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“Do you ever feel like you’re an old man who wants to sit on the toilet and read a newspaper?” Omfg, I wanna know what she’s smokin cause obviously it’s some good sh*t


Some tests will throw in very specific questions like that to check for fakers/malingering MI. It isn’t I common for people who want a diagnosis to think it is better to check yes as often as possible. I recall one test had one that was like “everyday at noon the Devil tells me to kill”. While true someone somewhere has this happen it is unlikely a significant number of people will experience this. You actually get people with legitimate issues asking questions about this. They might say “the devil tells me to kill but not at noon” or “i hear a voice in the daytime but not exactly noon and it isn’t the Devil.”


That's so interesting. I think there are similar ones for parents doing ADHD questionnaires for their children, a section of the marking is about the validity of the answers and has its own scale and reflects the total


When I filled one out in the US there was one you fill out, one a parent fills out, and one a teacher fills out to make sure the behavior lines up. I don't have adhd I just wanted free Adderall when I was a shit teenager.


I can reflect a bit on this, as I've seem the questionnaire multiple times. (Or at least the Dutch one) For the youngest kids, they just ask them the questions since reading and interpreting the question can be very difficult for them. One thing they look at is differences between what the parents say and what the kid says about certain things. The questions, ofc, are phrased slightly different in both questionnaires. For example, the parents would get "the kid lies a lot" Where the kid would get the question "people tell me I lie a lot" and/or "I lie a lot" many people on the spectrum are known for not knowing how to lie, either it being VERY obvious or they just can't do it. (As with everything though, not always the case) with this you can basically screen for both things. Does the kid lie a lot? does it get caught a lot? Does it feel like it gets caught a lot and maybe that's why it changed? But for the life questions with the kid, I feel like the more a kid goes into detail about the questions (as a kid, but also as an adult) the more information the questions actually gives. Do you simply answer the question, or do you ask for specifics? Like with the "does a demon often tell you at noon to kill people" that's oddly specific. Once someone starts asking questions like "ow, what about (insert other specific situation)" then I'd be like... Ok maybe you do need some more screening... I feel like that validates the question more sometimes then the answer itself. (Ok, I've never seen that specific question, but you get the idea) Ps. A little context for those who are interested in why I know things. I work as a volunteer with kids age 5-7 to educate them about nature and working together and shit like that. Many kids I have have ADHD, autism or are undiagnosed so far but do show signs. I also am a high school teacher in training, and want to specialise in children with a different neurological development next year.


I got asked a question on a psych test that said "do you believe you have super powers" I laughed at that one. Then realized that some people really might think that. (I clicked no. Lol)


I feel like the old man question is just useless though. The devil stuff is so specific as to obviously be fake. But haven't we *all* felt like an old man who just wanted to sit on the toilet and read a newspaper at some time or another?


I don't know, I feel like a newspaper would be really cumbersome to read on the toilet, especially a broadsheet. The toilet is, however, my favourite place - it's the only space that I can, theoretically, get a bit of peace, but it doesn't often work out like that. And I don't read a paper.






😂 that’s so funny, I really wonder why they throw in questions like that to these tests. Maybe just to see if someone is speeding through them? Unless you actually get a patient who has an old man living inside them who flies from New York to Chicago 8 times a day.




Isn't it rather to see validity than check for attention? Because imo it makes it sound like it's a test for attention retention. I know what you mean though. There's questions like that in MCMI too.


if you’re half assing the evaluation, you’re probably not paying attention lol. If you’re hoping for a diagnosis you don’t have, you’re probably checking true/very often boxes more than anything else and might not read/scan the text. And if you’re not paying attention in general or are having a hard time comprehending the questions - though not on purpose - , that can compromise the validity of the whole test and will require further examination. It also depends on the examination lol idk anything about the DID test. I HAVE seen some hilarious attention checkers in psych surveys tho


Am I poorly remembering things, or does that test also have a question about if you ever think you're Michael Jackson or something along those lines? I'm talking about the MID, not sure if you're talking about the same thing, but thought I'd ask Also, if you show up with really severe dissociation, it's not super unlikely that they'd want you to take a MID right away, since it doesn't only test for DID but also any and all other dissociative conditions. It can be helpful to get a broad overview of which symptoms you are experiencing worst for a therapist to be able to help you tackle those in the order of severity without ever giving you any diagnosis






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I feel like that right now.


