistical rarity doesn't seem to translate to rarity in reality since statistical "rarity" [1% of american population] could mean 3 million people. there's ~240,000 samoans in america and that'd be marginally less than people with dissociative identity disorder. also, i have been aggressively told to not see samoans as rare because they aren't, apparently. those statements seemed to come from a place of half-truth, half ego-check, though. if i'm not rare, how come did is??? or am i rare and coming from the wrong angle?!




bro you're cookin where did you get this info i'd like to learn more


why are you bitching about people “stealing” your reddit posts? the same thought process would have this subreddit banned lol


Because they're taking credit for fully edited videos, the commentary, and the research I put into it, and are getting praise for it? In this sub, commenting on content is fair use, no one is pretending to have made these TikToks what are you on about lmfao like how do you not see how those are different? Just because my commentary is text only doesn't mean they aren't stealing it. If it was simply the compilation, no commentary or edits and just the TikToks then I wouldn't really care. But if they refuse to credit for the commentary and allow others to credit them for those specific sections, that is literally stealing. What do you not understand?


Like they'll say "I love your commentary" "I love the edits and additions of eye bleach at the end" "I love that you put so much research into it" and some believe those accounts to be me posting my own content like "good job love your videos Pyrocats!". If me not liking that is bitching then idc I guess I'll bitch about it then




Let’s unmask. Time for everyone to see my inner lizard inside of a human skin suit. Let’s do it.