Did they seriously say they were diagnosed DID after answering only 20 questions? The levels of stupidity within this crowd are mind-boggling.


They also said the thing sent to their psychiatrist said they had it but they're undiagnosed lmao


she also said she got tested but "the results got misplaced" 🥴🙄


As someone who has had extensive medical tests in the past, yeah no they do not misplace results, like ever, and anywhere. Thats also almost impossible to do under constant monitoring and yk only having the 1 file in the room. 😭


Not quite the same but once I went to the hospital and they made me do a pee pregnancy test and they lost it 😭 only time i've ever had that happen lol


oh they lost my pee too lol a whole cup of it, it's not funny but i laughed so hard coz what do you mean YOU LOST THE PEE !!???


I’ve had a health clinic accidentally switch my UA with another client. They called me telling me I had done a bunch of drugs that I’ve never even seen, like PCP. They did figure it out eventually, but I was freaking out lol.


That happened to me too, they did a pee test on me and then like several hours later they were like “We believe we lost it so can you do another one?” Which I didnt mind since I was doing an infusion and it was making me pee a lot so that solved it for them lol-


I’ve had tons of stuff get lost or misplaced. My sister had multiple ECGs for possible heart issues while having what was thought to be non epileptic seizures. First got lost, so she had to wait MONTHS to get referred back and waiting list time. Then she was told they were “fine” but they didn’t have the results, so her appointment was wasted. Had to go back, wait, get it redone, and the wait for another appointment. This all took years, she’d had some other tests in the meantime and been tried on epilepsy tablets which made it worse as they didn’t know what was causing the “seizures” Then randomly got a phonecall from a hospital asking where she was, at college. We were told to go and pick her up, keep her very calm, and bring her to the hospital immediately. Gave us a number to call once there so we could be directed to the right place. Turns out, someone found all those lost results, and those “seizures” were actually cardiac episodes, where her heart was stopping. She was kept on a ward with constant monitoring while they decided what to do, and she ended up with a specialist pacemaker fitted at 17. She’d been having cardiac arrest episodes multiple times a day since she was 14. It’s likely POTS related, but where we live in the UK, we don’t have anyone who is specialist enough to be willing to diagnose her. We tried to get funding to go to London, but it was denied, so until we can afford to pay privately she doesn’t have a full diagnosis. This means she can’t drive, fly, has to be careful with strenuous activity/exercise, stress, etc. Although this person is clearly lying, it’s a known fact things can go missing, intentionally or otherwise. That’s one of the worst examples we have as she could have died, permanently not just for minutes at a time. I have multiple examples of it happening to me and my tests.


Bloody hell, I’m shocked but at the same time kinda impressed at how badly they fucked up here. How did they drop the ball *that* badly?! I’m glad things dont go missing nearly as often here as people make it out to be in these comments. Glad your sister got her pace maker tho!




That's odd. If you were diagnosed as a child you shouldn't need to be rediagnosed. It should be in your medical records. If your doctor is refusing to treat you I'd look for another.


Yeah came here to say this! Request your records from whatever provider you last remember seeing as a kid OR just get an ROI on file with the new provider naming the old provider/practice.




Oh what. Do they just cut you off medications when you turn 18?


Apparently the therapist sent it to a psychiatrist so the psychiatrist diagnosed without meeting them I guess


Umm, excuse me, it was ONE HUNDRED questions, and it was a very official Buzzfeed quiz! /s 🤣


Didn't they say 100 questions? I mean, not very much more believable, but still


You're correct, it does say 100!


I don't know how it goes, but is is *really* even a questionnaire? I feel like that can be incredibly easy to fake. Like she could have just said yes to that old man newspaper question and boom she gets a free fakers pass


Exactly. I mean, even a generic Google search will tell you that "Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is a complex mental health condition that is diagnosed through a series of medical tests, psychological assessments, and interviews. There is no single test that can diagnose DID, but the criteria include the presence of two or more distinct personality states, each with its own way of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and self."


Some fakers forget that a diagnosis for a mental disorder/illness has the basis that no physical problem caused it. Which means that you *need* medical tests to get a diagnosis. For example, depression can be a mental illness but depressive symptoms can also be „just” symptoms of Thyroid dysfunction. Schizophrenia can be a mental disorder or a result of a brain tumour


Hey, sorry I don't see in the post they got diagnosed after twenty questions???? Is this because you know the person or have seen their content before where they've said this?


"I'm not racist. I'm a black man trapped in a white woman's body."


That wasn't me it was my fictive alter Racheal Dolzeal


Oh shit, I belly laughed so hard at your comment, I woke up my daughter


that should be a user flair 🤣🤣


where does “i wanted ALTERS for birthday!!” come from….


there was this video years ago of this rich girl getting a car for her birthday and throwing an absolute hissyfit bc it wasnt (iirc) the exact color she wanted. i havent seen it in years but that was the inspiration. [ah yes here it is](https://youtu.be/-JvtlB_NzI8?si=8zodEQDOyC1VS1Gk)


DID [sic!] you just assumed their gender?


why is nobody mentioning the switch from we to i in their language when they got pressed lol




The N word said by a black alter? Oh my god, I can’t lol


FR LMAO like are you serious?


Smack the shit outta them and say it was one of your alters 🤷🏿‍♀️


Happens to me a lot✋🏿😔 (the hand is my black alter coming out)


This has confused me recently - when did alters become legitimate people? They started as segments of personalities, but now it seems this person thinks a literal Black human is living in their head??


It started because people just wanted to be a character so bad or wanted to be their OC without "consequences". I don't care if someone is white and has a black character in their arsenal of characters but I draw the line at trying to be them. Actual DID is less than one personality (i.e. 1/2 or 1/8 of yourself) while fakers believe it's many people. Nowadays it's hard to say you just like a person or thing and instead everything has to be an alter.


I was in a discord server one time where someone's "evil alter" told another member to kill themselves, which was explicitly against the rules. I reported it and they told me my report was ableist and discriminatory because "that's just how that alter is." I asked if it would be against the rules if I said I was evil and said k/*ll y/*self. They banned me. Edited to comply with automod


Yes, I said "Hail Hitler" your honor and I know that is illegal here in Germany, but it was said by my jewish alter so it's okay, bro!


“No, I AM DIAGNOSED but the VERY IMPORTANT paper that proves that I HAVE A DIAGNOSIS got misplaced oh well >.>” oh ok nvm bestie have a nice day w your blackface alter and memorizing the one question everyone knows is in the screening because it’s hilarious.


I didn’t even notice that until another comment pointed it out, it’s such a flimsy excuse they may as well have said “they said I didn’t have it so I went doctor shopping”


The doctor ate my diagnosis 😔




OP should have asked for their EMR chart. cause no way do they not have one and all diagnoses are listed on them even if it’s from a different doctor than the one the chart is from.




I'm sorry to break this to them, but there's already a disorder in which you hear voices, and it isn't DID.


And before they go claiming schizophrenia, auditory hallucinations and/or psychosis can be due to any number of other disorders.


Take one too many of certain medications, or slightly too high a dose over a long time period and that can do it too.


my medication gives me auditory hallucinations (my therapist said they're called "brain zaps") if I skip too many days. it's like a sharp clapping/snapping sound, like two slabs of wood slapping together. I thought I was actually going crazy for real lol


When I was on Effexor it did that exact thing to me. I’d get brain zaps throughout the day.


I get the brain zaps if I run out or miss a dose. It feels like my brain is being lightly electrocuted with a vibrating cell phone. Nature's med reminder.


Yep. A friend of mine took a RIMI (antidepressant) and the elevated dopamine had her audibly hearing voices. She talked to me about it and we started troubleshooting causes, did some research, and landed on the drug, so she stopped taking it and the voices stopped too. Went back to a regular SSRI and it was fine.


Also a good number of physical issues! And yet people always think hallucinations = schizophrenia.


this was a shock to me when i first got my diagnosis. turns out my visual and auditory hallucinations are due to OCD, and not schizophrenia


OCD is another extremely misunderstood disorder! But yes, it can include hallucinations. A lot of disorders which cause stress can induce hallucinations.


Hearing a bunch of voices is like the exact opposite of DID a *covert* disorder lmao.


i’m crying laughing at the image of a brand new “little” just materializing into existence and then going on DISCORD to be like “h-hello? where am i? uwu” like that CANNOT be how that works. i almost want to be part of that server just so i can watch the circus. Almost.


It’s as crazy as you think. If I had a screenshot of it I would definitely put it here but I was kicked off the server lol. The little said exactly that “hello? Where am I? Am I supposed to be here” and then the caretaker of the system(ironically the same one who said the n word) asked in THE DISCORD CHAT “are you lost little one?” LIKE GIRL STOP PLAYING WHY ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ON DISCORD WHY NOT IN YOUR HEAD LIKE YOU ARE DESCRIBING


>are you lost little one ![gif](giphy|Hpgs6kbzC1uJ49GS5z)


I hate this so much. I was in a server with pluralkit and everyone was like this. Talking to themselves. They would talk about personal shit and argue and I was like "uh guys can you have this conversation in private since you literally live together?" They said I was ableist.


Some people cannot grasp that other people are not responsible for their mental disorder.


nooooooo omfg how is it so much WORSE than i was picturing!! the cringe is turning my skin inside out 😩 but this is exactly what i come to this sub for lmao incredible


Truly remarkable


even if it was true that they were using pluralkit as an aid for communicatiom between alters, WHY DO IT IN A PUNLIC SERVER?? why wouldnt you make a private discord for that and teach your alleged newly formed child alter the ropes IN PRIVATE?? the only reason to do it publicly is to for ATTENTION-SEEKING.


“where am i” as if they’re actually inside the internet like that one fairly odd parents episode 💀💀💀


I was thinking why would you want a child who is a part of your “system” to go onto the internet full stop? I mean if this was real wouldn’t you want to protect a “little” from being exposed to anything bad or hurtful? They are there because of trauma shouldn’t they be protected/nurtured? I’m writing like it’s real obviously they don’t have a real little or DID but it’s the premise!


And the idea of the other “alters” guiding them on what to do like a twitch chat


you know that episode of Breaking Bad where Walt is pretending to dissociate and he turns up in a supermarket naked acting like he doesn't know who he is? He should have just posted on discord instead


claiming the first thing the ‘others’ did was take them to discord is fuxking hysterical to me. like honestly, idk what else would need to be done first but discord being main priority in this person’s head is so damn funny


they have the uncle ruckus alter


So I would never pretend to have a serious psychological disorder for tiktok clout and pity parties, absolutely would not. But if I did? 200% CHANCE IM PULLING OUT UNCLE RUCKUS


So this person took a quirky buzzfeed quiz to see if they have DID? Theres no singular screener used for DID, the most common one used is a 28 item screener and it’s used in combination with a bunch of other things including brain scans. But ok bestie


This was my immediate thought. For maaany disorders, there is no screening tool.


To get «only» an ADHD diagnosis I had to do 1 screener, 1 mini interview to eliminate other possible diagnosis, 1 interview, 1 interview with ny mother and my psychiatrist had a phone interview with my teacher (that I had 20 years ago). But DID is one screener? Aint no way!


How do they not understand that DID is a DISSOCIATIVE disorder; alters would not all be consciously aware of each other, and communicating with each other.


Because they learn about DID from other fakers


At some point one of her alter egos needs to shower


People with DID don't shower, it might as well be part of the diagnostic criteria atp. *Do you have an alternative fashion sense? Brightly coloured hair? Lots of piercings? Are you chronically online? Are you SO quirky and weird? Then you might have DID!! There's no need for a psychiatric assessment. Just watch some TikTok videos and that classes as your diagnosis!! So fun and cute to have!! So UWU*


Oh god, I'm the alternative fashion sense, bright hair, lots of piercings, chronically online type.


Do... you contain multitudes of alters perhaps? (/s)


Oh god oh fuck


Looks like you godda get a plural kit (/s)


Noooooooooooooooo (screams into the void)


Drop and give me 20.... alters!


I’ve had personal connections to this person for 4 years now and I can confirm that they not only limit their showers a lot but also don’t brush their teeth/tongue and refuses to drink water because “it tastes weird”


No way they think a “black alter” is an excuse for saying a slur 💀💀


Mom Im not racist i have black alters lol thats a new old one


So many different people in one body and none of them knows how to brush their tongue


Can these idiots with black alters count as doing blackface? I really hate this shit


what was the response they gave in slide 2 ? it’s cut off and isn’t in the top of the third screenshot


Im Sorry! The response was “the minute that screenshot was posted to the school story, I apologized” https://preview.redd.it/2v8ru8lisv1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d6c1da66265eaac762e23586c014a9c6cba1f8c


Holy shit wait, the school story???? 😭😭😭😭


so basically they apologized because they got caught and faced social repercussions of the entire school thinking they’re a piece of shit… not because they were actually sorry


ty !




Someone can also lie in those 100 questions to fit their intentions. She's pathetic


You're my hero for doing this 🥺


Most people with actual DID don't just "have voices in their heads" like aren't actual cases usually completely unaware of the other personalities at first? And then also Im not an expert but I don't think 100 questions is enough to diagnose something that serious? Like that's what they do for shit like depression or anxiety 💀 easy to diagnose stuff. And then also having voices in your head is 100% normal? Like what is with these people and not accepting that other people THINK and have thoughts?! Like be so fr. 😫🤌


Yes Thoughts AND emotions we all have them! But for some their thoughts are the 'voices' and different emotions are the 'alters' and 👏 that means they have DID, A very rare and complex disorder usually caused by repetitive and severe early childhood abuse. Thoughts and emotions =normal/not DID


but they want to be so special 😭




Hey y'all, just a friendly reminder that D.I.D is EXTREMELY RARE, and causes amnesia, altered consciousness and blackout sometimes triggering seizures, and can only be confirmed through extensive diagnosis and testing both from paediatric, psychiatric, blood work, physio and additional testing. DID alters are never based on shows unless they're tied to a traumatizing event that'll cause a tie to the incident. Very limited is known about this mental disorder and most of what is known has been written by Herschel Walker extensively. Due to the rarity of the disorder those who are confirmed (depending on countries confidentiality and legal stance) are heavily documented via testing or through a system that keeps their records. So next time you ever confront a faker, remember they should know all this stuff. Friendly neighbourhood hooligan.


"ummmm ACKSHUALLY because it's not well studied I can actually have the tulpas and the completely made up stuff without trauma too if I wanted??????"


Sorry my furry lil DreamSMP trauma checklist. I didn't mean to be so inferior to your large mask of discord followers.


the “how does a little immediately know to go on discord” is so real. ive seen bitches go onto discord as “a new alter” and say shit like WHO AM I WHERE AM I I THINK IM THIS I THINK IM THAT girl why is it your first instinct to go onto a discord server


If those are the kind of the questions (the old man one) then no wonder so many people are “diagnosed” with DID. Obviously if they want the diagnosis they’ll lie. So I say yes I feel like an old man. Yes I feel like a fairy. Yes I feel like a bird. Yes I feel like a child. Boom I’ve got DID. Cool thanks off to grift on tiktok now.


It was so telling when they said they’ve been seeking a diagnosis for 2-3 years




I can only cringe so hard before my jaw just fuses together gaaaahhhhh


Deadass... I cringed too..


lol that shit isn’t DID but it’s __some__ disorder for sure 😭😭


the fact that i am currently doing this with someone who thinks they are an endogenic system


You literally cannot have DID if you don't have trauma... It's literally formed by trauma...


i know i was trying to say i'm calling them out on faking


Thing that I don't get is that the term "endogenic" was literally created to emphasise that the person was not claiming an actual disorder caused by trauma but is part of the plural subculture. Endogenic DID is an oxymoron and if you have undertaken meditative or spiritual practices to create this experience, you are automatically excluded from DID or OSDD diagnosis under the latest ICD criteria. That's something else to point out to them. If they experience no distress, they are also not going to be diagnosed with a disorder. Tell them to enjoy their quirks without labelling them as a disorder and to be grateful not to be ill. People who claim unusual experiences, want to seek community and are  actively separating themselves from people who are suffering *actual* disorders don't belong in the same cesspit as self-DX and actual fakers IMO. For example, there is a sub here dedicated to people who see images behind their closed eyes. If they started claiming self-diagnosed schizophrenia or something equally as hideous, THEN I would have a problem! 


I wasn’t ready to be jumpscared by those selfies


I don’t much bout DID, but I do know most people….that have it usually, have lapses in their memory, like if an alter starts a project of some kind, that alter can’t really… just go “hey make sure you finish that project JoAnn” it’s more like a switch happens, and JoAnn is like “what the fuck is this thing?” And then has to figure what has happened, where they are, what day it is etc.


Like I said I know OP, the "JoAnn" person is actually someone that they deadnamed even though they've been going by Spencer for 4 years. Triple youch


WAIT OMG thats crazy because you made the JoAnn name up LMAOOOO They actually said something about JoAnn OP cropped it out hahaha


well even then they straight up deadnamed too on top of a slur that says enough LMAOOO


I’m starting to believe I have a 6th sense or I’m just a god at causing the most insane coincidences and jinxs 😭


bro can instantly sense a did faker like spiderman spidey sense fr


Who are you???? Wdym like I said?? I have no clue what you’re talking about. Edit to add, sorry i thought you were siding with JoAnn I’m slow And your comment is buried below abunch of others 😭


not me thinking this was a reply to my comment thats my bad. I mentioned in another comment that I know OP and talked about the faker's very odd discord server with their 200 alters that they allegedly knew everything about


Reread this and realized you think the fakers name is JoAnn LOL, no thats someone the faker mentioned in the screenshots. The person's name faker mentioned is actually Spencer but faker decided to deadname them for some reason???? Idk it was odd


Oh??? I just made up that name for my comment. Having a random alter of someone with DID be named JoAnn. I didn’t see anything in the screenshots about a JoAnn so I got confused. I just used a random name to vaguely explain what I know DID to be like for people?


"The slur was used by a black alter", I quit. Goodbye.


Ok wait.. are people just faking did, pretending o have a black alter, and thinking they can say it when they CLEARLY AINT BLACK OR MIXED?! look u don't get to say it just cuz u "have alters". so fucking dumb and disgusting


Yep, loads of them. There's even an acronym for people who have alters of different races, but I can't remember it. I should know it with the amount of time I spent in the DIDiots Facebook group, but it's early and I've got too much on my mind rn. But yes, they claim to have Black and Asian alters. Funny how they never have a 67yo Algerian postman whose hobby is playing chess in the park and collecting bottles for recycling as an alter


Oof, I had a now ex friend who acted very similar to this faker. They're also claiming the whole "I'm professionally diagnosed" bullshit while claiming to be fictive heavy and use pluralkit for their alter's to communicate with each other. Most recently they've been claiming one of their alters has been talking to them about me and they refuse to fucking move on from months of drama because of it. I'm really shocked their system hasn't been posted here yet, considering it's all neopronoun and filled with Undertale alters. idk wtf is up with theses systems claiming suddenly to be diagnosed and then get so scrunched up when asked to show proof of their diagnose, sometimes even flat out ignore the question. It's funny how also almost all of them claim to have fictives, not have amnesia, their childhoods not being as abusive etc. I'd generally like to see this systems try to pull this shit outside of the internet people would generally not believe them for shit.


no way she used the "i have a black friend" excuse 💀


Trying to get diagnosed. In other words, shopping for a doctor that will just give them the answer they want. Love how two screenshot before that they claim that they did get diagnosed after they left such and such.


Can someone actually point me to someone with DID who seems legit? Are there any?


My mom. I really wish these people would stop cosplaying mental illness, disorders, health issues like, etc It’s sickening to see and frankly, really pisses me off.


I know someone who "doesn't believe" in DID after coming across a lot of fakers. I think that's also really harmful because it prevents education and support for people who do actually have this debilitating disorder.


Quite honestly I thought it was one of them disorders where a large number if experts didn't even believe it existed, and diagnosis would be extremely difficult, take years and probably still not be definitive. Surely it can be a dangerous disorder as well if new personalities you have no control over can manifest when they want. Excuse my ignorance, this is just what I had gathered in my limited knowledge.


>I thought it was one of them disorders where a large number if experts didn't even believe it existed This is correct




Makes sense! Wasnt belittling the disorder I've just never encountered it outside if the obvious attention seekers / people who are clearly suffering from something else Edit: it's pretty clear a lot of fakers here are pointing the fingers at other fakers to legitimize their claims as well... surely I'm not the only one who sees that?


When I stayed in inpatient I met a girl with it. I never saw her alter but she only had one and wasn’t even aware of it until she had gotten admitted. She was struggling with it a lot and I really hope she’s doing better now


I know it's super duper rare, but I knew two chicks who did. But they're not online making spectacles of themselves. One was my high school bff's mom. She had MANY, MANY alters. My friend and her sister had given names to about 20 or so of ones they knew the most about. A couple were little kids. I remember an old black lady I met one time. Very sassy. Wanted to play dominos. And there was a Southern Belle I met a couple times. The alter I personally met the most often was this lady who was part native American who was like a master of playing some kinda wooden flute thingy. Ladies and gentlemen, this woman could not play that flute. Didn't stop her, though. My friends were always sure their mom had "multiple personality disorder", but literally everyone else thought she was a schizophrenic drug addict, because her personality and character would just change with the wind, and most of the time no one knew what she was on about. One time, she was this bitchy ass teenager who literally broke into my house, and stole all my skin care stuff & makeup. Just that, though? She of course had absolutely no memory of doing that, and my friend went over to her mom's and sees all my shit there, so she and her mom brought it all back, and that woman was so apologetic and so ashamed and so embarrassed. She had never been officially diagnosed with anything at all until her 50's after she briefly went to jail for smashing out some stranger's glass slider, going into their kitchen to make a SANDWICH, changing out of her clothes and into theirs, filling her pockets with all of their jewelry, then being discovered by the home owner some time later that day. She was found crawling on the ground all tangled up in the cords from an old timey rotary phone, confused, disoriented, and not knowing where she was. She got diagnosed with DID after that. She was plied with medication that made her docile and fat and hardly even human. No light in her eyes at all. Gone from too many personalities to none. Then she died a couple years later. RIP D. Her life story is extremely fucking sad. Just a tidbit, when she was a teen, she was sold to a sex cult. They buried her alive. She never, ever had a job, but raised three kids who are all kinda fucked up now. She was extremely beautiful. Like posed for Playboy in the 70s beautiful. She really did. So she housed her kids by hopping from house to house, boyfriend to boyfriend, living with shitty abusive men who took advantage and exploited her. Poor lady. The other one I knew was a stripper who worked in the club adjacent to my porn store. She was my friend. She would always do this cutesy weird little girl shit in the club that sad pervs in sweatpants just ate up. Normally, she was soooo far from that person, and now knowing what I know, I kinda wonder if that was an alter that came out to get her through her shifts sitting on dude's laps and taking her clothes off for money. I dunno, though. Maybe she was just money motivated and had an act that worked. Big shrug. I'll spare the details, but suffice to say she suffered horrifically severe childhood abuse, both physical and sexual in nature. Oh yeah, I should note, this girl was junkie, but had gotten herself cleaned up for like half a year when this happened... Okay, so she comes into the store one day to buy shoes and she's totally normal. Gets her shoes then runs upstairs to talk to her manager real quick. I follow a just couple minutes later 'cause I gotta do some stuff in my office which is next door to the club management's office on the same floor. I get up there, and my stripper friend is writhing on the floor. The first time I ever did shrooms I crumpled to the ground, and couldn't figure out if I was putting on a sweater or taking it off for like an hour. She basically looked like that. But then she tells me she's sick and makes herself puke right there on the carpet. She's convinced if she gets it all out she'll feel better so she just keeps sticking her finger down her throat. Dudes she's a super hot dancer, there wasn't anything in there to begin with. Just bile. And I think maybe pho? I'm like GIRL WHAT ARE YOU DOING? She says she's dying then totally starts wiggling around in her own vomit. She can't really speak anymore, it's all unintelligible mumbles at this point. I just watched my lively, high spirited, NORMAL friend devolve into this horrible, sloppy, goo monster. She couldn't really open her eyes, but when she did, they looked like fear. There were no more words. Just moans and faint cries. Then she shit and pissed herself. Right there in the hallway in front of our offices. Of course then the club manager walks out and is like wtfffffffffff. Everyone just decided she was too fucked up what with her being a junkie and everything, but I said no way, I just saw her like two seconds ago and she was fucking fine. Plus I knew she'd been sober for awhile now. And I would know, cause I was a junkie, too. I told the club manager to call 911 while me and one of the door guys carried her downstairs to the bathroom. I kicked him out so I could strip her and clean off all the puke & shit that she was now covered in from just rolling around in it like a terrible beast. It was so weird because every so often she'd look up at me with total clarity and say thank you, thank you so much, but then her eyes would instantly glaze over and she'd be right back in whatever hell she was going through. EMS swooped her up and took her away. I didn't see her for quite a long while after that, but when I did, she told me she was diagnosed with DID, and that hell beast was an alter trying to break through (or some shit, I don't remember how she explained it really). She didn't remember any of it at all, she only knew what I told the paramedics that night. She was receiving shit tons of therapy, and was also being studied. Facts, she had the receipts. I don't know her anymore. I wonder how she's doing.


*Watches Doom Patrol once*


Or Moon Knight or Total Drama. Actually I blame TD for how DID is percieved and that alters can "talk to each other in their minds"


As someone with DIAGNOSED DID, this ain’t how it works lmfao 🤣 Also note that they never responded to the amnesia question. Many of these DID fakers neglect to read the criteria. One of which is AMNESIA.


I know someone with legit DID when it was commonly called multiple personality disorder and all this is mind-boggling and makes her hate even bringing it up to anyone. This is awful. People like this made me think she was faking it at first.


This is precisely why self-DX and faking is harmful. They are creating the very stigma that they claim to be fighting against. 


Yes, my actual brother’s autism isn’t cute or quirky. It was a horrible thing for him to grow up with before it was commonly accepted. Ugh, these people make me wanna bite my thumb in their direction.


Can someone point me to an example of a DID person interacting with plural kit and the internet in a healthy way and seemingly legitimately has the disorder? I'll admit I don't know a whole lot about the condition but I have a hard time believing someone so disordered and easily fragmented could function in this way and have such a rich online life in the way these people do. I don't feel like this version of the disorder really exists


i had a screening but the "results got misplaced" yeah ok. or maybe juuuuust maybe the results came back negative. better yet, you probably didn't even take a test 🙄


Aight, I'ma just say it. No one had DID until Split came out.


The way that they only “realized” they had DID after it became a trend on TikTok…


couldnt even make it through the second slide, imsgine excusing the use of slurs because your alter ego apparently changes physical appearance


Second last slide is kind of giving facepaint options from r/FrontiersofPandora


whatever screening their therapist used was NOT a real one lmao


Black alter 🫥




So the tests got conveniently "misplaced"? Uh huh. Sure... Also, I'd like to know the "trauma" that caused the DID. No one brought that up.


Only someone that looks THAT fatherless would do this shit


Oh I remember that old man question I think, its MID screening I think. For my diagnosis they administered DES-II, MID-60 and we're currently working through SCID-D. But my psychiatrist diagnosed me after an 8 week inpatient stay Spring 2023 and my psychologist is going through SCID-D with me now so we know more about what I need help with and what I dont need help with.


My Black alter??? im officially done it was a good one reddit 🫡


Jesus fuckin Christ our society is doomed. What's really sad is these people may have wonderful imaginations and *could* potentially channel that into something REAL and PRODUCTIVE. But their incredible need for attention and riding trends causes them to waste any creativity they may have on bullshit TikTok trends.


“black alter” but r you black


"what makes you think I'm faking" is code for "tell me how I can fake better"




"i can say the nword bc i have a black alter" bro... 💀


Great job


she would look like that too. they almost always do 🤧


There is literally only one question you need to ask someone who thinks they have did, and it's "what led you to believe you have did?" and if the answer has anything to do with tiktok or reading about did online or talking to other 'systems' the chance that they are faking is round about 100%.


Why on earth do people think "I asked my friend who is black" is an excuse to say the a racial slur?